Lauren Walker – Energy Medicine Yoga to Embody Joy 2022
Activate your Radiant Circuits — the most powerful energy system for repatterning your life — to experience healing and joy.

Did you know that the first eight cell divisions in a fetus define how joy moves through the body… both energetically and physically?
According to Chinese Medicine, these first eight cell divisions become your Radiant Circuits** — your energy system of joy and healing…
… and working with them can be a pathway to repatterning your life and rebirthing a new, happier you — even during this challenging and divisive time in history.
One of the beautiful discoveries of the Radiant Circuits is how they correspond with and perfectly accentuate the sacred structure of the human body/mind…
… which mimics and connects us to the sacred geometry of everything in the natural world. It demonstrates how we are ONE with all that is — the secret to the intrinsic quality of joy within each of us.
However, with the challenges humanity faces — now more than ever — we’ve become disconnected from this primary connection — and from ourselves. Many of us feel lost, isolated, alone, and without purpose.
In this brand-new 10-part intensive program, Lauren Walker, author and founder of Energy Medicine Yoga, will take you on a deep dive into Energy Medicine Yoga. She’ll teach you how to work with your Radiant Circuits — one of Energy Medicine Yoga’s nine energy systems — to liberate the stuck energies of your difficult emotions, clear the way for more joy, and initiate a rebirth of your body, mind, and spirit.
You’ll see how simple Energy Medicine Yoga exercises — accessible to anyone — can give you a template for understanding and experiencing how joy energetically and physically flows through your body.
Tapping into each of the Radiant Circuits, you’ll discover which of them is most beneficial to your own healing — and, by the end of the 10 modules, you’ll have 10 unique practices, as well as the ability to create your own 30- to 40-minute daily Energy Medicine Yoga practice.
Throughout the course, you’ll learn how sacred geometry works in the world, as you notice the various numerical sequences occurring in nature and how they’re connected to our Radiant Circuits. You’ll start to notice numbers that you’re drawn to, which hold information just for you. This will help plug you back into the natural world, and connect you to the Radiant Circuit in most need of your attention.
You’ll begin to observe the truth that you’re connected to everything — and the exhilaration and depth of understanding will start to unfold and envelop you.
Clear Difficult Emotions and Patterns, Tap Into Your Inner Radiance, and Cultivate Happiness

The simple practices you’ll experience with Lauren’s guidance are designed to help you feel into what you want to keep in your life and what you need to shed… to repattern who YOU want to be at this time that’s so ripe for transformation.
Energy Medicine Yoga is a powerful synthesis of the oldest medical systems in the world (Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda), ancient spiritual practices, and modern science.
It includes breathwork, tapping of specific energy points on the body to create neural repatterning, gratitude practices, and energetically designed yoga poses that help you align with the nine energy systems.
You will learn many of the exercises immediately… and you can use them anytime, anywhere to get yourself through your most challenging moments.
Lauren has created this powerful healing modality to help heal her own experience of multiple traumas — by integrating the power of Eden Energy Medicine into her existing traditional yoga practice.
She’s been teaching yoga and meditation since 1997, and is also a teacher to the teachers, training others in her highly intuitive, yet simple healing methods.
Energy Medicine Yoga’s powerful techniques help you clear emotional residue that can cause physical and emotional dis-ease. They also help you sleep better, heal faster, gain a broader perspective on life and yourself, and cultivate more compassion for yourself and others by bringing more joy into your life.
You don’t need to be flexible or have good balance to do Energy Medicine Yoga. This practice will help you gain flexibility and balance too! It’s an accessible, easy-to-master practice that heals, calms, nurtures, and helps you thrive.
If you already practice a physically powerful form of yoga, you’ll be amazed by how much more power and efficacy you gain when incorporating Energy Medicine Yoga techniques into your current practice.
And, if you already have an Energy Medicine Yoga practice in place, this program can help you take it to the next level!
This course will teach you how to put these practical tools to use, so you can weave your life into a tapestry of harmony and joy.
During the powerfully healing 10 sessions with Lauren, you’ll discover:
- Energy Medicine Yoga as a holistic practice that anyone can do to release anxiety, stress, overwhelm, and trauma
- A self-designed, personalized 30- to 40-minute Energy Medicine Yoga practice
- The pathways of your body’s Radiant Circuits — the energy system of joy and healing — and how they work
- Tools for sparking your innate joy and healing capacities
- A journaling practice designed to help you understand your challenges and celebrate your successes
- A holistic view of how you’re intimately connected to everything else on the planet
- How sacred geometry connects you to the Earth — and can bridge your feelings of separation
- A technique to weave all your chakras together for better communication between all their energies
- How to release and clear unwanted habits and emotions
- How pranayama is one of the main keys to longevity
- The Seated Sacred 10 Vinyasa and the Standing Sacred 10 Vinyasa
- Techniques for activating ALL your Radiant Circuits at once
- And much more…
**The term “Radiant Circuits” ©2020 is originated through the works of Donna Eden and held under copyright through Innersource Unlimited LTD. Any use of the term without written agreement from Innersource Unlimited LTD is strictly prohibited.
What You’ll Discover in These 10 Modules
In this 10-part transformational intensive, Lauren will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-energy skills and competencies you’ll need to clear unhealthy patterns that aren’t serving you, as you move into radiance, healing, and an extraordinary life.
This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Lauren. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to develop your own unique and nourishing 30- to 40-minute Energy Medicine Yoga practice.
Module 1: The Divine Path of Contentment, Joy & Oneness — An Introduction to the Healing Energies Within Us

