Raja Choudhur – Open Your Third Eye 2022
Receive ancient Indian wisdom and practices to activate your gateway to higher consciousness — and access vast reservoirs of peace, stillness, inner light, and divine guidance.

Does opening up a richer, deeper understanding of reality — and unimagined levels of insight, energy, and intuition — seem like it’s only available to the most spiritual of people… skilled mystics, magicians, mentalists, and alchemists?
The truth is, you can cultivate this ability. It all starts by learning to awaken and activate your Third Eye…
For thousands of years, mystics, shamans, seers, and prophets from ancient Egypt to India have used the power of the Third Eye to experience mental clarity and unimaginable bliss by accessing infinite light, visionary states, and divine intelligence.
These mystics developed paranormal powers (or “siddhis”) that mirrored the abilities of magicians, mentalists, and alchemists. Many used plant medicines to achieve these visionary states, which released the chemicals required for the brain to enter the altered states needed for the Third Eye to open.
Long ago, the mystics of India turned inwards and found ways to open the Third Eye without medicines or drugs. They approached this spiritual goal as an esoteric endeavor, and the codes and techniques have been passed down to us through various forms of yoga, breath control, intense concentration, mantras, sacred geometries, and the imagination.
Celebrated spiritual teacher, filmmaker, and speaker Raja Choudhury has researched these codes in depth — and is revealing their secrets in a powerful video course.
In this 9-module journey to the core of your being, Raja will share vital, life-enhancing secrets that have been kept hidden within the walls of mystery schools and the pages of secret doctrines for untold centuries.
He’ll teach you how to open your Third Eye in a gentle, safe, tested, and painless way to ensure that you comfortably assimilate all the mind-expanding new information you receive… enabling you to discover true inner illumination and access the vast cosmic intelligence. You’ll gain access to the enlightened terrains once reserved for a select few spiritual initiates.
You’ll learn to function in your life more fully — living more creatively and harmoniously, understanding people and their motives in a far deeper way, letting go of destructive patterns and habits, and navigating life with more certainty and better results.
Raja will empower you to develop skills of higher consciousness, access your deepest intuition in decision making, manifest new realities, and attract only the highest and most pure energies into your life.
As you’ll discover, it’s all possible through the opening of your Third Eye… the seat of your consciousness… the bridge between ordinary you and superconscious you.
Your Third Eye is the portal to bringing light and wisdom to your soul and the means of seeing the world from a higher vantage as an unfolding mosaic of energy and intention, light and shadow. When you open it, you are given a backstage pass to understand reality on a wholly different level.

Raja has long been involved in exploratory research around the Third Eye. Most recently, he’s been collaborating with the SEMA Lab at the University of Arizona Center for Consciousness Studies, researching the role of endogenous DMT. Their collaborative work explores exactly what happens when the brain goes beyond a state of mindfulness and tranquility toward intention — using mantras and breath control.
These new insights into the Third Eye help us better focus on our inner work at a time when it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain.
Raja, who has been initiated in many lineages and received various transmissions that empowered him as a spiritual teacher, has also lived a full life in the world as a media producer and a family man. He’s thus skilled at teaching you how to work with these secret teachings and energies while understanding your commitment to honor your daily responsibilities and be firmly grounded in the world.
Join Raja for powerful nine modules where you’ll activate your gateway to higher consciousness and access profound stillness, inner light, and divine guidance — as you open your Third Eye and tap into the ultimate source of peace, intuition, and bliss.
During this 9-module video course, you’ll:
- Discover what the Third Eye is and explore what would happen if you opened it and how it could transform your life
- Explore the latest theories on the biology of the Third Eye and how it relates to the midbrain region, the pineal gland, biophotons, DMT, CSF, and the parasympathetic nervous system
- Gain entry into Brahma’s Cave — a complete, light-filled universe within and the portal to your superconscious higher mind
- Learn to become a Sky Walker and navigate the vast dome of your superconscious mind
- Understand the play of Shiva and Shakti in you and how opening your Third Eye is connected to your inner suns and the Kundalini Shakti
- Prepare your body for awakening by tethering yourself to the Earth and opening your lower 3 chakras and your nadis (subtle channels of energy) before becoming a Sky Walker in the higher regions of consciousness
- Learn how to shut down your senses, and train your outer and inner eyes to prepare you to see the Inner Sky (your personal stargate) and open your Third Eye
- Be initiated into ancient breaths, mudras, yantras, and mantras that will activate your chakras and focus your mind on the Agya chakra (Third Eye)
- Discover the secret beej mantras that activate the power and magic of Shiva meditating and the Shaktis inside your Brahma’s Cave
- Learn the secrets of intention, stillness, surrender, and manifestation, and be guided through a short meditation with Raja in working with this inner light
- Design your own sacred place in your mind where you can act as an intermediary between the vast consciousness beyond and the world you live in
- Discover the secret to real manifestation — the art of visualization and surrender
What You’ll Discover in These 9 Modules
In this 9-part transformational intensive, Raja will guide you through ancient Indian wisdom and practices to activate your gateway to higher consciousness — and access vast reservoirs of peace, stillness, inner light, and divine guidance.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Raja. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to open your portal to higher consciousness and explore the ultimate source of peace, intuition, and bliss.
Module 1: The Tantric & Yogic Paths to Opening the Third Eye

