Jessica Dibb – The Holographic Enneagram
Greater Connection Through Live Streaming Video
So you can better connect with Jessica and her teachings, all of her sessions will be live streamed on video. This video connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Jessica’s teaching. Or, you can easily connect via audio only, through the internet or on your phone.
What You’ll Discover in These 13 Weeks
Course sessions are on Thursdays at Noon Pacific.
In this 13-week transformational intensive, Jessica will guide you through multifaceted experiential practices to ignite transformation and a felt sense of each type and its holographic resonances.
Eleven of the sessions are with Jessica, each of which will include 70 minutes of teaching, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A. You’ll also receive two special one-hour integration sessions facilitated by Enneagram Coaches who have been trained by Jessica to support you.
Breathwork, self-inquiry, movement, poetry, music, imagery, shadow-consciousness work, and lively, compassionate, and illuminating Q&As with Jessica will help you fully integrate the teachings and your new awarenesses that will emerge from this multidimensional journey — designed for both longtime and new students of the Enneagram.
If you’re a newcomer, you’ll understand the Enneagram from the beginning in this holographic way, helping you see beyond the limits of “personality type,” and advocate for your FULL SELF in your growth.
Seasoned enthusiasts will receive a comprehensive, nuanced perspective, interweaving all the parts of the Enneagram in a way that accelerates growth.
And teachers, coaches, therapists, healers, and spiritual directors will discover the missing pieces of the ways they’re presenting the Enneagram to clients and students, and be provided with highly transformative exercises.
Module 1: Activating the Transformational Power, Love & Wisdom of the Holographic Enneagram (July 25)

This module will establish the terrain, guidance, and wisdom teachings that will make it possible for you to fully engage with every moment of your individual exploration and your journey during this course.
The foundational pieces of the map of the Enneagram will be explained from the holographic perspective by starting with the WHOLENESS of each type, and that energy in all of us, and how the different parts of the type journey are connected to that wholeness.
We’ll also look at the way we’ll relate to the nine domains of the Enneagram for expanded and nuanced embodied transformation. Additionally, we’ll explore an introduction to the experiential techniques we’ll be using, as well as recommendations for getting the most out of the 13 weeks.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- An understanding of the holographic view of each type’s journey — from the most expanded possibility of type in relationship to its particular map of growth
- A holographic view of the growth process triggers mirror neurons, making stabilized integration of positive psychological shifts, awarenesses, and spiritual opening more likely
- Support for our unique differentiations, our greatest gifts, and ways of being, while staying connected to the oneness of all things
- The intelligence and interconnectedness of the 3 centers of intelligence and life force — body, heart, and head
- A depth interpretation of a core wound and how it creates suffering, reactive ego, and shadow
- How and why the core wound is differentiated in each Enneagram type
- An explanation of each of the key points on the map, and how we’ll be using them: core wound (the passion), ego, personality, fixation, the 3 Centers, the Wings, the directions of dynamism, the instinctual drives, the Virtues, the Holy Ideas, the Missing Piece, and Essence
- The functions of each of the instinctual drives, including a leading-edge, right-brain, feminine orientation and understanding of the instincts
- A non-egoic way to understand the Gift of each Enneagram type
- Preparations for experiential practices
Modules 2-10 (Overview): The 9 Types & Paths to Presence, Love & Wisdom
The Enneagram types (or points) are not only a description of type, which is actually a compensating structure to defend against our core suffering (called the passion in the Enneagram lexicon).
The types are a symbolic expression of the most actualized wholeness and gift of each of us. Moreover, they’re emanations of an essential dynamic or energy of existence, which some would call the Divine.
In the following nine modules, you’ll work with your most identified type AND with the other eight types because all nine exist in each of us.
You’ll learn about and experience one point per session in the following ways:
- A meditation to evoke the quality of life-force energy for that type, which includes healthy and essential transmission of essential state
- Core wound (or passion) created when the type is separated from that energy
- Fixation and mental defense for the type
- The shadow — something that is disowned by that type in order to keep the defensive fixation in place
- Pathways of devolution — the arrows of dynamism’s low sides of other points, connected points and why that type would use them
- How each wing modifies or supports the type
- An effect of dominance of each of the instincts — self-preservation, sexual, and social
- Reasons that this type would be inspired to do personal growth work
- Pathways of growth — the arrows of dynamism’s high sides of other points, connected points, and why that type would use them
- Awakened instincts (as a result of growth work)
- Awakened heart develops a Virtue
- Awakened mind perceives through a Holy Idea
- Essence, the missing piece that must be integrated for your wholeness
- Aspect of the Divine, and universal energy embodiment
Module 2: The Awakened Eight — Living a Life of Embodied Vibrant Presence (August 1)
— Thich Nhat Hanh

