Marcela Lobos – The Munay-Ki Rites 2025
In this 7-week live video course, you’ll explore:
- A new Munay-Ki initiatory rite each week to help you feel safe as you dismantle emotional barriers
- Sourcing from nature’s wisdom and understanding yourself as part of the ecosystem as you become aware of nature’s elements in your own body
- Weekly guided meditations, chants, offerings, and other practices to help you experience the power of each rite
- Transforming your wounds into wisdom and compassion — not just for yourself, but for the collective
- Balance and harmonize your inner feminine and masculine archetypes to support holistic emotional growth and evolution
- Improve your health and wisdom as you honor the interconnectedness of all life
- Uncover a more grounded perspective for your life when you consider your place in galactic time and space
- Feel the powerful truth that you didn’t come here to suffer, but to help dream a healthier world into existence for future generations
- Andmuch more…
Module 1: The Healer Rite (Earth Element) – Alchemize Your Wounds Into Wisdom & Compassion for Yourself & Others (January 28)

To be a healer for others, you must first experience how to transform your own wounds into sources of wisdom and compassion.
Marcela will share how the Healer Rite connects you to an ancestral and timeless lineage of healers who guide your transformation and awaken your healing power.
Access tremendous spiritual assistance from a lineage that’s been holding a seat for you around a sacred healing fire since the beginning of time. Address your personal wounds and recognize and heal the collective traumas that keep you in stasis and turmoil.
To initiate your exploration and bless the journey, Marcela will welcome two shamans from the Peruvian Andes, don Francisco Achura and doña Juana Apaza.
They’ll create a traditional offering (haywaricuy) to Mother Earth as Marcela guides you through the four steps of a shamanic prayer — invocation, humbleness, gratitude, and petition.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- How healing is a journey to wholeness
- The way of the wounded healer
- An initiation into a lineage of timeless healers
- The concept of ayni as a path to a balanced life
- Your innate ability to alchemize your wounds into wisdom
- A deepening practice to create a mandala as a tool for healing
- A guided meditation on the 5 elements to reconnect to yourself as an ecosystem and discern who you’re becoming
Module 2: The Day Keeper Rite (Water Element) – Connect With the Archetypal Feminine for Your Emotional Evolution (February 4)

Many of us live in cities surrounded by cement or spend countless hours within walls, disconnected from nature.
As you receive the initiation of the Day Keeper, begin to notice the rising and setting of the sun, your relationship to the elements, and the phases of the moon.
Begin the process of re-wilding your domesticated life and gain a new level of health and consciousness, empowering you to become a light for others.
In this module, you’ll:
- Be empowered to go beyond the little me to embrace the we of community
- Remember your place in the land around you
- Make offerings to the spirits of the waters
- Learn the ways of feminine wisdom
- Become an oasis of consciousness for others
- Engage in a guided chant and offering to the waters, at the level of the womb — to reconnect with the womb and get out of your head, moving the inner waters so you’re no longer emotionally stuck
Module 3: The Wisdom Keeper Rite (Fire Element) – Cultivate a Healthier Relationship With the Archetypal Father & Your Inner Masculine (February 11)

Marcela will guide you in connecting with the powerful spirit of mountains to cultivate balance, strength, and grounded wisdom within by forging a healthier relationship with the archetypal Father and your inner masculine energy.
For the people of the Andes, mountains are revered as profound sources of wisdom — shaped over millions of years into the majestic peaks they are today.
The tutelary spirits of the mountains are known as apus. Shamans go on pilgrimages and make offerings to receive protection and guidance from them.
Connect with these powerful spirits, helping you align with their enduring strength and timeless wisdom.
In this module, you’ll:
- Become strong as you absorb the wisdom of the mountains (Itu apu)
- Explore a guided journey to have a peak experience with your mentor, the mountain — so you can discern what your metaphorical mountain might be and where you should go on a pilgrimage to make an offering
- Connect with your protector mountain
- Learn a devotional chant to the apus
- Experience a fire ceremony with candles to light the fire of consciousness
Module 4: The Earth Keeper Rite – Honor the Interconnectedness of Life to Stay Healthy & Wise (February 18)

