Marie Manuchehri – Expand Your Frequency & Amplify Your Multisensory Powers 2022
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this transformational online program, Marie will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully shift limiting, low vibrational energy to maintain powerful frequencies that lead to the higher, healing perceptions you need for profound healing and manifestation.
Receive Personal Attention to Your Questions
Marie is committed to answering every student question that comes up throughout the duration of this course that is related to its content and submitted through the Course Homepage, in writing. Questions and answers will be posted weekly. Personal questions not related to the content of this course will be excluded.
Join the Livestream — or Download Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Marie and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Marie’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can download the video and audio recordings to enjoy later.
Course Sessions Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Marie. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to maintain powerful frequencies that lead to the higher, healing perceptions you need for profound healing and manifestation.
Module 1: Discover Your Hidden Powers of Positive Perception & High Vibration for Healing & Manifestation (October 18)

Your entire body is in constant communication with your awareness — your highest level of consciousness. And this natural collaboration is in constant motion, expressing joy in your choices, which enhances your health by helping your system return to a state of vitality.
Deeper within this powerful interaction is your body’s ability to energetically raise its vibration, balance its frequency, and acquire a new perception that can quickly lead to spontaneous insights and healing.
This week, you’ll:
- Learn how to notice when your body is trying to signal you that you’re in a low frequency and need to shift your vibration
- Learn how to notice when your awareness is guiding you in reading the energetic signals of a client accurately
- Discover how powerful it is to calmly and peacefully hold and store your insights while waiting for answers to be expressed through inspiration
- Discover how The Universe communicates only through calm — yet surprising — accurate messaging and how to notice and trust these insights
- Experience a seated Qigong exercise to help you clear the mind and open to new, healing perceptions and possibilities
- Experience a powerful meditation to align to universal assistance and open to the wisdom of higher forms of consciousness
Module 2: Raise Your Frequency for Greater Health, Happiness & Awareness (October 25)

A low vibration of energy particles within the body invites weak immunity and disease, and hinders the ability to know — from an intuitive perspective — what your body, or the body of someone you are assisting, needs in order to heal.
In contrast, the high vibration of your energy system invites an abundance of health, happiness, and alignment to your higher self — where infinite wisdom unites with your multisensory abilities.
The mind has a profound influence on your body’s energetic vibration. Learning to manage the mind is imperative to maintaining a high vibration of energy in the physical form and influencing your overall state of wellness and the types of experiences you have.
This week, you’ll:
- Explore how when the vibration within your body is sluggish, it cannot release negative subatomic particles — and what that feels like
- Learn how when your subatomic particles are in high vibration, your body will naturally release stagnation — the repressed energy that holds on to toxicity and leads to disease
- Discover how your mind is meant to be managed — not as a tool for creating — and that you can’t think your way toward fulfillment
- Learn how your REAL feelings originate in the second layer of your auric field
- Experience a seated Qigong exercise to feel healthy energy moving in your body
- Experience a powerful exercise to discern low and high vibrational energies, ending with a meditation to move into a sense of nothingness
Module 3: Feel the Emotions Within Your Chakras to Align With Higher, Healing Vibrations (November 1)

Each of your chakras has an emotional component within its vibrational system. If you do not authentically feel these emotions, then your chakras’ energies cannot perform their duty of keeping your organs — and the physiology they govern — in optimal health.
As a healer — of yourself or in support of others — maintaining your vibration as a tool for healing is critical. Knowing what each chakra truly feels and aligning to that feeling authentically through a higher vibration will generate insights into your truth or a client’s emotions, traumas, or misperceptions.
This week, you’ll:
- Explore your first chakra’s ability to feel authentically that you or (your client) belong to an amazing community where you are loved, honored, and cherished
- Learn how we send low vibrational energy to our bones, bone marrow, sciatic nerves, and bloodstream when we cannot feel the true emotion within our first chakra — whether due to real or misperceived trauma
- Discover the emotional components of the second and third chakras (joy and self-love), and how our system is negatively impacted when we’re not aligned with these emotions
- Discover how to shift your vibration to experience authentic emotion
- Experience seated and standing Qigong exercises to feel energy flow throughout your immune system
- Experience a powerful meditation to discover authentic emotion through vibration of the 2nd layer of the auric field
Module 4: Explore the High Frequency “Zone” & the Love & Truth Within Your 4th & 5th Chakras (November 8)

