Brian Siddhartha Ingle, RSME – The Embodied Osteopathic Way of Self-Healing 2024
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational course, Brian will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully improve your health and vision by cultivating your somatic embodied awareness and interoceptive abilities.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Brian and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Brian’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 9:00am Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Brian. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to improve your eyesight by locating and directing the Health in your system.
Module 1: Activate the Health of Your Pelvic Floor & the Ring Muscles of the Eyes to Release Tension & Age-Related Discomfort (January 4)

Begin by exploring the connection between the ring muscles of the pelvic floor and the ring muscles of the eyes.
Unlocking the pelvic floor’s health, you’ll reconnect with its innate strength as you release tension and rejuvenate its ring muscles…
… and begin to direct this health to your eyes — while embodying the functions of the kidneys and digestive tract.
Degeneration of your eyesight and pelvic floor issues are often exacerbated by aging and can lead to discomfort and incontinence.
Brian will guide you toward improving the function and resiliency of your pelvic floor, regaining control and confidence.
He will also share the formulas for self-healing and how you can begin to lean into the Health of your system and your capacity to self-heal.
This week, you’ll:
- Explore the connection between the ring muscles of the pelvic floor and the ring muscles of the eyes
- Unlock pelvic floor health — releasing tension and rejuvenating its ring muscles
- Address age-related discomfort and incontinence to regain awareness and confidence
- Build a stronger pelvic floor to boost resiliency and control
- Access the Health in your system to support kidney and digestion function
Module 2: Remove the Obstacles to Health by Releasing the Junction Points of the Midline & Improving Their Function (January 11)

Discover the main obstacles that obstruct the free movement of health in your system.
You’ll learn about the junction points in your central axis and the role of proprioception in the self-healing mechanism.
Brian will help you identify and work through any restriction in the movements of the pelvis and spine…
… including, where the spine meets the sacrum, where the sacrum meets the pelvis, where the lower back meets the upper back, where the upper back meets the neck, and where the neck meets the head.
By removing the obstructions to health and improving function in these core junctions, the Health in your system can show itself in a more profound way.
Brian will also guide you in an embodied meditation that explores how the central axis supports your cranium and eyes.
This week, you’ll:
- Learn to overcome physical barriers that limit movement and access to the deeper expression of primary respiration
- Address restrictions and immobility to free the key junction points along your central axis
- Improve overall function of the spine and pelvis — and decrease pain
- Explore how the central axis supports your cranium and eyes
- Prep for the next lesson, which explores the connection between movement and the expression of the “breath of life”
Module 3: Embody the Tides of Primary Respiration & Dynamic Stillness to Connect With Your Innate Self-Healing Mechanism (January 18)

The instinct for healing is rooted within our living physiology.
You’ll learn how self-healing works this week as you explore the core components related to primary respiration… and shift into a place of profound rest to develop a relationship with your inherent self-healing mechanism.
The first principle of sensing primary respiration is the movement and felt sense of embodied wholeness — the reunification of the parts.
This lesson begins the journey of wholeness as a living, breathing reality — and offers the invitation to rest your attention into the space of dynamic stillness until primary respiration shows itself.
Brian will share how within primary respiration there are different layers of organized rhythms — cranial rhythmic impulse, mid-tide, and the long-tide.
As the movements of our physiology, these rhythms are present within us all, simultaneously.
Through the cranial rhythmic impulse, you’ll work with the physical body, the inherent motility of the brain and spinal cord, and the motility of the cranium as it relates to the movement of cerebrospinal fluid — the “liquid Light.”
The mid-tide is a slower rhythm emanating from the midline and moving into your personal space into the bioelectric field. The long-tide is slower still, moving from the outside from the horizon and through us.
This week, you’ll:
- Explore the primary respiratory mechanism within your own system
- Begin the journey toward wholeness by sensing “the neutral” and the stillness through your primary midline
- Engage with the cranial rhythmic impulse to understand its connection to the motility of the brain and spinal cord, and the movement of cerebrospinal fluid
- Discover the various rhythms of primary respiration, the cranial rhythmic impulse, mid-tide, and long-tide — all coexisting simultaneously within you
Module 4: Strengthen Your Vision & Expand Your Awareness by Using the “Mind’s Eye” to See & Fill Your Inner Bodily Cavities (January 25)