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our inherent life force, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about empowerment. There is a true empowerment that naturally arises when we relax completely into presence — into being “here.”
In this session, Jessica will guide you on a one-hour journey through the holographic map of Eight: core wound (passion), shadow, fixation, wings Seven and Nine, directions of dynamic evolution (the arrows to Two and Five), instinctual drives, Virtue of Innocence, Holy Idea of Truth, Essence, Aspect of the Divine/Creation.
You’ll also experience a powerful practice which allows you to:
- Experience immediacy and aliveness without fear
- Hold this core wound and shadow with compassion, intelligence, and love
- Heal childhood experiences of powerlessness
- Discover somatic, emotional, and cognitive patterns that block aliveness, empowerment, and presence
- Contact the inner power and confidence which supports our beautiful sensitivity and awareness
- Regain the potency of our sensations and sensuality
- Release fear and resistance to others’ power, and experience ways to invite them to show up fully
- Learn a breathing style that restores the brain and self to this Essence
- Rewire neural pathways from our history to the present to receive the authentic and healthy energy and behaviors of this realm
- Contact reality and the Divine as boundless power and life force
Module 3: The Awakened Nine — Living a Life of Embodied Harmony and Oneness (August 8)
— Alan W. Watts

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from pure Being, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about harmony and unity. We’ll see that true harmony and unity naturally arise when we relax, and can fully show up and participate.
In this session, Jessica will guide you on a one-hour journey through the holographic map of Nine: core wound (passion), shadow, fixation, wings Eight and One, directions of dynamic evolution (the arrows to Three and Six), instinctual drives, Virtue of Engagement, Holy Idea of Love, Essence, Aspect of the Divine/Creation.
You’ll also experience a powerful, immersive practice which allows you to:
- Experience being, peace, and unity without fear
- Hold this core wound and shadow with compassion, intelligence, and love
- Heal childhood experiences of feeling invisible or unimportant
- Discover somatic, emotional, and cognitive patterns that block flow, blending and relaxing into belonging
- Contact the loving power of unified presence to support your participation in life
- Change the thought that we don’t matter
- Release fear and resistance to connection with others, even those with distressing disguises, and experience ways to invite them to “just be”
- Learn a breathing style that restores the brain and self to this Essence
- Rewire neural pathways from our history to the present to receive the authentic and healthy energy and behaviors of this realm
- Contact reality and the Divine as boundless being and the unified field
Module 4: The Awakened One — Living a Life of Willingness, Blessedness & Right Action (August 15)
— Rumi

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our inherent willingness to align ourselves with goodness, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about surrender.
In this session, Jessica will guide you on a one-hour journey through the holographic map of One — core wound (passion), shadow, fixation, wings Nine and Two, directions of dynamic evolution (the arrows to Seven and Four), instinctual drives, Virtue of Sobriety, Holy Idea of Perfection, Essence, Aspect of the Divine/Creation.
You’ll also experience a powerful, immersive practice which allows you to:
- Experience willingness and responsibility without fear
- Hold this core wound and shadow with compassion, intelligence, and love
- Heal childhood experiences of judgement, harm, and feeling bad or wrong
- Discover our somatic, emotional, and cognitive patterns that block action and responsibility
- Soften “the inner critic” to experience the natural urge to wholeness that animates right action
- Regain the sensitivity of reverence and dedication
- Release fear and resistance to others’ beliefs, actions, and missions, and experience ways to invite them to listen to their own alignment with the sacred
- Learn a breathing style that restores the brain and self to this Essence
- Rewire neural pathways from our history to the present to receive the authentic and healthy energy and behaviors of this realm
- Contact reality and the Divine as unending blessing
Integration Session (August 22)
Join skilled Enneagram coaches for this LIVE session, designed to support your integration of the holographic teachings so far. This special hour is your opportunity to ask burning questions and spend time in small groups — sharing new awareness and challenges as you break through to a deeper understanding of type, awakening, and wholeness using the Enneagram map.
Module 5: The Awakened Two — Living a Life of Unconditional Love & Support (August 29)
— Iqbal

