David Deida – Conscious Sex Video Lecture
Conscious Sex
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Conscious Life is proud to bring you David Deida’s first video program in over a decade, captured in broadcast television quality. This 2 1/2-hour program serves as a powerful introduction to David’s teaching to those who are new to his work, and an important update for those familiar to discover David’s very latest ideas.
For David, talking about sex is not just about technique, intimacy, communication, or attraction, it’s about becoming aware and conscious of the fundamental energies at play in every moment, in every person: the masculine and feminine.
The masculine, which all people, regardless of gender, can and do embody to varying degrees, at different times, refers to the awareness aspect of consciousness, that which is free from or beyond form, emotion, and distraction. It’s what some refer to as Buddha Nature or emptiness. In practice, in masculine driven moments or masculine dominant people, its value is calm, peace, being undisturbed, static, focused, one pointed.
The feminine, which also can and is embodied at different times by all bodies, is the flowing or alive aspect of consciousness. It’s what can be seen, felt, heard, experienced. It’s what’s happening: birth, death, movement, happiness, sadness, change, form. It’s full, fiesty, and ever changing. In practice, its value is change, movement, chaos, flow, creativity.
Being a balanced person, and a better lover, is all about tapping into the interplay between these energies, both in yourself and alongside your partner. David expertly guides both men and women on how and when to embody these polarities, how to attract and fulfill the ideal mate (and thus oneself), and how these aspects show up at different levels of relationship, from a first stage, more self-centered, self-focused concern, to a more egalitarian partnership, to a third stage ideal partnership, where energies are fully embraced, embodied, shared and yielded to create charge, attraction, and ultimately growth and deeper experiences for both partners inside and outside of the bedroom.
Don’t miss this rare chance to learn from the combination of David Deida’s wisdom, humility, compassion, performance, humor, depth, and challenge. He is a rare being with an immense gift that all can learn from to live more freely and fully, yielding more consciousness and love in every moment, whether a part of a sexual experience or as a part of navigating everyday humanity.
Conscious Sex is comprised of nine modules
Part 1 Let’s Talk About Sex
David talks sex but not in the fashion most of us are used to, rather he talks sex as the interplay of the masculine (or awareness) with the feminine (all form and manifestation) present in every being, in every moment.
Part 2 Being Present Versus Presence
Being present with others is something that as a culture, we are struggling with because of endless distractions and underlying psychological conditioning. David teases out what it means to be present in this way and how that relates (and doesn’t) to the pure presence of the masculine aspect of the moment in a more sexual context.
Part 3 The Role of Psychological Patterns
David offers that psychological patterns and challenges are gateways to greater presence and loving if we are able to both accept and even love them as a part of the human journey we chose, while also becoming ever more aware of them and working to relieve the suffering these cause in our lives.
Part 4 Art, Flow, and Navigating the Masculine and Feminine in Real Time
David uses a question on the creative process to illustrate the interplay of the masculine and feminine, how they show up while in the act of creating, and also in everyday intimate interactions between partners.
Part 5 Wanting to be Wanted
David addresses a woman’s question about what she can do to bring out her man’s desire, to know what turns him on, and how to embody it.
Part 6 How to Bypass Ejaculation
The bio-evolutionary drive to ejaculate fast and often to ensure offspring, while still running the show for some men, is being circumvented by other men in the pursuit of spiritual clarity, deeper consciousness, and more satisfying sex. David offers the why and how of this increasingly popular technique.
Part 7 Where are all the Conscious Purposeful Men?
David fields a question from a woman tired of holding up the purposeful masculine position with the mates she’s attracting. After explaining the evolutionary shifts that have brought women more into their masculine power in recent years, David uses his stages of relationships model to help the woman understand how she can attract the type of increasingly rare man she is looking for.
Part 8 Fucking the Room
David answers both a man and woman’s questions on what it means and looks like to fully embody the polarities of conscious awareness (masculinity) and flowing love (femininity).
Part 9 Creativity and Growing the Masculine / Feminine
David takes a few last questions on the creation of art, the different ways that the masculine and feminine grows, and how the way people relate to their emotional patterns are how they relate the feminine.
About David Deida

Acknowledged as one of the most insightful and provocative spiritual teachers of our time, best-selling author David Deida continues to revolutionize the way that men and women grow spiritually and sexually. His teachings and writings on a radically practical spirituality for our time have been hailed as among the most original and authentic contributions to personal and spiritual growth currently available.
David Deida’s books are published in more than 25 languages, and include Finding God through Sex and Dear Lover. The Watkins Review has included Deida in its annual Spiritual 100 List every year since 2011 to the present, designating the most spiritually influential living people worldwide.
About Conscious Life

Conscious Life is the leading video platform for mindfulness, yoga and conscious living. Having broadcast over 500 hours of workshops with around 150 teachers, and featuring leaders such as Byron Katie, Marianne Williamson and Ken Wilber, Conscious Life is a world leading resource for online learning. At the heart of Conscious Life’s offering is its broadcast quality multi-camera studio which will make you feel like you are in the room live with its teachers.
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