Devaa Haley Mitchell – Soulful Women Certificate Program
Program Overview: What You Will Learn
We are excited to bring you a 9-month program that bridges the deep inner work with the practical business skills you need to deeply impact the world and enjoy a fulfilling and prosperous life in all areas – your finances, your health and wellbeing, your relationships, your vocation, and your deepest calling.
Working with Archetypes to Transform Your Inner World
One of the core principles of our work is that women become more powerful, liberated and whole by accessing their full potential within themselves. The gateway we offer for doing this deep inner work is through archetypes – cross-cultural images that embody different aspects of the Divine Feminine.
During the Certification process, we will work with 13 main archetypes, listed below, followed by the qualities or benefits they help activate when we can live out that energy fully.
The Great Mother: Feed the Feminine First
- Personal Transformation:
- Discover how to source yourself from an overflowing, nurturing well that will feed your life and all your projects.
- Create daily practices to connect to your feminine nature and sustain it.
- Connect more deeply with your body through a deeper exploration of menstrual and lunar cycles – and how we can align with them for greater grace & ease of manifestation.
- Learn to get comfortable with the unknown and allow the new and unexpected to emerge.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Clarify and update your soul’s vision and passionate service in the world.
- Map out your 1-year, 5-year and 10-year goals for your “life plan.”
- Create your vision, mission, tagline and get feedback from your friends and colleagues.
- Identify your own unique definition for success.

“Embodying Your Mythic Story”Ariel Spilsbury is passionate about the conscious evolution of this planet and all its inhabitants. This takes the form of traveling to share the wisdom of the Divine Feminine around the globe, which she has done for over 30 years. She has devoted her life to the conscious awakening of all beings. This she has offered through writing, teaching, sacred theater presentations, creating a metaphysical store, conferences, consciousness events, lectures, seminars, starting a metaphysical newspaper, moon circles for women, spiritual counseling and maintaining a temple for the Goddess for 25 years.
The Compassionate One: Cultivate Self-Acceptance
- Personal Transformation:
- Learn how to lead from a compassionate heart and still get things done!
- Recognize ways that you undermine yourself, damaging our own power in the world.
- Awaken practices of forgiveness and self-acceptance and open to an increased sense of worthiness.
- Release yourself from the bonds of perfection, judgment and criticism, so that you can be free to offer your gifts more fully in the world.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Create the structure to nurture the seeds of your vision.
- Set clear goals, milestones and action steps to keep manifesting your vision on an ongoing basis.
- Identify your strengths (and cultivate compassion for yourself for the areas where you are more challenged).
The Mystic: Develop Your Intuition
- Personal Transformation:
- Hone the skill of attuning to your inner guidance for external life issues.
- Develop the skill of deep Inner Listening and tune your inner ear to hear at different levels of subtle communication.
- Practice reading the symbolic world and how to “know” from deep inside what direction to take, which decision to make, or the solution to a problem.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Validate your unique offering and the impact and transformation that you deliver.
- Clarify your ideal customer, client, audience and their needs and challenges.
- Hone the language that speaks to your brand and your niche.
- Identify who else is in your niche and what makes you different?

“Psychological Implications of Symbols: The Wisdom of the Tarot”Angeles Arrien, Ph.D. is a cultural anthropologist, award-winning author, educator, and consultant to many organizations and businesses. She researched, created, and synthesized the Four-Fold Way Program, which is currently used in medical, academic and corporate environments; and her Four-Fold Way book has been translated into over ten languages around the world.

