Miranda Macpherson – The Way of Grace 2024
Miranda Macpherson’s course, “The Way of Grace 2024,” offers a transformative spiritual journey centered around the concept of grace and its profound impact on personal and spiritual growth. Participants will explore practices and teachings that foster a deeper connection to their inner selves, allowing them to release limiting beliefs and fears. The course emphasizes cultivating compassion, presence, and authenticity, guiding individuals to navigate life with greater ease and joy. Through meditation, self-inquiry, and heart-centered exercises, students will learn to embody grace in their everyday lives, promoting healing and a more profound sense of inner peace. This program is ideal for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and embrace the transformative power of grace.
During this course The Way of Grace, you’ll:
- Discover the 4 Dimensions of Grace — and how they can support your surrender process
- Cultivate the Pillars of Awakening, that dissolve ego obstacles and nurture your essential qualities
- Learn how Ego Relaxation addresses the primary block to Grace — the belief that “I am separate” and “it’s all up to me”
- Receive practical keys for recognizing and resetting when you’ve been triggered into reactivity — and returning to peace and graceful action
- Navigate conflict and differences with a wise and loving heart
- Embrace curiosity to release fixed positions — and learn how to expand inwardly into your body, heart, and mind
- Activate spiritual resilience to better navigate every stage of the path
- Learn how to find your way with prayer, wherever you are on the path — including how to pray with and for others
- Become more spiritually elegant, responsive, and mature during times of uncertainty and challenge
- Discover how to get the most out of any mantra — through understanding its meaning, opening to its transmission, and engaging its supplementary practices (visualizations)
- Drop the knife of judgment — shifting your allegiance from the nagging inner critic of your conditioning to the guiding reality of the spiritual heart
- Finally forgive yourself — and your human misunderstandings on the nature of reality
Miranda has become one of the most respected spiritual teachers of our day for a reason: She truly puts her teachings on Grace into practice. She’s navigated many hardships with a resolute clarity to see each as an act of Grace in service to liberation, which offers powerful modeling for us all.
Her time-tested spiritual method centers on a practice she calls Ego Relaxation, the spiritual practice that invites you to be deeply present and open-soften-allow all parts of your experience while doing nothing to change, fix, or rearrange your experience. This is how ego gives way, and your true Divine nature shines forth.
Ego Relaxation is the psycho-spiritual process to make Grace real. It helps you lovingly recognize and integrate all parts of yourself — even those you’re uncomfortable with and that seem to be obstacles to awakening. And in doing so, you begin to see life’s challenges as happening FOR you rather than to you.
When you learn to be deeply present, open, and undefended with your experience, unnecessary stress and suffering dissolve. You become more receptive to the wellspring of Grace that is already within, available to help awaken and guide you in every situation.
This ends the struggle and returns you to the flow. You begin experiencing yourself in and as part of the love that animates this world — able to move beyond the consciousness of fear and separation.
This is how Grace comes alive within you and brings the blessings and support necessary to live in spiritual depth — and be of benefit to others.
By the end of this course, you will have gained a foundation of expanded inner support to be present and open to all parts of your experience. You will have greater awareness of your ego, and greater compassion and wisdom in navigating the egos of others.
You will gain greater access to your noble qualities, opening to a substantial shift in your identity, ultimately becoming a deeper, wiser, kinder, and more graceful human being in daily life.
What You’ll Discover in These 15 Weeks
In this 15-week transformational intensive, Miranda will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to relax into life’s challenges with understanding, compassion, and forgiveness.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Miranda and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Miranda’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Course Sessions Wednesdays
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Miranda. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to open to the Divine Presence of Grace that’s already within you.
Module 1: Grace, Surrender, and the Practice of Ego Relaxation to Dissolve Separation & Become More Open & Present (October 30, November 6)

