Grandmaster Mantak Chia – Alchemize Your Emotional Energy for Self-Healing & Longevity With Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chia 2022
Harness the power of Qigong to generate inner cycles of balance, harmony, and vitality.Transform dense emotional energy that’s stored in your organs into healing biochemical reactions that mobilize energy flow, heighten wellbeing, and activate the restorative power of the elements within you.

You are a natural-born alchemist.
The moment you entered the world, your life created ripples of change that are still in motion… including those that are happening inwardly as life transforms all that it touches.
In the Taoist tradition, your inner alchemy is a scalable version of the Universe — from your deepest cells to the life-giving elements of the Earth to the intelligence and vastness of the cosmos.
The human element is also woven into the mix… and herein lies the possibility for personal growth, the potential for the evolution of humanity — and, as you’ve likely experienced, the challenge of maintaining inner and outer harmony.
According to Grandmaster Mantak Chia, an internationally celebrated master of inner alchemy and Qigong who’s trained thousands of Qigong masters, teachers, and practitioners worldwide, one of the most powerful forces of energy — or Qi — that can help you heal and remain in an elevated state of being is emotion.
During this fascinating 7-module journey with Grandmaster Chia on leveraging Qigong to alchemize your emotional energy for self-healing and longevity, you’ll discover how your emotions ignite a series of biochemical reactions that can either wreak havoc on your organs and systems or accelerate healing…
… and master Qigong practices that heighten and disperse your Qi through ancient healing sounds and movements that help you attain inner harmony and self-regulation of your entire being.
This ongoing process of alchemizing all that you are creates seasons of renewal within you, known in the wisdom of the Tao as creation cycles. A positive creation cycle results in balance, harmony, and vitality. Negative cycles too often lead to chronic conditions or dis-ease.
As you begin to use Qigong to generate healthy creation cycles that reharmonize your entire being for optimal wellness, your energy will naturally align with the intentions you hold for yourself, deepening your connection to the whole of life.
As the creator of the Universal Healing Tao system, which integrates Taoist practices, formulas, and methods of inner alchemy with Western physiological studies, Grandmaster Chia has guided thousands of students back into their natural harmonious states for the past 40 years.
You’ll be on the receiving end of this wellspring of knowledge and practices during this transformative course, in which you’ll use Qigong movements… ancient healing meditations on the Six Healing Sounds sounds for releasing grief, sadness, and other heavy emotions from your organs…

… and breathwork and meditations to help you repurpose dense and stagnant emotional energy in your body… to reinvigorate your entire being, and that’s just the beginning.
Grandmaster Chia will also guide you on a quest to reclaim your body’s latent wisdom through a series of physiological activations — from embryonic breathing to opening your Microcosmic Orbit (the energy superhighway of your body). This will reset your inner systems, recharging your bio-battery and drawing in cosmic activations and pure energy for self-healing. You’ll soon recognize the power you hold to alchemize your energy to match your ideal health and life.
You’ll also discover your second brain and its role in conserving energy, you’ll realign with your inner North Star, and you’ll learn how to direct the electromagnetic currents in your body to regenerate your organs.
And following Grandmaster Chia’s Super-Immunity Treasure Map, you’ll experience the power that an authentic smile holds when you direct it inwardly toward your glands.
Imagine how wondrful it will feel to no longer be at the mercy of your emotions or the imbalances they leave in their wake. And instead to be a conscious creator of your own health, capable of generating creation cycles of balance, harmony, and vitality that mobilize energy flow, as you optimize all the inner resources that are available to you.
Are you ready to become the master alchemist of your own wellbeing? Join Grandmaster Chia for this empowering 7-module journey into the healing art of Qigong and emotional alchemy!
During this transformative course, you’ll:
- Become the master alchemist of your own wellbeing
- Generate inner cycles of harmony and vigor that mobilize energy flow and heightened wellbeing
- Release dense emotional energy from your organs and activate the restorative power of the elements with meditations on the Six Healing Sounds
- Practice charging your bio-battery — the gateway to generating and storing large amounts of Qi
- Activate the 7 pumps of the spine with Cranio-Sacral Qigong, enabling the energy to flow more freely
- Optimize your vagus nerve and increase vitality with the Inner Smile meditation — the best antidote to stress
- Activate your thymus gland — your immune-system training camp
- Detox your organs with Qi self-massage for increased energy flow and immunity
- Learn the importance of your second brain and its role in conserving your energy
- Reactivate your internal electromagnetic circuits with embryonic breathing and draw in energy from the Universe
- Connect with the wisdom energy of the violet light and align with your inner North Star
- Open your Microcosmic Orbit — the energy superhighway of your body — starting with the Small Moon Orbit, the Turning the Water Wheel practice
- Smile at your glands for deeper healing and mastery of your energy system
- Address specific conditions with Taoist practice — relying on your inner pharmacy to heal yourself
- Discover the Taoist meridian clock and how to use it for creating a healthier lifestyle
Born in Bangkok, Thailand, Grandmaster Chia began his training in profound spiritual practice at the age of six. He was eventually initiated into the most sacred Taoist practices, which he later integrated into his studies of Western physical anatomy. His Universal Healing Tao system has created a way for Westerners to absorb the essence of these subtle practices, which were shrouded in secrecy for millennia.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Grandmaster Chia will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to generate inner cycles of balance, harmony, and vitality by transforming dense emotional energy into healing chemical reactions that mobilize energy flow, heightened wellbeing… and the restorative power of the elements within you.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Grandmaster Chia. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to transform dense emotional energy into healing chemical reactions that revitalize your entire being.
Module 1: Turning Inward to Your Body’s Wisdom

