Suzanne Giesemann – Holistic Mediumship 2022
What You’ll Discover in These 9 Weeks
In this 9-week transformational intensive, Suzanne will guide you to deepen and refine your innate ability to communicate with loved ones and others beyond the veil, and to help others make connections with the spirit world — as you tune in to a higher consciousness and open your heart to a more awakened life.
Suzanne’s Weekly Mediumship Practicum
Beginning the second week of class, you’ll watch one of Suzanne’s previous readings, as she pauses the recording to share tips and lessons you can put into action during your own readings. Beginning the third week of class, you’ll start constructively critiquing your fellow participants’ sessions so you can apply what you learn to your own sessions.
The Power of Livestreaming Video
You’ll connect with Suzanne and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Suzanne’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.
(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be made available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)
Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Suzanne. Each session will build upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to make connecting with the spirit world your new way of life.
If you have not experienced Suzanne’s teachings before, you’re welcome in this next-level training. Please complete the foundational Sacred Evidence-Based Mediumship 7-module program on your own as a prerequisite, which will be included in your registration so you can prepare for this deeper intensive!
Module 1: Celebrating Your Wholeness — Preparing Yourself & the Field for Mediumship (March 23)

In our human roles, it’s easy to perceive only our apparent separation. However, those in the spirit realms assure us we are never alone.
In this opening module, Suzanne will explain how, without maintaining an ongoing connection with those in the unseen dimensions, you can easily forget they’re part of your very “being.”
You’ll explore the powerful truth that you’re not only a human being, but also a soul, and part of one interconnected whole.
Suzanne will guide you through a deep dive into the term holos and how being part of the universal hologram makes mediumship possible. You’ll come to understand how you, as one field within many fields during spirit connections, can easily merge and flow with the information that’s always present — creating instant, spontaneous connections with other minds.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover how the root word holos plays a critical role in understanding your true nature
- Learn about the nature of holograms and how they make mediumship possible and easier
- Gain a new appreciation for the energetic fields involved in a reading, and begin working with fields directly
- Ensure greater clarity in spirit communication through proper preparation of the various fields involved
- Commit to enhancing your abilities through ongoing practice, seeing every reading as an opportunity to learn and grow
- Experience an easy practice to clear and revitalize your energetic field
Module 2: Working With Guides to Develop Trust & Clarity (March 30)

Your team in spirit is standing by to help you become the clearest possible channel for transdimensional communication.
As Suzanne will explain, trusting them and yourself will make the whole team’s efforts more successful. You’ll improve your abilities most effectively by doing readings and working with your guides and your own higher self.
This week, Suzanne will share a recording of one of her readings — with pauses to discuss the lessons learned… and guidance for how you can apply them to your own sessions.
Because mediumship includes interpersonal dynamics that can be quite different from those in the earthly realm, she’ll introduce a fun analogy using the rules of a popular sport to achieve greater ease and flow in your spirit connections.
In this module, you’ll:
- Realize how you may be blocking your own abilities, and learn to “get out of your own way”
- Honor your own style while opening to modifications that add finesse to your sessions
- Commit to working more closely with your team in spirit at all times, not just when you’re doing readings
- Review a full reading of Suzanne’s for the lessons learned
- Experience a guided exercise to increase ease, flow, and trust in your sessions
Module 3: Working With the Brain to Achieve Coherence (April 6)

Mediumship is a mental activity. Souls connect mind-to-mind, and the human brain acts more as a filter to transdimensional communication.
This week, Suzanne will explain how you can learn to bypass this filter as much as possible, while still honoring the gifts of your amazing brain.
When you understand the unique contributions of the brain’s left and right hemispheres, you can optimize both for greater clarity in your spirit connections.
Suzanne will explain how bringing the left and right hemispheres into balance leads to the optimal state for conducting sessions — a highly prized state known as coherence.
You’ll also begin to constructively critique participants’ sessions for the teaching points they reveal.
In this module, you’ll:
- Understand the critical difference between the brain and the mind
- Learn how biofeedback can enhance mediumship
- Understand and achieve coherent brain states not just during readings, but in normal waking consciousness
- Practice an exercise that honors the 2 aspects of the brain
- Review student readings for the teaching points they reveal
Module 4: Dealing With Your Human Side to Overcome Barriers to Mediumship (April 13)

