Dr. Keesha Ewers, PhD – The Trauma Karma Connection 2023
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational course, Dr. Keesha will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to heal the self-sabotaging patterns created from trauma using the HURT (Healing Unresolved Trauma) Model, ancient wisdom teachings, and science-backed practices.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Dr. Keesha and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Dr. Keesha’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Course Sessions Thursdays at 9:00am Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Dr. Keesha. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to shift into deeper self-regulation, health, and joy.
Module 1: Gauge Your Level of Toxicity & Stress With the HURT Model & Forge a Path to Healing Unresolved Trauma (December 7)

Childhood is where your nervous system is patterned. The HURT Model (Healing Unresolved Trauma) shows how this happens in response to adverse childhood events.
These patterns create beliefs and subsequent adaptive behavior responses that are carried into adulthood…
… and can be the cause of relationship problems, physical body issues, low self-worth, self-sabotaging behaviors, mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, and genetic expression of diseases such as autoimmunity, obesity, and cancer.
Explore self-assessment tools this week to gain a baseline of your toxicity and stress levels.
Repeat this assessment at the end of the course to see how you have responded to the course work practices.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the deeply ingrained meanings, beliefs, and behaviors created by your child self that are negatively impacting who your older wiser self is meant to be
- Discern how to listen to your body’s communication with curious compassion
- Discover how employing the HURT (Healing Unresolved Trauma) model can help you create a path to reversing suffering in your life
- Observe and incorporate strategies to transcend negative mental and emotional perceptions
- Embark upon an individualized self-healing journey by examining how old trauma patterns impact your unique combination of genetics, gut health, toxic burden, and hormone regulation
- Achieve freedom from habits of people pleasing, perfectionism, and holding on to the poison of past pain
- Experience a practice to learn how your younger self keeps you on the “detox-retox rollercoaster” and practice skills for getting off of that wild ride
Module 2: Begin to Transcend Negative Mental and Emotional Patterns & Calm Your Nervous System Using 2 Ancient Paradigms for Health and Wellbeing (December 14)

The immune, gastro-intestinal, and endocrine systems mirror patterns in your nervous system that originated in childhood as responses to early traumatic events.
When the mind is reactive, these systems follow suit, leading to more highly sensitive and intolerant boundary breaches with your environment.
Explore two significant ancient paradigms for mental and emotional healing this week to help launch your self-healing journey.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore the Ayurvedic concept of the Pancha Koshas, or 5 sheaths — and how toxicity in the first 3 layers inhibits your ability to access the collective unconscious, the Akashic records, your spiritual guides, and a stable connection with your higher self
- Observe and incorporate strategies to transcend negative mental and emotional perceptions
- Discover the 10 negative karmas (the Sanskrit word for action) that, when combined with the 5 afflictive emotions, keep you locked into the suffering of the detox-retox rollercoaster
- Learn a methodology for moving from reactivity to skillful responding to life — freeing your nervous system from early patterns of fight, flight, freeze, and faint
- Experience a practice to utilize ancient methods for transforming negative habits of body, speech, and mind — and liberate yourself from the 3 poisons that cause suffering
Module 3: Bring Awareness to the Parts of You That Emerged From Past Trauma to Foster Clarity, Connection & Mutually Fulfilling Relationships (January 4)

When a child experiences trauma, the innocent psyche of that child creates ego parts to protect itself.
These parts are adaptive responses of the wise mind of the child to experiences it doesn’t know how to navigate nor understand.
As the child grows into adulthood, these parts come along and continue to act out their roles — and are often combative and at odds with one another — creating chaos, unhappiness, and disease in the adult system.
Explore how bringing compassionate awareness to the parts of you that emerged from trauma can help you heal the chronic conditions and illnesses you may be facing…
… while also deepening your capacity to form healthy connections that foster happiness, peace, and vitality.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the coping mechanisms the innocent psyche of your child self created to survive traumatic experiences in the past
- Explore the various ego parts that emerged to help get your needs met
- Discern how you hold and fold your trauma as patterns that are carried into adulthood and adult relationships
- Discover how to listen and respond in a nourishing way to the messages these parts are sending you in adulthood.
- Learn how to become curious, compassionate, and collaborative rather than combative with yourself as a way of reversing your autoimmune condition and upleveling the quality of communication with yourself and others
- Track the unique parts of your psyche and begin to bring them into conscious awareness
- Experience a practice to learn how your parts feel when they show up in your body — and discover the speech they use and the emotions they express
Module 4: Explore Your Energy System & Its Attachment to Past Trauma to Shift Out of Resistance & Into a Greater Capacity to Embrace Life (January 11)

Each person has a specific energy body that consists of at least 72,000 channels, chakras, and nadis. Your energy body communicates your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and fears to your physical body.
Detoxing, toning, and strengthening your channels create a sustainable vessel in which you can safely awaken to your true nature.
Explore the connection between your energy body and your physical body this week — and learn techniques to help you shift out of any resistance you are holding in your body to better health and fulfillment.
Dr. Keesha will explain how your true nature is vast, unlimited, and a being of light, and how your childhood patterning — that developed in response to traumatic events — may have caused you to hide your true nature from yourself.
Healing these patterns is akin to rubbing mud off of a diamond — your brilliance can be revealed.
In this module, you’ll:
- Explore the multitudes of ways you have learned to hide your light and to keep yourself small
- Discover the ways you have come to betray your body by feeding it foods that lead to inflammation, immune dysregulation, blood sugar swings, and hormone imbalances
- Learn the specific energy system you have become expert at running — and its maladaptive habits of codependency, disassociation, numbing techniques, and self-sabotaging behaviors
- Develop tools for making friends with your energy system to move from resistance to life to embracing life
- Engage in an ancient practice that aligns your energy system with your other 4 koshas — and strengthens your channels and nadis
Module 5: Gain Clarity on the Empath-Narcissist Dynamic to Heal Imprinted Relationship Patterns (January 25)