“Selling Your Gift with Your Words”Michele PW (Pariza Wacek) is the owner of Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC, a leading direct response copywriting and marketing company that caters to entrepreneurs and small business owners. She is a contributing author to Entrepreneur Press Start Up Guide to Information Marketing and Trust Your Heart: Transform Your Ideas to Income, an Amazon bestseller.
The Liberator: Free Yourself from Limitation
- Personal Transformation:
- Identify your self-imposed limitations, beliefs and behaviors that stop you from stepping-into your radiant fullness.
- Participate in a freedom ceremony to liberate yourself from those limitations and obstacles that are blocking your evolution.
- Get comfortable with cutting away the “dead wood” in your life-including habits, relationships, or ways of being that are not aligned with your greatest expression.
- Develop practices to de-clutter your life every week so that you can become the most effective leader.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Time management & scheduling
- Explore what must be destroyed or released in order to liberate more TIME for your passions.

“No More Overwhelm: Learn a Fool-Proof System to Manage Time and Information with Ease”George Kao is a trusted conscious business mentor to over 500 clients, teaching highly productive marketing & business management strategies for coaches, counselors, consultants, and those who are creating what George calls Wisdom Businesses. George’s mission is to dramatically raise the marketing & business effectiveness of people who deeply value spirit, service, and sustainability. He has been building online communities for 10+ years. Recently, he’s become the go-to expert for how to productively use the Internet to authentically get your message out to the people who would love to hire you for your services or buy your programs.
The Creatrix: Deepen your Magnetic Power
- Personal Transformation:
- Align your inner masculine and inner feminine to create a potent alchemical force of creation and manifestation in the world.
- Generate a clear sense of what it is that you REALLY want to create that is connected to your true purpose.
- Learn the keys to creating effective, magnetic intentions.
- Learn to manifest through personal magnetism, taking the struggle and strife out of it once and for all!
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Set your money goal for the year – and plot the path toward it.
- Blow yourself away with a 3-5 year plan (Psssst … 6 figures is SO realistic!)
- Learn the simple and easy system to track your money (and make tax time smooth and stress-free)

“Transform Your Relationship with Your Money or Your Life!”Lynne Twist is a global activist, fundraiser, speaker, consultant, and author – has dedicated her life to global initiatives that serve the best instincts in all of us. She has raised hundreds of millions of dollars and trained thousands of fundraisers to be more effective in their work.Lynne has spent more than three decades working in positions of leadership with many global initiatives including: ending world hunger, protecting the world’s rainforests, empowering indigenous peoples, improving health, economic, and political conditions for women and children, advancing the scientific understanding of human consciousness, creating a sustainable future for all life.

“7 Wonders of the Soul: Harnessing the Power of the Chakras”Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is a best-selling author, international workshop presenter, psychologist, yoga teacher, philosopher, and evolutionary activist, whose passion is awakening humanity to its amazing potential before we throw it all away. Ordained as a priestess in 1985, she served in the Church of All Worlds for 20 years, as president and founder of its teaching organization, Lifeways, which led to her research in ancient history, mythology, and Goddess traditions. Since her first book on the chakras (Wheels of Life, 1987) became a classic, her many books have been translated into 16 languages and spawned the birth of her current organization, Sacred Centers.
The Muse: Unleash your Creativity
- Personal Transformation:
- Wake-up your creative genius! Learn to access your spontaneity, imagination and creativity as a foundational skill of inspired leadership.
- Learn how to create out of thin air and use the Magic IF wand to serve all your creations in the world.
- Embrace your ability to turn everything on its head and see things from new perspectives.
- Lead from a place of joy and light-heartedness, and enliven your projects and life with humor.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Learn how to massage your current content (or develop new content) for products, trainings, and events.
- Understand how to share about your work in a way that intrigues and enrolls people to support you.