In this first class, Lauren will introduce the energies of joy and healing. Called the Radiant Circuits, these energies, and how they develop in the body, will be the underlying template for the next 10 modules.
You’ll experience the first Radiant Circuit that appears in your body — the fundamental energy pathway that feeds your life force and connects you to your purpose.
You’ll learn how these energies work and how they connect you to your root experience on Earth. This is the divine path of contentment and joy, and the recognition of yourself as both the Drop and the Ocean.
And, Lauren will introduce you to the concept of ONE — the start of the sacred geometry of the human body — and how it begins in the body and expands to include everything else.
You’ll also discover:
- How to self-energy test to deepen and trust your intuition and get a clear “yes” or “no” around food choices, or which Energy Medicine Yoga techniques to do
- The first Radiant Circuit to appear in utero and how to activate it
- The first bandha to activate in the body
- That your sanctuary of healing and comfort lives within
Module 2: Nothing Exists Without Its Opposite

In this second session, you’ll start to see yourself as a separate being. You’ll explore how you and the world exist as two different things. Until you see the other, you don’t understand your own primacy in your life.
You’ll see how oppositional forces exist in everything, and you’ll experience the second Radiant Circuit — the Central Meridian that divides you into two. Lauren will introduce you to your warrior energy (half of your immune system)… which governs your fight/flight/freeze response and your habitual patterns.
You’ll also work with the yin companion to that warrior energy — the guardian of your inner being — to calm hypervigilance.
And you’ll discover:
- How to activate your channel of power — your Central Channel
- The Circulation-Sex (CX) meridian, the yin partner to the warrior energy
- A simple practice for calming CX, enabling you to relax deeply in your hips and legs — opening up your chakra channels and calming your inner resistance
- How oppositional forces work in your body at the most basic level
- The second bandha to activate in the body
- A breathing pattern for balancing the brain
Module 3: Creating a Distinct Boundary Between the Body & the Universe

In this session, you’ll explore how adding a third element brings transformation.
The Radiant Circuit this module is Governing, which opens up the third eye. This energetic blueprint for turning inward provides tools for conflict resolution… and an understanding of your witness self — one of the drivers of spiritual practice.
This is also where you’ll explore the boundaries that make you the Drop, which is separate from the Ocean, and how these boundaries are key to your health.
You’ll also discover:
- How to release and clear any unwanted habits and emotions
- How to activate the Governing meridian
- Your ability to activate the microcosmic orbit
- The power of meditation as well as the challenges
- How the number 3 is the minimum number required to “weave into a whole”
- The third bandha to activate in the body
Module 4: Regulating Your Systems & Creating Stability in Your Physical Structure

You’ll explore the Radiant Circuit known as the Yin Regulator Flow, and how it regulates all of your systems — enhancing the stability of your physical structure, which enables you to move forward in your life.
You’ll explore how activating the Yin Regulator Flow helps you develop your ability to expand into space and expand your earthly capacities.
You’ll also discover:
- A tool for helping you sleep better
- How to active the Yin Regulator Flow
- The power of creativity and how to get out of your own way to get creative
- A technique to help you when you feel scrambled
- The Ayurvedic 3 Pillars of Health
Module 5: How to Manage Your Inner Responses to External Events

