Linda Backman – Healing Through Past Life Exploration
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 4:00pm Pacific.
In this 7-week transformational journey, Dr. Backman will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to understand your past lives’ role in helping you to resolve your karma as well as how to let go of your barriers to thriving in this lifetime.
Each weekly LIVE contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous to provide a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles that can help you free your body, emotions, and relationships from the karma of your soul’s journey.
Each module will include group and individual deepening and past life regression practices, weekly questions to guide you in the unfolding of your past life recognitions, and journaling prompts to help expand your understanding of your soul’s evolution.
Each session will also include a true life case study of past life explorations from Linda’s client work to ground and expand the teachings.
Module 1: Discover Signs of Past Lives in Your Body & Emotions
(December 19)

Your present life mind-body-spirit health often ties directly to the letting go of particular past life memories, which also opens the door to your soul’s advancement.
Yet, in order to advance as a soul, proper care and “feeding” of your body, mind, and spirit is critical. For example, my clients often arrive for soul regression therapy seeking the meaning and purpose of a longstanding physical or emotional symptom that has no justification in current life, or appears out of nowhere without resolution.
When unexplained emotional upheaval or serious physical symptoms are viewed through the lens of past life exploration, often an opportunity is unearthed to shift our way of life, type of work, or relationships into alignment with the life blueprint our soul has created for us.
In this module, you’ll discover how to:
- Label a physical symptom that is unexplained in life today
- Label an emotional symptom that is unexplained in life today
- Lessen the intensity of a physical or emotional symptom through acceptance of its tie to a past life that needs balancing
- Start to discover the actual past life that gives rise to the symptom
- Start to understand the purpose of the past life needing release
- Practice acceptance that unexplained physical/emotional symptoms are tied to one or more past lives
- Use a spiritual practice and journaling to deepen your awareness of purposeful past life elements
Module 2: Discover Your Intuition & Your Life Line
(January 9)

Life is a continuous cycle — beginning at birth, ending upon death, and reviewed between lives in the spiritual realm. It starts anew with each incarnation, propelled by the soul’s innate desire and inclination to progress in wisdom from one lifetime to the next.
In this module, you’ll start to explore your unique Life Line — the elements in this lifetime that are indicators of past lives and the threads that connect this life to others.
You’ll also explore your intuitive strengths, which can be visual, emotion-based, physical, auditory or cognitive.
As you examine the key events on your Life Line with the help of your innate intuitive sense, you’ll start to realize what past life elements you’ve intended to release in your body and emotions in your life today to enhance your soul’s evolution.
In this module, you’ll discover how to:
- Tap into and trust your intuition whether visual, emotion-based, physical, auditory, or cognitive
- Track the key events on your Life Line related to past lives
- Understand how intuition, your Life Line, and past lives are related to your soul’s evolution
- Practice intuition (using all sensory modalities) to seek guidance about the physical and emotional signs in your current life related to past incarnations
Module 3: Discover Indicators of Your Past Life Karma & Dharma
(January 16)

Past lives — and their karma and dharma (intentions) — are revealed in our life today through events, people, emotions, physical symptoms, interests, travel, study, and more. Through a close examination of the past life indicators in our current life, we can discover who we’ve been, where we’ve been, the work we’ve accomplished, relationships we’ve had, and much more.
And, when we “mend” our soul through reincarnation, the “seam” of our ongoing soul evolution is tightly woven through our knowledge and release of who you’ve been and our chosen actions.
This week, we’ll explore how our emotions and health issues shed light on our past life events, as well as how to discover what we are meant to heal in our lives today. Balancing and healing what has come before, we evolve as a soul.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The essential nature of reincarnation and your higher Self
- Physical/emotional indicators of your past lives in your current life
- How to recognize unresolved past life and current life circumstances
- How to embrace past life and current life accomplishments
- Your purposeful emotions and health symptoms that can lead to release of past lives and soul growth
- A guided intuitive experience to uncover past life elements in your life today
Module 4: Discover Your Family, Friends & Past Life Relationships
(January 23)

At birth, you joined a family of blood relatives and special others: parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and dear friends. In the celestial realm, you also have unique “family” (a Soul Pod) consisting of the souls you’ve shared lives with most often. Some of this family is incarnate, as you are, in life today. Your current best friend may have been your mother in one past life and your son in another. It’s likely that some members of your personal group of souls are not in body at this time.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The purpose of your Soul Pod
- How to discover potential members of your Soul Pod
- How to recognize unresolved past life relationships in your life today
- What your Soul Memory Code means and how to recognize it
- Your purposeful emotions and health symptoms that lead to release of past life relationship issues
- Through a guided imagery process, people in your current life who you were in relationships with in past lives
Module 5: How to Embrace & Heal Your Past Lives
(January 30)