According to the wisdom of the Tao, we all have the capacity to live a long and healthy life… and it’s our unique responsibility to nurture our own vitality.
This process starts by turning inward and connecting with your internal Universe.
Through movement, breathwork, and meditation — and cultivating Qi in your spine, organs, and glands — you’ll gain mastery of your physical and emotional health.
In this opening module, you’ll begin this empowering process through what Grandmaster Chia calls “returning to body wisdom.”
In this opening session, you’ll:
- Be guided in a practice to activate the 7 pumps of the spine with cranio-sacral Qigong, enabling your energy to flow more freely
- Optimize your vagus nerve and increase vitality with the Inner Smile meditation — the best antidote to stress!
- Dramatically increase your energy with abdominal breathing and reverse breathing techniques
- Come to understand the Taoist creation cycle, or 5 Element Theory, and develop practical ways to care for the health of your organs
Module 2: Charging Your Bio-Battery by Drawing in Energy From the Universe

Most of us in today’s world routinely ensure that our electronic devices remain charged. But what about charging your own internal battery?
In Taoist understanding, our bio-battery is located in the lower tan tien (also known as the dantian, or lower energy center), and it’s the cornerstone of Taoist practice.
Once your connection to your internal Universe is well established, you can learn how to draw in energy from the external Universe.
In this session, you’ll discover how to harness energy from well beyond the physical realms. And, Grandmaster Chia will guide you in techniques to release emotions and stress with vibrational sound and Qigong movements.
During the second class, you’ll:
- Practice charging your bio-battery — the gateway to generating and storing large amounts of Qi
- Learn the importance of your second brain and its role in conserving your energy
- Activate the 3 Tan Tiens with tan tien fire, kidney fire, and heart fire
- Reactivate your internal electromagnetic circuits with embryonic breathing and draw in energy from the Universe
- Connect with the wisdom energy of the violet light and align with your inner North Star
- Release grief, loneliness, and depression from your lungs with ancient healing sounds that replace heavy emotions with courage and grace… calling on the element of metal
- Release fear and trauma from your kidneys with ancient healing sounds that activate the element of water for gentleness, peace, and calm
Module 3: Cultivating Your Energy to Regenerate Your Organs

In this module, you’ll start to learn one of the fundamental practices in Taoist inner alchemy tradition — the Microcosmic Orbit… a supreme energy cultivation technique.
Grandmaster Chia will share his profound wisdom about the Taoist worldview… how the microcosm (human nature) is a reflection of the macrocosm (the cosmos).
Once you understand that everything is in orbit — from the planets in the atmosphere to the electrons in your cells — this practice will make perfect sense. As a result of the refinement process inherent in it, people who practice the Microcosmic Orbit experience not just more, but a higher grade of energy.
The electromagnetic current of energy is channeled in pathways to nourish your organs and glands, with a highly regenerative effect.
In this session, you’ll also practice more healing sounds for optimal health and emotional balance.
You’ll also:
- Begin to open your Microcosmic Orbit — the energy superhighway of your body — starting with the Small Moon Orbit, the Turning the Water Wheel practice
- Activate the key points of the orbit pathway to aid the refinement process — your perineum, sacrum, ming men, and tan tien
- Release anger and frustration from your liver with ancient healing sounds that replace heavy emotions with generosity, kindness, and forgiveness (the element of wood)
- Release impatience and cruelty from your heart with ancient healing sounds that activate the element of fire for love, joy, happiness, and appreciation
Module 4: Qigong Practices for Longevity

