Giten Tonkov – Release Trauma From the Body With BioDynamic Breathwork 2022
Learn powerful breath and movement techniques to track the sensations in each area of your body, let go of trauma — and find the strength and ability to live your life happily, openly, and freely.

These days, many of us have settled into some version of the “new normal.” And yet, the turmoil of recent times is always with us, impacting our lives.
Even as we become more accustomed to the uncertainty, and settle down trauma will reverberate for years to come.
Trauma is very real. It’s not just an idea, or a feeling of upset. Left unresolved, it physically takes up residence in our tissues, expressing itself in our everyday lives, for perhaps years…
According to Giten Tonkov, noted trauma release expert, trauma can manifest almost anywhere in the body, and impact almost anyone. Trauma is a physical reaction that becomes part of our bodies, a response to situations both large and small.
A traumatic event can be as simple as being startled by an aggressively barking dog, or as complex as suddenly losing a loved one.
It can also be the cumulative effect of long-term but perhaps less obvious stressors, like interpersonal difficulties, dreams that have fallen by the wayside, or generalized anxiety.
Trauma happens when our systems become overwhelmed. And if we can’t adequately process and clear the traumatic experiences, our lives can slowly become unmanageable….
Join Giten for a new 7-module journey through his powerful healing process, the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System® (BBTRS®).
BioDynamic Breathwork supports your body’s natural process for releasing chronic tension, self-restricting patterns, and emotional trauma — clearing the way for feelings of joy, self-love, and deep relaxation.
You’ll explore the seven belts of tension in your body — the ocular, oral, cervical, thoracic, diaphragmatic, abdominal, and pelvic belts.
Throughout the course, Giten will address each belt of tension individually — and as you’ll discover, each section of your body is linked to specific emotions.

Giten will show you how to use all six healing tools of BioDynamic Breathwork — breath as the main focus, along with movement, touch, sound, conscious emotional expression, and meditation.
With Giten as your guide, you’ll target specific issues for personal growth using his flexible system. You’ll bring long-hidden (and often-overlooked) emotions to the surface.
You’ll connect unconscious patterns to past events. And you’ll gain more clarity to act with awareness, fostering intimacy and connection with others.
You’ll learn to breathe more effectively, sense your body, and explore feelings unconditionally. Giten will also show you how to return to your own internal resources for support and comfort whenever you need to.
As you heal and let go of core tensions by working through and releasing repressed negative energy stuck within your body, you’ll clear your emotional pathways — so you can feel happy and hopeful again.
In this brand-new on-demand course with Giten, you’ll discover:
- How trauma impacts the nervous system
- The 6 elements of BioDynamic Breathwork — breath, movement, sound, touch, emotions, and meditation
- The 7 belts of tension — ocular, oral, cervical, thoracic, diaphragmatic, abdominal, and pelvic — and how they’re different from the chakras
- The 3 different speeds of breathing — and how the speed and pattern of breath activates sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system response
- Techniques to explore your own felt sense — experiencing a physical sensation without attaching meaning to it
- How, as you address each belt of tension, the belt above or below it also opens and releases
- A deeper awareness of where you’re holding tension — and where your healing focus needs to be
- How your eyes gather visual information, assess the safety or threats in your environment — then send nerve impulses to the occipital area for processing
- How, when you’re breathing effectively and your diaphragm moves freely, it activates the abdominal organs, enhancing digestion, lung and heart movements, overall energy, and long-term wellbeing
- Ways to create and expand what Giten calls a window of tolerance to become more resilient, even in the face of your triggers
- Why a deeper understanding of how trauma works within your body can be incredibly empowering
- Ways to find a place of safety within your own body that you can always return to
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-module transformational intensive, Giten will guide you through powerful breath and movement techniques to track the sensations in each area of your body and let go of physical and emotional tension from trauma.
Module 1: Introduction to BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release

