Rosale Lobo – 3-Day: Legal Nurse Intensive Training Course
- Faculty:
- Rosale Lobo
- Duration:
- 18 Hours 10 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- May 17, 2017
“If you don’t write that, you could lose your license,” or “If you write that, you could lose your license.” This was something I heard during my entire nursing career and I never really knew what it meant. I was the nurse who was called into the office to explain an entry, clarify a comment, or “fix” something that had already been noted. My thought was, “if you just tell me what I’m supposed to chart, I’ll do it.”
In addition to supervisor or facility expectations, there are requirements now in place for electronic charting by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). In addition, healthcare is highly regulated and full of reimbursement woes, which often are connected with the documentation. What’s a nurse to do…? Rosale Lobo, PhD(c), MSN, RN, CNS, LNCC, has the answers!
Learn the meaning of being a non-fiction story teller – nurses have been voted the most trusted professionals for years because we are truth tellers. We are educated to care for our patients with compassion and ethics, so why has it become difficult to chart according to our personal belief system. Learn the truth behind documentation standards.
Charting for innocence or guilt – it is no secret that charting can lead to a trip to court but how does that actually happen. How does this path become something nurses fear? This 3-day boot camp will take you down the path to litigation and demonstrate why certain actions or inactions could jeopardize your chances of appearing innocent.
Did you deviate from the standard of care? How does a person deviate from the standard of care if there is no one there to witness it? Who determines that a nurse has deviated from the standard of care? Three days of intense learning about nursing documentation and litigation will transform the way you think about your nursing practice and the way you document the care you provide.
This class is a must for all nurses. It is long overdue. You will definitely return to work with increased confidence to reduce your own professional risk.
Manual (10.2 MB) | 94 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Manual 2 (9.1 MB) | 106 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Healthcare Litigation
- Evolution of medicine, nursing and healthcare
- The essence of the story behind litigation
- The burden of proof
- The expert witness seals the deal
The Components of Documentation
- Guidelines
- Interpretation
- Mistakes
- Education
- Social networking
- Indirect care
Electronic Nursing Documentation
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- Meaningful Use
- Risky electronic documentation practices
- Dangers of email, social networking, and texting
Electronic Medical Record Strategies
- Time management
- Liability
- Software knowledge/Informatics
Reimbursement and Documentation
- Medicare and Medicaid Changes
- Incentives for participation
- Hospital Acquired Conditions
Elements of a Lawsuit
- Plaintiff complaints
- Medical record review
- Timeline chronology
- Evidence
Documentation When Things Go Wrong
- Compliance
- Regulations
- Incident reporting
- Adverse events
- Risk factors
Ethical Issues
- Truth telling
- Standards that are within standards
- Deviations, real or perceived
- Errors of omission
- Errors of commissions
- Communicating clearly
Avoiding Risky Documentation
- Credible evidence
- Avoiding ambiguity
- Recording events objectively
- Late entries
- Correcting errors
What if the Worst Happens?
- Duty/Breach of Duty
- Nurse Practice Act
- State Board of Nursing
- Depositions

Rosale Lobo, PhD, MSN, RN, CNS, LNCCRelated seminars and products: 8
Adjunct Professor
Southern Connecticut State University
Rosale Lobo, PHD, MSN, RN, CNS, LNCC, has 30 years of combined experience as a direct care nurse, faculty, administrator, and legal nurse consultant. Rosale is a staff nurse at a large teaching hospital in Connecticut and serves as clinical faculty at Southern Connecticut State University. She began working with attorneys in North Carolina and expanded her independent legal nurse consulting practice to New York, Georgia, Colorado, and Connecticut. Plaintiff medical malpractice attorneys have utilized her expertise as both an expert witness and a “behind-the-scenes” consultant.
Rosale is a BSN graduate from Long Island University, earned her master’s degree from Hunter College with magna cum laude distinction and her PhD from Walden University, focusing her dissertation research on Nursing Documentation. Rosale is the author of Guilty or Innocent: Protecting Your License Through Proper Nursing Documentation (PHC Publishing Group, 2012). She is a member of the American Nurses Association, American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, past educational board member for the Connecticut Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, and the American Society of Public Administration.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Rosale Lobo is an Adjunct Clinical Faculty for Southern Connecticut State University and Gateway Community College. She receives royalties as an author for PESI Publishing & Media. Ms. Lobo receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Rosale Lobo has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
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