
Lucio Buffalmano – The Power Moves – Social Power
Since then, my life has been a continuous upward climb.
Fueled by hard work and copious amounts of the best information I could find, it’s been an effective upward climb.
And I have been fortunate enough to have had many bright moments.
Like going from jobless to turning an entry trainee position in sales to senior in just one year.
Then negotiating a break, traveling the world for six months, coming back to Europe and negotiate yet another promotion, including equity shares.
Or from that heartbreak meeting and sleeping with more women I could have imagined, including those who were exactly the type I like.
But most of all, I enjoy the freedom that learning power dynamics has provided me with.
Like walking in any place in the world as a stranger and quickly build social networks as I please. Which allows me pure total freedom, unglued from any desk, unmoored by any constraints.
But this is not about me.
This is about YOU.
If you reading here, you also don’t want to settle.
You are also driven to live life on your terms.
To do it, you only need to reach the top ten percentile in a few key areas of life.
It’s not that difficult.
Your parents probably never told you.
Chances are they didn’t know any better.
Your teachers never told you, either.
And the self-development gurus often know it, but they never share it.
As a matter of fact, most of them tell you the opposite of what really makes them successful.
Western governments are built on that lie as well.
But if you are reading here, you probably know it’s not really how it goes.
Not only the standard path to success is untrue, it’s often counterproductive.
Socialization is, in large part, the subordination of the individual’s interest to everyone else.
The rich and powerful pay lip service to the pro-social constraints and pretend to obey them.
The official pitch is that the rules are good for everyone.
But they are not good for everyone.
The most successful people acquire power playing around those rules.
That’s why you see people who aren’t any better -and are indeed often worse than you- do better than you are.
They are getting the job you want, the partner you dream about, the cars you love and the holidays you deserve.
And that’s why despite doing all the things you’ve been told you should do, you haven’t been able to get the life you want (yet).
If you don’t understand the dynamics of power and how it affects everything in life, you are going to lose out.
The people around you will get what should be yours and they will beat you.
Again and again.
That’s why a low quality, unprincipled woman, could get to me years ago.
And that’s why for a long time I struggled to find a job while some smarter players no better than I was received great intros and offers.
Because, like most others, I didn’t understand the power dynamics that govern the world.
And those who don’t understand the dynamics of power are doomed to a sub-par existence far below their potential.
And that, to me, is the ultimate waste of life.
Because power isn’t just about power.
It’s about everything.
I got to work on Social Power once it became clear to me that:

I wasn’t the only one being held back in life

Most people, just like I was, are committing the ultimate sin: living far below their actual potential (and wasting their life)

Once you show driven men and women how success really works, they 10x their lives
That’s what Social Power does for you.
Social Power awakens you to the matrix. It shows how people and life really work, and how you can leverage that knowledge to get what you want.
I decided to create on what I refer to as “Robin Hood spirit”.
Because the more I started learning and developing, the more it became apparent to me that the world was skewed.
And I could see 2 groups of people:
- Those who wield power and live like kings
- The masses of average people, who follow and listen to power for the scraps
There is a third wary though.
The third way is to understand power dynamics and leverage them.
Not to fight it, not to follow it, and not to use it to screw other people over, either. But to gain freedom.
Once you understand the rules of the game, you can play as you please. You can climb the corporate ladder, get the big house and all of that.
Or you can do your own thing.
And that power of choice is life-transforming.
When you learn to see how power works and to leverage it instead of submitting or fighting it, a world of opportunity opens up.
Are you ready to be that person?
Do you think this sounds too good to be true?
Just read on.
Because as you will see at the end, I am guaranteeing you that you are going to change your life.
I have seen my life go from something I was deeply dissatisfied with to a living dream. Along the way, I have noticed this simple universal truth over and over again:
Life is a competition, and everyone is a selfish player who wants to win.
Or at least, that’s how it goes if you want to be successful and go places.
Learning to be successful means learning the rules of this big competition that is life.
And in a world of self-interested competitors who want to beat you, power dynamics are the rule of the game.
If you are tired of being dissatisfied with life, if you want more and if you are ready to start getting more, this might be the most important page you will ever read in your life.
Because inside Social Power, there is all you need to start getting what you always wanted.
This module unlocks from the first moment you join the course.
This is is your bread and butter of power dynamics.
With this module alone, you will know more about power, confidence, and dominance than almost anyone else.
By the end of it, you will become more socially aware and come across as more confident and competent.