By this time in the course, your energy centers are starting to activate. Using the power of the mind, eye, and heart, you’ll practice spiraling Qi at those centers.
You’ll establish more deeply your connections to the Earth, the Universe, and your North Star… which give you access to the infinite resources of high-quality energy.
You’ll also complete the final two sounds of the Six Healing Sounds meditation, with a focus on good quality sleep.
In this session, you’ll also:
- Continue with the process of opening your Microcosmic Orbit, activating the Yang (or Governor) Channel
- Release worry, anxiety, and mistrust from your spleen with ancient healing sounds that activate the element of Earth for trust, fairness, and openness
- Harmonize the internal temperatures of your body with the final healing sound for the Triple Warmer, which is very effective in addressing insomnia
Module 5: Tonifying Your Organs & Emotional Mastery

In this module, you’ll cultivate greater mastery of your emotions as you learn new techniques to tonify your organs — an advanced form of the Six Healing Sounds meditation.
You’ll also complete the process of opening the Microcosmic Orbit, connecting on a cellular level to the patterns of the Universe so you can offer more energy and wisdom.
During the fifth module, you’ll:
- Continue with the process of opening your Microcosmic Orbit, activating the Yin (or Functional) Channel
- Discover the energy surge as you complete the Small Heavenly Orbit and the Great Heavenly Orbit processes, which prevent depletion of your natural essences
- Tonify and supercharge your organs with ancient healing sounds
Module 6: Self-Healing With the Super-Immunity Treasure Map

Most of us seem to have time to get sick, but how much time do you put into looking after your own health?
In this module, Grandmaster Chia will share his Super-Immunity Treasure Map — an empowering approach to preventative health and immunity. You’ll learn simple 5- to 10-minute-a-day techniques that can make a serious impact on your wellbeing.
Grandmaster Chia will also guide you in an energy practice that works with your glands and connects you to the master glands in the Crystal Palace at the center of your brain — nourishing your spirit with healing light.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- How to smile at your glands for deeper healing and mastery of your energy system
- The immune-boosting benefits of Laughing Qigong
- A technique to activate your thymus gland — your immune-system training camp
- How to detox your organs with Qi self-massage for increased energy flow and immunity
Module 7: Integration & Daily Practices to Cultivate Your Inner Pharmacy

