Spencer Vann – Surplus Funds Mastery
5 Step By Step Weeks of College Like Training
Psychologically Designed For Maximum Learning and Understanding
Unlike other courses that just throw a bunch of ‘tactics’ and set you up for failure, Surplus Fund Mastery has
invested and spent hundreds of hours creating a college like course. We assume you know nothing and not only train you how
to get results BUT also how to think. The entire program is physiologically designed for mental progression and
understanding to enable anyone of any skill level to LEARN and UNDERSTAND Surplus Funds!
Full Access To All The Tools and Training You Need To Crush It With Surplus Funds
The CEO of Surplus List (Best lead site available for Surplus Funds) and Top Surplus Fund Specialists have partnered to
give you full free access to the best Surplus Fund leads and tools online to maximize your results. Besides picking up a reverse lookup account,
you will not need to pick up a single other tool to use this program.
Every Thing You Get
The 6 Week Zero To Hero Curriculum
Week 1
Surplus Warrior Mind
Learn To Think Like A Million-Dollar Entrepreneur
Unlike other programs where ‘experts’ teach you tactic after tactic with no real world results, we spend time building the fundamentals of how to ACTUALLY think like an entrepreneur. Without this foundation the rest of the tactics and strategies will do NOTHING to help you!

Week 2
Surplus Warrior Persuasion
Learn The Keys to Getting Clients to Beg for you to help them
Week 2 is all about becoming a Surplus Fund Expert as fast as possible. That way even if your a complete beginner with Surplus Funds, you’ll be able to easily sound like you are a veteran with years of experience. You’ll learn how to use Facebook and Linkedin to find deals, proper set up of professional accounts how to use email to find and open deals, how to use direct mail to find and open deals, and most importantly the secrets to instantly sound like a Surplus Fund expert when interacting with clients (even if you have no prior experience).
Week 3
Surplus Warrior State
Build Your Surplus Fund Expert Foundation
Don’t have a ton of experience? Never closed a deal before? Don’t have a ton of knowledge on Surplus Funds? THAT’S FINE. This week of Surplus Fund Mastery is dedicated entirely to helping you build a solid foundation for Surplus Funds without knowing anything before! State Funds is by far the easiest place to start when it comes to recovering Surplus Funds!

Week 4
Surplus Warrior Mortgage
Learn The Contracts and Systems we Use to 10x our Business
This is all about how to farm deals and how to read and comprehend Surplus Fund Contracts. You’ll learn the exact contracts, how to use them, explain them to clients, and of course what to do after you have them signed, what steps you need to take after you have a deal under-contract, what systems we use to organize our data so we can follow up persistently, and a breakdown of how to use reverse lookup tools such as Spokeo!
Week 5
Surplus Warrior Tax
Build Your Surplus Fund Tax Foundation
Week 5 is all about becoming a Surplus Fund Tax Master as quickly as possible! That way you can be a ‘full-stack’ expert on Surplus Funds and build your tool belt so no matter the situation, whether your clients money is at the State Level, or they recently lost their home to a mortgage or tax foreclosure, you are an absolute EXPERT!

Week 6
Surplus Warrior Scale
Learn The Systems We Used to Take Our Business to the 7-Figure Mark
Surplus Warrior Scale is the final week of Surplus Fund Mastery, in it we detail the exact steps we took (and have helped other Real Estate Entrepreneurs take) to grow a business from $10k per month, to $10k per week, to $10k per day! This is an advanced module and the systems and tactics we teach can apply to all businesses not just Surplus Funds!
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