Raja will begin with an introduction to the Third Eye. You’ll explore what the Tantrics and ancient Indians believed it was and how it could change your life.
You’ll compare these concepts with other ancient cultures, modern neuroscience, the biology of the pineal gland, and the work being done with hallucinogenic entheogens and plant medicines.
Raja will guide you in an exploration of different avenues you can take to open the Third Eye, and how they evolved in India using just pure breath, mantras, yantras (sacred geometries), mudras, and intense concentration and awareness.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover what the Tantrics and yogis believe is the Third Eye and how opening it can transform your life
- Experience a simple and powerful 15-minute meditation and energization exercise to slowly and gently begin to link Heaven and Earth and open your Third Eye
- See your body as a microcosm for the intelligence of the entire universe, and how the Third Eye is a stargate to accessing and awakening this intelligence within you
- Discover the biology of the Third Eye in the midbrain and the pineal gland
- Learn how the Third Eye is part of an elaborate inner cosmology of subtle energy channels called nadis, energy centers, chakras, or lotuses, and subtle sound, light, and energy systems
- Learn your first mantras that you can practice immediately to see the light within you
Module 2: The Vibrating Energy Universe, Prana & the 36 Tattwas

The entire universe is spanda, or a construct of vibrations between consciousness, energy, and matter… between Shiva and Shakti… between light and dark.
All energy and matter arise from this field, and there are 36 levels of vibrations or frequencies between Earth and the Universal Light, or the singular Source of all consciousness.
Raja will show you how to feel these vibratory levels, bring them into your being as prana (life-force energy), and experience transformation as you distribute them through your entire subtle nadi system.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover that the essence of the entire universe is made up of spanda, as the ancient Tantrics called it — pure energy, frequency, and vibration (Yes, Tesla was right!)
- Learn how that energy flows through the seen universe as prana, enters into all matter, and sits waiting as Shakti
- Explore how to bring that prana into your body with a 15-minute energization training
- Discover the magic of the sun and how it can awaken more than just your senses through the process of tratak
- Map the 36 tattwas, or vibratory elements, of your being and learn to go from Earth to Heaven through breath, food, sex, music, creativity, or any other means
- Learn a series of simple observations from the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra that can help you bring this energy into your life at any time and raise your consciousness
Module 3: Shut Up to Wake Up

Before you can learn to navigate your inner space, you must learn to ground yourself in energy and the Earth — so you can return easily from your heady adventures.
Raja will show you how to, as he says, “shut up and shut down” your lower reptilian brain — and learn to become fearless, control your urges, and get rid of bad karma and psychic luggage.
You’ll also discover how you sit on the Earth — and how your evolution as a human being began at this base, then rose up your spinal cord to develop your neocortex (which you’re very reliant on today!).
By returning to the Earth and your lower centers, you’ll explore how to ground and become fearless, strong, healthy, and in control of all your urges as you prepare to take flight as a Sky Walker.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore your evolutionary nature as a being rising from Earth consciousness to Universal Consciousness
- Discover your reptilian or animal brain and how it controls your life
- Explore your nadi system — the subtle channels that carry prana through your whole body, especially 3 in particular: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna
- Learn the secrets of the 5 Elements and how they relate to our chakras
- Discover the breaths, bandhas (locks), mantras, and mudras of the First Sun, Second Sun, and the lower 4 chakras, and how they prepare us for higher consciousness
- Learn how to surge the energy upwards through Ida, Pingala, and the Sushumna nadis to open the Third Eye
Module 4: The Power of Inner Listening, Inner Seeing & Inner Sensing

