Robin Elliott – The Online JV Broker Bootcamp
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The DollarMakers Online Joint Venture Bootcamp
Get Personally Mentored to Being An Absolute Master At Brokering Lucrative Win-Win Joint Venture Deals… So You Can Create Multiple Streams Of Exponentially Growing Passive Income At Will… Any Time, Any Place, Whether You Have Business Experience Or Not!
BECOME A WEALTHY Joint Venture Broker and RETIRE within 1 year
You Can Create Wealth And Live Your Life With…
- NO limits on your income
- Almost NO startup cost
- Near ZERO overhead, Near 100% margins
- Organically growing income
- No products, no inventory, no administrative hassles
- Complete time freedom
- Skyrocket the income of your own business, or get paid to help others
If you . . .
- Truly want to help people and make the world a better place
- Agree that the only ethical way to make money is by creating value
- Believe you get paid in direct proportion to the value you create
- Want to create the greatest amount of value with the most effective outlay of effort
- And wouldn’t mind never having to “sell” anything again…
All using the power of Joint Ventures
That is a big statement but I am here to show you that YOU, yes you, can become recession proof in less time than you think. Don’t let others dictacte what you are worth or where your next paycheck may or not come from. As the saying goes “The best way to predict the future, is to create it”.
You can have the tools to turn Recession into Riches through the use of Joint Ventures – achieve your financial independence with no cost, no risk, and little time, using this simple skill set. Sounds “too good to be true”? This is nothing new to big business – 20% of the revenues of the Fortune 500 Companies are derived from Joint Ventures. Now YOU can use the same skills at any level, regardless of whether you have a business or not.
Learn how you can leverage existing resources and get paid by linking people to the solutions to their problems.
No selling, no royalties, no licensing, no inventory, no MLM. Learn from my 21 years of international experience.
But don’t take my word for it,
“Joint Venturing Has Accelerated Our Goals And Objectives 5 Years!”
“The Bootcamp has made such a tremendous difference in my business without doubt.
I had set a certain goal and objective for my company in terms of where I wanted to be, where I wanted to position the team… and as a result of the joint venturing we have actually accelerated our goals and objectives 5 years!
There was a question that was asked if you could have anything that you want today, what would that be. I was picked and when I put my hand up and Robin called on me as to what it was, it was iust overwhelming how many people in the room actually had what I needed.
That was the pivotal moment for me that just shifted everything.
The reason I would recommend it is because it truly is a platform to just open your horizons where you can really get the blinders out and get rid of all those obstacles that are in our way of taking our lives to the next level.”
Meni Mancini Tradeworks – Toronto, Canada
“My Mind was EXPLODING with all the ideas!”
It was Fantastic! My mind was exploding with all the ideas, it was unbelievable.
It was my second, I came back for more (and I’d ao again-).
My favorite part was Robin’s passion for really helping people and giving them the ideas and the empowerment to carry on their businesses. Genuinely wanting to help and transfer ideas. It was amazing his passion for that and his love for the people, and wanting to help.
I think anybody that wants to go outside the box, and wants to think differently and not do what they’ve always done… they should come to this bootcamp. Absolutley and unequivocally they will get something and more, and they may have to come back again to get it all… because once is almost not enough, it’s so much information. It is mind boggling, but so incredibly good.
Michele Weselake RE/MAX Accord – Edmonton, Alberta
I am the author of eleven books and have traveled across North America and the United Kingdom teaching people how to retire in one year using Joint Ventures. Now YOU can do it, too, regardless of your background, age, education, or business experience. This is not just another seminar – it’s the real thing: real money in the real world.
NOTE: If you already have a business, we’ll show you how to put your bottom line on steroids.
So, how would you like to get onto the Fast Track for making money using Joint Ventures? Not sure what is the right product for you to start with? Can’t attend any of the sold-out Bootcamps in person due to distance or timing? Want an internet presence to promote products about Joint Ventures? Learn at your own pace with the brand new DollarMakers Online Joint Venture Broker Bootcamp Program .
In response to many requests from all over the world from people who could not attend our Bootcamps, we have created the new powerful Online Joint Venture Broker Bootcamp Program that includes all the tools and information you need to succeed as a Joint Venture Broker. You can learn from anywhere in the world!
Here is what you will receive when you invest in your Future, and recession proof yourself:
DollarMakers Online Joint Venture Broker Bootcamp Course with Session Guide.
