Mirabai Starr – The Spiritual Meltdown Course 2024
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Mirabai will guide you through the heart-opening exercises and life-changing instruction you’ll need to successfully walk through your life compassionately and powerfully as a modern everyday mystic.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Mirabai and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Mirabai’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Course Sessions Thursdays at 5:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Mirabai. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to embrace a new, higher vision of yourself as a modern mystic, embracing the fullness and joy of embodying your human holiness.
Module 1: Discover Your Bold, Sensual Self by Courageously Expressing the Mystic You Already Are (February 8)

In this opening session, Mirabai will establish a firm foundation for reclaiming your spiritual identity. She’ll examine the traditional definition of what it means to be a mystic, and give you an entirely new understanding so you can see yourself as a modern everyday mystic.
You’ll go on an enlightening journey into the beliefs that often create unrealistic expectations of spiritual perfection, which can result in developing a cycle of self-judgment that actually takes you away from seeing the very thing you’re striving to reveal… your true self.
Mirabai will gently help you perceive the blessings in the messes and mistakes you thought defined your life, with a new realization that every step brings you closer to the truth that you’re already home.
In this session, you’ll:
- Experience a liberating exercise where you’ll embrace your entire being
- Learn that there is no end to achieve — you’re already divine
- Explore the true meaning of mysticism
- Have an opportunity to give yourself permission to express the powerful and benevolent person you were created to be
- Recognize your life as holy ground
Module 2: Cultivate Presence for Deeper Connection to the Sacred (February 15)

You can transform the routine and ordinary by bringing the sacred into your daily life. You’ll discover that being present to all the feelings, details, tensions, and contours of your life is a powerful tool for transformation. Mirabai will help you embody the tools you need to uplevel the everyday into a mystical experience.
You’ll gain a new perspective of the importance of ancient spiritual traditions and explore how these sacred customs can be valuable to our current relationships and wellbeing. Mirabai will explore the power and influence the feminine has on self-realization, as the feminine establishes a vessel for the expression of the Divine.
In this session, you’ll:
- Discover the impact of honoring the Sabbath — taking a day of refuge by letting the world’s cares and demands pause while you explore your inner life
- Learn how to prepare the body and mind to be a welcoming vessel for the spiritual energies you’re awakening
- Experience the daily practices of noting, observing, appreciating, and contemplating the beauty that surrounds you
- Uncover the power of the feminine approach to spiritual self-examination
- Learn how the body is the meeting place of the Beloved
Module 3: Harvest a Renewed Sense of Awe by Surrendering Outmoded Beliefs About Yourself & the World (February 22)

Surrender is not giving up. It’s a release, with an awareness that life cannot be controlled. The way of the mystic is to understand the beauty and grace that’s ever-present — and celebrate the divine wonder through childlike eyes.
As you open yourself to the beauty and magnificence of the world, you’ll discover a connection to the essence and power that’s all around you. You may not get more answers — indeed, the unknown and unknowable may seem even more profound. But in that surrendered awareness, you’ll realize that life is not a problem to be solved, it’s a reality to be celebrated.
Mirabai will support and guide you as you pull on the loose threads of your belief systems and let those that no longer serve you unravel.
In this session, you’ll:
- Experience an enlightening and sacred mantra exercise to help open you to your divinity
- Discover that the dark night of the soul is not about overcoming a hard time; it’s about the blessing of being spiritually vulnerable and encountering love itself
- Learn the importance of what Buddhists call a “beginner’s mind” so you can live your life from a fresh, untarnished perspective
- Dismantle the thought systems and beliefs that have restricted your true vision and falsely proclaimed your limits rather than your magnificence
- Develop a trust in yourself with awareness that you’re not separate from the splendor of life
Module 4: Learn Love at the Feet of the Masters and Experience Transformative Love in Your Own Life (February 29)

Mirabai teaches that the sacred is not an energy outside of you; it can be found everywhere in your everyday life. You can bring the beautiful and the sacred to everything you do. The books you read, the movies you watch, and the music you enjoy are all avenues for the divine to celebrate your life.
This course will encourage you to view life as a mentor that provides you with clues to live expansively, embrace everything, and become the best version of yourself. Mirabai will guide you to let go of limiting self-concepts and old beliefs that claim that once you’re perfect (at some point in the future) you can live an inspired life.
You are not a project to be perfected — you’re a divine, spiritual energy here to express boldly.
In this session, you’ll:
- Experience a powerful exercise to open your heart and reveal a deep connection to the sacred within
- Learn to gain insights and guidance from the relationships, companionship, and communities that are currently in your life
- Discover that there are clues to transformation all around you — and explore how to identify them and activate their loving message
- Find new avenues for spiritual inspiration that are all around you
- Explore the profound truth that everything is holy, just as it is
Module 5: Build & Tend Beloved Community to Take Your Rightful Place in the Circle of Belonging (March 7)

