Cathy Lockett – The Heart in Detail
- Faculty:
- Cathy Lockett
- Duration:
- 6 Hours 7 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Dec 21, 2020
Did you ever wonder why your patient with an inferior MI has bradycardias or a patient with heart failure is on an ACE inhibitor?
Or become confused about ejection fractions, let alone hemodynamics?
If you have a hard time explaining to your patients about which blood vessel perfuses what part of the heart, or why they have an arrhythmia, or how their heart failure is causing their kidney problems, then you need to join Cathy Lockett, RN, MHA, BSN, CCRN-K, a mentor who can really make the information easy and understandable.
Designed with the bedside clinician in mind, this seminar is appropriate for all healthcare professionals wanting to improve their assessment skills, build a firm foundation of cardiac anatomy and physiology and apply these skills in daily patient care. Understanding these essential concepts will help you find patient complications faster and respond to them more appropriately. Cathy’s teaching style allows for an informal interactive discussion. You will leave with a systematic approach to interpreting EKGs, an understanding of common cardiac pathologies, and a renewed commitment to achieving excellence in patient care.
Manual – The Heart in Detail (12.7 MB) | 234 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Cardiovascular Assessment: Critical Clues You Should NEVER Miss
- Contrasting Electrical from Mechanical Cardiac function
- Hemodynamics: Understanding Cardiac Output
Don’t Miss a Beat Interpreting Heart Sounds
- Contrast Normal from Abnormal Heart Sounds
- Murmurs: Differentiating Systolic from Diastolic
- S3/S4 Gallops
- Compensatory Mechanisms
- Maintaining Cardiac Output & Blood Pressure
Fast & Slow Dysrhythmias
- Choosing Your Monitor Leads Wisely
- The NEED TO KNOW Arrhythmias
- Bradycardias/AV Blocks
- Tachycardias
- Contrasting Atrial Fibrillation from Atrial Flutter
- Mono and Polymorphic V-Tach
- Ventricular Fibrillation
- Critical Nursing Actions
Clues from the EKG
- Anatomy of the 12-Lead, 15-Lead and Right-Sided EKG
- Differentiating Limb leads from Chest Leads
- Cardiac Axis Meaning and Assessment: Utilizing the Thumb Technique
Acute Coronary Syndrome: Diagnosis & Management Guidelines
- STEMI vs. NSTEMI Treatment Strategies
- Critical Cardiac Labs
- EKG Interpretation: A Systematic Approach to Detection Identifying the Differences
- Urgent vs. Emergent Interventions
Cardiovascular Drug Cabinet: Pharmacological Therapies
- AHA Guidelines: When to Use & Why
- Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy
- Beta Blockers
- ACE Inhibitors
- Anticoagulation
- Statins
- Mechanism of Action
The Failing Heart: Acute Management Priorities Systolic vs. Diastolic Heart Failure
- Classification Systems
- Neurohormonal Activation
- Perfusion & Congestion Assessment
- The Importance of Unloading the Heart
- Evidence-Based Treatment
- Acute Medication Protocols
- Nursing Considerations With: Biventricular Pacing
- Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
Valvular Heart Disease: Why the Left Side?
- Contrasting Stenotic Valvular Dysfunction from Insufficiency
- Physical Assessment Clues
- Signs & Symptoms
- Associated Murmurs
Advanced Skills in Assessment & Decision-Making
- Creating a Hemodynamic Profile without a PA Catheter
- Assessing Volume Status
- Jugular Vein Distention
- Importance of Pulse Pressure
- The Value of Heart Sounds

Cathy Lockett, RN, MHA, BSN, CCRN-K Related seminars and products: 4
Cathy Lockett, RN, MHA, BSN, CCRN-K, has been practicing critical care nursing for over 35 years. Her critical care background includes working in medical, surgical, neuro, cardiac, cardiovascular care, and critical care transport with most of her clinical experience in the areas of medical cardiology and cardiovascular surgery.
She has provided cardiovascular care in the role of staff nurse, preceptor, educator, supervisor and manager. Utilizing her vast knowledge and experience, Cathy has presented on numerous topics related to cardiac and pulmonary care, including advanced and basic EKG interpretation, hemodynamic monitoring, basic and advanced arrhythmia, pulmonary diseases and IABP therapy.
Additionally, Cathy is a Training Center Faculty member for the American Heart Association in the disciplines of Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support. Cathy’s teaching style is dynamic, fun and high-energy while remaining informal and easy to understand.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Mary (Cathy) Lockett receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Mary (Cathy) Lockett has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose
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