In this opening module, you’ll become fully grounded in the foundations of BioDynamic Breathwork.
Giten will walk you through the ways trauma turns into tension and how it’s stored in the body as it accumulates over the years.
You’ll explore the profound physical impacts of trauma — and the sensations the body produces when that trauma is released.
Giten will explain how, rather than going into deep, connected breathing practices as in other approaches, you’ll move through BioDynamic Breathwork in intervals using the principle of titration — releasing tension in small doses so you don’t become overstimulated.
With Giten as your guide, you’ll learn how to become more aware of your body’s sensations — and develop an even more intimate interaction with sensory messages throughout your body — as you take the first steps toward releasing your trauma.
As Giten shares these foundations with you, you’ll discover:
- The 6 elements of BioDynamic Breathwork — breath, movement, sound, touch, emotions, and meditation
- The 7 belts of tension — ocular, oral, cervical, thoracic, diaphragmatic, abdominal, and pelvic — and how they’re different from the chakras
- The 3 different speeds of breathing — and how the speed and pattern of breath activates your sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system response
- The true meaning of resources — supports, feelings, sensations, areas of the body, memories, people, physical objects, or thoughts — that calm you while enhancing feelings of safety
- How to utilize your body’s natural rhythm of moving between the contraction of tension and the expansion of relaxation in a process called pendulation
- A 45-minute sitting breathwork exercise to help you become familiar with the practice and bring awareness to parts of your body that need attention
Module 2: Where Is the Next Danger Coming From? — Relieving Tension in the Ocular Belt

In this second module, you’ll explore the ocular belt, which includes the eyes, forehead, and top of the head.
As you’ll discover, it’s also home to the emotions of suspicion, amusement, contempt, detachment, guarding, fighting, anger, and grief.
As Giten will explain, the tension in the ocular belt is constantly asking the question, “Where is the next danger coming from?” Your eyes gather visual information, assess the safety or threats in your environment — then send nerve impulses to the occipital area for processing….
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How continual fear and stress create headaches, tightness (in the forehead, cheeks, temples, and more), tension around the ears, tightness in the muscles around the eyeballs and pupils — and even hair loss
- Why extreme cases of fight-or-flight activation — that arise from war environments or unsafe home environments, for example — can cause tunnel vision — where people block out what they’re seeing
- How your ocular belt is affected by frustration — for example, why you might sometimes have difficulty concentrating when you’re stressed and frustrated, despite the high level of energy pouring into your overactive mind
- The powerful changes that come from releasing tension from the ocular belt, including better hearing, sharper vision, and more
- A 45-minute guided practice of breathwork, self-bodywork, and movement focused on releasing tension around the ocular belt — and expanding your peripheral vision
Module 3: How Your Mouth & Voice Work Together — The Oral & Cervical Belts

In this module, Giten will introduce you to two pivotal belts that often collaborate with each other…
You’ll explore the oral belt, which includes the mouth, chin, nose, jaw, and ears. Emotions like contempt, disgust, longing, desire, fear, pain, anger, connection, self-awareness, and presence reside in this belt…
The cervical belt, meanwhile, is home to the deep neck muscles and tongue. Emotions like self-pity, helplessness, longing, hurt, fear, pain, rage, freedom, creativity, and self-expression are found in the cervical belt.
As Giten will explain, the oral and cervical belts work intimately together. While the oral belt is home to your mouth, the cervical belt houses your tongue, and ultimately, your voice.
You’ll discover how both belts are involved when you hold back the words you really want to say — for instance, you might wake up with a sore throat the morning after repressing your true opinion at work…
Or you might experience chronic tension in the throat and neck, stiffness in the trachea and vocal cords, and a restriction of breath.
Neck tension can also cause you to sink your neck down into your shoulders, physically pulling yourself into your “shell” like a turtle. This type of constriction involves much more than keeping your physical mouth shut — it impacts your creativity and true expression of your inner self.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the meditation space within you that’s been covered up by trauma — and explore how to reveal it
- Experience firsthand how, when you work with one part of the body, the rest responds — Giten will guide you to address your jaw and neck tension, so your pelvis responds
- Discover the different ways oral and cervical belt tensions show up in your life — for instance, Type A people often have a strong lower jaw that projects forward, and they might struggle to balance confidence with a fear of being reprimanded
- Explore why even though you might feel strong anger, you sometimes can’t open your mouth to speak about it
- Create what Giten calls a window of tolerance — and discover how to make it larger so you’ll become more resilient, even in the face of your triggers
- Work more deeply with the felt sense — and understand that if something comes, it’s just a body sensation… and if it’s too much, you can shift yourself to a place of safety
- Engage in a 45-minute guided practice of breathwork, self-bodywork, movement, and vocal sounding to ease tension in your jaw and the front and back of your neck and throat
Module 4: Exploring Your Deepest Heart Feelings — Releasing Tensions in the Thoracic Belt