The era of the lone prophet and single sage has passed. Ours is a time of collective awakening, of reciprocity, of active participation in the interconnected web of our relationships. Each of us has something essential to contribute, inextricably bound with our individual quirks and gifts.
Mirabai will guide you to find, build, and tend to your tribe as a path of healing, homecoming, and happiness. As she puts it, “Lift each other up. See no separation between servant and served. Look to the example of tree root systems and ‘quantum entanglement’ to illuminate what mystics and Indigenous wisdom keepers have always known: we belong to each other.” As you’ll explore, such belonging is a potent antidote to isolation and despair.
In this session, you’ll:
- Experience an ancient meditation to activate and enhance your natural loving kindness
- Understand why it’s essential that we work together to unfold our spiritual natures — and why going it alone is simply too hard
- Learn how to receive guidance, and listen for your invitation from the Universe about how you are to serve
- Discover how you can tap into your force for goodness and help others even when you’re experiencing personal challenges
- Learn how science shows that we’re interconnected — from tree roots and plants to the vastness of the quantum field
Module 6: Use the Transformational Power of Grief to Connect You With Your Soul’s Innate Wholeness (March 14)

Grief can be a crucible for alchemical transmutation.
Loss has many familiar faces — death, breakups, health, financial, trust, and innocence. When you choose to stay present in the discomfort of suffering, rather than turn away, self-medicate, or try to “fix” it through forces outside yourself, loss and grief can become a threshold to sacred space. Your broken heart can open to deeper love and intimacy with the Divine and with compassion for all beings.
This is the heart of Mirabai’s teaching. She’ll gently guide and support you as you dare to feel everything… not to get rid of your emotions, but to understand them. She’ll tenderly lead you through powerful exercises, inspired instruction, and authentic personal examples in how you can boldly face your grief and use it as a stepping stone to real freedom and sovereignty.
In this session, you’ll:
- Experience a profound breathing practice that transmutes the grief you’re holding into hope and beauty
- Learn that grief and loss are not what they appear to be — and shift to perceiving them as portals to your heart’s sincerest desire
- Understand the nature of grief and the different forms it uses in your life and the lives of others
- Discover how to powerfully face grief and loss and draw out its healing message
- Understand the deeper teaching of grief and transcend the common belief that pain is to be mitigated, rather than embraced, so it can be understood as a path to liberation
Module 7: Embrace Your Messy Humanity as a Way to Embody the Sacred (March 21)

Living as a mystic doesn’t mean you conform to a preconceived notion of purity and perfection… living as a mystic means you abide in your humanity.
You might still make disappointing choices, lose your temper with people you love, engage in addictive behaviors, get caught in old painful thought patterns, or collapse into hopelessness in the face of catastrophic world events.
Yet living as an everyday modern mystic means you bear witness to your own human condition with curiosity and tenderness. You recognize that you’re an integral member in the vast family of created beings and that this life experience is a school for waking up and growing closer to the Divine… however you experience it.
In this final session, you’ll:
- Practice a day of silence in which you allow yourself to shift your inner paradigm and create a space for powerful realizations
- Discover that patience and compassion begin with you and radiate outward to encompass the world around you
- Reveal the deep teaching that you’re here as a human being, living a divine adventure to discover your true nature — and that mistakes are required to learn all that you came here to learn
- Explore what’s beyond your current beliefs and expectations through a writing exercise that has you contemplate and complete the statement “I never would have believed…”
- Discover that the secret to realizing your deepest desires is fully embracing your whole self — the messy parts as well as the sacred and majestic
The Spiritual Meltdown Course Bonus Collection
In addition to Mirabai’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
You Are What You Seek
Audio Dialogue With Mirabai Starr & Gangaji

In this powerful teaching, Gangaji, beloved teacher of the nondual path, shares how to discover the “hidden treasure” of your own God-Self. She uses St. Teresa of Avila as an example of finding what you long for as the very essence of what you are. Gangaji, a teacher and author who travels the world speaking to seekers from all walks of life about her own experience of awakening, affirms that it’s possible to discover the truth of who you are and be true to that discovery.
Modest Magical Mysticism
Video Dialogue With Mirabai Starr and Anne Lamott From The Shift Network’s Mystics Summit

In this dialog between soul friends, Mirabai Starr and celebrated author Anne Lamott talk about the sacred and holy in ordinary life. They share their thoughts on the ways mystical experience so often shows up in the magnificence of nature, in stillness and in song, in dreams and in worship. You’ll discover why reading sacred texts, poetry, and good fiction across the spiritual traditions can be a powerful form of prayer. They explore death, grief, and loss as doorways to the deepest experiences of the sacred. And Anne shares a brilliant outline for a life curriculum she calls “Mysticism 101,” created especially for this summit.
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