Suzanne Scurlock – The Core Embodiment Process
What You’ll Discover in These 21 Sessions
In this 21-part transformational intensive, Suzanne will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to develop practices you’ll use for a lifetime to listen to your body’s wisdom and meet all your challenges with renewed energy and trust.
Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones. So you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to sustain the fluidity of smooth recoveries whenever life’s intensity takes you off track.
Module 1: Our Healthy Aliveness & What Impedes It

Full-body presence and its delicious feeling of aliveness are the elixir of life — and they result in greater clarity, joy, and vitality.
Certainly, many understand what it is to be present in each moment. But they’re missing the practical experiential skills that consistently bring them there.
During these seven sessions, you’ll discover how to cultivate a refined full-body presence that greatly enhances the quality of your life, your business success, and your personal and spiritual growth.
You’ll discover how to know when you’re truly present or simply imagining it. And you’ll learn to return to the present moment much faster when life’s stressors and traumas throw you off center.
You’ll also deepen your current experience of presence. And you’ll solidify it in each moment of your life — the difficult and the easy. So you’ll gain the resilience to stay with anxious moments, as well as ecstatic ones.
During these 7 sessions, you’ll:
- Learn why resilience, energy awareness, and energy resources are so pivotal to a healthy system
- Uncover the 5 keys that contribute to full-body presence
- Review the actual steps of the Core Embodiment Process — and which order to do them in
- Make trust an attribute you want to reach for in each moment
- Explore the dark and light sides of trusting the existence of nurturing life energy
- Learn what trust is NOT as well as what it IS and where it applies in your own life
- Discover how to feel life’s energy and how to integrate its many levels throughout your entire system
- Discover what steps to take when you feel too much
- Step into more integrity in your world from the inside out
- Uncover the energy-draining myths about healthy boundaries
- Practice expanding your perceptual lens in each circumstance of your life
- Dissolve inner blocks and limiting beliefs
- Unlock your creativity and problem solving skills by expanding how you think about yourself and the world
- Understand the key action step for manifesting what you want in your life
- Add yourself to your own to-do list and create nourishing resources for better resilience and health
- Learn how your habits can create excellence in your life
- Embrace new ideas and nurturing possibilities
Module 2: Your Growth Steps Toward True Freedom

During these four sessions, we’ll explore together the body signals, limiting beliefs, and expectations that get in the way of stepping into our true freedom. And we’ll expand your awareness of what impedes your spiritual growth and joy in every moment.
You’ll practice dissolving these blocks with the understanding of how important it is to walk through your own inner landscape with the resources, courage, and freedom to meet your inner demons — and disempower them.
During these sessions, you’ll:
- Discover steps for reclaiming the power of your soul
- Learn how to discern body signals that indicate when your boundaries are weak
- Recognize the thoughts that let you know you’re giving yourself away
- Discover how to establish boundaries that are strong yet have a healthy flexibility
- Learn how to repair and rebuild relationships where boundaries have been nonexistent or too rigid
- Make friends with your inner growth as it emerges in your life
- Allow your inner resistance to inform you, not disempower you
- Accelerate your recovery time when life’s trauma dramas take you down
- Meet all of life’s challenges with renewed energy and trust
- Step into more freedom in everything you do
Module 3: Activate Your Inner Landscape’s Resources

In the next four sessions, you’ll add three powerful resources to your Core Embodiment tool chest: A calming, clarifying breath. A gentle, enlivening movement exploration. And the ability to decipher the meaning of your dreams.
Through your practice of these potent resources, you’ll discover how your normal breathing can be slightly altered to quiet your mind. Clarify your thoughts. And introduce a calm centeredness.
You’ll also learn a simple, internally inspired movement that will help you explore your body’s signals and free you to open more fully to this inner compass for greater clarity and presence.
Plus, you’ll discover how your nighttime dreams can reveal your inner wisdom.
During these sessions, you’ll:
- Experience the magic of moving from quiet, internal impulses and feel your calmness and groundedness grow
- Practice micro-movements that feed your day-to-day energy level
- Learn how something as simple as your breathing pattern can become a powerful ally
- Notice how clear, creative thoughts arise from the centeredness established through breathing practice — even under stress
- Discover the 3 keys to understanding the language of your dreams
- Recognize how your dreams speak to you in the language of your inner landscape revealing its wisdom
- Learn how to decipher the symbolism that arises in your dreams
- Track how your emotions in dreams are informing you
- Discover how to uncover the new information in every important dream
Bonus Sessions on Dreams!

You’ll receive four videos of Suzanne demonstrating her dreamwork processes. These bonus sessions will enhance Suzanne’s preceding course module on dreams.
Module 4: The Hidden Power of the Core Embodiment Process℠

In the next four sessions, you’ll illuminate personal issues that may have been eluding you your entire life. These “shadow sides” leave us feeling a constant undercurrent of discomfort that can be difficult to recognize and work through.
During this module, you’ll discover how to reclaim your power so you’re no longer hampered by your shadow material. You’ll experience practices that will expose what no longer serves you. And you’ll integrate these hidden parts of you fully, allowing you to open to the freedom to feel joy — and to walk your soul’s path.
During these sessions, you’ll:
- Define projection and shadow and their origins
- Recognize your body’s signals that indicate your shadow parts are arising
- Identify your unique shadow parts
- Uncover your disempowering beliefs that you may be projecting onto situations in your life
- Practice integrating your limiting beliefs to reclaim your personal power
- Learn how to step into your Core Embodiment in business
- Explore how to utilize Core Embodiment in your community
- Transform your personal relationships with your Core Embodiment
Module 5: Find Your Soul’s Path — Are You On It?