Emotions are your inner response system to external (and internal) events. The Yang Regulator Flow helps you regulate yourself — including your emotions — in relation to the outside world.
You’ll take a quick dive into Chinese Medicine’s 5 Element Theory — working with Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal — and you’ll learn how each of your emotions includes a yin and yang energy.
You’ll discover why energy (including your emotions) moves in spiral patterns — mimicking the flow of nature — and you’ll recognize how the patterns in nature replicate themselves within you, and vice versa.
You’ll also discover:
- A quick variation of the 5 Element Flow
- How to activate the Yang Regulator Flow
- Why spirals in nature replicate themselves in you, and vice versa
- The yin/yang partners of every meridian and how they work together and apart
- An understanding of the 5 Element Theory — that everything in the universe exists as one of five things
Module 6: Everything Is Sacred — Our Innate Connection to Nature

As you enter the second half of this program, you’ll start to explore how we’re all interconnected… even to the stars, the sun, the Earth, and the cycles of nature.
You’ll examine the power of fractals, which is how nature uses geometry to grow. Self-similar structures at all levels affect the way biological structures — including humans — grow.
With the understanding that your repetitive actions make up your life, you’ll begin to see yourself as a pattern of nature — giving you insight into how to change those patterns that no longer serve you.
This session’s Radiant Circuit — the Yin Bridge Flow — helps you bridge oppositional forces within you, so you can have greater internal harmony.
You’ll discover:
- How to activate the Yin Bridge Flow
- How the profound knowing that we’re all connected brings greater joy and inner peace
- That the breath is connected to timekeeping
- How the math of your body connects you to the math of the cosmos
- The basis of Morphic Resonance
Module 7: Heaven Lives Within & All Around You

You’ll learn to bridge into the outer world. You’ll see that heaven is both inside and outside of you. Lauren will introduce you to the proverbial day of rest, the seventh day, when you can relax and take pleasure in your simple existence.
You’ll explore the number seven, which teaches you about the ancient pathways of enlightenment… reflected most clearly for yogis in the chakra system.
You’ll also discover:
- A practice for deeply renewing your brain
- How to activate the Yang Bridge Flow
- A technique to weave all your chakras together for better communication between all their energies
- How harmony and sequentiality appear in music, prismatic light… and you!
Module 8: You Are Limitless & Infinite by Nature

In this module, you’ll tap into the infinite. You’ll dive deep into the understanding that the shapes of ALL organisms — including humans — rely on similar patterns of movement and expression in their growth and development.
Starting from the spiral — the pattern in which all energy moves — and working with the shape of the figure eight — the symbol of infinity, you’ll experience how the body mirrors the actions of the universe… connecting you even more deeply to the power of your inclusion in the natural world.
The Radiant Circuit for this module, The Belt Flow, helps you energetically connect the above and the below — and understand the teaching of the number eight.
You’ll also discover:
- How to activate the Belt Flow
- A technique to activate and integrate your endocrine system
- A meridian hold technique that helps keep you youthful
- How pranayama is one of the main keys to longevity
Module 9: Reflecting on Your Patterns & Reshaping What Doesn’t Serve You

In this class, you’ll receive the wisdom of the number nine — a triple replication of the number three. At three, you dive into the interior self and discover the “braid” — how it takes a third thing to move beyond conflict toward resolution. The energy of number nine shows you how your patterns continually repeat, weaving together your life.
This session holds the promise of a reset. You’ll reflect back on the patterns of your life and see which threads or patterns you want to keep and grow, and which ones are ready to be completed or even eradicated.
You’ll also discover:
- The Seated Sacred 10 Vinyasa
- How to take stock, reflect, and reshape your patterns
- Techniques for activating ALL your Radiant Circuits at once
- The traps of repetition, which can lead to boredom or disillusionment
- How to appreciate the repetition of life and celebrate its peak moments
Module 10: The Cyclical Nature of Life — An Opportunity for Constant Renewal & Growth