Grace is much more than a beautiful state that fills your heart with gratitude. It is the practical key to evolving into our highest spiritual possibilities — and it’s the key to helping us show up in this world with virtue and maturity.
According to Miranda, Grace has four primary dimensions — each helps us embody our highest possibilities as human beings.
All four dimensions of Grace come alive through surrender, which is really a matter of Ego Relaxation, a transmission and practice that brings Grace alive from within and helps you learn to get out of your own way — and let the inherent intelligence within you come online.
During the first two weeks of class, you’ll explore the four dimensions of Grace and how to begin softening and opening to your full experience of life, letting go of ego defensiveness and conditioned responses as you melt back into the noble qualities of your pure being.
You’ll discover more about what Grace is — and how you can begin to gain greater access to it… and how surrender is not something your ego can do, but rather something you can learn to allow as you relax the ego.
As you become more deeply present, open, and undefended with all parts of your experience, you’ll begin to turn more substantially within and let go of separation, fear, and the need to control.
You can learn to relax your resistance, understanding that the Grace you need to deepen is always right where you are — but only if you let go of the reins of control.
You’ll also explore ego-efforting as the greatest block to Grace that keeps you seeking but never truly finding, as well as how you can address the root of this spiritual conundrum… drop your spiritual struggle… and relax back into the flow of Divine Presence.
In the first two sessions, you’ll explore:
- Your relationship with Grace in all 4 of its dimensions — taking a spiritual inventory of where you are on the path
- How Ego Relaxation addresses the primary block to Grace — the belief that “I am separate” and “it’s all up to me”
- How Ego Relaxation is not the same as being passive, collapsing inward, or bypassing inner or outer experiences
- How to become more intimate with God and your direct experience through holistic inquiry
- How to relax your ego and take a deeper seat in your meditation practice, alleviating challenges such as distractedness, sleepiness, or simply forgetting
Modules 2 & 3: Advanced Pillars of Awakening for Opening to the Principles & Practices That Resolve Primary Ego Challenges (November 13, November 20, December 4 (Pre-recorded with live Q&A), December 11 (Pre-recorded), December 18)

Oftentimes, what seems to be an obstacle is really a gateway into deeper Grace and possibility. This is the key to Miranda’s integrated approach to nondual realization — which understands that our relative human experience is not separate from our transcendent depths.
During the next five weeks, you’ll explore the key ego tendencies that everyone on the path encounters — which not only show up as pernicious problems in your ordinary life, such as anxiety, insecurity, judgment, distractedness, attachment, etc….
… but also block your access to experiencing more refined spiritual possibilities and showing up as the noble human being you were made to be. These tendencies will be explored through an understanding of what Miranda calls the Pillars of Awakening.
Each pillar helps you in a specific way to relax out of a key ego tendency that keeps you less than open and free — and helps you relax into a noble quality of your true nature.
You’ll explore what it takes to cultivate trust, love of truth, curiosity, nonjudgment, humility, willingness, and patience. Each pillar helps you effectively deal with the grip of fear, self-deception, defensiveness, judgment, hatred, pride, control, and pushiness — so you can work through the psychodynamic, energetic, and spiritual density that inhibit Ego Relaxation.
In these modules, you’ll:
- Develop trust in the loving goodness in your life — helping dissolve the roots of fear and build courage
- Increase your capacity to love the truth — cutting through subtle deception and unconscious patterns to awaken the Grace of discrimination
- Embrace curiosity to release fixed positions — and learn to expand inwardly into your body, heart, and mind
- Drop the knife of judgment — shifting your allegiance from the nagging inner critic of your conditioning to the guiding reality of the spiritual heart
- Melt subtle pride through humility — embracing the power of not knowing, and entering the receptive state that allows you to bow into the mystery
- Transform “my will” into “thy will” with willingness and patience to engage the gentle effort that never goes to waste
- Discover a powerful inquiry and meditation practices that show you how to work with each pillar to reconnect with your essential qualities
- Activate spiritual resilience to better navigate every stage of the path
Module 4: Drinking From the Grace Stream of Prayer, Mantra & Devotional Practice to Power Your Path (January 8, January 15)

