Tim Kelley – Become the Messenger You’re Meant to Be
Greater Connection Through Live Streaming Video
So you can better connect with Tim and his teachings, all of his sessions will be live streamed on video. This video connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Tim’s teaching. Or, you can easily connect via audio only, either through the internet or on your phone.
What You’ll Discover in These 9 Weeks
Course sessions are on Thursdays at Noon Pacific.
In this 9-week transformational intensive, Tim will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully embrace your destiny as a messenger and master a proven process for stepping into who you’re truly meant to be.
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Tim. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need connect to your Higher Guidance as your trusted source for breaking through the fears blocking you from embracing your highest calling.
Module 1: Being a Messenger (July 11)

Explore the unique challenges, responsibilities, and joys of embracing your role as a messenger. During this first session, you’ll create a psychologically safe space in which to do this deep work — within yourself and within the course community.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the specific challenges and responsibilities inherent in being a messenger
- Explore any “charge” you may have around being a messenger as you embark on this all-important journey
- Create a safe space for this deep, empowering work
- Begin to connect with a community of fellow messengers
Module 2: Clearing the Path (July 18)

The prospect of embracing your role as a messenger frequently activates fears and limiting beliefs. Before you engage in a process that will evolve your identity and catalyze your ability to deliver your message, you’ll need to consciously attend to your natural doubts and reservations.
Whether you’re aware of it or not, fear is the biggest obstacle to realizing and delivering your message. This fear can reveal itself as resistance, ambivalence, procrastination, and beliefs around self-worth. This week, you’ll discover proven techniques to help you identify specific fears and clear them — so they no longer stop you in your tracks.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover two powerful methods for clearing fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs
- Create a vision for yourself as a powerful, successful messenger
- Learn how to integrate your messenger activities with your personal and business activities in ways that enhance all
Module 3: Creating the Connection (July 25)

Whether your guidance comes from your heart, your gut, your soul, higher beings or an ancestor — the perfect source of guidance for you will emerge in this live session.
And rather than trying to “figure out” what your message is, your connection to your Higher Guidance can lead you to this realization. Through your trusted sources, you can learn the details of your message and how to bring it out into the world.
Your Higher Guidance knows the exact message that will resonate powerfully with those you’re meant to share it with — and it can help you overcome your fears about becoming a messenger. This class with Tim is about accessing the inner resources you need to bring your message foreward.
In this module, you’ll:
- Choose a source of Higher Guidance that works for you
- Learn 3 ways to communicate with your Higher Guidance whenever you need to
- Use your connection to your Higher Guidance to learn the message you’re here to spread
Module 4: Learning to Trust Your Higher Guidance (August 1)

When you start to experiment with tapping into your Higher Guidance, you may question whether or not it’s “real” — the psyche is a crowded place, so how do you know that the “thing” that answered is your true source?
This week, you’ll learn the tests that Certified True Purpose Coaches use with their clients to verify that a Higher Guidance connection is valid. This proven test will give you confidence in your trusted sources and the information they give you.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the most common communication issues inherent in working with your Higher Guidance
- Learn 31 tests for telling whether your connection is “real”
- Learn how to identify and clear noise and interference coming from your ego and blocking you from your Higher Guidance
Module 5: Crafting Your Message (August 8)

Now that you have the insights and guidance you need to create your message, you’ll learn how to verify that it is the correct message for you, and how to recognize the audience you have been sent to serve. This is an important week — giving your message to the wrong audience can be a frustrating thing.
Access your Higher Guidance as your trusted source will reveal and affirm your exact message (word for word), who’s meant to hear it, and how to deliver it.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn 5 additional tests for telling whether your message is accurate
- Find out if you’re been “called” to speak to wrong audience (hint: you’re frustrated by their lack of response!)
- Discover which people you have been sent to serve
- Create your message statement
Module 6: Anointing Yourself as a Messenger (August 15)

Your message has the power transform not only those you’re meant to share it with, but also you. Heeding call of the messenger and act on it with the help of your Higher Guidance, brings “bonus gifts” — a sense of inner peace, joy and freedom.
And yet, many messengers do not feel they have the authority to deliver their message powerfully. They wonder Who am I to deliver this message? Why would anyone listen to me?
Lacking confidence in your message will disempower it, causing others to not to listen. (This is a big issue for most messengers.) You need to stop waiting for permission! This week, you’ll learn how to create the needed authority to deliver your message powerfully.
In this module, you’ll:
- Understand “impostor syndrome” as it applies to messengers
- Receive FULL permission to be a messager
- Learn how to get power from your Higher Guidance to deliver your message
- Create an internal state of authority as the messenger you are meant to be
Module 7: Addressing Your Followers (August 22)

