Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing part 1
What You’ll Learn in These 7 Modules
Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.
In this 7-part course, Sandra will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies to develop shamanic skills and apply them to your life.
Each teaching, ritual and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles needed to safely experience and transform through shamanic journey.
Module 1: Creating Sacred Space & The Shamanic Journey (December 2)

During this session, you will:
- Learn how to let go of your daily activities and leave your ordinary thoughts behind, so you can fully step into the love and healing of the invisible realms.
- Discover ways to deepen your experience of shamanic journeying.
- Meet a helping spirit in the “Lower World.”
- Experience the exponential creative and healing power of working in community.
- Create a community altar in the non-ordinary realms where all participants can continue to visit, share blessings and words of support during the length of the course.
- Place your personal requests for prayers and blessings on the community altar.
Module 2: Journey to a Teacher in the Upper World & Experience Territories in the Hidden Realms for Healing
(December 9)

During this session, you will:
- Journey to the Upper World to meet a teacher.
- Learn about the nature of how shamans perceive and heal illness.
- Discover an unidentified wound you have that needs healing.
- Explore how chanting your journeys can lead to a deeper shamanic experience.
- Follow Sandra as she chants a journey that guides you to a crystal cave of healing.
- Journey to a place of healing in the invisible realms, including a temple for healing or the river of grief.
- Perform a group ceremony to provide support for the healing of each member in the community.
Module 3: Your Spiritual Allies in Nature & Weaving the Sacred into
the Ordinary (December 16)

During this module, you will:
- Learn how to cultivate a rich inner landscape that will lead you to living a life filled with joy and good health.
- Journey to meet an element that volunteers itself to be an ally.
- Receive a healing from this ally and learn how to absorb its power.
- Discover how you can experience a Middle World journey to meet a plant, tree, rock, crystal or mineral to communicate and connect with nature spirits.
- Learn how to communicate and connect with the elements as a way to bring balance back to the planet during this time of extreme climate change.
- Perform a group ceremony to honor nature and give thanks for all it provides to sustain us.
Module 4: Establishing Healthy Outcomes & Creating Your Dreams (January 6)

In this session, Sandra will discuss the need to distinguish between what your ego desires and what your spirit is leading you toward. Sandra will share with you how to work with using your imagination to dream into being a good life for yourself and for all of life.In this session, you will learn how to:
- Journey to your future self to discover what would lead you to a life filled with meaning.
- Discover steps you can take in the present that will lead you to your desired outcome.
- Learn how your daily daydreams impact the life you are living now.
- Explore ways to change your daydreams to create the life you desire for yourself and for the health of the planet.
- Recover a lost dream you would like to retrieve and nurture through a guided journey to the Cave of Lost Dreams.
- Experience how the universe and the creative forces of life love you, so you understand that you deserve the best that life has to offer.
- Gather the power of community through ceremony to call in personal and collective dreams.
Module 5: Transformation Through Our Thoughts and Words & the Power
of Forgiveness (January 13)
This session will explore the shamanic teachings around the power of words and how the words we use create what we experience in our lives and in the world. Sandra will guide you in discovering the core beliefs blocking you from using your full creative potential and show you ways that you can start to work on releasing these beliefs.
In this session, you will:
- Experience the support and love from your ancestral line.
- Learn how to transform the energy behind your thoughts so you are sending loving energies to yourself, your loved ones and the world.
- Discover how shamans perceive the power of words as a way to bless others and ourselves.
- Identify the core blocking beliefs that prevent you from using your creative energy and learn ways to release these.
- Look at who you need to forgive (including yourself) and perform a group ceremony where you will be supported by the community to let go of any old hurts and betrayals into a great cauldron of light.
- Explore ways to be a bright light to transform the energy in your home, work place and surroundings.
Module 6:The Power of Initiation
(January 20)