In this module, you’ll explore the thoracic belt, which includes the heart, shoulders and surrounding muscles, chest, arms, hands, lungs, and the muscles between your ribs.
As Giten will share, this belt houses deep heart feelings of grief, mourning, longing, love, fear, rage, anger, and joy.
The thoracic belt is most impacted by the childhood impulse to reach out for pleasure. Chronic tension can take hold when your developmental needs aren’t met, and you’re instead exposed to deprivation or punishment.
For adults, traumatic heartbreak also can cause knots in the thoracic belt. If you don’t take steps to consciously release this tension, years may pass before you recover.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- How tension around your shoulder joints can interrupt the flow of the heart — and the emotional significance of the heart meridian that travels from the armpit, down the inside of the arm to the pinkie
- How the thoracic belt of tension often shows up as shoulder stiffness and a collapsed chest, which then affects the lungs
- The ways your thoracic belt is involved every time your nervous system instantly reacts in the face of a threat
- How thoracic tension or relaxation show up in different cultures — and how these cultural norms are passed from generation to generation
- How full-body hugging supports oxytocin production and cardiovascular health — if it’s welcome
- The ways the energetic field of your heart extends outside of your body the moment you receive comforting, healing touch
- A 45-minute guided practice of breathwork, movement, and self-bodywork to soften the protective armor around your chest area, shoulders, and arms — and reestablish the energetic flow to better relate to yourself and the world around you
Module 5: Your Body’s Relaxation & Breath Centers — The Diaphragmatic & Abdominal Belts

In this module, you’ll explore the diaphragmatic and abdominal belts.
The diaphragmatic belt — located in the diaphragm, stomach, rib cage, and all supporting structures — involves pain and pleasure. When trauma is held here, it can block the sensing sexual feelings, rage, hate, terror, strength, and empowerment.
The diaphragm is intimately involved in your ability to breathe deeply, and any stuck emotions affect the volume of your breath.
In the same way, your breathing affects how you activate and use your diaphragm. The inability to express yourself emotionally affects your ability to flex the rib cage and expand the lungs.
In other words, when you stop breathing, then you stop feeling.
You’ll also explore the abdominal belt, home to both the abdominal and lower back muscles. This belt is linked to emotions including pain, fear, pleasure, trust, and all feelings related to nourishment.
The abdominal belt is also known as the body’s relaxation center….
In this module, you’ll explore:
- How the volume of breath you inhale directly impacts the expansion of the lungs, your ability to feel emotionally, and digestion
- How, when you’re breathing effectively and your diaphragm moves freely, it activates the abdominal organs, enhancing digestion, lung and heart movements, overall energy, and long-term wellbeing
- The scientific roots of the popular phrase “gut reaction”
- How constriction in the abdominal region closes off your internal spaces and your breath
- Why extreme stress causes you to tighten your belly, which then constricts the diaphragm — and the many ways this kind of constriction is connected to emotional trauma, sexual abuse, anger… and can even result in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and related issues
- How to work with your abdominal region to create more space for your diaphragm — and expand down into the abdominal cavity to release tension
- A 45-minute guided practice of breathwork, self-bodywork, and movement to expand the volume of breath and release ribcage restriction
Module 6: The Pelvic Belt, Home to Your Primary Core Muscles

In this pivotal module, Giten will walk you through the pelvic belt, where almost all core pelvic muscles are located, including the genitals, urinary tract, buttocks, and also the leg muscles.
The pelvic belt is linked to sexual feelings and arousal, a sense of power, and the emotions of anger, rage, anxiety, terror, panic, and pleasure.
The pelvis houses the primary core muscles, including the psoas (the large muscles that run from the lumbar spine through the groin on either side into the hips). This area envelops and supports the bladder and sex organs.
Giten will explain how the pelvic belt is crucial in fight-or-flight, and how it’s a primary location for tension. Trauma responses in this belt can cause the core to become weak and overextended…
In this module, you’ll learn:
- How trauma from fight-or-flight-related tension, sexual abuse, rape, and misuse of sexuality all take hold in the pelvic belt
- Why, when people are contracted or conflicted about sexuality, the resulting tension has been linked to sexually-related disease
- The ways the intimate connection between sexuality and quality of life, pelvic discomfort, contraction, and disease can also block the channeling of sexuality to the heart
- How the moment you relax into sexual energy and heal traumas throughout the body, you can also gain newfound access to your creativity
- The ways your legs, also part of the pelvic belt, keep you connected to the Earth — but when you’re grappling with sexual and/or creative repression, you can still feel disconnected
- How your connection to the Earth (your “roots”) can be cut when you forget to go barefoot and maintain direct contact with the planet
- A 45-minute practice featuring breathwork and movement focused on your pelvic region — including the craniosacral connection (jaw, occiput, and pelvis) — and utilizing all the previously addressed belts of tension
Module 7: Closing Assessment & Celebration

