Kim Saunders – Hands-On Clinical Lab: Assessment and Treatment of Arterial, Venous and Neuropathic Ulcers
- Faculty:
- Kim Saunders
- Duration:
- Full Day
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Dec 06, 2016
Lower extremity wounds are difficult to diagnose and heal if the correct etiology is not diagnosed. Thus the clinician needs bedside non-invasive diagnostic tools that can be used to screen perfusion and determine sensory neuropathy. Also, learn ways to off-load a diabetic neuropathic ulcer, even in rural areas.
This clinical lab will outline best practice guidelines for arterial, venous, and neuropathic ulcers. It will also provide hands-on clinical labs to practice leg assessments, wound treatments, ankle-brachial index, monofilament testing, and off-loading neuropathic ulcer techniques.
Webcast Manual (156.39 MB) | 95 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Define Lower Extremity Arterial Disease (LEAD) Guidelines
- Pathophysiology of LEAD
- Best Practice Guidelines: Assessment
- Pathophysiology
- Diagnostic Assessment: Invasive & Non-Invasive
- Arterial Duplex & Angiogram
- TCOM & Bedside ABI
- Clinical Exam
- Best Practice Guidelines: Treatment
- Risk Stratification
- Perfusion Strategies
- Oxygen Strategies
- Maintenance recommendations: Non-reconstructable
- Perform Sensory Deficit Testing
- Simulate Neuropathic Off-loading techniques
Define Lower Extremity Venous Disease (LEVD) Guidelines
- Pathophysiology of LEVD
- Best Practice Guidelines: Assessment
- Pathophysiology
- Lymphedema, Lipedema, Venous Insufficiency Edema
- Clinical Exam
- Lymphangitis, Stasis Dermatitis, Hemosiderin Staining
- Atrophie Blanche, Lipodermatosclerosis, Vasculitis
- Best Practice Guidelines: Treatment
- Perfusion Determination
- Matching Compression to Perfusion
- Venous Insufficiency Leg & Ulcer Assessment
- Determine Plan of Care
Lower Extremity Neuropathic Disease (LEND) Guidelines
- Pathophysiology of LEND
- Best Practice Guidelines: Assessment
- Labs, Nutrition
- Skin, Edema, Malformations, Neurosensory
- Tissue Perfusion: Diagnostics & Referrals
- Classification Systems
- Best Practice Guidelines: Treatment
- Off-loading Options: TCC, Half Shoe, Healing Sandals
- Diagnosing Infection & Treatment
- Wound Care & Adjunctive Therapies
- Emerging Technology
- Surgery
- Perform Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)
- Neuropathic Foot Ulcer Assessment & Plan of Care
- Arterial Disease Leg & Ulcer Assessment
- Determine Plan of Care

Kim Saunders, MSN/ED, RN, CWON®, CFCN Related seminars and products: 12
WOC Consulting, LLC
Kim Saunders, MSN/ED, RN, CWON®, CFCN, has extensive experiences as a wound, ostomy, and continence nurse across a variety of settings, including acute care, hospice, home health and skilled nursing facilities. As a respected expert in her field, Kim evolved her practice to be able to more fully share her insights as co-owner of WOC Consulting, LLC. In this role, she consults with healthcare systems on a variety of challenges that develop related to wound, ostomy, and incontinence-associated dermatitis. Some of the special projects her knowledge has been sought for include: guiding standardization of wound care formularies and pressure-relieving device selections, as well as a myriad of other processes to standardize and improve upon existing skin and wound care delivery. Her wound care experience goes beyond trouble-shooting the most challenging of patient wounds. It also includes expertise regarding the increasingly important ability to incorporate cost-effective care and reimbursement considerations at the bedside.
Kim is an active member of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society™ and the Advanced Wound Care Society. She has traveled the country extensively to deliver practice-changing wound care trainings to experienced healthcare professionals. Kim is also the author of the Wound Care Pocket Guide: Clinical Reference, Second Edition (PESI, 2017).
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Kim Saunders has an employment relationship with Pardee Home Health and WOC Consulting. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Kim Saunders has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
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