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from love, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about giving and needs. You’ll see that the ultimate sweetness of life and incomparable love naturally arise when we relax into fully receiving what we are being given in each moment, and allow the buoyancy of existence to hold us.
In this session, Jessica will guide you on a one-hour journey through the holographic map of Two — core wound (passion), shadow, fixation, wings One and Three, directions of dynamic evolution (the arrows to Four and Eight), instinctual drives, Virtue of Humility, Holy Ideas of Freedom and Will, Essence, Aspect of the Divine/Creation.
You’ll also experience a powerful, immersive practice which allows you to:
- Experience love of self, love of others, and compassion, without fear
- Hold this core wound and shadow with compassion, intelligence, and love
- Heal childhood experiences of feeling unlovable and rejected
- Discover somatic, emotional, and cognitive patterns that block nourishment, worthiness, and thriving, and our ability to respond kindly to ourselves and others
- Feel how these qualities can only manifest to the degree we are intimate, and in some connection, with ourselves
- Regain the abiding in receptivity and affirmation of our inherent worthiness
- Release fear and resistance to opening to pain and the natural need for nourishment in others, and experience new ways to invite others to share their authentic need
- Learn a breathing style that restores the brain and self to this Essence
- Rewire neural pathways from our history to the present to receive the authentic and healthy energy and behaviors of this realm
- Contact reality and the Divine as boundless love and holding
Module 6: The Awakened Three — Living a Life of Personal Value & Creative Functioning (September 5)
— Islamic prayer

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our true wishes and capacities, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about value and being radiant. However, we can stretch ourselves to cultivate reverence and unbroken commitment for developing the gifts and possibilities within us.
In this session, Jessica will guide you on a one-hour journey through the holographic map of Three — core wound (passion), shadow, fixation, wings Two and Four, directions of dynamic evolution (the arrows to Six and Nine), instinctual drives, Virtue of authenticity, Holy Ideas of Hope and Law, Essence, and Aspect of the Divine.
You’ll also experience a powerful, immersive practice which allows you to:
- Experience value, capacity, and radiance without fear
- Hold this core wound and shadow with compassion, intelligence, and love
- Heal childhood experiences of feeling irrelevant or worthless
- Discover somatic, emotional, and cognitive patterns that block personal growth and evolution, and manifesting our inherent dreams and logos
- Feel how true purpose can be enhanced through Being
- Regain the ability to flow with effortless functioning
- Release fear and resistance to our and others’ potency and focus, and experience ways to play and work with others
- Learn a breathing style that restores the brain and self to this Essence
- Rewire neural pathways from our history to the present to receive the authentic and healthy energy and behaviors of this realm
- Contact reality and the Divine as the glory of boundless creative flow and manifestation
Module 7: The Awakened Four — Living a Life of Boundless Depth & Beauty (September 12)
— Rumi

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our original nature as beauty, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about identity, depth, and intimacy. When we dissolve the false sense of tension between individuation and unity, we remember and experience ourselves as one with the Beloved.
In this session, Jessica will guide you on a one-hour journey through the holographic map of Four — core wound (passion), shadow, fixation, wings Three and Five, directions of dynamic evolution (the arrows to One and Two), instinctual drives, Virtue of Equanimity, Holy Idea of Holy Origin, Essence, Aspect of the Divine/Creation.
You’ll also experience a powerful, immersive practice which allows you to:
- Experience shameless yearning and Being without fear
- Hold this core wound and shadow with compassion, intelligence, and love
- Heal childhood experiences of feeling invalidated, invaded, or abandoned
- Discover somatic, emotional, and cognitive patterns that block real depth, surrender, and being fulfilled
- Feel how the depth and intimacy we are longing for can only be found in reality as it actually is, instead of our idealizations and hopes
- Regain the contact with the ephemeral and real beauty of you, others, and reality
- Release our fear and resistance to others’ unconsciousness or unique ways of being, and experience ways to be intimate with what shows up
- Learn a breathing style that restores the brain and self to this essence
- Rewire neural pathways from our history to the present to receive the authentic and healthy energy and behaviors of this realm
- Contact reality and the Divine as Holy Origin and endless mystery
Integration Session (September 19)
This special LIVE hour is your opportunity to ask burning questions of experienced Enneagram coaches and join them in small-group discussions. Share new awarenesses and challenges as you break through to a deeper understanding of types, spiritual wholeness, and embodying your gifts using the Enneagram map.
Module 8: The Awakened Five — Living a Life of Clarity, Awareness & True Knowing (September 26)
— Iqbal

