William Bloom – Sacred Journey of Dying 2022
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, William will guide you in the fundamental skills and competencies needed for a blessed transition into the afterlife — through a deep and empowered experience of the wholeness of your life’s journey — transforming sadness, doubt, and despair into joy, certainty, and freedom.
The Power of Livestreaming Video
You’ll connect with William and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of William’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.
(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)
Weekly Sessions Tuesdays at Noon Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with William. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles needed for a blessed transition into the afterlife — through a deep and empowered experience of the wholeness of your life’s journey.
Module 1: Exploring Physical Death as a Gateway to a Wonderful & Welcoming Dimension (May 17)

Explore the cycle of life and begin deliberately shifting the often distressing mood and atmosphere in which end-of-life issues are usually discussed… into an enjoyable inquiry.
This first module opens with a reframe of how we view the end of life — as a gateway to a wonderful and welcoming dimension. You’ll discuss current perspectives that coincide with death, especially those involving illness, grief, and bereavement, in a practical, emotionally intelligent, and metaphysically wise way.
As William and the universal end-of-life map of virtually all religions and spiritual traditions contend, the end of your physical life is similar to moving home or going on vacation — and opens the door to a great adventure and opportunity that benefits from thoughtful preparation.
As you begin to explore the totality of the sacred journey of life and death, you’ll discover:
- The universal map in virtually all religions and spiritual traditions for how your consciousness crosses into the clear light
- Core skills for soothing physical and psychological concerns — transforming them into calm confidence
- How to heal and shift limiting perceptions around the end of life from concern and grief into joy and liberation
- How to plan your practical and metaphysical journey
Module 2: The Overwhelming Evidence for Life After Death (May 24)

What evidence is there of life after death? This week, William will share with you the crucial essence of the huge amount of rigorous research that has been done in this field.
This includes near-death experiences, after-death communications, past-life memories, tech communications, mediumship, premonitions of death, and the absolute consistency of teachings from spiritual traditions across all cultures and times.
This knowledge will reassure those parts of your mind that are still intellectually suspicious of these metaphysical and spiritual ideas… and that can sometimes sabotage your confidence and development.
This evidence will also bring you confidence in your conversations with those who doubt the reality — or try to influence your perception — of life after death.
In this module, you’ll:
- Examine compelling evidence of life after death from many different sources
- Hear inspiring stories of afterlife realities that reassure us that the end of life is not the end
- Develop new and joyful coping strategies to bring closure to past experiences with the deaths of loved ones
- Learn how to quiet your own doubts regarding the afterlife — and how to positively converse with skeptics
Module 3: Planning Your Metaphysical Return to Home (May 31)

Not only do you have the power to plan every practical and ceremonial detail that surrounds your physical departure from Earth…
… you can also create a personal map for how your consciousness crosses over.
You’ll gain inner clarity this week on what that entails, and participate in guided exercises that empower you to imagine and actually create the path for your afterlife journey that best works for you.
The map and process for how your consciousness crosses over is multifaith and person-centered. You’ll draw on many ancient religious and spiritual traditions — such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism — that have guided people as they pass over. The Tibetan Book of the Dead and The Egyptian Book of the Dead, shamanic and pagan journeying, and tribal totems are just some examples.
You’ll also explore the fluidity and creativity of the metaphysical dimensions of the afterlife and learn how you can collaborate with them — including careful consideration of what beings and scenarios you want with you in your journey into the clear light.
As you plan your metaphysical return to home, you’ll:
- Be guided on how to create your personal map into the afterlife
- Discover how to call in angels, helpers, and spirits who will support your transition
- Explore the essential map of metaphysical dimensions in the afterlife
- Gain new perspectives and insights on the meanings of heaven, paradise, purgatory, and the bardo states
- Experience a guided meditation into a real here-and-now sense of what it means to go home to Source
Module 4: Finding Resolution, Healing & Celebration in Your Current Life (June 7)

This session is an opportunity to celebrate your life’s great lessons and blessings. You’ll audit, investigate, and gain spiritual insights about the life you have led and are still experiencing.
You’ll explore, understand, and gain a deeper appreciation of this existence…
… while deepening your connection with the clear light of Source, using the energies and atmosphere that come with the thinning of the veil to transform and heal unfinished business and suffering in the here and now.
You’ll also review the major elements and dynamics of your life that have guided and influenced you thus far, which now require adjustments in the context of life beyond this dimension.
In this way, you can achieve substantial healing and resolution for yourself, family, friends, and others — as you plan the return back to your true home.
As you find resolution, heal, and celebrate your current life, you’ll:
- Gain new spiritual insights into the lessons and purpose of your life
- Learn healing and resolution strategies for yourself and those around you
- Be empowered by a deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation for your life
- Deepen your connection to the clear light of Source — healing unfinished business and suffering in the here and now
Module 5: Practical Planning to Bless Your Transition & Those Around You (June 14)

