Michel (Shelly) Denes – Effective Fall Prevention in the Geriatric Population: Strategies from the CDC’s Dynamic Trio
- Faculty:
- Michel (Shelly) Denes
- Duration:
- 1 Hour 53 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Jul 29, 2020
The CDC has dedicated itself to address fall prevention in the geriatric population through the STEADI Initiative (Stop Elderly Accidents, Deaths and Injuries). Analyze the algorithms that address each area that impact fall risk. STEADI will be covered comprehensively, including balance, medications, home environments, medical conditions and fear of falling. Key takeaways from the latest research will offer new patient fall prevention solutions.
Manual – Effective Fall Prevention in the Geriatric Population (6.7 MB) | 59 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Integrate the Latest Advances in Fall Prevention
- CDC’s STEADI Initiative
- Screen, assess and intervene
- 3 key questions to ask your patients
- Case Study: RBG
Comprehensive Assessments
- Identify issues with balance, visual-spatial functioning, and proprioception
- Stay Independent Brochure
- Evidence-based gait and balance tests
- Home hazards, BP, Visual Test
- Feet and footwear issues
- Comorbidities to consider
Impact of Medications on Fall Risk
- Beers criteria for medications
- Interventions for optimizing the medication list
Safely Restore Balance, Mobility and Function
- Assess available interventions
- Evidence-based exercise program details
- Treatments for BP issues
- Referrals for vision impairment
- Appropriate exercise RX for older adults
Home Based Risk Factors
- Evaluation and intervention for:
- Home hazards
- Foot and footwear issues
- Referrals for home and community based exercise and fall prevention programs

Michel (Shelly) Denes, PT, CFPS, C/NDT Related seminars and products: 10
Shelly Denes, PT, CFPS, C/NDT, is an expert in fall prevention and neuro-rehab more than 25 years of experience treating patients with hemiplegia, neuromusclular disorders, TBI, and SCI. She has a special interest in advanced technology and has been involved extensively with neuroprosthetic devices, lower extremity orthotics, and exoskeleton robotics.
Ms. Denes travels nationally to present seminars on fall prevention and geriatric rehabilitation, and she is known for her dynamic, hands-on teaching style. She has also shared her insights with practicing professionals in varying settings. Additionally, her expertise has been presented through expert witness work, both nationally and locally. Ms. Denes is a graduate of University of Michigan’s PT program, and she earned her certification in Neurodevelopmental Treatment for Adult Hemiplegia (NDT) from Rehab Institute of Chicago. She has also earned her certification as a Fall Prevention Specialist with Evergreen Certifications and sits on their advisory board.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Michel Janet (Shelly) Denes receives compensation as a Physical Therapist at the Center for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Michel Janet (Shelly) Denes has no relevant nonfinancial relationship to disclose.
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