Suzanne Scurlock – Somatic Body Wisdom to Address Anxiety, Overwhelm and Reactivated Trauma
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Suzanne will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to access your innate guidance system for greater clarity and empowered wellbeing.
The Power of Live Streaming Video
You’ll connect with Suzanne and experience her teachings through live streaming video. This connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Suzanne’s body of work. Or you can easily connect just via audio if you choose — through your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.
Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at Noon Pacific.
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Suzanne. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to pay attention to the wisdom your body holds — especially in these challenging times.
Module 1 — What’s “Yours to Do” in These Challenging Times? (July 8)

What inspires you most in your life?
The unique gift of the Heart Wisdom Area is in recognizing and living from your soul’s deepest inspiration.
In these challenging and uncertain times, it can be extremely difficult to get in touch with the deep inspiration that’s so central to your joie de vivre — the parts of life that make you want to get out of bed every morning to be in the flow of your soul’s creativity.
In fact, thinking clearly at all can be quite difficult when the unsteady ground you’re standing on changes by the day.
In this opening week, Suzanne will guide you to explore the importance of uncovering your own heart’s gift — and how essential it is to find it again… in a new way, in these turbulent and unusual times.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore why you might sometimes find yourself feeling frozen, paralyzed, or reacting reflexively to the world around you — rather than proactively taking steps to put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your soul’s journey
- Discover how to move beyond reacting and become more proactive and centered
- Explore the hidden anatomy of your heart that can help you uncover what is yours to do
- Receive simple practices to reconnect with your heart in challenging times
- Gain new awareness of your own unique soul gifts to the world
Module 2 — How the Wisdom of Your Gut Keeps You Safe (July 15)

Your gut can provide you with essential information — present-moment data that’s not emotionally laden, and is clear and extremely helpful for optimal decision-making.
As the speed of change is accelerating and becoming more unpredictable, the gifts of a clear, educated gut are immeasurable.
This week, you’ll explore the potential life-saving questions your inner knowing asks about people and circumstances that register in the primal, limbic parts of the brain — is this pleasurable or painful? Is it safe or dangerous? And more…
As you’ll discover, ideally you’ll make decisions based on ALL the data — not just the data in your memory bank from past trauma, or anxiety about the future…
The key to being in the present moment is embodiment — and embodying in the gut is pivotal for that sense of safety or pleasure.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Your gut’s gift to you — the instinctual knowing you need as you move through everyday life
- How, during calm times, the gut registers what you need to know most
- The importance of staying connected to your gut in each moment in challenging times
- Why the power of the present moment is the critical key to embracing the wisdom of your gut
- Why the gut is the most misinterpreted wisdom area and how this can keep you trapped in stress, overwhelm, and confusion
- An explorative exercise to help you know how to use your gut for wise decision-making in times of inner or outer confusion
Module 3 — The Primal Engine of Your Pelvis & the Power to Take Action (July 22)

Your pelvis is a key wisdom area — without its potency, your inner fire grows cold and your health and vitality suffers.
Eventually you can lose your ability to bounce back from the stress and craziness of times like these.
Cultural and religious disapproval of the pelvis’s supposed seductive associations can make it even more difficult to connect with this part of your being.
When the pelvis is locked down or compartmentalized due to trauma or physical injury, you’re unknowingly draining the life out of your heart’s inspirations.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to move back into or re-inhabit this pivotal power center
- Why a block or injury to your pelvis can make everything in life harder, as everything takes more effort
- How you may use willpower when your pelvic power is diminished — and the surprising price you pay for doing this
- The ancient primal power of the pelvis for joy, sensuality, and pleasure
- A guided exercise to unlock the energy of your pelvis
Module 4 — How the Wisdom of Your Legs & Feet Gets You Moving in Your Life (July 29)

When you need to digest a lot of divergent information in order to make a decision now, get your legs and feet moving!
Even if it’s simply imagining them in action, as in a meditation, do it now! When the stressors of life hit, throw on your shoes and go out for a walk, or sit down and imagine a walk in your mind’s eye.
In this class, you’ll explore how we often misattribute the wisdom that legs and feet are revealing to us to other areas of the body…
We think, Oh, my heart told me to take that route. Or, my gut has the lead on that one. When, in fact, what often catalyzes good decision-making is movement of the legs and feet.
The cross-body movement of this area is even believed to signal the brain’s right and left hemispheres to integrate — opening you to better solutions and possibilities for your life.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- How the feet and legs also stimulate creativity and generate energy, along with many other health benefits
- The metabolizing effect of the legs and feet when they’re activated, particularly in the face of many different possibilities
- How the legs and feet integrate the left and right hemispheres of the brain to help you discover new options and opportunities
- How this portal to your healthy energy flow brings practical, measurable success in all areas of your life — from relationships to career to finances, especially in the midst of chaos
- An exercise to show you how to easily make decisions
Module 5: Claim the Clarity & Steadiness in Your Bones (August 5)