In this final module, you’ll move through each section of your body and assess the many ways you now feel different.
As your journey draws to a close, you’ll feel lighter after releasing the traumas stored in your body. Simply understanding how trauma works within your body — and discovering how to release it — can be incredibly empowering.
In this final module, you’ll:
- Experience a BioDynamic Breathwork session that incorporates all belts of tension
- Track your newly expanded body awareness using the concepts of felt sense and resource
- Notice how different your body feels compared to the first day of this journey — and appreciate how you’ve let go of your physical tension and armor along the way
What People Are Saying About Giten Tonkov and BBTRS…
Bonnie Davis: “Giten’s Great Heart Gave Me a Better
Appreciation for the Tenderness of My Own Heart”
“Giten’s incredible love, sensitivity, wisdom, and clarity guided me to touch a place I couldn’t reach [on my own].”
BBTRS [the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System] guided me to an experience of going deeper than anything has taken me in over 20 years of frustration and seeking relief from deep trauma. Giten’s incredible love, sensitivity, wisdom, and clarity guided me to touch a place I couldn’t reach [on my own]. I feel tremendous gratitude for this work.
— Guy S., Byron Bay, Australia
“… constant encouragement, love, and support along with an innate knowledge of the practice.”
Giten’s guidance through the training, as with everything he does, is provided with constant encouragement, love, and support along with an innate knowledge of the practice.
— Eoghan Cleary, youth development worker and yoga teacher, Ireland
“[Giten] creates a sacred space in which people can let their guard down and start to see who they really are.”
The BioDynamic Breathwork training with Giten has revitalized my own healing work. He creates a sacred space in which people can let their guard down and start to see who they really are.
— Viriam K., United Kingdom
“… moving beyond the mind, to release and make room for more breath, life, joy, peace, and happiness in your life.”
I have supreme gratitude and admiration for Giten Tonkov and what he has developed over the last 20 years. Breathwork is one of the three most powerful tools humans have available to release the past and awaken our consciousness. It’s the deepest transformational work I have ever done! Great for individuals or practitioners to release deeply held tension, which saves you doing years of psychotherapy in just a few sessions, moving beyond the mind, to release and make room for more breath, life, joy, peace, and happiness in your life.
— Eeshira Hart, sound healing practitioner, facilitator, speaker, and singer, Bali
“… I have shaken and released emotional/physical blockages, enabling me to fulfill my spirit’s journey…”
BBTRS is nature’s gift to humanity. I am forever grateful to Giten for designing and sharing this method in such a heartfelt, sincere way… The work is profound and supports universal change. This is how I always imagined I could help others. And, I am awestruck by what it has shown me about myself. Through this work I have shaken and released emotional/physical blockages, enabling me to fulfill my spirit’s journey, one that ripples out to affect those around me.
— Michelle M., PharmD, United States
“This training has more depth than anything I’ve ever encountered.”
Never have I grown as much as I have this week. We have worked to tap into the core of so many problems and the source of so much joy. This training has more depth than anything I’ve ever encountered. I could have lived the rest of my life on the path I was on, but since I have found BBTRS, I have the chance to go so much deeper. I have always felt so different and sometimes isolated for feeling the way that I do. Here, I feel safe to be different, BUT, also not so different anymore. I have found something that resonates so deeply inside me. Thank you… for touching this point inside me and for teaching me how to tune in to myself.
— Dr. Jason R., PharmD, yoga teacher, United States
About Giten Tonkov

Developer of the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System, Giten Tonkov shares a mastery of body-oriented therapies that evolved from over 20 years of learning, exploration, and work with countless clients and groups around the world. His passion for life, humility, and love for people has inspired his own personal journey and the creation of his 6-element approach to healing.
The author of Feel to Heal: Releasing Trauma Through Body Awareness and Breathwork Practice, Giten continually leads practitioner trainings and experiential workshops with his unique blend of creativity, depth, and playfulness, while growing the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release Institute and its global community of friends and colleagues.
Giten has been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1994 (Swedish Institute of Massage Therapy, New York), a certified Breathwork & Body Oriented Therapist since 2001 (Diamond Breath School, Miasto Meditation Institute, Italy), and is a former Osho Multiversity Therapist (OSHO Meditation Resort, Pune, India). He was born in Ukraine and lived in New York for 24 years before finding his current home in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California.
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