Assertive and dominant behavior you need to use

Submissive behavior you need to avoid

Styles of dominance, pros & cons and what’s best for you

Body language: how dominant men stand and move

Practical steps, mindsets & exercises to make you confident & powerful (same results for my coaching clients at 90% discount)
This module unlocks after 5 days without any additional charge.
From introductions to the simplest of gestures, you will discover the power dynamics of everyday socialization.
Chances are that you are losing social status, today, in every single interaction you have.
After this module, you will be gaining social status.
First impressions: the power dynamics of the perfect introduction
Frame control: 2 dedicated lessons to master frames
Hidden power moves: learn to spot the power dynamics behind the fake friendliness
Dominance showdowns: how seemingly innocuous exchanges determine the course of relationships
This module unlocks 10 days after joining the course at no additional charge.
Guys, don’t believe who says otherwise: money is power.
And to acquire resources you need to know how to play the corporate game.
Did you know that CEOs make 312 times more than what an average worker does in the same company?
Is the CEO really worth 312 times more than you are?
Most likely not.
But your potential doesn’t count.
And even your actual output only accounts for half of your personal success.
If you care about being successful, it’s time to learn the other half: politics, power dynamics and “behaving” like you’re worth a million bucks.

Step-by-Step plan for successful workplace politicking

Realpolitik guide to management

Winning workplace power battles

Power with feminity: a guide for female leaders

Power dynamics of negotiations
This module unlocks 15 days after joining at no additional cost.
This module mixes the best science with the best dating information with lots of personal experience, making it a unique opportunity to go straight to what actually works.

Full clarity on how dating really works

Games both genders play

Dating strategies for effective dating

How to use dominance to get the girls you want
This module unlocks 20 days after you joined at no additional costs.
All poor relationships are the result of toxic -but common- behaviors.
This module shows you what these behaviors are, and how to stop them, both in yourself and in your partner.
When you will learn relationship power dynamics you will be able to develop better and healthier relationships.
Men who want to become (benevolent) relationship leaders that women want will find all the answers here.

How women control men & what to do about it

How men seek to control women & what to do about it

How power changes as relationships evolve

How to end all games for the best relationship

How men can be the best leader she’s ever had
This module unlocks 25 days after you joined at no additional cost.
This module is for more advanced social challenges.

How to handle daily but difficult social challenges

How to deal with physical threats and physical escalations

Recognizing and beating “shame attacks”
This module unlocks one month after you joined at no additional cost.
You’re on the home stretch of starting a new life.
Here you will learn more about influence & persuasion with real-life examples.
A case study of Johnny Deep to learn from one of the most attractive men in the world, more quizzes to increase your EI and, finally, how to be vulnerable -the correct way, not the cry baby way that’s so fashion these days-.

Power pill examples to increase power, EI, and influence

2 quizzes to increase your emotional intelligence

Nice guy VS bad boy case study
And finally, to make Social Power a real no-brainer and give you the most value you can get, I have rolled all the best into one.
These ebooks condense the knowledge of tens of books and researches in a compact, easy to consume size.
They will save you hundreds of dollars and years of learning!
Together with the course, they make the most complete package to become a high-quality person.
Self Help – Self Help online course
More information about Self Help:
Self-help or self-improvement is a self-guided improvement—economically, intellectually, or emotionally—often with a substantial psychological basis.
Many different self-help group programs exist, each with its own focus, techniques, associated beliefs, proponents and in some cases, leaders.
Concepts and terms originating in self-help culture and Twelve-Step culture, such as recovery, dysfunctional families, and codependency have become firmly integrated in mainstream language.
Self-help often utilizes publicly available information or support groups, on the Internet as well as in person, where people in similar situations join together.
From early examples in self-driven legal practice and home-spun advice, the connotations of the word have spread and often apply particularly to education, business,
psychology and psychotherapy, commonly distributed through the popular genre of self-help books.
According to the APA Dictionary of Psychology, potential benefits of self-help groups that professionals may not be able to provide include friendship,
emotional support, experiential knowledge, identity, meaningful roles, and a sense of belonging.
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