During the last two sessions of the program, we’ll integrate all the course experiences to help you uncover your unique soul path and gifts.
You’ll discover practices that will help you let go of what other people want from you, so you drop more deeply into who you truly are.
Once there, your body’s wisdom can inform you moment-to-moment… lighting your path home.
Over these last sessions, you’ll:
- Learn how to tune in to your “inner wisdom channel”
- Develop habits that nourish your commitment to your soul’s path
- Integrate your entire system into one flow that has grace and ease
- Uncover the gems of who you are so they can be shared
- Learn how to discern what healthy boundaries look like for you
- Discover what you need to maintain healthy boundaries
- Make friends with each of the wisdom areas of the body
- Connect each wisdom area to the whole for integration, power, and freedom
The Core Embodiment Process℠ Bonus Collection
In addition to Suzanne’s transformative 21-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions and bonus materials. They complement what you’ll learn in the course. And they deepen your understanding and practice.
Bonus Sessions on Dreams
Bonus Videos From Suzanne Scurlock Followed by a recorded Q&A With HFC Advanced Practitioners

You’ll receive four videos of Suzanne demonstrating her dreamwork processes. After each demonstration, you can also listen to a Q&A with HFC advanced practitioners. These bonus sessions will enhance Suzanne’s preceding course module on dreams.
The Power of Touch & Presence: Practical Steps to Getting & Staying Healthy With Craniosacral Therapy
Audio Dialogue With Suzanne Scurlock & Kate Mackinnon, CST-D

In this audio conversation, Kate and Suzanne share about the power of presence and using the wisdom of your body. You’ll discover five key principles that help you with your health and wellbeing, as well as your everyday life. And you’ll hear how these principles apply to your healing journey. And how you can access your inner wisdom to find unique solutions to life’s challenges.
Kate Mackinnon, CST-D, is a Diplomate-Certified Craniosacral Therapist through the Upledger Institute. She’s also a presenter for the HFC curriculum, and a licensed Physical Therapist in both California and the United Kingdom. Kate has been using touch to support her patients in their healing and in accessing their physical potential for the last 30 years. She spent many years working with children with disabilities where she first came across Craniosacral Therapy. She is very excited to get this effective treatment more widely known through her book entitled From My Hands & Heart: Achieving Health & Balance With Craniosacral Therapy. It was published through Hay House with a foreword written by Dr. Wayne Dyer, who was her patient and the impetus for her to write the book.
Reclaiming Your Body
Audio Interview With Dawson Church and Suzanne Scurlock

In this intriguing interview led by Dawson Church, Suzanne shares about her recent book, Reclaiming Your Body. She talks about the importance of addressing the body component in the care that’s received after trauma and other life experiences. It’s an exciting time to be alive in that these body-centered therapies are more commonly added to the traditional care received from doctors and other caregivers.
Dawson Church has edited or authored many books in the fields of health, psychology, and spirituality. He has collaborated on articles with many of the leading voices of our time, including Larry Dossey, Bernie Siegel, Caroline Myss, Barry Sears, and John Gray. He earned his doctorate in Integrative Healthcare at Holos University, under the mentorship of distinguished neurosurgeon Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, and founder of the American Holistic Medical Association. He went on to receive a postgraduate PhD in Natural Medicine. Church and Shealy co-authored a compendious survey of spiritual healing throughout history called Soul Medicine: Awakening Your Inner Blueprint for Abundant Health and Energy.
Polyvagal Theory & How It Applies to Craniosacral Therapy
Audio Dialogue With Suzanne Scurlock and Stephen Porges

In this intimate interview led by Suzanne, Stephen Porges discusses the complex topic of how Polyvagal Theory applies to Craniosacral Therapy. Stephen’s clear explanations made an impression on Suzanne. And she wants to share this work with you because she found him to be incredibly approachable — showing that a high level of intelligence and the capacity to connect with people are not mutually exclusive.
Stephen W. Porges, PhD, is Distinguished University Scientist at Indiana University, where he directs the Trauma Research Center within the Kinsey Institute. He holds the position of Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina and Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Maryland. Stephen also served as president of both the Society for Psychophysiological Research and the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences and is a former recipient of a National Institute of Mental Health Research Scientist Development Award. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers across several disciplines. In 1994 he proposed the Polyvagal Theory, a theory that links the evolution of the mammalian autonomic nervous system to social behavior and emphasizes the importance of physiological state in the expression of behavioral problems and psychiatric disorders.
Reclaiming Your Body: Healing From Trauma & Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom
First Chapter of the Ebook From Suzanne Scurlock

At one level or another, traumatic experiences are a part of any life — from the emotional shock of a parent or peer’s careless words in childhood to intense physical injuries to life-threatening emergencies and/or assaults. Not only do these events take a toll on our psyches, in Reclaiming Your Body: Healing From Trauma & Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom (New World Library, June, 2017), author Suzanne Scurlock explains how they they cut us off from the wisdom of our bodies as well.
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