10 hours of material broken down into weekly 1 hour sessions (total of 10 sessions) with myself, Robin J. Elliott and Winston D. Bromley, NOW RUNNING. Get personal Joint Venture mentoring straight from Robin J. Elliott
- Ask questions via email to myself or Mr. Bromley
- Follow along with the material
- Watch our interactive clips
- Get action-taking homework that solidifies your Joint Venture skillset.
Retails $997 USD
Re-attend any of the DollarMakers Bootcamps as many times as you want for $97 USD for each Bootcamp! Retails at $497.
PLUS: JOINT VENTURE TOOLS: VALUE $276.32 (see below)
- CloseMoreSales (digital audio format)
- Our very Popular: Joint Adventures (ebook)
- Life is a joint venture (ebook)
- Joint Ventures The Key to Wealth (ebook)
- Joint Venture Treasure for Realtors (digital audio format) JV Business Opportunity (ebook)
- Living with an Eagle Attitude (ebook)
- Robin Elliott: Joint Venture Success Interview (digital audio format)
Hear well-known international sales expert, Harvey Cohen, ask Robin J. Elliott the hard questions about Robin’s amazing Joint Venture success. Harvey and Robin have been close friends for seven years and Harvey pulls no punches! Powerful information that you can use today to use Joint Ventures to create real world wealth. - Robin Elliott: No Money No Risk Interview(digital audio format)
How To Retire In One Year (e-book digital format)
- How to create your own Financial Freedom with no cost, risk or selling and with very little time, regardless of your age, background or circumstances or eduction, and whether you have a business or not. You can do this full time or part time.
How to Double Your Business Profits in 97 Days (e-book digital format)
- Double your business profits with no additional cost or risk, regardless of the type or size of your business. Many systems and options – pick and choose what appeals to you. Read real examples of how others in divergent industries have done this. Learn from Robin J. Elliott’s 21 years with thousands of business owners in many different industries around the world. Whether you’re a chiropractor, a salesperson, a dry cleaning business owner, a dentist, a Restaurant owner, a Network Marketer, a sales manager ora business consultant, you will learn practical, simple, yet highly effect and proven systems to turbo boost your profits, fast. All meat, no fat.
Break Free! (e-book digital format)
- Freedom is a progressive journey. Regardless of how successful or unsuccessful you are, you can enjoy extraordinary victory in every area of your life when you break free from the conditioning, beliefs, interpretations, and fears that limit us all. Over 21 years in business, Robin J. Elliott has seen countless examples of good people struggling to achieve the success they deserve as a result of self sabotage, guilt, stress, and negative programing. This book is a practical and outspoken roadmap from panicked to perspicacious, from stressed to secure, from privation to prosperity, and from victim to victor. As Robin Elliott teaches thousands of people around the world to achieve financial wealth through Joint Ventures, the underlying requisite is always mental and emotional freedom. This book delivers that missing link succinctly, directly, and without apology. His skill and insight, and his genuine concern and empathy is evident throughout his writing. This is his eleventh book.
See what other people say about our Bootcamp….
Saved over $125,000 in One Year with Joint Ventures!
Dear Robin,
I wanted to thank you for your efforts on behalf of all Dollarmaker members. I would like to tell you of one circumstance whereby the information you provided saved my family up front costs of $125,000, provided us with an income of $50,000/year, and passive income from the business of $30,000/year. More importantly, the income from this medical facility has allowed me to stop being on-call on nights and weekends, and to spend more time with my family, other businesses, and our passion for helping parents help their own children. The patients, my partners, and my family are all delighted.
I am a Respiratory Specialist Physician and based on patient need was going to set up a medical laboratory in my field. My family was going to put out the upfront capital and was going to pay for a location, advertising, and operational costs for this business along with dealing with the uncertainty as to whether our facility was going to be a preferred provider compared to other services available. My wife attended one of your Bootcamps 101 alone as I was at work and she purchased your workbook. I read the material that very night and decided to make some big changes to my proposal.
In exchange for profit which I was going to have to share anyway, I negotiated that since I had intellectual capital, qualification, and a track record of being able to set up this facility, that the other partners should put up the money and that I should be paid a consultation fee. In return, the patients of the partners would have first access (a tremendous advantage in the setting of limited resources) and the partners would have equity share. They agreed and this led to the current agreement and the results listed above.