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our inherent clarity, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about awareness. You’ll see there is a true brilliance that naturally arises when we relax our worrying mind into ever-widening rings of curiosity and living into the questions, and when we cultivate our capacity to listen, to be receptive to the spaciousness within and without.
In this session, Jessica will guide you on a one-hour journey through the holographic map of Five — core wound (passion), shadow, fixation, wings Four and Six, Directions of Dynamic evolution (the arrows to Eight and Seven), instinctual drives, Virtue of Non-attachment, Holy Ideas of Transparency and Omniscience, Essence, Aspect of the Divine/Creation.
You’ll also experience a powerful, immersive practice which allows you to:
- Experience direct knowing and truth without fear
- Hold this core wound and shadow with compassion, intelligence, and love
- Heal childhood experiences of feeling stupid, confused, or terrified of not knowing
- Discover somatic, emotional, and cognitive patterns that block silence, stillness, and genuine inquiry
- Feel how true knowing can only be found in the present moment in contact with reality
- Regain the natural delight of discovery
- Release fear and resistance to others’ intelligence, knowing, and inventiveness, and experience new ways to invite their contributions
- Learn a breathing style that restores the brain and self to this Essence
- Rewire neural pathways from our history to the present to receive the authentic and healthy energy and behaviors of this realm
- Contact reality and the Divine as gnosis — infinite intelligence and awareness
Module 9: The Awakened Six — Living a Life of Faith & Awake Inner Guidance (October 3)
— John O’Donohue

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our inner guidance, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about choices and purpose. We’ll see that our lives have an inherent and natural evolution, when we relax completely into being serenely awake to each moment.
In this session, Jessica will guide you on a one-hour journey through the holographic map of Six — core wound (passion), shadow, fixation, wings Five and Seven, directions of dynamic evolution (the arrows to Nine and Three), instinctual drives, Virtue of Courage, Holy Idea of Faith, Essence, Aspect of the Divine/Creation.
You’ll also experience a powerful, immersive practice which allows you to:
- Experience interconnectivity and inner guidance without fear
- Hold this core wound and shadow with compassion, intelligence, and love
- Heal childhood experiences of worthlessness, inadequacy, anxiety, harm from outer guidance, and being unsupported by a lack of outer guidance
- Discover somatic, emotional, and cognitive patterns that block trust, faith, and participation
- Feel awakeness that is devoted to going beyond personal interest, rather than feeling anxiety and reactivity in relation to others and situations
- Regain receptivity to seeing “the way,” and excitement about purpose
- Release fear and resistance to others’ journeys, and experience new ways to invite them to trust their path
- Learn a breathing style that restores the brain and self to this Essence
- Rewire neural pathways from our history to the present to receive the authentic and healthy energy and behaviors of this realm
- Contact reality and the Divine as companionship, trust, and guidance
Module 10: The Awakened Seven — Living a Life of Fulfillment, Joy, & Possibilities (October 10)
— Jennifer Welwood

In this module, we’ll explore the separations from our inherent joy and celebration of possibility, and the wounds and misperceptions we have about hope and positivity. We’ll experience that a natural creativity arises when we relax into profound gratitude and treasure the blessings of each moment.
In this session, Jessica will guide you on a one-hour journey through the holographic map of Seven — core wound (passion), shadow, fixation, wings Six and Eight, directions of dynamic evolution (the arrows to Five and One), instinctual drives, Virtue of Sobriety, Holy Idea of Plan, Essence, Aspect of the Divine/Creation.
You’ll also experience a powerful, immersive practice which allows you to:
- Experience joy and hope without fear
- Hold this core wound and shadow with compassion, intelligence, and love
- Heal childhood experiences of hopelessness and despair
- Discover somatic, emotional, and cognitive patterns that block trust, faith, and participation
- Feel the authentic drive for freedom, fulfillment, and happiness as grounded exuberance and creativity, rather than the addictive seeking of new experiences and sensations
- Regain trust in our capacity to open to new possibilities
- Release fear and resistance to others’ happiness, rejoicing, and ingenuity, and experience new ways to partner with them
- Learn a breathing style that restores the brain and self to this Essence
- Rewire neural pathways from our history to the present to receive the authentic and healthy energy and behaviors of this realm
- Contact reality and the Divine as boundless creativity and fulfillment
Module 11: Ongoing Transformation & Integration for Ourselves, Others, and the World (October 17)
— Martin Luther King, Jr.