“Succulence is PowerFULL”SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy), is the best-selling author and artist of 12 books including the national bestseller Succulent Wild Woman: Dancing With Your Wonder-full Self. Her most recent books on creativity include Make Your Creative Dreams REAL: A Plan For Procrastinators, Perfectionists, Busy People, and People Who Would Really Rather Sleep All Day and the updated edition of SARK’s New Creative Companion. SARK invites us all to live a spontaneous and creative life!
Goddess of Love: Immerse in Your Abundance
- Personal Transformation:
- Unleash the feminine rampage of joy and pleasure as a way to juice up every aspect of your life!
- Enliven ALL of your senses as a way to increase your personal power of attraction.
- Revel in the beauty of all life and experience that what you appreciate, appreciates!
- Develop the art of living in overflowing abundance and magnetize wealth and prosperity on all levels to your life and leadership.
- Immerse yourself in the spirit of generosity and learn how to shower it on all of your projects. Immerse yourself in the spirit of generosity and learn how to develop a strategy of generosity in your life to be the lifeblood for all your projects.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Identify some of the “defining moments” of your own life story and how you can use those stories for your public speaking.
- Craft your keynote speech and learn to “reverse engineer” it based on the outcome you are hoping to achieve.
- Practice speaking from your heart to “move a room.”

“Powerhouse Speaking”Lisa Nichols is a best-selling author, a popular public speaker, a powerful coach, and a charismatic teacher. She has reached millions, both nationally and internationally with her powerful message of empowerment, service, excellence and gratitude. Her participation in the self-development phenomenon, The Secret, catapulted her popularity across the globe. Lisa has appeared on the “Oprah Winfrey Show,” “Extra” and “Larry King Live.” In addition, Lisa is the founder of Motivating the Masses and CEO of Motivating the Teen Spirit, LLC. Her new book, No Matter What! hit 6 bestsellers list, including the New York Times. Lisa has been coined “The Breakthrough Specialist” by her peers in the industry.

“Happy For No Reason”Marci Shimoff is a #1 NY Times bestselling author, a celebrated transformational leader, and one of the nation’s leading experts on happiness, success, and unconditional love. She is the author of the runaway bestsellers Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason, which offer revolutionary approaches to experiencing deep and lasting love and happiness. These books soared to the top of many national bestseller lists including The New York Times, Amazon, and the Wall Street Journal and have been translated into 31 languages. Marci is also the woman’s face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history, Chicken Soup for the Soul.
The Wild Woman: Free Your Instinctual Passion
- Personal Transformation:
- Wild women don’t sit at the table and play nice! Give yourself permissionto get of the box! Learn when to break the rules and when to play by your own rules.
- Get into your body, shake it all out, cry, laugh, growl and let your energy run in creative leaps and bounds. You will be surprised how much this can fuel your life and your leadership!
- Let go of being so concerned with what anyone else thinks of you – embrace being bold and unconventional. Color outside the lines. Release energy so that your projects and life can be vitalized, impassioned, and freed up.
- Make way for the unpredictable to enter in.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Learn how to awaken and channel your life-force energy into your projects and business.
- Get comfortable standing in your powerful feminine presence with your sensuality alive and present, in alignment with your message.
- Craft your physical “image” and style to be more aligned with your vision and your brand.
The Initiator: Wise Use of Power
- Personal Transformation:
- Claim the feminine super power of speaking your truth in a clear, direct, clean and clarifying way.
- Feel what it is like to be in your fierce feminine, speaking up when it would be more comfortable to stay silent. Find your courage to speak up in support of other women so no woman ever has to stand alone
- Practice being able to call others into authentic being through your astute clarity- use this skill to free yourself and others to be more potent, powerful and embodied.
- Hone your ability to see your project and life with a clear discerning eye for any adjustments that may need to be made.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Deepen your ability to wield your authentic power and walk your talk in the world.
- Practice having difficult conversations, while keeping your heart open to the other parties.
- Learn the basics for putting your work out into the world through a tele-seminar.
The Wise Woman: Listen to your Heart Wisdom
- Personal Transformation:
- Access your mentorship ability and develop your skills to guide, love, appreciate and support others in their journey.
- Learn how to navigate your doubting mind by accessing the center of your heart knowing.
- Embrace the wisdom of laughter as a way to shift your consciousness out of places of rigidity.
- Step back and see the big picture, let go of what is not important, simplify and become more coherent. Be able to distill what is most important and essential in the moment, your life and your projects.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Understand how to effectively co-create with others
- Learn to engage the best collective intelligence of all parties involved.