In the final part of this program, you’ll return full circle to the start. You’ll discover how the cycle, the spiral, continues… giving you the opportunity time and again to come back to the start.
You’ll revisit the cycle of seeing yourself as a unique individual, separate from everyone else… then as a deeply interior being… then connected to the world… then able to affect the world and be affected by it… then bridged and united with the world…
You’ll also discover:
- The Standing Sacred 10 Vinyasa
- How to replicate your pattern of living among all the other patterns
- A practice for activating the Taiji pole — the central source of illumination and divine connection
- How your quantum nature enables you to make huge shifts and growth changes — in a moment!
What Graduates of Lauren’s Courses Are Saying…
“This class has gotten me back on track and ready for whatever happens next.”
Even though life is strange and uncertain right now, I have a sense of peace and calm. I truly believe the EMYoga class was responsible for my outlook in these trying times. I do the wake up every day, which motivates me to go deeper into my practice. This class has gotten me back on track and ready for whatever happens next. I’m looking at this moment in time with acceptance and an open minded.
— Cheryl O’Connor, Tehachapi, California
“… offered me a lot of help with methods for overcoming lifelong traumas…”
Lauren’s teaching was very thorough and it offered me a lot of help with methods for overcoming lifelong traumas… Her passion was evident in her live teaching videos and this was also proof for me that she has used these methods to overcome her past traumas.
— Hazel, Ontario, Canada
“… such a shift in my ability to open and release trauma/emotions/things that have been stored in my body for decades.”
This course has made such a shift in my ability to open and release trauma/emotions/things that have been stored in my body for decades. I am kinder to myself. When I wake in the middle of the night I have been able to soothe myself back to sleep with these techniques — this hasn’t been possible for years. I am so very grateful!
— Annika, Tauranga, New Zealand
“… invaluable to clear fears, pain and trauma whilst gathering into my strengths and energy…”
I’d like to thank and applaud Lauren Walker and the Shift Network for providing such a fine, clear, authentic, empowering and compassionate life-line of a course during this most challenging time in the world. I look forward to reviewing the course again and again as I am only beginning to digest the richness of all the information and resources offered. I am finding it invaluable to clear fears, pain and trauma whilst gathering into my strengths and energy; creating calm amidst trauma, both personal and collective. This is essential now while the world is in sudden lockdown. The EMYoga course was perfectly and divinely timed to meet this moment, and it will surely stand the test of all time. Namaste!
— Anonymous
“… extremely helpful both in the day-to-day management of stress and anxiety, and the bigger picture…”
I found the course extremely helpful both in the day-to-day management of stress and anxiety, and the bigger picture regarding changes I would like to see unfold in my life over time. The tools were easy to apply and had a big, often instant impact. Lauren is a remarkable teacher, wise, authentic and generous of spirit. I would highly recommend her work.
— Susanne, Ireland
“… daily practice to ground, de-stress, and align ourselves with the body’s health.”
Lauren shared so much that we can incorporate into daily practice to ground, de-stress, and align ourselves with the body’s health. Timely tools for a pandemic. Lauren embodies such a depth and breadth of knowledge, compassion, and connection. A great teacher! Can’t wait to continue with her on the next course.
— Carol Harada, San Francisco, California
“… I was able to… stay calm and enjoy everyday while adjusting to social distancing practice.”
Having done much healing work on myself and not having an urgent need to take a trauma healing course, I was still drawn to sign-up for this course, and I’m so glad that I did. During this unfamiliar period of Coronavirus pandemic which triggered so much fear and anxiety in the world, this course was a blessing; I was able to practice the lessons to stay calm and enjoy everyday while adjusting to social distancing practice.
— Anonymous
“… [gave] me a way to gently move my body while working with my energies.”
I was tired and my energy was stuck. I had no energy to do exercise but I knew I needed to move my body. Along came Lauren Walker with her EM Yoga. What a gift! The combination of EM and Yoga has given me a way to gently move my body while working with my energies. It’s easy to do and Lauren is a great teacher. I highly recommend this if you are struggling with low energy, mood and need to add some body movement to your day.
— Nuala, Ireland
“Any opportunity to study with Lauren… is a must do!”
Any opportunity to study with Lauren and experience her teachings of EMYoga is a must do! The benefits of her wisdom ripple out to friends, family and clients, we all need to know this work! The Shift Network platform is seamless and I’m especially grateful that we can download the transcripts and videos to continue studying and practicing.
— Cathy, Bragg Creek, Canada
“… helping me understand myself and take notice of the clues my body is giving me.”
This course, for me, feels like I found my battery charger. It is helping me tune in to my life, regulate my energy levels and smooth out / stretch out, moments of calmness and clarity so that tranquility inside me grows. It’s helping me understand myself and take notice of the clues my body is giving me. Who know something so simple and achievable could pack so much Wow?
— JJ , British Columbia, Canada
“[EMYoga] allowed me to connect deeply to my strength and truly heal.”
These teachings were so practical and beneficial. I could use all of them right away. EMYoga has changed my life. It has allowed me to connect deeply to my strength and truly heal.
— Anonymous
More Praise for Lauren Walker…