Does your external world dictate your happiness?
Do you tell yourself, I’ll be content when my partner changes, when my work situation is better, or when the turbulence and dangerousness of the world’s circumstances change?
This week, you’ll explore why you might find yourself pulled off center and feeling “off” due to the stressors of current situations in the world around you.
The wisdom area in your bones is powerful — your bones are the densest form of connective tissue and the sturdiest structures in your body.
Your bones naturally radiate a sense of steadiness. And when you drop deep into this inner sanctum of who you are, the urgency of the outside world fades, your perceptual lens expands, and the fog around you slowly clears, bringing greater clarity.
In this module, you’ll discover how:
- Your bones give you a sense of steadiness in times of internal and external turmoil
- To use your bone presence to be a steadying influence when the world around you is in chaos
- To use your bones to receive clarity and clearer thinking
- Honoring your bones, your innermost sanctum, allows you to live from the core of who you are
- Through a special exercise, you can experience your innermost sacred spaces
Module 6 — How Your Integrated Brain Is Built for Connection & Optimal Strategizing (August 12)

Your brain has long been queen of the body.
It second-guesses your gut, invalidates your deep heartfelt responses and inspiration for being unreasonable, and is highly suspicious of the power of the pelvis.
The brain also claims credit for decisions activated by the legs and feet, and generally views itself as superior to the rest of your body.
This week you’ll discover how, according to recent research, lots of wisdom actually resides within the rest of the body — and this knowledge is fed to the brain to help you make healthy resolutions to life’s current challenges.
You can still value the brain as a wonderful integrator of information, mapmaker, and strategizer — AND you can value it for its ability to help you listen to your entire body’s wisdom.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The brain’s part in integrating your body’s wisdom
- The important interconnections between the brain and all the other wisdom centers
- What happens when the brain values the heart — and listens to it
- How the gut-brain connection increases the accuracy of all your decisions
- Your body as an integrated system offering optimal living — not just survival
- Intuition redefined, with input from the whole system
- An exercise to experience your integrated system
Module 7 — Integration: Bringing It All Together (August 19)

In today’s challenging times, it’s pivotal to integrate all the wisdom areas for optimal functioning and creative, clear thinking and outcomes.
We’re facing difficulties that were unheard of a short time ago. These issues require that we bring together the entire faculty of who we are — the whole symphony needs to be present for the best music to be played.
In these times when survival seems most important, you must remember that creativity, clarity of thought, and grounded, centered presence are the tools that will enable you to move from simply surviving to actually thriving.
In this module, you will discover:
- What occurs when the whole the symphony is not present
- What skills can help these wisdom areas join forces
- The pivotal tools needed for integration in times of stress
- The beauty of an integrated system
- An exercise to experience the entire symphony playing together
The Somatic Body Wisdom Bonus Collection
In addition to Suzanne’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
The Shifting Paradigm of Healing in a Challenging World
Video Dialogue With Suzanne Scurlock and Chery Owens

Suzanne and Chery discuss how the paradigms of healing and energy medicine are rapidly evolving as our times require it and as we as human beings are being asked to grow and adapt to meet the challenges before us.
Chery Owens, Director of Mountain Valley Retreat and a Healing From the Core® Presenter, is a yoga teacher and licensed massage therapist with specialties in Ashiatsu and craniosacral therapy. With her extensive background in teaching and the healing arts, her passion is facilitating a deep understanding of the self-healing potential of every human body.
Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom
Audiobook From Suzanne Scurlock

Many teachers stress the importance of living in the present moment. Few give the actual practices to make it attainable. This audiobook teaches you how to return to the incredible navigational system of the body and more fully inhabit each moment. The practices help you find a deeper awareness in the moment, even in the midst of chaos, family, and work demands, or the pressure to perform. This deeper awareness also brings a fuller sense of trust and confidence in yourself and in the world. Full Body Presence is filled with clearly presented, concrete, life-friendly explorations and instruction.
Listening to the 6 Wisdom Areas of the Body
Audio Dialogue With Suzanne Scurlock; Hosted by Gayatri Schriefer

All consciousness is amplified and grounded by the signals available to us from within the incredible navigational system of the body. The whispers of sensory awareness, the flashes of inner vision, and the ground of our knowing all offer us deep information. Somatic practitioners know this better than most. In this presentation, Suzanne shares how to deepen and refine the process of centered connection.
You’ll explore:
- How specific areas of the body offer us certain kinds of wisdom — even as they all work together to create an integrated whole that is powerfully connected to the Universe
- How in these challenging times, it is vital that we remain centered within, and connected to our inner wisdom, even as we are open to receiving information in a manner that can support our health and movement in a life-giving direction
- An overview of what each area has to offer, and a guided exploration of your internal landscape to see what deep informing is there for you
Gayatri Schriefer is a co-founder of Living Somatics — offering training programs worldwide in the clinical hands-on work and movement lessons of Living Somatics education. She is the educational director of the Ingle Institute for Somatic Education and is a certified Hanna Somatic Educator. She counsels clients internationally, and gives trainings and workshops primarily in Europe and Russian-speaking countries.
Soul Embodiment for Women
Video Dialogue With Suzanne Scurlock; Hosted by Devaa Haley Mitchell

As women, we have a unique power of creativity in our reproductive systems. That power is used not only to create new life, but also to bring personal projects into being. Join us as Suzanne shares a simple yet profound process that will enable you to drop in more deeply, embody more fully, and activate your energy flow so you can manifest what you came here to do at a soul level.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn how to move beyond visualization and into the felt sensation of embodiment
- Understand more deeply how trauma affects your ability to be present, clear, and creative
- Practice the skills of being kind to yourself, physically present, and powerfully embodied
Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell is a transformational leader who guides people to reconnect with their spiritual depths, unleash their leadership gifts, and step into their full potential. She is co-founder of The Shift Network and founder of the Inspiring Women With Soul series, which has served over 120,000 women from more than 160 countries.
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