“Accessing Higher Guidance for the Planetary Birth Ahead”Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called “the voice for conscious evolution of our time” by Deepak Chopra and is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s new book “The Mother of Invention.” A prolific author, visionary, social innovator, evolutionary thinker and educator, she is co-founder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. She is the producer and narrator of the award-winning documentary series entitled Humanity Ascending: A New Way through Together and has recently partnered with The Shift Network as a global ambassador for the conscious evolution movement; a shift from evolution by chance towards evolution by choice.

“Cultivating Co-Creativity and Culture”David Sawyer is president of Context, a consulting firm with practice areas in strategy, leadership and culture. For a decade David directed leadership and service-learning programs at Berea College, receiving the nation’s highest award for voluntary service from the White House and The Servant Leader Award from the National Youth Leadership Council. Sawyer worked with the Clinton administration to help launch the nation’s Americorps program. He also helped develop the Denali Initiative, a national fellowship program for social entrepreneurs. David served as the first Executive Director of Social Venture Partners Portland and as the Chief Culture Officer for gDiapers, the green business making the world’s first flushable/compostable diaper. He recently led a project for National Geographic to help launch a global network to save the oceans. He is based in Portland, Oregon.
The Visionary: 12 Ways to Be a 21st Century Leader
- Personal Transformation:
- Find out what it means to be a visionary and why it’s critical at this time.
- Remember who you are, why you are here and how to live in integrity with your Soul.
- Understand a new way to dream and learn a profound and proven method for finding and accomplishing any dream.
- Trust at a deeper level, take greater risks and understand how to remove fear, doubt and other obstacles.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Understand what to do first as you approach social media.
- Explore new ways to grow your audience and “build your list.”
- Optimize your usage of Facebook, Twitter and Linked in 1 hour per week.

“12 Ways to be a 21st Century Leader”Marcia Wieder, CEO/ Founder of Dream University® is leading a Dream Movement. She’s been coaching, training and speaking for 20 years. Whether teaching at the Stanford Business School, speaking to executives in China, or at Girl Scout Camp, her riveting style has a deep impact on her audience. She is the personal dream coach to Jack Canfield, appears in “Beyond the Secret” with Bob Proctor, and is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council with Lynne Twist and Marianne Williamson.As past president of the National Association of Women Business Owners Marcia Wieder assisted former U.S. presidents, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and George Bush Sr. The author of 14 books and a thought leader on vision, she has appeared on “Oprah” regularly and on “Today.”

“Savvy Social Media”George Kao is a trusted conscious business mentor to over 500 clients, teaching highly productive marketing & business management strategies for coaches, counselors, consultants, and those who are creating what George calls Wisdom Businesses. George’s mission is to dramatically raise the marketing & business effectiveness of people who deeply value spirit, service, and sustainability. He has been building online communities for 10+ years. Recently, he’s become the go-to expert for how to productively use the Internet to authentically get your message out to the people who would love to hire you for your services or buy your programs.
The Queen of Death: The Art of Letting Go
- Personal Transformation:
- Tune into the rhythm of your cyclical nature. Be able to navigate and see where you are in the cycle of your own life and of the projects you are involved in.
- Receive your lifetime achievement award for “failure” and see all failure as a part of success. This skill is at the core of our resiliency as leaders.
- Learn to trust that all is well.
- Champion the quiet time when nothing seems to be happening. Allow time for things to be metabolized and digested before engaging on the next project. Embrace and take a stand for the inevitable cycle of birth/death/rebirth in our life and projects.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Identify what is not working in your leadership and your business
- Practice saying “no”
The Alchemist: Embody Yourself as a Potent, Integrated Leader
- Personal Transformation:
- Hold the full spectrum of all your experiences, wounds, gifts, and challenges.
- Forge an internal sacred marriage of opposites.
- Bring your projects/life into a full spectrum of living, finding the nuggets of gold and the gems from the alchemical process.
- Learn to turn any challenge into opportunity.
- Sharing Your Gifts:
- Understand how to effectively network to build your business
- Understand what creates effective partnerships and affiliate relationships and identify who are the best candidates.
Plus, You’ll Receive These Additional Bonuses:

“Giving Your Gift to the Shift”This program offers proven, step-by-step methods to build your business and make a great living doing what you love and making a positive SHIFT on our planet. Armed with these tools and 12+ weeks of support in the Giving Your Gift to the Shift Course, you can then:
- Become THE expert and leader in your industry (instead of the best kept secret)
- Serve more clients in less time – greatly increasing your impact and income
- Build an adoring community of repeat customers by knowing your ideal clients
- Write sales copy that is authentically you AND has people excited to buy from you
- Use social media productively (in one hour a week) to attract prospects easily and build your credibility
- Create products from your expertise, generating money while you sleep
Soulful Women Meditations with Devaa Haley Mitchell & Elayne Doughty
“Exploring 13 Archetypes of the Divine Feminine” Audio & Guidebook
Through our own inner and outer transformational work, we’ve become adept at tapping into the enormous powers of the archetypal world to generate positive shifts in our own lives and begin making our greatest impact, helping thousands of women transform their lives.
The 13 audio meditations offered here (MP3 files), along with the accompanying workbook (PDF), allow you to tap into each of these potent feminine archetypes. Get ready to unleash new parts of your being and supercharge your life!

“Planning for Financial Abundance”Leela Somaya is a Succulent Business Strategist, Spiritual Lawyer andEvolutionary Coach who brings profound inside-out business transformation and profitability to Evolutionary Goddess-preneurs. She has 15 years of Fortune500 corporate experience and a lifetime of personal transformation and spiritual development. Leela bridges business, heart and spirituality to bring healing to what is broken in business. She is a master at using masculine “get it done” energyin service of feminine intuition, co-creativity and flow.

“7 Secrets to Double Your Sales in 60 Days: Attracting Clients on Purpose, with Pleasure and for Profit”This powerful and fun live mini-workshop will teach you:
- How to double your sales in 90 days
- 5 key conversations to court a client
- How to increase your sales IQ
- How to convey your offer with passion and transform your relationship with the enrollment process!

“Expand Your Reach with Teleseminars”
- Learn the first critical step before putting together a teleseminar.
- Explore pros and cons of various platforms.
- Understand how to reach more people with your message.

“Leading Change in Changing Times with Karen Buckley”Are you a wise woman called to lead change? Frustrated when initiatives get stopped? Are you prepared for tough and exhilarating changes? In this session you’ll learn how to tap into your feminine wisdom to design progressive transition processes that generate less resistance, more buy-in, and bigger results.Since change is inevitable, you’ll learn how to anticipate problems and uncover possibilities as evolutionary change creates new opportunities for innovation. You will leave with ways to leverage your strengths and a savvy change worksheet. In this session you will learn how to:
- Avoid 3 common traps
- Unlock the connectivity power of feminine wisdom
- Use the 3-D’s to improveleadership resilience
- Guide others through the 7 Stage Transition Cycle
As you learn these wise feminine approaches to change, you’ll create organizations and lives that respond to the inevitable shifts with courage, confidence and focus.

“Facilitating Women’s Circles” (6-part audio training with transcripts)
Topics include:
- Creating sacred space
- Key structural elements
- Creating Group Agreements
- Brief grounding practices
- Creating a Group Culture
- Developing trust in the circle
- Leading a check-in process
- Music choice for background
- Developing group coherency
- Developing continuity and through line in your curriculum
- Leading guided visualization processes
- Using your own intuition to read a situation
- Handling group conflict and resolving issues archetypally (instead of psychologically)
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