The end of life holds an opportunity for many blessings, including providing clarity and closure for those we love.
This begins with material practicalities such as explicit end-of-life instructions, including your will, funeral preparations, and memorial celebration.
This week, you’ll work through a checklist of these essential elements… and learn how to approach crucial conversations with your loved ones, who may be reluctant to face reality and offer support.
In this context, your passing can actually become a great gift — your last great gift — to your loved ones, and become a grace-filled opportunity to bless your transition, your life, and those you love or who have cared for you.
You’ll also learn how to transform the five stages of grief into empowered gratitude.
In this module, you’ll:
- Create an end-of-life plan that blesses your transition and those who care for you
- Receive guidance on how to talk about end-of-life preparations with loved ones
- Experience peace of mind, knowing that preparing for the end of life can be your last great gift to yourself and your loved ones
- Transform the grief process of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance into wisdom, gratitude, grace, courage, and confidence
Module 6: Supporting Others as They Journey Back Home (June 21)

Learn the crucial emotional and psychological skills of spiritual companionship, whole body listening, and compassionate care…
… and discover how to apply all the concepts and skills of the previous sessions to support and bring peace to others on their journey.
You’ll also learn how the metaphysical and spiritual strategies that you use for your own passing can be transferred to help someone else pass gracefully into the clear light.
These skills can also be used to help souls who pass over in tragic circumstances, such as accidents, wars, disasters, and suicides.
As you learn how to help others on their journey back home, you’ll:
- Develop strategies of deep spiritual service to help loved ones at the end of life
- Help others obtain a graceful passage into the clear light
- Learn how to help those in distressing circumstances, such as accidents, war, and environmental disasters experience a peaceful physical departure
- Call in and receive help from angels and spirits
Module 7: Embracing Transitions & the Wholeness of Life (June 28)

Your final session with William offers a gentle celebration and review of all that you have explored in previous classes.
In an ambience of reassurance, safety, and encouragement, you’ll assess all of your insights, epiphanies, and transformational opportunities.
Contemplating the end of life in this way can create meaningful shifts in consciousness, an expanded sense of compassion for yourself and others, and a deeper connection with Source. It also provides the developmental space for a life that is of greater service to all — your presence will become a blessing for those around you.
Preparing for the end of life and the great journey also provides an opportunity for healing yourself, your family, and others in your ancestral and cultural constellation. The thinning of the veils — the white light experience that many have when close to death — can be expanded into the here and now.
During your last class with William, you’ll:
- Assess your level of peace, calm, and confidence in the face of physical death — your own and that of those you love
- Experience a deeper sense of the wholeness of your life’s journey — freeing yourself to be present in the richness of the here and now
- Feel confident and useful in facing real-life emergencies and challenges with newfound skills, confidence, compassion, and strength
- Transform anxieties around the end of life into wisdom, confidence, and understanding
The Sacred Journey of Dying Bonus Collection
In addition to William’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Poems for End of Life
PDF Guide From Dr. William Bloom

This PDF guide by William was designed for participants in this course and includes 22 pages of poems that speak of end of life — by Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Christina Rossetti, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Rumi. Some are poignant and some are good-humored. All are sure to touch your heart and provide guidance and ceremonial practices for the end-of-life journey.
Soothing & Finding Peace on the Journey
Guided Audio Meditation From Dr. William Bloom

This beautifully produced guided meditation by William, recorded exclusively for participants of this course, teaches wonderful strategies for self-soothing and calming anxieties. It provides the foundation for contemplating the whole of life’s journey in a way that is safe, loving, and reassuring. As you relax into a deeper realization of the continuum of life, you’ll find you are better equipped to face life as it comes right now — and able to offer this sense of peace and comfort to those you love as well.
Visualizing Your Wonderful Journey Into Heaven & the Clear Light
Guided Audio Meditation From Dr. William Bloom

This guided meditation by William, recorded exclusively for participants of this course, supports you in visualizing and experiencing the safe, loving, and welcoming environment you will discover after physical death. Step-by-step you will be guided into co-creating the space, the people, and the beings who will welcome you. Just imagine your favorite loved ones, animals, and places in nature all waiting to embrace you on the next stage of your journey!
Creating a Calm & Joyful Transition for a Loved One or Companion Into Heaven & the Clear Light
Guided Audio Meditation From Dr. William Bloom
This inspiring and insightful guided meditation by William, recorded exclusively for participants of this course, teaches you the core skills for supporting a loved one or companion’s transfer of consciousness across into the clear light. You’ll be guided on how to radiate a sense of calm and reassurance to soothe your loved one. Then, as you connect ever deeper with Source, you also exude a safe and fluid resonance that enables them to pass over easily and gracefully.
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