Most humans remain unaware of the multiple dimensions that are woven into every moment of our earthly reality…
The brain is not the only barrier to perceiving the intelligent beings and realms that interpenetrate your own being.
As a human being, you contend with several natural impediments to perceiving what’s always and already here.
Once you come to recognize the barriers to perception, you can begin to clear them and open yourself to greater connection and flow. You’ll truly acknowledge that you are a full-sensory perception being at all times.
In addition to this mind-opening discussion, you’ll continue the practicum with participant reading critiques.
In this module, you’ll:
- View your human body and biofield as one whole, understanding how they work together — and can also work at cross purposes
- Identify your personal barriers to a clearer connection with Spirit
- Value the benefits and drawbacks of feedback during a mediumship session
- Experience an exercise to clear out beliefs that don’t serve your best mediumship and your ongoing connection with Spirit
- Review student readings for the teaching points they reveal
Module 5: Your Moment-By-Moment Relationship With Spirit (April 20)

Your connection with the unseen realms is always happening — even when you’re not conducting a mediumship reading.
This week, Suzanne will explain how you are the Light of Consciousness in expression at all times.
You’ll learn how remaining aware that you’re both a human and a soul is crucial for establishing instantaneous connections with Spirit.
In this module, you’ll come to more deeply value the importance of an ongoing relationship with your guides and loved ones who have passed — and understand what this looks like in your day-to-day human life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Solidify your awareness of yourself as both human and a soul
- Understand the importance of an ongoing relationship with your spirit team
- Recognize how accessible and comfortable your interactions with Spirit can be
- Connect with higher consciousness — and learn to recognize it all around you in the coming days
- Review student readings for the teaching points they reveal
Module 6: Deepening Into Rituals & Suzanne’s B-ST Method of Connecting With Higher Consciousness (April 27)

Throughout history, humans have practiced ritual and ceremony to achieve specific goals.
Rituals help us tap into the energy of a collective and can intensify focus and belief.
This week, Suzanne will explain why and how rituals work, and whether they’re a help or hindrance to mediumship.
In Suzanne’s previous courses, you learned her 7-step BLESS ME Method© for connecting with higher consciousness. It’s a valuable tool in your mediumship toolbox, but is it always necessary?
Suzanne will guide you to think through this issue and discuss alternative practices to help you connect anytime, anywhere.
In this module, you’ll:
- Expand your awareness of the importance of intention in mediumship
- Recognize the role that rituals play in achieving connections across the veil
- Review the BLESS ME Method and discover the “B-ST” simplified alternative
- Practice connecting with Spirit instantaneously and trusting your ability to make it happen
- Watch a special session in which Suzanne channels her friend Brenda, who passed two days before the session was recorded, for lessons learned
Module 7: Using Tools to Increase Your Attunement (May 4)

Connecting with Spirit is a natural ability. But just like any musician or athlete knows, drills and exercises can increase your skill.
Every moment you dedicate to improving your Spirit connection pays off.
This week, Suzanne will introduce fun and insightful activities to increase your intuition and keep you engaged with Spirit between your mediumship readings.
In this module, you’ll:
- Expand your repertoire of tools to open your connection with Spirit
- Learn techniques to increase your awareness using everyday experiences
- Understand how those across the veil choose what to share with you based on your unique energy field
- Review student readings for the teaching points they reveal
Module 8: Working With Energy Fields & Achieving Resonance in a Reading (May 11)

Becoming the best medium possible requires an awareness of the condition within your main energy centers — and the energy you’re radiating moment by moment.
This week, Suzanne will share how your chakras are dynamic — expanding and contracting continuously. And mediumship includes much more than your own energy centers, of course!
You’ll learn how the best connections occur when you enjoy “shared neural circuitry” with your clients.
Suzanne will explain how resonance and resonant fields are critical to holistic mediumship — as is an emotional bond between all parties involved.
In this module, you’ll:
- Compare the 7 main chakras with the 3 energy centers of Chinese energetic work
- Practice new methods of working with your energy centers to expand your biofield
- Discover what’s happening in your brain when you interact with others — whether they’re here in physical form or in the spirit world
- Understand the importance of establishing an emotional bond with all members of “the sacred triangle” during a reading
- Review student readings for the teaching points they reveal
Module 9: Moving From Doubt to Trust & Confidence (May 18)