As you learn to control and work with prana and your nadis, and to control your lower brain, teaching the upper brain (neocortex) to “shut up” becomes just as important, as it tends to overanalyze everything and cannot stop chattering.
In Tantra, the upper chattering mind (seen in people who are headstrong, impractical, and arrogant) is called chanda, and the lower body of fear and complexes (seen in people who act without understanding) is called munda. As Raja will explain, you must become Chamunda, an embodied form of Kali energy who comes out of us to destroy both these demons by cutting off their heads.
Then you get some inner quiet and you can begin the process of training yourself to truly hear, see, and feel your inner world.
Your upward journey begins…
In this module, you’ll:
- Understand how to shut your chattering mind and find inner quiet — in other words, you will learn to shut it up!
- Learn the art of inner listening and discover the Magic Flute inside of you that plays the music of the chakras
- Be initiated in the Hum Sah breath and the art of bringing cosmic intelligence into your body from above
- Learn to shut down all sounds except Aum and train yourself for inner seeing — by practicing tratak, a candle-focused meditation
- Learn the secret of using jyotis (flames) and sacred mandalas to part the veils within (avarana) and open the gates to Brahma’s Cave
- Be initiated into secret mantras for dissolution of the ego at the throat and the opening of the sky above
Module 5: Brahma’s Cave, Tarini & the Sky Walker

As you learn to become still, listen deeply, and see inwards, you’ll begin to discover a complete universe in your midbrain, or limbic brain region.
The Tantrics called this Brahma’s Cave, and it is always seen as a vast, cavernous space inside our head, which was home to a beautiful Shiva Linga, which we now know represents the pineal gland.
When properly navigated and activated, this cave was filled with light and gave us access to a higher star that came to us as a goddess or Shakti called Tarini (or Tara, literally meaning “star”) that leads to the dimensions above in the vibrating universe. She provides the gateway to our superconscious higher minds.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn the secret mantras or codes to enter Brahma’s Cave and experience the vast Blue Sky and Inner Cosmos that await you
- Be initiated into a special breath and mudra called Khechari, which will create a circuit between you, Earth, and Heaven through Brahma’s Cave
- Be taught the secrets of Soma and Amrit (immortality) and how hacking this cave will give you access to the elixir of life and eternal bliss
- Understand how to meditate on the Linga inside Brahma’s Cave through focus, breath, a special mantra, and techniques of concentration
- Learn how to see the stargate of Tara using the Jyoti Mudra
Module 6: Lalitha Tripura Sundari & the Power of Shakti’s Grace

The ancient Tantrics described the intelligence that controls everything in the body, energy, and matter as Shakti — the sacred feminine energy of desire, realization, and dissolution.
Your entire body is made up of Shaktis that are all essential subtle energies or powers that are actually but one take on multiple aspects or forms.
When you learn to turn on a switch inside or hack their powers, something magical turns on in the astral dimension, and then something instantly turns on at the causal, or Source level. This means that learning to wake up Shaktis in your body aligns you with the cosmos.
Raja will guide you through the Shaktis and introduce you to Kundalini and the Devis that make this whole journey even more delightful. You’ll meet Shyama (the Shakti of the Heart), Varahi (the Goddess of the Third Eye), and Lalitha Tripura Sundari (the Goddess of the Three Cities), who sits on the Thousand Petals of the Crown chakra.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the meanings and stories behind Shyama, Varahi, and Lalitha Tripura Sundari from the ancient scriptures of Dattatreya and Parashurama
- Learn ways you can please these energies to connect with your sixth-sense powers, open your Third Eye, and find the secret to bliss, creativity, abundance, and immortality
- Learn how to meditate on these energies — and explore the secret yantras (symbols) that allow us access to their powers
- Be initiated into the sacred mantras of the 3 Shaktis to help you awaken everything
Module 7: Conversations With the Void — The Dance of Shiva & Shakti

