Penelope Smith – Advanced Animal Whispering 2024
Penelope Smith’s Advanced Animal Whispering 2024 course teaches advanced techniques for deepening communication with animals through telepathic connection, helping participants strengthen their intuitive abilities and enhance their understanding of animal behaviors and emotions. The course focuses on cultivating a stronger bond with animals, using energy and intention to facilitate healing and resolve behavioral issues, while also exploring the spiritual and energetic realms of interspecies communication.
During this advanced course, you’ll:
- Receive access to Penelope’s 7-week introductory course to work through on your own first — so you can rediscover your innate skill of telepathic communication with other species using advanced skills, tools, and practices — an ability everyone has — and be ready to dive into THIS advanced course
- Discover your challenges and strengths that impact your interspecies telepathic communication skills
- More easily process animals’ departure from this life when you understand how animals view death and dying
- Use shamanic journeying as a vital transformational tool for spiritual support, solving problems, and healing yourself and the animals in your life
- Learn about your power animal and how to access their guidance and wisdom anytime
- Transform your worldview as you expand the types of animals you can connect with
- Explore how your challenges and difficulties with animals may be sources of growth and healing for you
- Address animals’ illness and release energy blocks by scanning animals’ bodies
- Practice the professional approach of remaining in the neutral zone during consultations — respecting and not judging or reacting to what clients say or do as you stay grounded and centered
- Complement the work of veterinarians with your new shamanic and spiritual healing practices
- Communicate with the leaders and ambassadors of other species to make a positive difference for all of life
What You’ll Discover in These 12 Weeks
In this 12-week transformational course, Penelope will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to expand your interspecies communication skills to fulfill your purpose and be of service to the world.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Penelope and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Penelope’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Course Sessions Wednesdays
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Penelope. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to enrich your life with a deeper soul-to-soul partnership with animals.
If you have not experienced Penelope’s teachings before, you’re welcome to join this next-level course but we ask that you complete the foundational 7-module Become an Animal Whisperer program on your own as a prerequisite. It will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.
Module 1: Refine Your Interspecies Communication Skills to Overcome Challenges & Amplify Your Telepathic Connection With Animals (November 6)

As this journey begins, Penelope will guide you to focus on your strengths and challenges — to zero in on exactly how to most effectively build your interspecies telepathic communication skills.
In this module, Penelope will guide you through a review of essential practices for opening and developing your telepathic communication skills with animals and other species. This review will help you understand how to fine-tune your abilities by increasing your awareness of what may either enhance or hinder your communication abilities.
To further your progress, you’ll participate in an exercise where you’ll ask a variety of questions to a member of Penelope’s animal family. With personalized feedback and coaching, you’ll learn how to improve your reception, remove obstacles, and gain a clearer and deeper understanding of the messages animals are sharing.
In this opening module, you’ll:
- Zero in on your strong and weak points that inform your interspecies telepathic communication
- Clearly state your intentions for joining the course and what you hope to discover, so Penelope can guide you most effectively
- Share in groups with other participants your challenges, strong points, and intentions for this course for support and increased clarity
- Explore the foundation course tools for more awareness of how to help yourself go further
- Improve your practice of working with an animal teacher through a variety of questions for a member of Penelope’s animal family
- Receive coaching on how to be more accurate and complete in your communication
- Practice in groups with other participants, asking questions of other people’s animal friends
Module 2: Communicate With Animal Spirits & Understand How They View Dying So You Can Better Process Their Death (November 13)

Penelope will explain how you and your animal family members can have attachments that make it hard to let go in the dying process — and steps you can take to make it easier for all.
You’ll learn how to know whether animals need assistance in dying, when they’re ready to go, and what animals experience in the spiritual realm when they die.
Penelope will explain how you can let go of guilt surrounding their death, and discern whether your animal friends will reincarnate and come back to you.
You’ll receive inside information on how animals view death via direct answers from animals who have died.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover questions you can ask deceased animals to know you are really communicating with them
- Communicate with a member of Penelope’s animal family who has died
- Share in groups with other participants and communicate with others’ animals in spirit
- Ask animals to help you with your fears or misgivings about dying and death
- Receive a meditation practice to contact animal friends in spirit and ask questions about their life on Earth, dying, their experience in the spiritual realm, and any special communications for you
Module 3: Form Alliances With Nature’s Kingdoms to Increase Your Spiritual Connection & Communication With All of Life (November 20)