In this session, you will:
- Learn how shamans view the little deaths we go through in life as well as the big death, as we transcend at the end of our lives.
- Experience a journey that includes disintegration, illumination, re-membering, reconstruction and re-emergence that will help you dissolve your sense of separation from Source and the creative forces of the universe.
- Explore the topic of initiation and how important formal initiations are to mental and physical health as well as beneficial for the younger generation.
- Learn about the importance of community to welcome home initiates so they feel honored instead of being seen as outcasts, whether they are returning from war, a tragedy, or after dealing with mental or physical illness.
- Experience a journey of initiation for liberation, purification, transformation and healing in which illness is cleansed and removed from your body and you feel revitalized.
- Learn how to dismember blocking beliefs, judgements and disappointments.
- Journey to ask a teacher to provide a blessing for you after your initiatory journey.
- Join together in community to journey to the “Inner Chamber of Light.”
Module 7: Experiencing Your
Inner Light (January 27)

In this session, you will:
- Discover how you can change your reality by shifting your perception.
- Learn how to use your “strong eye” to perceive your life and the world around you through the eyes of Spirit.
- Experience your inner divine light and what it feels like to be lit from within.
- Find simple methods to help others in need of healing by working with spiritual light.
- Learn how to integrate working with light into how you view your family, friends, loved ones, co-workers and the planet.
- Engage in a healing ceremony for all in the group using spiritual light.
- Learn how to bridge the methods of what you learned throughout this course into your daily life and how to continue your shamanic practices.
- Perform a closing ceremony where the group non-ordinary altar is dismantled and everyone in the circle is honored and blessed as they go forth and continue their work.
- Look at how all in this training can continue to support this sacred circle.
The“Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing” Bonus Collection
In addition to Sandra’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course – and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Bridging Shamanism into a Modern-day World
Audio Dialogue with Sandra and Llyn Roberts

Llyn Roberts, MA, is an award-winning author and a prominent teacher of healing and shamanism. Her dynamic teaching and writing styles incorporate a background in contemplative psychotherapy, Tibetan Buddhism, work in remote locations with diverse indigenous shamanic groups, Reiki, and Western body-mind approaches to healing. Roberts holds a Master’s Degree in Tibetan Buddhist and Western Psychology and was initiated by shamans in South America and Siberia. She has trained extensively with Ecuadorian Quechua healers and facilitated sacred journeys to indigenous people living in remote regions of the Amazon, the Asian steppes, high Andes and in ancient Mayalands.
Shamanic Story Telling and Its Power to Heal
Audio Dialogue with Sandra and Lewis Mehl-Madrona

Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, graduated from Stanford University School of Medicine and trained in family medicine, psychiatry and clinical psychology. He has been on the faculties of several medical schools, most recently as associate professor of family medicine at the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine. He continues to work with aboriginal communities to develop uniquely aboriginal styles of healing and health care for use in those communities. He is also currently working with people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia to explore healing through dialogue in community. He is the author of Coyote Medicine, Coyote Healing, and Coyote Wisdom, a trilogy of books on what Native culture has to offer the modern world. He has also written Narrative Medicine and, his most recent book, Healing the Mind through the Power of Story: The Promise of Narrative Psychiatry.
Dreamers, Shamans and Soul Recovery
Audio Dialogue with Sandra and Robert Moss

In this important dialogue between Sandra and Robert Moss, we’ll learn why “anyone who dreams is a little bit shaman” and how we can help each other to become the shamans of our own souls and the healers of our own lives.
Robert Moss describes himself as a dream teacher, on a path for which there has been no career track in our culture. He is the creator of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism. Born in Australia, he survived three near-death experiences in childhood. He leads popular seminars all over the world, including a 3-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he is a bestselling novelist, journalist and independent scholar. His nine books on dreaming, shamanism and imagination include Conscious Dreaming, Dreamways of the Iroquois, The Dreamer’s Book of the Dead, The Three “Only” Things, The Secret History of Dreaming, Dreamgates, Active Dreaming and Dreaming the Soul Back Home: Shamanic Dreaming for Healing and Becoming Whole.
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