Cyndi Dale – Access Your Power Pathway & Energy Medicine Tools for Exponential Healing
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Cyndi will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to amplify energy fields using rays, forces, virtues, and spirit allies for greater fulfillment, vitality, and joy.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to access your Power Pathway and energy medicine tools for exponential healing.
Module 1: The Hidden Pathway of Power — The Key to Exponential Acceleration

Are you ready to access powers far greater than you’ve ever imagined?
In this first module, you’ll encounter a level of reality through which you can access the same forces, beings, and abilities that were acclaimed during ancient times. This is the Power Pathwa y, and few individuals still know of its existence — but it is the key to simple and intense change for all types of issues, great and small.
Cyndi will also share an overview of the most vital energy tools you’ll need to negotiate on this empowering pathway, including spirit-to-spirit and absolute scalar waves (also called healing streams of grace) for performing analysis and dynamic change.
You’ll also glean an overview of the four forms of intuition available for receiving insights and interacting with pathway forces — and the 12 chakras and their structural factors, vital keys for enabling diagnosis and effective transformation.
In this opening module, you’ll discover:
- The 4 pathways of reality, and why accessing the Power Pathway guarantees the most effective, swift, and potent change, setting you up for continual healing and manifesting
- The Higher Beings you can call on for assistance
- An overview of your 3 main Power Pathway “polarity” forces — degenerative and generative forces, the virtues, and the rays
- How to lay the energetic groundwork for personal transformation
- A guided meditation and a demonstration to assist you as you embrace this dynamic opportunity of the 7 modules.
- Extra handouts and materials to accelerate your self-healing journey
Module 2: Getting Unstuck — Shift Degenerative & Generative Forces to Free Your Healing Energies

Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough money, life energy, love, or self-esteem? It’s likely a result of degenerative forces locked into their related chakra(s).
Afflicted with allergies, low self-worth, unhealthy relationships, or just plain bad luck? Generative forces may be empowering these problems, or any other.
As Cyndi will explain, degenerative forces destroy, while generative forces create.
If you’re stuck, it’s most likely because these Power Pathway “polarity” forces aren’t in the right place. If no amount of effort has brought resolution, you must seek out and release injurious forces, then plant the healthy needed ones.
Cyndi will share how to free yourself from deeply entrenched problems through these powerful forces.
In this module you’ll explore:
- An explanation of degenerative versus generative forces as found on the Power Pathway
- Examples of how these forces, if misplaced, lock you into patterns and problems you want to release but can’t heal
- Ways to find degenerative or generative forces that are in the wrong place, including use of a hands-on assessment, chakra tracking, and a guided meditation
- Simple tools for using these polarity forces to boost the effectiveness of healing supplements and medications
- Guided meditation and demonstration to find and plant needed forces, and handouts to strengthen your Power Pathway healing muscles
Module 3: Actualizing Your Desires Through the Right Placement of Degenerative & Generative Forces With the Help of Higher Beings on the Power Pathway

Unactualized dreams lie deep within you.
Cyndi will explain how to awaken these dreams — and give them wings to fly through the correct use of degenerative and generative forces in your energy field.
First, Cyndi will help you understand and embrace your dream-self that holds your most vibrant wishes. She’ll then guide you to enter the state of dreamtime to assess the current placement of degenerative and generative forces in your energy field.
Linking with the Higher Beings of the Power Pathway, you’ll invite the movement of the Power Pathway “polarity” forces to usher in miraculous support and momentum.
Cyndi will also touch on the idea of a Lost Chord. By energetically activating this, you attune your energy field to your innermost desires.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The role of degenerative and generative forces on the Power Pathway for manifesting or attracting desires
- The vital job your energy field plays in manifesting your desires
- Exploration of the dream-self and dreamtime featured in many cultures, and instruction on the importance of linking with both
- A guided meditation to clarify one of your most authentic dreams, access encouraging Higher Beings, and perform force-shifting in the dreamtime space
- How to use generative forces to program substances, stones, and amulets to support your desires
- A demonstration and support materials to continue incredible manifesting in real life
- A final guided exercise to activate the Lost Chord
Module 4: Streaming the Virtues to Change Subconscious Programs & Heal All Types of Blocks

Spiritual traditions around the world tap into the virtues to enable healing.
Also called spiritual qualities and the names of God, the virtues are beams of consciousness that can radically release all natures of blocks — physical, psychological, and spiritual.
Cyndi will explain the high-level change provided by streaming virtues — like Faith, Charity, Hope, and Love — through the backside chakras, which hold our subconscious programs.
Virtues are singularly able to transform our negatively charged foundational programs, thus altering our everyday lives. They’re useful for everything from being comfortable giving speeches to clearing blocks in the way of physical balance.
In this module, you’ll:
- Participate in a guided discussion about the virtues and the various ways they’re applied in different cultures for healing purposes
- Investigate the backside chakras and how to stream the virtues through them
- Explore methods for selecting which chakra(s) to operate through
- Move through a guided meditation to employ a virtue (and a Higher Being called a Virtue) for your own personal reason
- Watch a demonstration that illustrates the ease of applying virtues for concerns big and small, and receive handouts to support the effective use of this Power Pathway specialty
Module 5: Empower Every Life Activity & Manifest More Easily With the Virtues & the Higher Beings of the Power Pathway