You’ll learn how animals, plants, mountains, waters, and other land formations — and even protozoans, algae, bacteria, and fungi — can be your guides.
Penelope will explain how communication with animals, plants, minerals, and elementals each feels different. You’ll add all the other kingdoms as allies in your life, increasing the feeling of oneness and dissolving feelings of isolation.
You’ll learn to add your hands as sensors to feel the power of your body as a telepathic receiving station, moving you out of thinking and into whole body feeling.
Penelope will guide you to communicate directly with representatives of the plant and mineral kingdoms — and receive their potent energy transmission and wisdom to expand your awareness.
In this module, you’ll:
- Find out how you can become friends with members of all of Nature’s kingdoms — and how they can guide and help you
- Experience a guided exercise to learn from and feel the power, wisdom, and benevolence of plant and mineral kingdoms
- Use photos to meet and connect with the largest single-trunk tree by volume in the world, General Sherman, a giant sequoia in California
- Expand your friendship with other kingdoms by connecting and communicating with other beings you can visit or are familiar with — including bodies of water, trees, and other plants, fungi, mountains, clouds, rocks, or other land formations
Module 4: Discover Power Animals as Allies to Boost Your Telepathic Connection and Healing Power (December 4)

Shamanism is the ancient, Indigenous, widespread practice of accessing direct spiritual revelation to guide you on your life journey.
Shamanic journeys can be a vital transformational tool for spiritual support, solving problems, healing oneself, and helping others.
Penelope has found that retrieving a lost power animal or linking up with your special animal guide for this course expands your ability to telepathically communicate with other species during and after the course.
You’ll learn about working with your power animal in daily life and doing shamanic journeys for personal guidance and healing for self and others. This alliance provides partnered access to other realms that directly enhance your earthly life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore shamanism and how it can support you in your interspecies telepathic journey
- Learn how your power animal empowers you, increasing your confidence and ability
- Find out how to form a working relationship with your power animal that’s mutually supportive
- Participate in a shamanic journey to recover your power animal
- Dance your power animal to activate your connection and embody the energy and positive qualities of your power animal’s entire species
Module 5: Experience Shamanic Journeys With Your Power Animal to Access Guidance for All Species (December 11)

Penelope will explain how to work with your power animal so you always have access to help when you need it.
After forming a bond with your power animal by dancing your power animal, you’ll now practice how to journey to receive their guidance.
You’ll learn how to facilitate a shamanic journey to help an animal family member and how to use the Animal Spirit Call journey drumming track at home.
In this module, you’ll:
- Start to feel how your power animal helps increase your telepathic communication power
- Journey to the realm of your power animal for your own guidance to help out with a personal problem or question you have
- Learn how to facilitate a shamanic journey for your own life guidance
- Practice helping animals and other species with shamanic journeys
Module 6: Expand the Types of Animals You Can Connect With to Transform Your Worldview (December 18)

Communicating with animals often begins with those you’re familiar and comfortable with, such as cats, dogs, and horses…
In this module, you’ll get to stretch your boundaries.
You’ll focus on animals you don’t know very well or that are outside your comfort zone, such as rats, snakes, spiders, and large carnivores.
Penelope will guide you to communicate with animals that are scary or repulsive to you, or animals you never thought were intelligent or interesting.
Prepare for surprising revelations and insightful breakthroughs that can transform your way of looking at other beings.
In this module, you’ll:
- Stretch your limits when it comes to the types of animals you’re comfortable communicating with
- Discover what “scarier” or less-familiar animals have to share with the world — and can teach you about your life
- Cultivate a new positive understanding of the animals you might prefer to avoid during Penelope’s meditative exercise
- Shift to a greater openness, relaxation, and understanding of all beings
Module 7: Cultivate a Growing Partnership With Animal Companions to Help Each Other on Your Life Journeys (January 8)

People often think of their animal companions as dependents who they take care of. They may not see animals as fellow beings on life’s journey.
The truth is, animals are here to fulfill their purposes and advance spiritually and also have a special relationship with you.
Being close to animals gives you an opportunity to recognize and cultivate their role as your teachers and guides.
Penelope will guide you to ask spiritually-oriented and emotionally deep questions that not only reveal animals’ awareness, but show how they can teach and guide you.
The bigger picture of why animals are with us also helps you understand the spiritual nature of other people’s relationships with animals, increasing your ability to be of service.
In this module, you’ll:
- Elevate and deepen the conversation with animals as teachers and guides
- Explore how challenges with animals may be sources of growth and healing for you
- Discern your animal friend’s purpose in life and in relationship to you
- Participate in an exercise to reveal how your animal friends are your teachers and guides
- Enrich your life with a deeper soul-to-soul partnership with animals
Module 8: Communicate With Your Closest Animal Friend — Your Own Body — for Greater Wellbeing (January 15)

