Robert Moss – The Power of Active Dreaming 2025
During this illuminating live video course, you’ll:
- Break through dream droughts and reclaim your lost dreams to bring magic into your waking life
- Grow your own Tree of Vision as a sanctuary for meeting spiritual allies and sparking lucid dream adventures
- Participate in Robert’s Lightning Dreamwork game to share dreams, get actionable insights, and unleash your creativity
- Connect with animal guardians and spiritual teachers to find guidance, protection, and renewed energy
- Communicate with departed loved ones to heal, gain closure, and receive wisdom from your soul family
- Travel to past, future, and parallel realities to reshape your life with the knowledge your dreams reveal
- Tap into your dreams’ diagnostic power to heal body, mind, and spirit using vivid imagery and active imagination
- Spot and act on synchronicities to navigate life like a kairomancer, turning everyday moments into opportunities for magic and meaning
- And much more…
Module 1: Call Back Your Lost Dreams & Bring Magic From Other Worlds Into This One (February 13)

Come to a place where you can reclaim some of the dreams you’ve lost — and start to grow bold and beautiful new ones. Discover and nurture a personal Tree of Vision as a place of sanctuary where you can encounter spiritual allies and a launch pad for adventures in conscious dreaming.
Practice a fast, fun way of sharing dreams and life stories that delivers helpful feedback and leads to action to embody healing and creative energy. This is the heart of real magic: bringing gifts from another world into this one.
Notice, right from the start, that your power as a storyteller is blooming. You’re claiming your voice, stepping out of old, tired stories into bigger and braver ones, and building relationships in heart-centered ways within a fabulous world community of creative spirits who support your soul odyssey.
As you practice Robert’s signature Lightning Dreamwork game, you’ll find that dreamwork is so socially rewarding that any dream drought you’ve been suffering must end to let fresh reports stream through.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to break a dream drought
- How to grow your own Tree of Vision as an inner sanctuary and place of rendezvous with spiritual allies, and a launch pad for shamanic lucid dreaming
- The Lightning Dreamwork game, Robert’s original method for sharing dreams and life stories that always leads to creative action, bringing guidance and energy from the dreamworld into the waking world
- How dreams can be literal, symbolic, experiences of another reality — or all three
- Why we need to take dreams more literally and incidents of waking life more symbolically
- Why dreams, even nightmares, are not on our case, but on our side — and the best prescription for nightmares
Module 2: Fly Beyond Lucid Dreams Like the Ancient Dream Shamans (February 20)

How do you become a shamanic lucid dreamer? You start out conscious and you stay that way. To accomplish this, you need only three things: a clear intention, an image that can serve as a portal, and a means of focusing the mind and fueling the journey.
All these things can become available naturally in the twilight zone of consciousness that researchers call hypnagogia — the state between sleep and waking. Images rise and fall in your mind, and any one can become the gateway for a conscious dream adventure.
An equally simple and natural way to become a shamanic lucid dreamer is to use a remembered dream as the portal for a journey into a deeper reality. A dream is a journey; it is also a place.
You went somewhere in your dream, near or far from the fields you know in your regular life. Because you have been to that place, you can find your way there again to seek wisdom, pursue healing, and glimpse new possibilities.
In this module, you’ll:
- Practice dream reentry, using a dream or personal image as the portal for a shamanic journey
- Travel through a dream portal to confront and resolve a nightmare terror, solve a mystery, or claim a power
- Use the liminal state between sleep and waking as the launch pad for lucid dream adventures
- Dialogue with a dream character
- Construct personal doorways to places of healing, discovery, and initiation in the multiverse
- Have more fun, romance, and adventure in the larger reality
Module 3: Dream With Your Animal Helpers & Spiritual Guides (February 27)

Your authentic spiritual allies and teachers come looking for you in dreams. They put on masks or costumes adapted to your level of understanding. There’s an old Greek saying that “the gods love to travel in disguise.”
When shamans go dreaming, they characteristically operate under the protection and guidance of animal guardians. Forging a close relationship with one or more “power animals” is central to developing the arts of shamanic dream travel and tracking, and invaluable to maintaining healthy boundaries and defending psychic space.
A conscious connection with animal guardians shows you how to follow the natural paths of our energy. A strong working connection with the animal powers brings the ability to shapeshift the energy body and project energy forms that can operate at a distance from the physical body.
Of all the guides and mentors that may become available to you in a lifetime, the most important is a friend of the soul who will never lie to you and never judge you. It is the higher self, which the Sufis beautifully call the “soul of the soul.”
You’ll also be invited to journey to meet a spiritual teacher on the highest level accessible to you now.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to recognize the many forms of the dream guide
- How animal spirits may be seeking you in dreams
- How animals that have shared your life can become shamanic allies
- How to journey to places of power to connect with animal guardians
- How to gain wisdom from the natural habits of your animal spirits, and the folklore and shamanic traditions surrounding them
Module 4: Dream With the Departed & Your Ancestral Soul Family (March 6)

You have natural communication with the departed in our dreams. For many dreamers, this is direct and life-changing evidence of the reality of the soul and its survival of physical death.
The departed appear in your dreams because they have not really left, because they come visiting, or because in dreaming we enter their realms.
These encounters offer us important opportunities for healing, closure, and giving or receiving forgiveness and guidance.
In this module, seek timely and helpful communication with the departed. Share personal experiences and needs, while developing the skills and spiritual resources to serve as guides and healers for survivors —and for the departed themselves.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discern whether the appearance of a deceased person in a dream is a transpersonal encounter or a projection of an aspect of the dreamer
- Clarify the reasons for a visitation (there are 13 main reasons)
- Learn that a beloved animal that shared your life may be a wonderful friend on the Other Side
- Use a dream of the departed as a portal for further communication
- Welcome the departed when they are ready to play counselors and family angels
- Construct simple rituals to honor the departed and facilitate helpful contact when desired
Module 5: Travel to Past, Future & Parallel Times to Change Your Life for the Better (March 13)