Now that you’ve allowed some of the more dense aspects of your ego to relax and refine through the Pillars of Awakening, you’ll start to drink deeply of the subtle, “nonconceptual” living waters through devotional practice. This is an exceptionally nourishing and inspirational segment of the journey.
Miranda will share how crucial devotion is even when you do not consider yourself particularly “devotional” or may not have “faith” in anything particular.
You’ll also explore prayer and the different forms it can take as you progress in your awakening process — how prayer and devotion can express and manifest on the journey with Grace, as well as what prayer looks like when your sense of separation dissolves and you find yourself in and part of Grace (the nondual condition).
Miranda will also share a “Centering Prayer” you can use as a devotional entry into deep silent abiding — and address the ways you can pray for others to produce tangible, positive results and prevent your path from subtly becoming a narcissistic endeavor.
During these two weeks, you’ll discover:
- The power of prayer and devotion on the journey into Grace — and how to find your way to authentically engage the deep love within your heart to power your path
- How each Sanskrit mantra is a living stream of Grace, alive with non-conceptual blessings to infuse your sincere efforts with greater potency and vertical support
- How to get the most out of any mantra — through understanding its meaning, opening to its transmission, and engaging its supplementary practices (visualizations) as you engage your sincere intentions
- How to find your way with prayer, wherever you are on the path — and how to pray with and for others
- How to find your holy “word” that helps you to steep in Grace, receive blessings from realms beyond your mind, and return to center
Module 5: Crossing Over Into Your True Identity to Experience Freedom From Your Story (February 12, February 19)

Your journey through the previous modules will have helped you get established on the Way of Grace through the practice of Ego Relaxation. Now, you’re ready to unravel your core ego identity — and get to know who you really are to allow for a deep shift in your identity.
Over the next two weeks, you’ll explore a repeating pattern that typically bumps you back into a state of lack and that nagging feeling of “not good enough.”
However, instead of relating to this material as a problem you must fix or transcend, you’ll learn how to illuminate the layers of your default “me-go,” (or your “me” construct) and then harness the energy of your sense of limitation — and the suffering it inevitably contains — into a powerful gateway into deeper reality.
On the first level, you’ll explore your “me” construct, which most people feel as an underlying sense of being not good enough, insufficient, or unlovable…
… and how this is what it feels when you fall from Grace into a state of separation and start to place a personal meaning on your experience.
In love’s presence, you’ll meet this construct with loving awareness, and be open to what grace wants to show you in the deeper depths of your being.
Be prepared to be pleasantly surprised. You might just find out you’re way more beautiful, free, and luminous than you ever dreamed!
Every time you enter into a deeper dimension of yourself, you pass through a gate of emptiness. Miranda will share how you can relax into this and embrace it — not as a deficient state, but as an opening into the infinite spaciousness that is the birthing chamber of Grace.
During these two weeks, you’ll discover how to:
- Compassionately observe the layers of your familiar identity and the defenses that keep you snapping back into ego — to truly see there are no flaws and nothing to be fixed within you
- Explore how your sense of separation gets constellated into a particular script and storyline through your earliest relationships — which influence your repeating patterns
- Harness a limiting pattern into a portal for a substantial shift in your identity
- Open to healing and integration of your core wound
- Finally forgive yourself — and your human misunderstandings on the nature of reality
- Meet your deepest suffering with love as you dissolve back into God
- Experience your true nature as loving awareness — luminous pure being
Module 6: Abiding in Your Boundless True Nature to Come From Loving Awareness & Unity (February 26, March 5)

During this course segment, you’ll expand beyond your separate ego identity to get to know yourself as boundless love and pure awareness: sat-chit-ananda.
This requires that you befriend emptiness, not as a deficient state, but as the open space that is the birthplace of every dimension of Grace.
You’ll be invited to awaken out of limiting patterns, fearful identifications, hurts, and history — and to delve more deeply into boundless love, awareness and unity. You’ll explore what else there is when you’re no longer fixated on your “problems.” And, you’ll journey beyond your mind to learn to open into the empty space, which is the birthing chamber of all states of Grace.
Over these two weeks, you’ll:
- Meet your ongoing “human content” without abandoning your absolute depths — to be with complexity and uncertainty with Grace
- Explore how to take a deeper seat in your practice of meditation, inquiry, and devotion, so that it begins to become your predominant center of abiding
- Recognize temptations to “snap back into ego shape” — and navigate through the subtle attachments that keep you reverting back to the familiar
- Learn what can support your journey into the One Self — and how accepting the truth of unity gives you access to limitless power and peace
Module 7: Embodying Grace in Daily Life to Show Up From Your Spiritual Depth in Ways That Help, Heal & Serve (March 19, March 26)