The power of a different way of thinking, information, and action are incredible. Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours,
Kumar Ramlall, BSc,MD,FRCPC,FAAP,FCCP,(Ped. Resp)
Changed the way I do business!
Robin Elliott’s teaching has changed the way I do business. I used to think building a business was risky and expensive. Robin showed me how to build my business using no money and no risk; just some time . Not only did I get to meet some winners by going to the boot camp, Robin has continued to take an interest in my success often taking time to respond to my queries. By adding just 1 of his strategies to my experience, IN MY EXISTING BUSINESS, I make an additional $5000 per month. It’s not completely work free; I still put in about 8 hours per month maintaining it
Not everything I have tried has worked, and a couple have outright failed; but in spite of that within 7 months of attending his boot camp I was financially free. The point is that besides the initial cost of the boot camp there was no risk whatsoever. I highly recommend anyone looking to take the risk out of business and increase your profits attend this next boot camp. I’ll be there!
Patrick Giesbrecht, Abbotsford, BC
I can tell you that this is the most profitable JV I have ever done
Back in 2005 I personally paid $1,000 and drove for over ten hours to attend this very same Bootcamp in Vancouver. The event sowed the idea in my mind to start an ambitious JV plan of my own – to work directly with XXX and create a Membership for his event attendees. Now, with over 2,273 active members and over $70,000 in gross monthly income, I can tell you that this is the most profitable JV I have ever done. I aot the idea from Robion J. Elliott, at this very Bootcamp.
David Dubeau
Anyone can become a joint venture broker too!
I am a web writer with ten years experience in corporate and internet marketing, where my business environment was based upon strategic alliances with other people.
In the past, the high-risk of start-ups had deterred me from becoming a business owner. Then I learned from the DollarMakers JV Bootcamp Training that my knowledge of building strategic relationships is valuable for joint ventures – without the cost or risk of owing a business.
My goal is to develop three JVs, but within one week of my DollarMakers JV Bootcamp Training, I set up my first JV with an SEO company for ongoing referral fees. Robin J. Eliott referred me to a simple MOU template. I completed it on my own to close my first joint venture two weeks after my training.
I’ve been a corporate employee and contractor my entire working life until now. If I can set up and close a JV deal, I believe anyone can become a joint venture broker too!
Liza Lee
I was extremely honored
I was extremely honored to become one of the first three DollarMakers Certified Business Mentors. The whole business mentoring program was way beyond my expectation. As Robin’s Protégé, I got the chance to learn his secret business systems and Joint Venture strategies which were never disclosed before. I also got to meet some important business people who will help me to succeed in mentoring business owners as well as doing joint ventures. Based on my conservative calculation, I could easily make at least $20,000/month just by using what Robin taught me to help other business owners. I can also use what I learnt to actively do Joint Ventures and it will generate unlimited residue income. Even before the business mentoring program ended, I had already begun to Joint Venture with other fellow Certified Business Mentors. With this one Joint Venture opportunity, I will save $2000/month and make an extra $2000/month. That is extra $4000/month net profit for me!!!
Dr. Eric Li
All of this is valued at over $1456.23 USD! Plus not to mention your various Homework bonuses that are valued at over $100 per session (multiply by 10 sessions), that makes the total over $2000 USD!
The investment from you for all of the material above is only $897 USD (+GST if in Canada ), with massive added value, spread over ten weekly sessions, with homework and archived sessions, so you can log in at any time convenient you, wherever you are in the world!
If you reside in CANADA, please click on the link below. This will include the Price of S897 USD + GST.
WORLD WIDE Registrants (except Canada), please click on the link below. This will include the Price of $897 USD.
To your success,
Robin J. Elliott
I know there are questions so here are some answers
What if I miss a week or can’t attend on that night? Gotta love technology these days. All sessions are now archived so simply log in when you can and you will be able to see the latest session as well as the past session, where you can review the content for as long as 10-week program.
What if I don’t complete my homework? Well, this is an investment for you and your future, so the time you put into this Course, is what you will get back from it.
Can I pay in installments? We only accept full payment via a Credit Card or Certified Cheque for this course ahead of time. No exceptions.
I have attended a Dollarmakers Bootcamp in the past, so how much is this course for me? Well, this course will be full price to anyone who wants to attend this as it will contain material that is different from our normal Bootcamps so we count this as a new Seminar.
I love my Mac.. Will this work on it? Yes, the technology we have will work on PC or MAC as it is based off of your Browser like Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari and not your operating system.
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