The secret of Taoist practice is to do the practice! This final module is all about integration and deepening into the teaching.
Grandmaster Chia will offer tips to integrate a daily routine of Taoist practices into your way of life. You’ll learn ways to heal specific conditions, allowing you to rely more and more on your inner pharmacy.
As the course closes, you’ll have everything you need to embrace the gems of Taoist wisdom for greater health, amplified energy, and long-lasting happiness.
In this final session, you’ll:
- Integrate the teachings as you review the key points of the practice
- Be inspired to develop a daily routine
- Find out ways to address specific conditions with Taoist practice — relying on your inner pharmacy to heal yourself
- Discover the Taoist meridian clock and how to use it for creating a healthier lifestyle
What People Are Saying About Grandmaster Mantak Chia…
— Morakot Piyakesin: “All My Diseases Went Away Through My Practice”
— Manar Farahat: “The Whole World Started to Change Around Me”
“The work that’s taught by Mantak Chia is extremely profound, and has improved every single area of my life.”
So here’s what this system has given me… I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in 1983, which had caused a spontaneous fracture in my fifth thoracic vertebrae. After I began studying the Healing Tao, I never again broke a bone, and, within a year of my diagnosis, my bone density actually increased. Every other year, I get checked for osteoporosis. I am now in the normal range for my age. My back is free of pain. My energy went way up. The work that’s taught by Mantak Chia is extremely profound, and has improved every single area of my life. It has been a catalyst to finding my higher purpose in life. It has even opened me to greater love, beginning with love for myself and greater alignment with my true purpose.
— Dena Saxer, Los Angeles, California
“Master Chia is a man who has come to depart from the traditional belief that a teacher must impose his EXACT formulas onto his students.”
A spiritual journey requires experimenting with various teachers and philosophies. I found on my path that I want to be independent, and it took me from the age of 15 in 1961 when I began the journey, another 20 years to find Mantak Chia, who very much wants his students to be spiritually independent. Master Chia is a man who has come to depart from the traditional belief that a teacher must impose his EXACT formulas onto his students. He has grown to enable his teacher trainees! He allows them room to share what comes from their own cultural adjustments and creative understandings when they begin hoping to teach what they have learned.
— Raven Cohan, Florida
“I always appreciate the value of Master Chia’s teachings because it has helped me evolve and continue to evolve into a more whole, independent, and enlightened being.”
I always appreciate the value of Master Chia’s teachings because it has helped me evolve and continue to evolve into a more whole, independent, and enlightened being. I thank him for being there even when I am not with him. I remember him like red roses!
— Dorothy Ramien, Ontario, Canada
“I cannot begin to express how much he has meant to me and my students.”
I totally agree with Master Chia’s words. He will always be my shining example. I have so much gratitude in my heart for what he has shared with me. My health and my ever-increasing, total second-by-second awareness of my eternal spirit within have all come about from his unselfish giving. I cannot begin to express how much he has meant to me and my students.
— Andrew Fretwell, Virginia
“I am honored to be associated with Master Chia’s Universal Tao.”
— Mariaina Craske, Amsterdam, Netherlands
More Praise for Grandmaster Mantak Chia…
“If it were Master Chia’s world, it would be a better place!”
I am so thankful to Master Chia for all that I have gained from his wisdom and power. If it were Master Chia’s world, it would be a better place! I’d sign on at any time!
— Patrick Clifford
“The healing sounds have helped me so much with what I’m going through right now.”
The healing sounds have helped me so much with what I’m going through right now. I had a CT scan on my lungs and abdomen today and was feeling very scared afterwards. But I do the healing sounds every night and every morning, and they really help to ground me and release the fear out of my body. I am so grateful for them because they have helped to keep me sane in a very difficult situation. Either way, I am grateful for the healing I have felt from doing the sounds everyday.
— Marina Gose
“I have come upon Master Chia’s Taoist practice in my old age, and find it the most satisfying and enriching practice of all…”
I have come upon Master Chia’s Taoist practice in my old age, and find it the most satisfying and enriching practice of all those I have encountered in a long life of seeking and practicing.
— Felix Morrow, publisher
“… a yogi recommended Mantak Chia’s Universal Tao System to me, which has changed my life and solved my problems successfully since then.”
Four years ago, a yogi recommended Mantak Chia’s Universal Tao System to me, which has changed my life and solved my problems successfully since then. As psychology, the human mind, and the diverse energetic phenomena have always interested me since childhood, I found his books very interesting. Due to my intense interest in the whole system, I got to know its consequent steps from the books and started the practices. I have gotten acquainted with the exercises in the books and I practice them regularly.
— Istvan Pribeli, Hungary
“I highly value Master Chia’s plain and practical teachings on Taoist methods.”
I am a practitioner of Yan Xin Qigong living in Dallas, and I highly value Master Chia’s plain and practical teachings on Taoist methods. As I progress in the practice of Qigong, I experience very powerful “energy states” that seem to pull me towards prayer, and the only kind of prayer I know is Christian prayer. Strangely enough, Qigong is reawakening my feeling of love and faith, and devotion to Jesus.
— Kenneth Shaw, Dallas, Texas
About Grandmaster Mantak Chia

Grandmaster Mantak Chia was born in Bangkok, Thailand in 1944. Recognized very early as having great potential for spiritual development, he was initiated into meditation practices by Buddhist monks at the age of six. While studying in Hong Kong, he learned Tai Chi Chuan, Aikido, and Kundalini Yoga from a variety of teachers. His pursuit of Taoist teachings led him to meet the White Cloud Hermit, a Taoist Master originally from Central China, living at that time in the mountains not far from Hong Kong. Master Yi Eng was to become Grandmaster Mantak Chia’s principal teacher. Over a period of a few years, Master Yi transmitted to Grandmaster Mantak Chia the most sacred and closely held Taoist practices, formulas, and methods of internal alchemy, culminating in the Reunion of Heaven and Man.
Realizing that, as transmitted to him, these immortal practices could not easily be absorbed by Western students, Grandmaster Mantak Chia undertook to integrate them with his studies in Western physical anatomy. Through this process, he created a unique view of the internal aspects of these practices. With the Universal Healing Tao system, he has created for the first time a way for any individual to quickly get to the essence of subtle practices whose real purpose has been shrouded in secrecy for millennia.
The author of dozens of books, booklets, and videos describing the theory and methods of these practices, Grandmaster Mantak Chia has taught thousands of eager students the principles of Taoist internal practice over the past 40 years. He has certified hundreds of instructors and practitioners to help in the transmission of these teachings.
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