Your human body is your closest animal friend. We do our best to keep our animal companions healthy; it makes sense to do the same for our own bodies.
You unconsciously transmit emotions, stresses, and thoughts to your body, sometimes creating illness. You’ll learn to consciously communicate with your body to find out what’s going on when your body hurts and what it may need to feel better.
You’ll use your hands to scan and telepathically sense energy blockages in your own body, as well as animals’ bodies. Scanning is not used to diagnose illness, which is for trained medical professionals. You’ll use it to gain an understanding of what the body is experiencing, to better assess what health protocol might be helpful, and to help release energetic blockages.
In this module, you’ll:
- Begin to look at your human body as your most intimate animal friend
- Communicate telepathically with your body to find out what’s going on when your body hurts and what may help it feel better
- Use your hands to scan your body to get more information about what hurts and how to help yourself feel better
- Help your body feel better with telepathic hand sensing and healing
Module 9: Communicate With & Energetically Scan Animals’ Bodies to Discern What May Need Attention & Help Release Blockages (January 22)

Sometimes our animal friends feel ill but don’t understand what’s going on or what could help them when we ask. Communicating with an animal’s body can provide missing and helpful information.
Our animal friends also have emotions and stresses that can affect their bodies, sometimes creating illness. We’ll communicate with their bodies to find out what’s going on when they hurt and what the body may need to feel better.
We’ll learn how to use our hands to scan and telepathically sense energy blockages or weaknesses in our animal companions’ bodies. Scanning is not used to diagnose illness, which is for veterinarians to do. We’ll use it to get more understanding of what the body is experiencing, to better decide what health protocol might be helpful, and to help release energetic blockages.
In this module, you’ll:
- Use your hands to scan an animal’s body to get more information about what hurts
- Communicate with body parts that may feel blocked, weak, or need help
- Communicate with your animal friend’s whole body to find out what’s going on when the body hurts and what may help it feel better
- Help your animal friend feel better with telepathic hand sensing and healing
Module 10: Successfully Structure In-Person & Remote Animal Consultations to Effectively Solve Problems & Be of Service (January 29)

Penelope will explain the most effective structure for a problem-solving consultation with people and their animal companions.
You’ll explore the difference between working in-person and long distance, and learn to cultivate an effective telepathic connection,no matter the distance.
You’ll adopt a professional, effective approach of remaining in the neutral zone — respecting and not judging or reacting to what clients say or do as you stay grounded and centered.
You’ll learn to stay telepathically in tune with the animal and their person to deliver the animal’s communication with the right words and compassionate feeling — so it comes across in a way that the person can accept and understand.
In this module, you’ll:
- Experience the joy of facilitating more harmony and understanding for those who ask for our help
- Learn how to ask the right questions and work as a team with people and their animal companions to resolve problems
- Participate in a group practice guided by Penelope that focuses on a problem a person is having with an animal companion with feedback on the results
- Practice leading consultations with other people and their animal friends — and build confidence in your ability to help others with your interspecies telepathic communication skills
Module 11: Add to the Healing Power of Your Animal Communication Skills as You Work Energetically With Animal Illness or Injury (February 5)

When an animal is ill or injured, the veterinarian’s job is to handle the physical condition. Despite their best efforts, psychosomatic or stress-related elements can cause, worsen, or prolong physical discomfort…
Animal communication and healing energy practices are an ideal complement to the work of a veterinarian — addressing the emotional, mental, and spiritual components of illness.
Penelope will guide you to extend the use of your hands through a powerful but simple practice used throughout human history — hands-on and distance energetic healing.
As Penelope will explain, everyone, including you, has the power to channel healing energy from the Universe through their hands to help others — without draining any energy from their bodies.
You’ll take the shamanic and spiritual healing practices you’ve learned in this course and use them to help animals in distress to complement veterinary help, adding a new dimension of healing power to your animal communication.
In this module, you’ll:
- Practice energetic healing with a member of Penelope’s animal family
- Learn which questions to ask to find out how the animal feels and whether energetic healing will be helpful
- Use shamanic journeys or healing hands with other animals who are not feeling well
- Feel the value of using energetic healing practices as an addition to communicating with animals
Module 12: Communicate With the Leaders of Other Species to Make a Positive Difference for All Life on Earth (February 12)

Are you concerned about the state of the planet and the amount of environmental degradation and harm to other species? You may feel overwhelmed about how to help restore balance…
There are trillions of other beings on the planet who are already doing their part in the web of life to create harmony. And throughout this course, you’ve been communicating with them!
As Penelope will explain, it’s also possible to communicate with leaders of species or groups of animals, plants, and more.
These leaders, representatives, ambassadors, or oversouls convey the collective wisdom of their kind and welcome your engagement with them to learn and cooperate in planetary healing. You’ll learn how to get their input on what needs to be done for them, their ecosystem, and the whole planet.
You’ll have a joyful role in a new paradigm of harmony for all on our planet with the healing force of trillions behind you!
In this closing module, you’ll:
- Find out about the role of other species in planetary healing
- Do an exercise to communicate with leaders of species or groups of animals, plants, and other life forms
- Discover through telepathic communication with other species and life forms how you can team up with them to heal the planet
- Continue to create a healing paradigm of cooperation with all the beings of Earth
Penelope’s Become an Animal Whisperer Introductory Course Is Included!