The universe is ever-changing. Explosions cool and create new physical bodies. The fragment or aspect of your total soul energy contained within your physical body is the power source that causes you to be alive. This soul energy within you and your higher Self, or the remainder of your soul energy in spirit, must be allowed to develop through repetitive lives.
This development occurs through your perpetual releasing and balancing of your karma — or imperfections. When you have missed the mark in your development in a particular area of your life during one lifetime, your soul presents you with the opportunity the next time around to “right” this flaw. This is how your soul helps you to evolve from lifetime to lifetime.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Elements of your unresolved karma in life today
- Elements of your resolved karma (dharma) in life today
- How to validate the details of your past life memories
- How to release your past lives by altering today’s behavior
- A guided imagery practice to connect with a spiritual guide and receive direction about how to release past life karma
Module 6: Discover Your Interplanetary Past Lives
(February 6)

For decades, past life regression therapy has uncovered “interplanetary” past lives — lives lived in non-Earth realms. This is most accurately revealed through the use of open-ended questions that do not carry “suggestive” phrases to the conscious mind. This method results in “clean” research with spontaneous case material revealed by the client.
At this time of great need for positive change on Earth, there are more interplanetary souls here than ever before. Interplanetary souls originate from “sacred” celestial locations, where equality exists in a healthy “lifestyle” that includes telepathic communications, lack of dissension, and suitable care of self, such as eating, rest, and the like. Interplanetary souls bring great wisdom to aid in the much-needed alteration of human interrelationship.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The distinct qualities of interplanetary souls
- How interplanetary past lives are different than Earth-based lives
- Why interplanetary souls incarnate on Earth
- How to support a child who is an interplanetary soul
- A guided experience to help you discover if you are an Earth-based or interplanetary soul
Module 7: Discover Your Soul’s Purpose to Evolve & Release Past Lives (February 13)

Through past life exploration, our awareness and intuition create the holistic vessel that holds our gifts and discards our traumas. Our soul yearns to evolve in the light of our tenacity and undying support of our guides.
Hurdles representing what we are to embrace and release in this lifetime are placed on our path to direct our soul to these higher states of evolution. And through the corrosion of our shadow side of ego, we reach that light of divine wisdom and “step up” to the hard work of helping to heal the planet and ourselves.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- You’re a soul living purposely one life to the next to evolve through karma and dharma
- How you can continue to release karma and embrace dharma
- More of your purpose in this life
- You can and do contribute to the evolution of Humanity
- Whether you’re Earth-based or interplanetary and how to remain in your current life striving to progress
- A deep guided imagery to embrace an additional past life and the karma needing release
The Healing Through Past Life Exploration Bonus Collection
In addition to Dr. Backman’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonus sessions. These bonuses complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Raffle Entry: Opportunity to Win an Individual Past Life Soul Regression
Entry Into the All-course Raffle

Raffle winner will be the individual client that Dr. Linda Backman will guide in a Past Life Soul Regression during one of the 7-week classes. Using relaxation/hypnosis, the participant will discover a significant past life related to past life karma or dharma needing release and acceptance in life today. The participant’s soul self/higher self and guides select the most pertinent life tied to current life circumstances.
Discovering Signs of Your Past Lives in the Key Events of Your Life Today
Guided Process From Linda Backman

In this 20-minute guided process, Dr. Linda Backman will lead you through an examination of the key events in your life today. You’ll gain an awareness of how these personal and unique aspects of your life signal past life experience. If you feel “in the dark” about the meaning and purpose of particular circumstances that have occurred, related to people and otherwise, you’ll benefit from this assessment to both let go and to embrace your life events.
Past Life Soul Exploration: Transforming Humanity
Video Presentation From Linda Backman

Millennia ago souls came to earth from elsewhere in the Celestial Realm. As evolving embodied souls, some of us have experienced innumerable incarnations on earth, creating a familiarity of how to function and cope with the ills of human life. Incarnate extraterrestrial (ETs) have experienced as many as a few to as many as hundreds of earth lives. ET incarnations are increasing right now due to the need for their wisdom and to aid humanity’s progress. Our goal as souls is to incarnate repetitively, evolving as we go. ET souls face particular challenges that many Earth based souls do not. In this presentation, Dr. Backman will share numerous client examples of gifts ETs bring, as well as the daily challenges of living on unfamiliar earth. For example, the autistic spectrum is often a mislabeling of an ET soul. How to recognize and cope with being an ET or the family member/friend of an ET will be discussed.
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