Sheila Vijeyarasa – Connect & Channel Wisdom Through Your Spirit Guides 2023
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Sheila will guide you on ways to connect with your spiritual guidance team so that you can establish consistent and dependable instruction, building your self-confidence and self-esteem as you become your own source of wisdom.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Sheila and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Sheila’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 5:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Sheila. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to learn to connect consistently with your spirit guides.
Module 1: Connecting to Your Spirit Guides for Answers to Important Life Questions (March 23)

An essential first step is to establish that you do have a spirit team that has the practical answers you’re seeking — and they are ready to communicate with you as you open yourself to the connection. You’ll discover the importance of building a close relationship with your spirit team, especially in the early stage of your spiritual development. Recognize the different types of spirit guides, meet your master guide and spirit team in meditation, and learn to cultivate an ongoing daily relationship with them.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- Five stages of connecting with your spirit guides and how to move between stages
- Eight main categories of spirit guides and what each offers you
- Why it is important to work with our spirit guides
- A powerful meditation connecting you to your spirit guides
- How to tap into the art of Spirit and draw a picture of your spirit guides
Module 2: Understanding Protection Protocols to Maintain Your Intuitive Connection to Your Spirit Guides (March 30)

Fear keeps you from experiencing higher energies. Knowing that you’re safe allows you to concentrate on the deep inner work required to make a connection with your spirit guides. Discover how to implement protection protocols and create a sacred space where you’ll open yourself to your psychic and intuitive connection to your spirit team. It’s important that you understand your own power and your energy field to super charge this space.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- Tools to support you as you lift your psychic energy to connect with your spirit guides
- A powerful morning ritual meditation and mantra to connect daily with your spirit guides
- The importance of a sacred space in your home and how to create it
- Four essential cleansing and clearing tools for creating your sacred space
Module 3: Accessing Clairvoyance From Your Spirit Guides for Clarity & Empowered Vision (April 6)

When you trust yourself, you can open to seeing more in greater detail. Recognize that clairvoyance — clear seeing — is not just about visualizing psychic images, it’s about seeing the truth in the images you receive. The power of your psychic downloads depends on the detail and meaning you can bring through. Experiment with activating your third eye and learning to see more visual details when you connect to your spirit guides.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- Tools to help activate and deepen your clairvoyant abilities, so you can see and receive more visual information from your spirit guides
- Questions to help you receive more visual information from your spirit guides through journaling
- Three different ways spirit guides present in clairvoyant visions
- Mindset tools to help you move through blocks to seeing and bringing forward visions
- A practice to put you in control of your third eye, so that you are not overwhelmed with psychic visions
Module 4: Revealing Clairsentience From Your Spirit Guides by Harnessing Your Innate Gifts (April 13)

Clairsentience means clear feeling — the ability to perceive emotional or psychic energies that are imperceptible to the five standard senses. It’s generally one of the first psychic skills to emerge and is widely used by sensitive and empathic people. Learning to feel the emotions connected to your spirit team is essential. Explore how to activate this powerful channel for guidance.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- Five key signs that you have strong clairsentient abilities
- The 3 main chakras that need to be accessed to activate your clairsentient abilities
- Tools to understand how to feel and identify different types of guides around you
- Effective methods to help you activate and deepen your clairsentient abilities so you can feel and receive more sensory information from your guides
Module 5: Move From “I Think” to “I Know” by Activating Your Claircognizance (April 20)

Claircognizance is the intuitive ability of clear knowing. When training to use this ability, it’s important to recognize how you receive your clear intuitive information and how to separate this from a thought. Your spirit guides impress their thoughts and impressions on you as a way to guide you. This clair-ability can be a powerful skill to develop, as the information can come through with great certainty. You’ll learn to trust the information that you are receiving from your spirit team and use it to help you move into living a powerful life.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- Key indicators that you have strong claircognizant abilities
- The “Question Tree” formula to help you receive more downloads from your spirit guides
- Techniques to help activate and deepen your claircognizant abilities so you can recognize “clear knowings” from your guides
- Discover the power of “I know” statements
- Automatic writing as a way to channel guidance from your spirit guides daily
Module 6: Experience Support, Comfort, & Trust as You Hear the Inner Voice of Spirit Through Your Spirit Guides (April 27)

Learn to activate your clairaudience — clear hearing, the ability to clearly discern the voice of Spirit. As you master this skill, the voice in your ear may sound like your own voice. Sometimes you may be able to distinctly hear another voice. This powerful psychic ability can be especially clear because of the actual sound of a voice that is hard to ignore.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- Signs to help you determine if you have strong clairaudient abilities
- The meaning of term cledon and how spirit guides send you audio messages frequently through others without their knowing
- Tools to help you activate and deepen your clairaudient abilities so that you can start to hear the voices of Spirit and receive audible guidance daily
- EVP (electronic voice phenomena) and how your spirit guides speak through different forms of energy
Module 7: Calling Forth a Deeper Connection With Your Spirit Guides for the Next Steps in Your Spiritual Unfoldment (May 4)

In this final week, you’ll bring together all the knowledge you’ve learned in the course, including the different forms of guides and their various methods, levels, and channels of communication. Sheila will answer your questions and guide you in the final techniques for channeling your spirit guides and deepening the guidance you receive from them.
In this session, you’ll:
- Combine all the major psychic abilities in this week’s mediation, describing with specific and accurate details your spirit guides
- Learn how to recognize and deepen the types of evidence you are currently receiving from your spirit guides
- Reflect on where you started, document your journey to channeling your guides, and recognize your own spiritual progress
- Receive the next steps in your spiritual growth now that you’ve started channeling from your spirit guide team
The Spirit Guides Bonus Offering
In addition to Sheila’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Spirit Guide Meditation
Audio Meditation From Sheila Vijeyarasa

This powerful 20-minute Spirit Guide Meditation can be used daily to connect to your guides and build a deep connection to them. This meditation allows you to transcend the lower states of your consciousness, lifting your vibration into the higher realms and connecting to your Guides. This meditation assists with clairvoyant and clairaudient activation, so you start receiving more specific and clear information from your Spirit Guides.
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