This intensive builds upon the core teachings from the 7-module program, Become an Animal Whisperer. When you purchase the 12-module intensive, you gain access to this powerful resource as well! You can complete the core teachings at your leisure, but it’s best to begin before the new sessions start.
This 7-module introductory program features weekly practical exercises for communicating with other species — and forging deeper connections with your animal companions and your own inner wisdom and joy. In seven sessions, you’ll learn how to telepathically communicate with your animal friends by shifting your consciousness — with time-tested methods and real-time practices.
Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to deepen your connection with the animals around you, and bring peace, harmony, and joy into your own life.
Module 1: Laying the Foundation for Effective All-Species Communication & Deeper Animal Connections
Module 2: Reawaken Your Telepathic Animal Connection & Discover How Animal Communication Works for You
Module 3: Practice Your Telepathic Senses With Verification From a Partner & Discover Which Channels Are Open to You
Module 4: A Master-Level Exercise to Experience All-Species Telepathic Communication
Module 5: Practice Being Calmly Present So You Can Avoid Projecting Your Thoughts & Emotions Onto Animals
Module 6: Use Your Imagination to Communicate With Animals & Further Develop Your Telepathic Communication Skills
Module 7: Practical Applications to Solve Communication Problems You’ll Encounter as You Bring These Practices Into Your Daily Life
PLUS, you’ll get the Become an Animal Whisperer Bonus Offering
Bonus #1
Five Articles From Species Link: The Journal of Interspecies Telepathic Communication
PDF of Articles From Author and Journal-Founding Publisher Penelope Smith
Bonus #2
Animal Talk: Interspecies Telepathic Communication
Ebook by Penelope Smith
The original price of Become an Animal Whisperer on its own was $349, but it’s INCLUDED in your registration for the advanced course!
The Advanced Animal Whispering Bonus Offering
In addition to Penelope’s transformative 12-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
When you register TONIGHT, Wednesday, October 30, by Midnight Pacific, you’ll receive the bonus below as an extra gift:
Animal Awareness of Life & Death
PDF Excerpt From the Book Animals in Spirit by Penelope Smith

Penelope Smith’s book, Animals in Spirit, offers a comforting, informative guide to facing and embracing the cycle of life and death in the animal kingdom — and transforms the often painful loss of a beloved animal into a journey of understanding and connection. Through poignant true stories and insights, Chapter 1: “Animal Awareness of Life and Death,” explores the experiences of animals and their humans around dying, death, and the life beyond. You’ll learn how to transcend feelings of loss and separation, maintaining a heartfelt connection with their animal companions in spirit. You’ll gain a compassionate view of the dying process from the animals’ perspectives, and discover how animals may intentionally choose their life and death paths, navigate the complexities of guilt and grief, and make decisions about euthanasia.
Register by October 30 to claim this bonus before it expires.
Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!
Animal Spirit Call
Audio From Penelope Smith

Embrace your ancestral roots with our Spirit Power Circle, a vibrant experience that depends on your connection to all life through chant, dance, drum, and song. This audio recording, which is highly requested by students of our Advanced Interspecies Communication courses, captures the essence of our energy-gathering drumming and chanting sessions, inspired by the Native American Medicine Wheel. The Student Power Song, created during these sessions, has been sung worldwide, calling in the spirits of all directions. Carry this powerful practice into your daily life, and maintain a spiritual connection no matter where you are.
Who Animals Really Are
PDF Excerpts From the Book When Animals Speak by Penelope Smith

Experience deep, life-changing revelations directly communicated from the animals in these chapters from Penelope’s book When Animals Speak. In Chapter 1, “Who Animals Really Are,” and Chapter 3, “Our Healers, Teachers, and Guides,” you’ll discover the true essence of animals and other life forms — understanding their self-perception, feelings about humans, and perspectives on life and death. Learn how they consciously choose their life paths and the profound depth of their spiritual insights and purposes. These chapters reveal how animals can teach, heal, and guide us back to wholeness, integrating our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.
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