Narcissists view themselves as more special and deserving than everyone else.
They have grandiose thinking and an inflated sense of ego. They lack empathy, while needing to be admired in order to hide deep-rooted anxiety and fears of worthlessness.
Narcissists and empaths have a unique attraction to one another as they each get something from the trauma bond that forms as they karmically repeat the narcissistic abuse cycle from their childhood.
Empaths are sensitive to the feelings of other people and tend to prioritize the needs of others ahead of themselves.
Dr. Keesha will delve into the empath-narcissist dynamic this week to uncover the imprinted relationships patterns that are holding you back from mutually meaningful and fulfilling relationships.
Unfortunately, these unhealthy relationships can eventually lead to a self-generating imprinted pattern of suffering and victimization in the empath as they continue to try to change their partner and go beyond caregiving into codependency.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the empath-narcissist connection and how and why it happens
- Learn how to recognize the childhood patterns that create the empath and the narcissist
- Explore the narcissistic abuse “love” cycle — and how to break free from it
- Learn how intergenerational trauma perpetuates these relationship traumas over and over again — and how to stop the cycle
- Understand how a highly sensitive psyche and energy system creates a highly sensitive immune system, which can lead to autoimmune disease and cancer
- Engage in an ancient practice that purifies and digests long-stored emotions that have been held in the body — potentially creating disease
Module 6: Detoxify on a Physical Level by Healing Leaky Boundaries That Lead to Leaky Gut (February 1)

One of the root causes of chronic illness, mast cell activation, food intolerance, inflammation, and autoimmunity is intestinal permeability, or leaky gut.
Leaky gut is typically caused by the use of antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, eating foods that the body reacts to — and above all stress and trauma.
Learn why early childhood stress that results from traumatic experiences establishes a pattern that causes the adrenal glands to release cortisol so the child can fight, flee, faint, or freeze.
Given that children are not autonomous beings and have no power, the response is usually to freeze.
Dr. Keesha will share how cortisol released in the stress response leads to a breakdown in the lining of the intestinal wall, which can then allow food into the bloodstream…
… and activate the immune system to attack what it knows is not supposed to be there.
Every person is unique in their own genetics, microbiome, level of toxic burden, and past trauma and nervous system patterning — the four corner pieces of the Freedom Framework that can help you create whole-being health.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discern what boundaries are and why they are necessary
- Determine why healing leaky boundaries can heal leaky gut — which has been known to reverse chronic illness, such as autoimmunity
- Learn what happens in the body when you have intestinal permeability
- Explore the cortisol release cycle that develops when you live in a constant state of fight-or-flight and how this negatively impacts your hormone levels and communication
- Discover the different kinds of boundaries, and tools for creating and maintaining them — physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual, and environmental
- Begin to detoxify on a physical level — you have been engaged in a detoxification program on an emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual level
- Learn to shift your relationship to food and commit to feeding your body what it needs to support you with optimal energy and vitality
Module 7: Release Life-Depleting Health, Relationship & Abundance Issues to Create the Life You Really Want to Live (February 8)

Revisit what you’ve learned about childhood trauma and how it has impacted not only your biology, but also the karmic structure that is creating the “future you.”
Delve into creating the life you want to live — with intention rather than from the factory default settings of your childhood.
This will put you on the path of reversing health, relationship, and abundance issues you might have been experiencing by creating lifestyle choices that are life-nourishing rather than disease-causing.
In this module, you’ll:
- Meet your “older, wiser self” — and hear from them
- Stabilize your mind as you move forward and continue integrating the skills you have learned
- Learn a new meditation that will help you maintain the perspective and expanded view you’ve obtained over the last 7 weeks
- Participate in an extended Q&A with Dr. Keesha
The Trauma Karma Connection Bonus Offering
In addition to Dr. Keesha’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Understanding the Impact of Trauma & Emotional Patterns on the Body
5-Video Teaching Series From Dr. Keesha Ewers

In these videos, Dr. Keesha explores the impact of trauma and emotional patterns on the physical body, and how these patterns show up in your immune and nervous systems — as well as the implications of genetic patterns and DNA expressions in our lives. She also highlights powerful vibrational healing modalities.
Video 1: The Vibration of Healing the Physical Body
Video 2: The Vibration of Spirit: Healing the Four P’s of Dis-Ease
Video 3: Reversing Dis-ease Through Emotional Detoxification
Video 4: The Vibration of Toxicity and Genetic Expression
Video 5: Trauma and the Immune System
21 Ways to Overcome the Main Cause of Fatigue & Disease
Ebook From Dr. Keesha Ewers

From crippling exhaustion to the subtle, life-interrupting fatigue that we far too often “power through” at the expense of our joy and health, this 47-page Ebook delves deep into 21 ways to overcome the main cause of fatigue and disease: inflammation. You’ll also find recipes and food swaps!
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