To truly develop mastery over your Third Eye for manifestation, intuition, clairvoyance, clairsentience, creativity, power, and bliss, you must learn to become completely still, experience real silence, and enter the domain of the Void — Shunya, Samadhi, or Bhairav.
This fourth state of consciousness where we blur into a new reality is called the Turiya state.
Through his studies of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, the seminal Tantric teachings on the dance of Shiva and Shakti in spanda, Raja will teach you how to steady your mind into a state of Samyama so you can begin to manifest and visualize new realities.
You’ll discover that the Void is not scary or empty at all, but a blissful, throbbing, vibrating state full of love and happiness, from which all things come into being.
In this module, you’ll:
- Understand how to experience the Void and to turn on that state of consciousness at any time, even while doing your normal activities
- Explore how to step into the Void and return to the world like a magician between 2 breaths
- Learn how to still reality so you can redesign it from the Void
- Be introduced to the Vajra — the lightning path to Third Eye awakening — and how it can bring vast intelligence into your life
- Realize that the Void is the source of all intelligence and wisdom — and that meditating on it through the Third Eye brings about real magic
- Receive 7 meditations that will change your life
Module 8: The Art & Magic of the White Monastery

One of the secret paths to working with your Third Eye is creating a sacred place that’s completely your own private inner space, from where you can travel to multiverses and higher Turiya consciousness and bring back vast intelligence and wisdom to your waking life.
Raja will share how you can become an alchemist who traverses two worlds — and how you can join the shamans and seers who came before you and transformed the world in their own ways.
One of the greatest alchemists, magicians, wizards, and Tantrics in the tradition of Abhinav Gupta, Gorakshanath, Hermes Trismegistus, and Merlin, was a Buddhist Tantric named Padmasambhava, better known as Guru Rinpoche, who was the founding figure of Buddhism in Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan. His monasteries of the Rinpoche sect are the most beautiful places for meditation and self-realization. Real gateways to the Void.
Raja will teach you how to create your own monastery or virtual reality cave where you can download vast intelligence from the collective consciousness and then bring it into the world and make magic in people’s lives.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn deep relaxation techniques, slowing down the breath, and developing tranquil silence and equanimity through the 3 stages of Aum and immersion in the White Cloud
- Experience Raja’s guided meditation to create your own sacred garden, sacred White Monastery, and gateway to opening the door through your Third Eye to the visionary states
- Discover your inner guide or angel, how to communicate with them, and how to let them guide you to the answers you seek
- Learn to see your inner screen, which will show you answers to all your questions
- Explore how to see and then design any reality you wish and how that manifests in the world through the heart and surrender
Module 9: Shreem & the Power of Manifestation Through Absolute Surrender

As you move into this final module of the course, you’ve discovered many ways to open your Third Eye and bring deeper information and intuition into your life.
But how do you learn to use this wisdom and manifest magic in your life without having your ego and the chattering mind take over again?
In Tantra, the secret is the complete surrender to the Heart Center, the Hridaya, the Anahata, the home of your Jeev Atman, your true Self. The Soul. No me. Everything. By bringing your visions down to your heart and surrendering them to the universe, you acknowledge that you are not in control, but will willingly become a channel for Universal Energy to come into this world.
Raja will teach you sacred Kaula Tantra meditations and mantras that enable you to take all your visions and dreams and turn them into reality through your heart.
In this closing module, you’ll discover how to:
- Experience the Sacred Pillar of Light, Full Heart Awakening, the White Lotus, the White Pearl, and the Golden Linga
- Bring your visions and desires from your Third Eye down to your heart and surrender them there
- Chant Shreem and the sacred mantra of Maha Lakshmi as magical incantations
- See your vision already fulfilled and leave it to the Shakti energies to bring alive
- Live between the body, the heavens, the Third Eye, and the heart
- Go silent and experience complete and total bliss — where all desires will seem meaningless and everything begins to flow in perfection!
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