You’re a time traveler in your dreams. You travel to past, future, and parallel times — probably every night, whether or not you notice or remember. Learn what is going on in dream excursions to other times and how to follow the tracks to deeper understanding of who you are and where in the world you are.
Discover how you can apply dream information to shape your future for the better. Your dreams are constantly coaching you about challenges and opportunities that lie ahead on the road of life. It’s possible that we rehearse the future in our dreams, though we forget most of it — until later events catch up with a dream, and we experience that sense of déjà vu.
Seeing things in dreams that later happen is called precognition. You also see things that may or may not happen, depending on what you choose to do with the information.
Embark on wide-awake visionary journeys to scout out the possible future for yourself, your family, and your world. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re likely to end up where you’re headed. The future you can see is often a future you can reshape for the better.
In this module, you’ll:
- Clarify information in dreams of the future
- Discern personal markers that indicate when a dream contains a literal advisory about a coming event
- Take appropriate action to avoid an unwanted future event or manifest a desirable one
- Call on shamanic allies to help you see clearly across time and space
- Embark on conscious journeys into the future to gather life-supporting information for yourself or a partner
Module 6: Access Your Personal Dream Doctor to Activate Hidden Sources of Healing for Your Body, Mind & Spirit (March 20)

In your dreams, you have access to a personal doctor who makes house calls, provides an impeccable diagnosis of your physical, emotional, and spiritual condition, and doesn’t charge a cent.
The dream doctor is also a spiritual mentor and friend who shows you the hidden sources of wellness and illness. Dreams are a rich storehouse of imagery for self-healing.
Dreams are also experiences of the soul, and reveal spiritual sources of wellness and illness. The Iroquois say dreams reveal the “secret wishes of the soul” — as opposed to the narrow agendas of the ego.
If you honor your soul’s purpose, as revealed in dreams, you move toward health and balance. In traditional Iroquois practice, it’s the duty of the community to listen to dreams and help the dreamer identify and honor the wishes of the soul.
In this module, you’ll:
- Harness the diagnostic power of dreams
- Stock your mental shelves with healing imagery from dreams and meditation
- Use active imagination and dream re-entry to transform scary dreams and disturbing images
- Recognize and honor the secret wishes of your soul as revealed in dreams
- Travel to real places in the Imaginal Realm, the realm of true imagination, where healing is available
- Practice transtemporal healing by reaching to a younger or older self for mutual support, guidance, and integration
Module 7: Navigate the Dream of Waking Life & Find the Extraordinary in the Ordinary (March 27)

Are you ready to become a kairomancer? Robert invented the word to describe someone who’s ready to notice and act in those special moments of kairos time, when synchronicity is at play and time seems to work differently.
Navigating by synchronicity is the dreamer’s way of operating 24/7. The world speaks to us in the manner of dreams if we are ready to pay attention.
Australian Aborigines say we walk in a speaking land where everything is talking, talking.
In this fun module, play wonderful synchronicity games that give you personal answers to life questions from an oracle constructed exclusively for our circle.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The 9 Rules of Coincidence
- How to do bibliomancy — divination by the book
- How to put your question to the world and get an answer from what Robert calls Sidewalk Tarot
- How to let the world put its questions to you by scheduling unscheduled time to pay attention as you walk in what Baudelaire called “the forest of living symbols that are looking at you”
- How to listen for your daily kledon, a favorite oracle of the ancient Greeks, that works well on any day
- How meaningful coincidences multiply when you’re in motion, traveling outside your familiar rounds, or going through a major life transition
- How what is in your way may be your way
The The Power of Active Dreaming Bonus Offering
In addition to Robert’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Lucid Dreaming & the Elixir of Sleep
Video Dialogue With Robert Moss and Clare Johnson

In this inspiring conversation, Robert and Dr. Clare Johnson, leading expert in lucid dreaming, explore the art and science of lucid dreaming, turning sleep into a gateway for adventure, renewal, and creative problem-solving. Clare shares practical techniques for overcoming nightmares, crafting your own lucid dreams, and embracing the joy of restful, refreshing sleep. With her mantra, “sleep is a gorgeous animal,” Clare invites you to celebrate the full spectrum of sleep and dreams — from navigating hypnagogic states to turning naps into opportunities for spiritual practice.
Together, they delve into how our minds shape our experiences in both waking and dreaming states, encouraging a deeper awareness of the creative power of consciousness. Whether you’re seeking better rest, spiritual growth, or the thrill of nightly adventures, this dialogue will open the door to profound possibilities within your dream life.
Secrets of the Ancient Dream Shamans
Video Lecture by Robert Moss

In this compelling lecture, Robert explores the wisdom of ancient dream shamans, illuminating how their practices can enrich our modern lives. Drawing on Italo Calvino’s description of the shaman as a traveler between worlds who reshapes reality, Robert reveals how ancient shamans used dreams to navigate tribal challenges, guide souls through transitions, scout the future, and bring light to dark times.
Uncover deep insights, including the understanding that dreams are real events occurring in lifeworlds as tangible as the physical, and that dreaming allows you to travel, receive visitations, and access a dream body beyond your physical self. Robert explores how dreams may hold memories of the future, serve as a medium for choosing waking-life events, and mirror the soul’s journey after death.
He also highlights the deep connection between the words for “dream,” “soul,” and “shaman” in Indigenous languages, reflecting the shaman’s role as a master dreamer capable of shifting consciousness and exploring realms beyond the body. This lecture invites you to embrace dreaming as a powerful tool for guidance, transformation, and expanding your perception of reality.
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