When you can hold the high vibration of your subatomic particles, or that of a client, you are creating a frequency. It’s just like holding a high vocal note that allows the listener to escape into joy. And the continuance of the vibration is what creates the greatest opportunity for change — or in this case, healing.
When healing yourself or a client, it is imperative that you hold the high vibration long enough to enter the zone of frequency. When you do, your client or you will experience new, real solutions.
When a high frequency is obtained and held, then and only then can we receive the knowledge that is needed to change perception. This knowledge will be multisensory and extremely insightful.
This week, you’ll:
- Explore the emotional component for your fourth chakra (universal love), which is always neutral, and its connection to the organs and physiology linked to the upper thoracic cavity
- Learn about your fifth chakra’s emotional component of speaking your truth and how the health of your mouth, teeth, gums, and upper gastrointestinal anatomy is related to honest self-expression
- Experience a powerful guided meditation to visit each of your chakra’s emotional components
- Experience a seated and standing Qigong exercise to positively affect your throat chakra
Module 5: Practice the Power of Perception to Shift Low Childhood-Rooted Frequencies to Healing, High Vibrations (November 15)

To heal anything, your perception must change. The leading cause of illness is related to repressed emotions that slow the vibration of your energy, leading to a prolonged low-spirited frequency and a misaligned perception. (That you most likely don’t even have an awareness of!)
The majority of your beliefs were infused into your subconscious mind from the moment you were born until the age of five! These beliefs that shape your reality were derived from your perceptions at that time — either from real experiences or how you perceived these experiences.
In truth, regardless of your age and how you identify with your experiences, there are hundreds of ways to perceive any moment in your life.
This week, you’ll:
- Learn how to question and explore your current perceptions about your childhood
- Learn to become curious and more objective about your stories from childhood
- Discover how to shift any childhood belief — even (and especially) those that trigger you — into a new perception that can raise your vibration
- Create new realities about any unwanted childhood experiences to create new energies in your body for healing and expanded awareness
- Experience a seated Qigong exercise to release repressed emotions and cultivate healing
- Experience a powerful meditation to seek and identify new perceptions regarding a negatively perceived area of your life
Module 6: Blend High Vibration With New Perceptions to Create the Ultimate Healing Frequency (November 29)

Most humans have a difficult time feeling real feelings of love toward themselves, and instead maintain a negative opinion of themselves. These negative perceptions of oneself are on the lowest vibrational scale of energy within the body and ultimately hinder the healing of oneself or another.
Helping yourself or another align to their authentic self requires a high vibration — steadily held and refreshed throughout the day — and the awareness of new perceptions. In truth, all is well, and everyone is healthy, loved, magnificent, and precious beyond measure. Recognizing this authentic perception is mandatory to heal oneself or assist in healing another.
This week, you’ll:
- Experience the power of perceiving an authentic version of wellness — that you or those you work with are already healed!
- Learn how to blend high vibration with your new perceptions to create the ultimate healing frequency
- Discover what healing you wish to create for yourself with your new high vibe perceptions
- Experience a powerful meditation to fall deeply in love with yourself — for your own healing and that of others
- Experience a seated Qigong exercise to release negative thinking and open to new, empowering perceptions and possibilities
Module 7: Open to Limitless New Perceptions & Possibilities for Profound Transformation — For You & Your Clients (December 6)

Now that you have worked well in elevating your vibration and maintaining your frequency, you’ll learn how to add in the magic and shift your perception!
There are no limitations to shifts in perception — even if you think your life circumstances cannot improve or your body can’t achieve the health you desire. Everything is based on your current observation of your preserved reality or childhood assessments, where your energy is currently vibrating, and how long you can hold the desired frequency.
The joy you will experience as new perceptions open you to all the possibilities that extend beyond your current belief system is transformative — to you and those you touch.
This week, you’ll:
- Explore the emotional components of your sixth chakra (feeling safe to express your multisensory awareness), and learn how to hold its energy to avoid health issues in the organs it governs
- Explore the emotional component of your seventh chakra (feeling that you are creation too), so you may hold a high frequency to avoid illness in the areas it governs
- Discover how practicing the high vibration of the emotional components of your chakras will not only keep your body healthy, but allow it to naturally teach others around you (including clients) how to do the same
- Experience a seated Qigong exercise to bring the healing energies of the heavens to Earth
- Experience a powerful meditation to visit your future self and tap into all the awareness you already have
The Expand Your Frequency Bonus Collection
In addition to Marie’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Self-Hypnosis Meditation to Increase Your Vibration
Audio Training From Marie Manuchehri

This powerful self-hypnosis meditation is designed to help you make measurable progress in boosting your multisensory skills. Use it consecutively for 30 days to increase the vibration of your energy system and gain new powerful, authentic perceptions that will free your natural intuitive gifts. Those who have worked with Marie can attest to the success of her approach to self-hypnosis for creating lasting shifts in all areas of your life.
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