“… wonderful tools to enter the state of union that yoga is all about.”
It’s high time someone correlated Energy Medicine with yoga. After all, both are designed to move energy through the body and the chakras for greater aliveness and wellbeing. Both are based on ancient, tried-and-true methods. Lauren Walker has done a great job of charting the 5 Element Theory, yoga, the meridian system, and many other wonderful tools to enter the state of union that yoga is all about.
― Anodea Judith, PhD, Author of Chakra Yoga, Wheels of Life, and Creating on Purpose

“[Lauren’s work] shows you how to be a maestro of your own energies, bringing your body, mind, and spirit into greater balance, health, and vitality.”
Prescriptions usually involve medications to help overcome illness. Medications change the body’s chemistry and electromagnetic energy flows. [The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription] teaches you how to do that using a different kind of prescription, one that is totally natural and has no adverse side effects. Drawing from the ancient discipline of yoga along with modern understanding and methods from Energy Medicine, this book shows you how to be a maestro of your own energies, bringing your body, mind, and spirit into greater balance, health, and vitality.
― Donna Eden and David Feinstein, Co-authors of The Energies of Love

“… you will discover the amazing healing power of an energy field that is both our birthright and in which (like fish in water) we all live.”
Here at last is a most welcome book to introduce the field of Energy Medicine to yoga practitioners — all in a very clear way. Most yoga methods have restricted the asana side of yoga to the perimeters of the body, which isolates us from the true yogic experience of the deep connection we have with each other and all our surroundings. In [The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription] you will discover the amazing healing power of an energy field that is both our birthright and in which (like fish in water) we all live.
― Angela Farmer, international yoga teacher

“… helped me realize how important it is to clear my energy field.”
As a professional athlete, I deal with a lot of pressure and nerves. The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription has helped me realize how important it is to clear my energy field. We as human-spiritual beings have to take the time to clear our aura and energy field so we can radiate light and be a loving force.
― Jamie Anderson, Olympic gold medal snowboarder, yogi, and activist

“… no more ‘rowing upstream against the current.’”
What I love about Lauren Walker’s work… is that it offers simple tools to help anyone get their energy working for them, which means no more “rowing upstream against the current.”
― Seane Corn, Co-founder of Off the Mat, Into the World®

“… teaches us to rebalance our subtlest energies and heal from the inside out.”
Lauren Walker’s Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription teaches us to rebalance our subtlest energies and heal from the inside out. With this vital reference, you will learn how to cultivate an authentic connection to yourself, build stellar habits, and develop a real relationship to your own wellness.
― Elena Brower, Author of Art of Attention and Practice You

“… a unique path to healing, a path of love.”
By marrying tantra yoga and Energy Medicine, Lauren Walker has created a unique path to healing, a path of love. By using her brilliant and accessible energy techniques, we can all activate our internal “prescriptions” for health and restore balance — body, mind, and spirit.
― Cyndi Dale, Author of The Subtle Body books

“It will help you think in a different way about bringing health and balance into your life.”
Drawing on insights from the Chinese 5 Element Theory and the Vedic systems of yoga and Ayurveda, The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription offers an interesting perspective on self-care. It will help you think in a different way about bringing health and balance into your life.
― Gary Kraftsow, Founder of the American Viniyoga Institute
About Lauren Walker

Lauren Walker is the author of Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice and The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription. Both books won the Nautilus Silver award for best Body, Mind & Spirit Practices publication.
Lauren, who’s been teaching yoga and meditation since 1997, created Energy Medicine Yoga while teaching at Norwich University, the oldest private military college in the country.
She teaches EMYoga across the U.S. and internationally, and has been featured many times in Yoga Journal, Mantra Wellness magazine, and Yoga Digest. She published a feature article about her work in The New York Times, and was recently named one of the top 100 most influential yoga teachers in America.
Lauren also trains teachers to teach her highly intuitive, yet simple healing methods. EMYoga is compatible with all types of yoga and can be learned by both beginning and expert yoga practitioners.
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