One of the greatest challenges you’ll face on your journey to mediumship mastery is distinguishing the difference between hearing your own thoughts, picking up psychic information, and hearing from those in the spirit world.
Cultivating a deep, consistent spiritual connection makes all the difference in this work.
Suzanne will help you assess your skills as you wrap up this 9-week deep dive into holistic mediumship.
As you’ll discover, trust and confidence are the qualities that will carry you forward as you experience the presence of spirit and engage those who are relying on you to be a voice for spirit.
In this module, you’ll:
- Deepen your understanding of who you are and why you do this work
- Increase your trust in the spirit world, building your confidence through an ongoing relationship
- Review additional moments from participants’ readings to absorb the lessons learned
- Enjoy an extended Q&A session with Suzanne to get answers to the questions you have about your own practice
Sacred Evidence-Based Mediumship Introductory Training Is Included!

This 9-module intensive builds upon the core teachings of the 7-module course, Sacred Evidence-Based Mediumship. With the purchase of this next-level course, you’ll gain access to this powerful introductory program as well! You can review and complete this preliminary material at your leisure, but you’re strongly encouraged to begin your review before the new sessions start.
In this 7-module introductory course, Suzanne skillfully shows you how to communicate with deceased loved ones. In seven sessions, you’ll learn to help others make connections with the spirit world — for healing, closure, and a happier life.
Each training session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to open to your highest self as you communicate with spirit guides and loved ones beyond the veil.
Module 1: Evidence-Based Mediumship — The Powerful Difference
Module 2: Achieving Expanded Awareness — The Key to Being a Clear Channel
Module 3: Making Contact & Building the Power
Module 4: Going for Gold — Raising the Bar With Evidence
Module 5: Connecting With the Right Spirits — The Dynamics of the Sacred Triangle of Mediumship
Module 6: Dealing With the Human Side of Mediumship
Module 7: Integrating & Moving Forward
PLUS, you’ll get the Sacred Mediumship Bonus Collection:
Bonus #1
Everything Is Energy
Video Teaching and Worksheet From Suzanne Giesemann
Bonus #2
A Lesson in Remote Viewing
Video Teaching From Suzanne Giesemann
Bonus #3
Mastering Meditation
Ebook From Suzanne Giesemann
The original price of Sacred Evidence-Based Mediumship on its own was $297.00, but it’s INCLUDED in the cost of registration for the new 9-week course!
The Holistic Mediumship Bonus Collection
In addition to Suzanne’s introductory training and transformative 9-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
The Nature of Reality & Oneness: Lessons From a Carpet
Video Teaching From Suzanne Giesemann

You will be amazed at the truth behind the misperception of physical and nonphysical worlds — and how clearly the one field of consciousness is explained through something quite unexpected: the patterns on a carpet. In this video, you’ll explore the simple, yet astounding explanation of how we are connected to all realities. And how using our full senses to communicate with other realities is truly a life-changing “Wow!”
Suzanne Answers the Most Common Questions About Mediumship
Video Teaching From Suzanne Giesemann

Suzanne’s assistants, Bev and Lynette, moderated this video as Suzanne answered questions from students who’ve participated in her Monthly Mentoring webinars and classes. Suzanne was not aware of the questions ahead of time, and the result is your very own collection of unedited answers directly from Suzanne, her co-teacher in spirit, Brenda, and her guide in spirit, Sanaya. You’re sure to get the raw truth in answer to your most burning questions about mediumship!
Being Versus Thinking
Video Dialogue With Suzanne Giesemann and Marie Manuchehri

Watch and learn as Suzanne chats with fellow Shift faculty, energy intuitive, and medium Marie Manuchehri in this high-energy discussion. You’ll discover the difference between thinking and knowing… and the value of claircognizance (clear knowing). You’ll also learn how to get out of your head and move your awareness to the sensing centers of your body.
The Latest Insights, Guidance & Inspiration
2-Hour Video Teaching From Suzanne Giesemann

Explore the latest insights, guidance, and inspiration from Suzanne’s popular Monthly Mentoring webinars and classes. You’ll explore a wonderful “God wink” and synchronicity that happened just days before this recording, as well as plenty of examples of evidence and “Wows” that popped up in Suzanne’s recent readings. Suzanne also shares the effects of skepticism on readings, overcoming a slump in readings, and supplemental insight into the Surrender step of her BLESS ME Method. Suzanne and Sanaya, her guide in spirit, also answer questions on topics including relationships in the spirit realms, soul plans versus free will, addictions, guilt, lucid dreaming, angels, and more.
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