Janina Fisher – Somatic Interventions for Treating Complex Trauma with Janina Fisher, Ph.D.
- Faculty:
- Janina Fisher
- Duration:
- 11 Hours 39 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Oct 16, 2017
Presented by internationally-renowned trauma expert, Janina Fisher, Ph.D.
You won’t want to miss this workshop on learning proven Somatic techniques for treating trauma with international expert and author Janina Fisher, PhD!
The techniques you’ll learn during this workshop will make even the most complex clients easier to treat – and the interventions you’ll learn directly address the underlying causes of post-traumatic stress.
Dr. Fisher will give you tools from Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, a body-centered talking therapy. These simple body-oriented interventions can be easily integrated into traditional talking therapies to address trauma-related challenges such as:
- Dysregulated autonomic arousal
- Overwhelming affects and sensations
- Intrusive images and memories
- Impulsivity and acting out
- Dissociative phenomena
- Numbing and disconnection
This workshop will cover recent neuroscience research that explains how traumatic experience becomes deeply embedded in both mind and body. Learn how to better assess and make sense of trauma-based symptoms and then how to apply neurobiologically informed treatment techniques in clinical practice.
Manual (5.63 MB) | 53 Pages | Available after Purchase |
The Neurobiological Legacy of Trauma
- How the mind and body react to threat and danger
- Autonomic arousal and affect tolerance
- Inability to feel safe in the body
- Loss of the ability to self-witness
The Nature of Traumatic Memory
- “The body keeps the score” (Van der Kolk)
- Implicit memories: is it memory?
- Remembering situationally: ‘here’ or ‘there’?
Neurobiologically-informed Trauma Treatment
- Regulating the traumatized nervous system and restoring a witnessing self
- Psychoeducation: knowledge is power
- Reframing the symptoms
- Avoid ‘self-defeating stories’ (Meichenbaum)
- Treat the symptoms, not just the event
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
- Trauma and procedural learning
- Tracking the body as a source of information
- Use the language of the body
- Body-centered techniques into talking therapy treatments
Mindfulness and Neuroplasticity
- Mindfulness practices in therapy
- Differentiate thoughts, feelings and body experience
- Dual awareness of everyday experience
- Teach mindfulness to clients
Challenges of Trauma Treatment
- Secondary symptoms: anger, self-harm and suicidality, aggression, substance abuse, and eating disorders
- Treatment-resistant depression and anxiety
- Complex symptoms as manifestations of animal defense responses
Therapy as a Laboratory for the Practice of New Actions
- Dis-identifying with the symptoms
- Develop a new language and a new story
- Capitalize on somatic resources for modulating the nervous system
- New resources that address specific trauma symptoms
The Role of Neuroplasticity
- Neuroplastic brain change
- Principles of neuroplasticity
- Treatments to enhance neuroplastic effects
Somatic Resolution of Traumatic Events
- Repair and transformation rather than re-processing
- Address uninvited memory
- Tell the story to ourselves: creating internal safety
- Right brain-to-right brain communication: feeling safe with others

Janina Fisher, Ph.D. Related seminars and products: 63
Janina Fisher, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist and former instructor at The Trauma Center, a research and treatment center founded by Bessel van der Kolk. Known as an expert on the treatment of trauma, Dr. Fisher has also been treating individuals, couples and families since 1980.
She is past president of the New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation, an EMDR International Association Credit Provider, Assistant Educational Director of the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, and a former Instructor, Harvard Medical School. Dr. Fisher lectures and teaches nationally and internationally on topics related to the integration of the neurobiological research and newer trauma treatment paradigms into traditional therapeutic modalities.
She is co-author with Pat Ogden of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Attachment and Trauma (2015) and author of Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Internal Self-Alienation (2017) and the forthcoming book, Working with the Neurobiological Legacy of Trauma (in press).
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Janina Fisher is in private practice. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Janina Fisher has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
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