By the final module, we’ll be deeply engaged with a holographic approach to the Enneagram and your life. We’ll be experiencing an expanded and deepened inner terrain, supporting you in being more available to embody love, wisdom, and presence in every moment, in every situation.
We’ll be consistently doing practices that unmask our blind spots, open up multidimensional awareness and differentiations and nuances of growth, and support and stabilize transformation and awakening. We’ll be consistently inviting all nine orientations and energies to blossom and work together inside ourselves.
Living with the implications of this is a journey of profound change, and in this culminating module, we’ll explore:
- Themes and challenges of integrating what you’ve discovered, cleared, and awakened within you
- Ongoing practices, including self-care, which you can take into your daily life
- Personal stories of change and challenges
- Creating more conscious and loving relationships
- The importance of continuing to surrender to the Mystery
- Acts of service you may want to commit to
The Holographic Enneagram Bonus Collection
(Valued at $300.00)
In addition to Jessica’s transformative 13-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading Enneagram visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Inner Work & the Instincts: Bringing Presence to Your Instinctual Drives
Video Teaching With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb

The Instincts (or subtypes) and the roles they play in our lives and in our development are one of the “hottest” topics in the Enneagram field. Together, Jessica and Russ will weave a rich immersion in the topic — not to give final answers, but to launch all involved on a deeper investigation of how these fundamental intelligences operate in our personal lives.
You’ll explore:
- The innate life qualities called Instincts — and how they appear in nature and in you
- How to recognize and experience the deep qualities of Instincts as felt sensations, which are part of your body’s wisdom
- How to recognize blindspots and inertia in each of the instincts
- How to create a set of customized practices for working with the Instincts and creating a better balance between them
- How the Instincts are transformed from supports for the ego to support for your soul realization and maturation
Practitioner Principles for Co-Creating Dynamic, Empowering & Enduring Change With Clients: Utilizing the Enneagram to Guide, Inspire & Ground Transformational Process
Audio Teaching With Jessica Dibb, Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer, and David Daniels

How to work with people and the types, all with different temperaments and competencies. This is a powerful way to understand your clients. Jessica does an amazing talk on transference and countertransference — type transference which Jessica “invented.”This interesting conversation for healing professionals offers a way of relating to their clients that could be deepened by the Enneagram.
In Their Own Voices: The Types Speak
Audio Recording From Jessica Dibb and Voices of the Enneagram

In this original audio recording, two people of each Enneagram type share what has been the most powerful transformational impact for their lives because of working with the Enneagram. Listening to the voices of that type using their own language to describe significant change brings us a visceral sense of the journey of that type.
Three Centers Meditation
Audio Meditation With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb

Your orientation to life and each moment is profoundly impacted by your ability to be present in each of the three centers — Body, Heart, and Head. In this special session, you’ll be guided through a potent meditation that cultivates awareness and consciousness in each center and its various gifts and capacities. As you learn to do this and to increase the communication and integration of the centers, the strengths of your types can function more radiantly — unimpeded by unconscious habits and reactions. Your gifts are then infused with greater vibrancy, enabling them to consistently participate in, and contribute to, reality.
Original Ideas Behind the Enneagram
Audio Dialogue With Russ Hudson and Cynthia Bourgeault

Russ and Cynthia share a deep background in the Gurdjieff work, and in the original ideas behind the Enneagram symbol and its teachings. In this audio dialogue, they discuss some of the roots of the system, as well as the centrally important issue of orientation with the material. Cynthia and Russ also look at the triadic logic of the Enneagram, based in what Gurdjieff called “The Law of Three,” to introduce students to some of the dynamic elements of the system that open up its capacity to change lives.
Cynthia Bourgeault is a modern-day mystic, Episcopal priest, writer, and internationally known retreat leader, as well as the founding Director of both The Contemplative Society and the Aspen Wisdom School. She is the author of seven books: The Meaning of Mary Magdalene, The Wisdom Jesus, Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening, Mystical Hope, The Wisdom Way of Knowing, Chanting the Psalms, and Love is Stronger Than Death.
What Creates Transformation: The Pragmatics of Change
Audio Dialogue With Russ Hudson and David Daniels

We’ve all developed and adopted particular styles of managing life, and dealing with conflicts and difficulties. These patterns, which have been with us since early childhood, are not inherently wrong; they were adaptive strategies we used to survive and are therefore quite valuable. Transformation is really a process of finding a better balance in our styles of managing life. Listen in as Russ Hudson and David Daniels discuss their views and strategies on this topic.
David Daniels, MD, is clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford Medical School, a leading developer of the Enneagram system of nine personality styles, and co-author of the bestseller, The Essential Enneagram, updated and revised with vital new material in 2009. He also co-developed the outstanding DVD, The Enneagram: Nine Paths to a Productive and Fulfilling Life and The Enneagram in the Workplace. In private practice for over 40 years, David also has taught the Enneagram system at Stanford, in the community, and internationally for 22 years. Together with Helen Palmer (author, professor) he co-founded the Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition (ESNT), The Enneagram Professional Training Program (EPTP), and was one of the founders of the International Enneagram Association (IEA).
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