Engage in an exploration of some of your body’s cavities while using the power of your hands and mind’s eye to “see” your inner world.
Once developed, this inward sight — called interoception — acts as a friendly companion on the journey to self-healing.
Through gentle movements, you’ll cultivate a profound awareness of space, enabling you to ignite your self-healing mechanism… creating a deeper connection to wholeness and the movement of health in your system.
You’ll also discover how occupying the cavities — the womb, the lungs, the sinuses, and the eye sockets — will allow you to use and enhance your interoceptive abilities.
This week, you’ll:
- Activate the potency of “the breath of life” through embodiment and utilizing your hands to “see” your internal world
- Develop a heightened sense of inner awareness that enables you to have deeper access to the primary respiratory mechanism and embodying the Health of your system
- Shift to wholeness and rest through exploration, feeling how this can bring you into a deep neutral state within and promote a deep and profound relaxation response
- Improve your breathing by focusing on the lungs and sinuses and their relationship to the movement of “the breath of life” and your health
- Connect with the womb to facilitate emotional release and healing — and help to process stored emotions and trauma
Module 5: Take the Strain Off Your Eyes by Softening the Pineal Gland & Your Hands (February 1)

The pineal gland, or spiritual “Third Eye,” is the gateway to your spiritual life. It’s also a melatonin-secreting neuroendocrine organ that controls your circadian rhythm.
Explore how the pineal gland connects to your outwardly seeing eyes — returning the pineal gland’s spiritual function.
Brian will guide you through clinical practices to soften the hands and teach the eyes to relax.
You’ll begin to explore the space in-between the eyes, deep into the cranium, and how to soften the pineal gland.
You’ll also examine how to view yourself and your inner world through the sensitivity of the heart.
This week, you’ll:
- Discover the relationship between your pineal gland and your physical vision
- Learn to relax your eyes by gently softening your hands, promoting overall deep rest
- Dive deep into your cranium and explore methods to soften the pineal gland — “the seat of your soul”
- Begin to restore the pineal gland’s function, which is connected to both melatonin secretion and your spirituality
- Take potent steps to improve your inner and outward vision
Module 6: Harness the Vestibular System to Help the Eyes Coordinate Movement & Balance (February 8)

As a sensory system that helps us orientate spatially and find balance in that space, the vestibular system has a special relationship with the eyes.
You’ll explore this relationship and work with the connection between your eyes and the rest of the sphincters within our body… and discover how eye movements can influence their functioning… and vice versa.
You’ll learn how to improve your vision by working with the ring muscles around the eyes and the muscles that move the eyes, contracting and relaxing the eyelids.
You’ll also continue the journey of finding the Health — and the tides from the biodynamic viewpoint as it supports eye function.
This week, you’ll:
- Discover the vestibular system’s role in eyesight and quality of vision
- Enhance the eye-mind relationship — enabling a deeper connection between your vision and your inner sensations
- Improve vision and relaxation of the eyes
- Discover how incorporating eye movements before sleep can facilitate a deeper sleep — and also an effortless transition into sleep
- Work with your sphincters to promote the overall activation of the Health in your system
Module 7: Arrive in Stillness by Engaging Your Oral Sphincter to Gain Clarity, Improve Inner Vision & Activate Healing (February 15)

Continue to explore the Health of your system and the primary respiratory mechanism.
Discover how relaxing and strengthening the oral sphincter can increase concentration and enhance organizational thinking.
It can also help reduce headaches, and with its connection to the lower sphincters, improve digestion.
After honing the qualities of embodiment, Brian will invite you to complete the course in a deep neutral state with the emergence of “Be still and know,” a profound listening, an unconditional, non-tidal, non-rhythmic space overflowing with love.
This awareness is your innate state of mind… where love is palpable, and beauty is beyond words.
In its presence, we invite the organs of vision — the eyes, the optic nerve, and the brain — to rest in that stillness, enabling health and healing to emerge in a profound way.
This week, you’ll:
- Learn how to use your lips to gain more strength in physical work, decrease spinal curves, and prevent back pain
- Explore how to open and close the mouth by the use of sound
- Embody the stillness of unconditional love
- Experience a deep neutral state with the emergence of “Be still and know” somatic meditation
- Recognize how deep stillness activates profound healing for our “organs” of vision
The The Embodied Osteopathic Way of Self-Healing Bonus Offering
In addition to Brian’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Removing the Obstacles to Health & Igniting the Breath of Life
Video Dialogue With Brian Siddhartha Ingle, RSME and Simon Borg-Olivier

Did you know that the “generative” forces of growth and development of an embryo are the same as the “regenerative” forces that help you heal as an adult? Brian and Simon will discuss how these healing forces are always at work and how we can remove obstacles to health, how self-healing takes place, and how embodied fluid movement is the missing link in the self-healing equation. You’ll also experience a 10-minute guided somatic meditation to access the inherent mechanism for healing.
Stillness Speaks: Discovering the Health — A Journey in Osteopathic Thinking & Practice
Ebook on the Evolution of Osteopathy, the Quest to Find Health, and the Formula for Self-Healing by Brian Siddhartha Ingle, RSME

This ebook was written exclusively for this course by Brian to aid students in understanding the path taken by the pioneers of osteopathy. It describes the philosophy and principles they established, which were based on their personal experiences, clinical practice, and, most importantly, natural laws. The text traces the evolution of osteopathy from the biomechanical approach to the biodynamic model in the quest to find the Health.
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