In these final weeks, you’ll explore what it takes to live gracefully, spiritually, and connected to your essential qualities, grounded in your true nature, and forgiving of your ego glitches and those of others.
More at home within, you can now turn your attention to being of benefit to our world in transition.
Gain potent insights from Miranda on how to bring all that you have realized from this journey into every facet of your everyday life — your work in the world… your family life… your intimate relationships… how you deal with sickness, aging, loss, and death…. and how you respond with wisdom and compassion in today’s world.
During the final sessions, you’ll explore:
- How spiritual awakening offers powerful support beyond your wellbeing as you begin to show up with integrity, virtue, love, and wisdom in every moment of your life
- How you can be more spiritually elegant, responsive, and mature during times of uncertainty and challenge
- Practical keys to recognize and reset when you’ve been triggered into reactivity — returning to peace and graceful action
- How to move wisely with modern technology — harnessing it to propagate truth and beauty, while not getting caught up in its endless distractions and noise
- How to cultivate equanimity in uncertain times — learning to empathize without getting overloaded
- Navigating conflict and differences with a wise and loving heart
The The Way of Grace Bonus Offering
In addition to Miranda’s transformative 15-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, October 12, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:
Exploring the Prayer of St. Francis
Video Dialogue With Miranda Macpherson and James Twyman

Spiritual teacher Miranda Macpherson converses with bestselling author James Twyman about the wisdom of the Prayer of St. Francis in this 43-minute video dialogue. The prayer begins with the words “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.” You’ll explore what it means to be an instrument of peace — and how we achieve that goal in the modern world. James and Miranda have both had a deep connection with this prayer for 20 years. Join them as they unpack its significance.
Register by October 12 to claim this bonus before it expires.
Inspired Mantra Package
Three Audio Mantras by Miranda Macpherson

Om Nama Shivaya Bliss
Grace comes alive within us, as we give ourself back to the Source of our being. This is how we let go the concerns and constraints of ego, and come home to the eternal peace and stillness within. The ancient Hindu mantra, Om Nama Shivaya, means, “I bow to The Absolute: Please dissolve all ignorance.” Receive the sounds and syllables of this mantra and let them carry you home in this 5-minute audio recording.
Om Namo Bhagavate
This is one of the greatest Hindu mantras for liberating obstacles to experiencing and embodying our Divine True Nature. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasu Devaya means, “I bow to God within. Liberate me.” This 9-minute audio recording is from Miranda’s recent album Streams of Grace: Mantra Medicine for Yoga & Inner Peace, and features Ben Leinbach and a rich tapestry of gifted musicians.
Ultimately, all spiritual exploration calls us to enter into the question, “Who am I… really?” Underneath the roles you play in life — your thoughts, emotions, and ideas — is a pure luminosity that is not a separate somebody and is the “I” you have been underneath it all — always. This 6-minute audio recording from Miranda’s album, Streams of Grace: Mantra Medicine for Yoga & Inner Peace, is an exquisite prayer to awaken the direct experience of who you truly are and forever will be.
Register by October 23 to claim this bonus before it expires.
Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!
The Practice of Holistic Inquiry
Video Teaching From Miranda Macpherson

Inquiry is a deeply transformative practice that has appeared in many different traditions over the ages, offering a potent and practical way to illuminate our experience and bring us into direct experience of the sacred. In this inspiring 41-minute video teaching, Miranda shares how Ego Relaxation unfolds through a precise, holistic approach to Inquiry. She gives clear instructions to help you gain the most from the transformative practices you’ll do together on this course — and she models this practice with one of her advanced students, so you can see the principles and process in action.
Maha Lakshmi Mantra & Visualization
Audio Recording From Miranda Macpherson

Wherever you find yourself on your life’s path, there is Grace to help you along the way — to heal, nourish, and bless every last corner of your life. And most of all, to end the spiritual poverty of lack — that nagging feeling of insufficiency that keeps you seeking but never actually finding true fulfillment. Let the mantra in this 27-minute audio recording amplify your deepest prayers, drawing you towards what you truly need to flourish and thrive — in your inner life and in your circumstances.
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