It’s rare that you’ll deliver your message in its raw form. It’s far more likely that you’ll need to customize it to a particular event, audience, or theme. This week, you’ll learn how to adapt your message to a specific situation without losing its power. You’ll also discover how and why most messengers unconsciously use word choices that water down their message and its impact.
In this module, you’ll:
- Become aware of any self-sabotaguing language and words that can water down your message
- Develop the ability to customize your message to a particular group
- Discover how to tie your message to conference and publication themes and current events
- Learn the key mistakes most messengers make when delivering their message
Module 8: Spreading the Word (August 29)

The modern world affords many different communication channels for reaching your audience. Which are most purposeful for you? Which will be most effective? How can you spread your message in a way that supports you financially?
This week, you’ll discover how your messenger activities can provide many benefits to your other purposeful ventures!
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn about the different channels of impact messengers use
- Discover the various transformations that spreading your message can support
- Learn which messenger activities are most easily monetized
Module 9: Launching Your Life as a Messenger (September 5)

When you design your life as a messenger from your higher guidance, extraordinary things align around you: just the right connections and opportunities, alliances and partnerships, support and resources.
Are you ready to tap into your higher guidance in a grounded, verifiable, repeatable way — so that you can share your message when and where you’re guided to, with ease?
This last week, you’ll discover the techniques and practices you’ll need to stay open and free of fear as you move forward. If you aren’t consistent with your connection to your Higher Guidance, your connection to your message — and your Higher Guidance — can lapse.
Also, as you and the world evolve, so will your message. Learn how to keep it current and fresh!
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the techniques and practices used by successful messengers long-term
- Continue to strengthen your connection with your trusted sources, drawing on their wisdom when and if you need to hone your message
- Develop a support system for yourself
- Commit to an action plan
- Learn when and how to update your message
The Becoming the Messenger Bonus Collection
(Valued at over $200.00)
In addition to Tim’s transformative 9-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonuses complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Three Mastermind Calls With Trained True Purpose Coaches

In these small group sessions, you’ll receive support from Tim, trained True Purpose coaches, and others in the course on working with your emerging Higher Guidance and discoveries along your path. These intimate sessions will support you to really integrate the learning and make it a part of your life.
NOTE: Nearly the entire calls will consist of group practice sessions, so no recordings will be posted for these.
True Purpose Meditations
Audio Program and Ebook From Tim Kelley

This meditation program is designed to help you find your life’s purpose by creating the conditions to help you access the specific details of your purpose. The audio program includes a 20-page companion ebook, which is designed to give you additional background and context to help you get the most from the meditation process. You’ll find this meditation to be a powerful step in your process. You’ll also receive a second version of the meditation for repeated use to deepen the connection and get additional information which has less talking and more space for freeform internal dialogue and meditation.
Working With Parts
Live Call With Tim Kelley

Many people deal with unconscious self-sabotage, and messengers are no exception! In this deepening live call, Tim Kelley will explain about how the different voices in your head can block you as you try to manifest your mission and spread your message, and what to do about it. Learn powerful techniques for understanding and clearing the blocks you can’t see!
The Power of Personal Story for Your Mission & Message
LIVE Call With Jeffrey Van Dyk

In this bonus call with message mentor, Jeffrey Van Dyk, you’ll learn why using your personal story is an essential part of your message strategy to fully answer your calling. He will also teach you the #1 essential tool to start finding the perfect stories for your mission now.
Jeffrey Van Dyk is an international speaker, strategist, and guide who works with highly successful leaders and founders in the second half of life who know that they are meant to transition into their life’s legacy and have a meaningful, lasting impact on the world.
While at Microsoft, Jeffrey personally designed speaker training systems to help world-changing leaders like Peter Jennings and Bill Gates share their message more effectively with the world through online technology.
Jeffrey has spoken on stages in Australia, Europe, the Middle East and across North America with audiences from 50 to over 500. As 2-time president of the International Coach Federation in San Francisco, co-founder of both the Spiritual Marketing Quest and former CEO of Big Vision Business, his online and in-person programs have impacted hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and leaders worldwide. Known for his rare combination of keen inner sight and highly strategic business acumen, Jeffrey has a proven track record of helping leaders build thriving businesses from their life’s truest calling that have a significant and lasting global impact.
Jeffrey currently leads a distinctive monthly event series in Los Angeles to help spiritually-guided celebrities, business leaders, and founders become more powerful leaders and create the work that only they can deliver to the world.
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