Do you have a hard time accepting love, making decisions, or getting and remaining healthy? Do you feel like negative energies from entities or other people get you down?
Cyndi will explain how streaming virtues through the backside chakras empowers very real-life endeavors — especially when applying the Arabic model of the Imaginal Realms to link with a Higher Being on the Power Pathway.
By employing this model, you’ll connect with the perfect guide to help you bring a virtue into the backside chakra that will address your current need. From there, you’ll emanate that virtue throughout your energy field and attract even more manifestation assistance.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to understand the virtues as a means for manifestation
- A presentation of the Arabic model of the Imaginal Realms, with teachings on how to connect with a Power Pathway Higher Being to gain insight and hands-on help
- Acceptance of one or more virtues through a backside chakra for dissemination throughout your energy field
- A guided meditation and demonstration during class, as well as handouts so you can use the virtues to perform all types of manifestation anytime
Module 6: The Rays of Personal Mastery to Boost Your Wellbeing

Amazing rays of light are available through the Power Pathway, linking you with very specific and conscious energies.
Cyndi will share how three of the six rays are personal and help you actualize concrete needs — including mental and emotional health as well as spot-on spiritual guidance.
During this exciting session, Cyndi will first describe the six major horizontal rays — accessed fields of energy that allow you to directly impact your own wellbeing.
As you’ll discover, all rays enter through a frontside chakra and exit through a backside chakra — and the personal Rays of Will, Kindness, and Intelligence can help you formulate the future by transforming your past.
Cyndi will also guide you to bring your desired future into the present through these constructs.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The true definition of the rays as streams of higher energies, available to everyone
- The first 3 rays: Will, Kindness, and Intelligence, along with their chakra-based entry and exit points
- The various reasons you might access and activate each of the rays — to bolster the best possible future and glean only goodness from your history, and more
- How rays are being delivered with the assistance of Higher Beings on the Power Pathway
- A guided meditation and demonstration on the first 3 rays, with handouts to supplement what you learn in class
Module 7: The Rays of Universal Enlightenment Linking You With

In this closing session, Cyndi will walk you through the second set of rays — and explain how they catalyze profound change and wisdom through their universal qualities.
You’ll learn how each ray is distinct and illuminates a higher idea. When streamed through the correlated chakras, these three rays bond us with The All for amazing benefits for ourselves, our loved ones, and the world.
Through the Ray of Unity, you can dissolve the illusion of separateness to enjoy the fruits of connectivity.
With the Ray of Knowledge, you can receive information about self and others on an as-needed basis.
The Ray of Idealism can help you fully serve your spiritual purpose in the universe.
In this final module, you’ll:
- Study the distinctive attributes of the 3 higher rays, their entrance and exit points, and how they connect you to greater sources of wisdom and joy
- Walk through a guided meditation and demonstration to activate the 3 universal rays within yourself and experience their gifts
- Understand the self as a sort of Higher Being, able to direct rays for goodness and the miraculous
- Participate in a final meditation — an introduction to the Seventh Ray (which isn’t technically a ray at all), the awareness that arises when you realize you’re always within the Divine Source
- Enjoy post-class handouts so you can continue your journey of power and enlightenment
The Power Pathway & Energy Medicine Bonus Collection
In addition to Cyndi’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
The Higher Beings on the Power Pathway
Video Teaching From Cyndi Dale

We exist in four levels of reality, which Cyndi calls pathways. Based on an upcoming book, Advanced Chakra Healing, this video teaching gives you even more insight into the Power Pathway. Creating change on this pathway produces the fastest and most powerful effects — and available to assist are several beings unique to this pathway. You’ll learn more about the virtues, absolutes, and muses.
The Subtle-Body Food Course
Video Teaching From Cyndi Dale

For many of us, our relationship with food is challenging. We often don’t understand the subtle energetics involved in food issues, which include the penetration of energetic forces and the way they carry in subtle energies that become associated with particular foodstuffs. Based on a full-day workshop, this teaching explains the biological and subtle energies related to food and provides stopping points for healing and reflection.
Spiritual Gifts in Each Chakra
12-Part Audio Program From Cyndi Dale

Each of the 12 chakras reflects a different intuitive or spiritual gift. Understanding the latent abilities in each chakra is key to embracing the powers needed to gain spiritual guidance and also perform healing and manifesting. In this audio program, you’ll gain insights into all 12 chakras — and techniques to help you engage with them. Most of us have a primary chakra through which we can access incredible power — and Cyndi will share how to use that particular aptitude, or all of them.
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