Delve into the concept of Ayni, the interconnectedness and sacred reciprocity of life.
Marcela will explain how the Earth Keeper Rite connects you to a lineage of masters who hold the truest and most holistic vision of the meaning of life on Earth.
This wisdom may not stem from scientific facts but rather from a deep sense of the pulse that rumbles from the heart of our planet.
As an Earth Keeper, embrace this profound knowing while also finding peace in not having all the answers — resting quietly in the unknown. Your love becomes so vast that it holds every child of the Earth within your heart.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- The meaning of munay — beautiful love — from the Andean tradition
- The empowerment of the Earth Keepers
- The mythical journey of the hero(ine)
- A guided meditation to connect with your heart’s calling and stop feeling overwhelmed and disempowered — by reflecting on what breaks your heart and using it as fuel as you turn it into sacred action
Module 5: The Star Keeper Rite – Find Calm & Clarity as You Appreciate Your Life in the Vast Context of the Galaxy (February 25)

The Star Keeper Rite invites you to stretch your perspective beyond the scope of our blue-green planet and discover your intimate connection to the stars.
You’re called to remember your place within the Milky Way Galaxy. As you reconnect with this fundamental bond to the stars, your mind expands not only in space but also in time.
Become capable of contemplating cycles spanning thousands of years — or even eons. This broader view helps you put your life and everything you do into perspective.
In this module, you’ll:
- Remember to look up to the stars for wisdom and inspiration
- Receive the Star Keeper empowerment
- Experience a guided journey to the Upper World, to source from the future — not from who you’ve been, but who you’re becoming
- Contemplate your place in the collective becoming of humanity
Module 6: The Creator Rite – Dream Your World Into Being (March 4)

The Creator Rite invites you to remember your infinite nature and realize how the Great Spirit works — not only through you, but as you. All of creation is not only happening all around you, but within you.
Creating is not only a privilege, but a responsibility — and meant to be undertaken with your full attention, love, and courage.
Marcela will help you understand how the universe exists within you. You are the universe, with access to everything you need to create the life you want.
Once you get rid of limiting beliefs and energetic blockages, you can embody the highest good for yourself and everyone.
In this module, you’ll:
- Reconcile with the cyclical nature of existence
- Embrace every part of the cycle, including death, as a doorway to rebirth
- Understand how Andean sages dream the world into being
- Become familiar with the 3 qualities of the conscious creator — yachay (clear vision), munay (pristine love), and yankay (power to manifest)
- Discern creations of your own that you are no longer happy with, “destroy” them, and make way for something new during a journaling practice and breakout groups
Module 7: The Womb Initiation – Free Yourself From Suffering as You Clear Emotional Baggage (March 11)

Learn about a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering. They came from the spirit world to remind us that we didn’t come to suffer, but to be effective creators of a world that we long to see for our children’s children.
Their empowerment allows this lineage to offer us a new sense of appreciation for the womb and its life-giving capacity — not only in birthing a child, but also as an energetic container for creativity and healing.
The Womb Initiation is a lineage that came through Marcela, who was the channel for it. She’ll explain how the womb is not a place to store fear, but a place to give birth to life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Appreciate a feminine mythology in which you were never cast out of Eden
- Enhance your relationship to the feminine and the archetypal Mother
- Explore the empowerment of your creative matrix
- Learn to hold ceremony for your community
- Receive an initiation from Marcela — for both women and men — so you’ll feel as though you’re reborn into a new relationship with the feminine
The The Munay-Ki Rites Bonus Offering
In addition to Marcela’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
The Evolutionary Seeds
Digital Guide From Marcela Lobos

As this PDF guide explains, during the times of the Inka Empire, only the main ruler and the nobility were considered Inkas — children of Inti, the sun — suggesting a primordial superiority to commoners. This idea evolved with the passing of the centuries, and today Andean mysticism agrees that all people are born with the Inka seed, possessing the innate capacity to reach the highest spiritual level. Most spiritual traditions convey the same idea — that all humans carry within themselves the potential of complete self-realization, and that we are all infinite beings walking Earth in a finite human body.
The Jaguar Transmission
Video Teaching From Marcela Lobos

In this 25-minute video, Marcela explains the Harmony Initiation, one of the Munay-Ki rites not included in the course. In post-modern times, we have become domesticated and forgotten our innate instincts that allow us to live in harmony with nature. With this rite, one receives a connection to totemic animals that can aid in resetting one’s instincts. Marcela focuses on Jaguar and tells us how to work with its spirit to receive protection and guidance and walk with certainty in the world.
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