Lorelei Woerner-Eisner – Improve Sensory Processing in Kids: Integrate Tablets and Smart Phones for Proven Outcomes
- Faculty:
- Lorelei Woerner-Eisner
- Duration:
- 3 Hours 14 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Oct 10, 2017
In this quick, easy-to-use presentation, you will explore how the Tablet and cell phone can extend beyond the apps and slick surface to truly integrate into your therapeutic interventions.
Learn ways to use this motivating and engaging therapy tool in an integrative manner to enhance sensory processing, by incorporating the tools into sensory strategies such as proprioceptive, vestibular, tactile input as well as inherent visual and auditory strengths.
This 3-hour workshop brings this tech-tool to life and delves into the myriad of ways to use it to enhance function from a whole-child perspective.
Expand the power of technology’s surfaces to integrate into your next therapy session.
063460 Slides (0.46 MB) | 3 Pages | Available after Purchase |
- Explore fresh integrative and clinically proven techniques to expand your repertoire using screens:
- proprioceptive, vestibular, tactile input, as well as visual and auditory strengths.
- gustatory/feeding issues, as well as olfactory processing
- Get more bang for your buck with the tablet by using its inherent features in creatively therapeutic ways, as well as exploring specific application recommendations.
- Cultivate motivation and engagement with sensory sensitive children with the use of media.
- Gain fresh perspectives on how we as OTs can put this technology in its place as a helpful tool.

Lorelei Woerner-Eisner, OTR/L, C-IAYT, RYT500 Related seminars and products: 5
Integrative Wellness Therapy
Lorelei Woerner- Eisner, OTR/L, C-IAYT, RYT500, a registered and licensed Occupational Therapist, Certified Yoga Therapist and a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher has over 20 years of practice in working with infants to seniors from a whole-person perspective. Lorelei is a recognized international lecturer and author. She has spoken across the country on a wide variety of topics related to therapy from a holistic perspective. Throughout her career, she has been driven by a passion to research, discover and create the most highly effective therapy techniques and tools to support lasting change with her broad range of clients’ needs. She has worked in pediatrics/sensory integration, rehabilitation, psychiatrics, acute care, home health, and skilled nursing settings. Lorelei is certified in: the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test, Yoga Therapy, Yoga Ed sm (a school-based yoga program), Hippotherapy, and Myofascial Release. She and her specially trained therapy dog Toma, work in a variety of settings including her private practice, Integrative Wellness Therapy. Born and raised in the Los Angeles area, Lorelei received a B.A. in Occupational Therapy from USC in 1993, a B.A. in Communications from Pepperdine University in 1986 and her 2-year Yoga Therapy certificate from Loyola Marymount University in 2007.
Speaker Disclosure:
Financial: Lorelei Woerner-Eisner is the owner of Integrative Wellness Therapy. She has an employment relationship with Therapy in Action and the University of California Los Angeles. She is a compensated lecturer for the Bureau of Education and Research. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Lorelei Woerner-Eisner is a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists.
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