Brett Campbell – FB Domination
Millions of Fans, Hundreds of Thousands of Leads and Over 45,000 Customers… And Its All Thanks To FACEBOOK!
If you are currently struggling with the CONSTANT changes Facebook keep making and you are just not getting the reach, fans, and leads you want in your business…….Then This Next 2 minutes may change your business forever. Seriously!

- Are you struggling to get your posts, messages and information out to your fans or maybe you just cant get any new fans to start with?
- Are you struggling to find cost effective ways to build your following?
- Are you sick of not having a clear strategy that consistently brings in highly targeted leads to your business?
- Are you sick of having to PAY A FORTUNE for training on Facebook to find that it is second rate, and the person who is teaching is has little to no SUCCESS themselves on the platform?
Before I revel to you the exact system that can have you generating FREE fans, FREE leads and social reach like you have never seen before. I need to address a couple of VERY important things!
What you are about to see is 100% tried, true and tested. In fact what you are about to see is an accumulation of 4 years of deep in the trenches, over $1,000,000 in Facebook advertising spend, an accumulation of millions of fans and several million reach each and every week.
I share this with you because it is SO IMPORTANT!
There is a new FB expert every single day popping up with their regurgitated product or course that they literally siphoned from “expert A”
And to be frank. Im sick of seeing it.
But I had two options!
A: Sit and complain about it or…
B: Do something about it.
And as my mother always said. If you are not going to do anything about it, stop complaining.
So now you can thank my mother
Hi There,
My name is Brett Campbell.
Author of Right NOW! and creator and founder of Fit International, Authority Academy and Unleash Your Greatness. (I know, there is lot’s going on there)
But I have to give credit where credit is due.
None of this would have ever happened if it was not for Facebook.
In fact in the last 4 years alone Facebook has helped us:
- Generated over 450,000 email contacts, millions of fans, and over 45,000 customers globally
- Built several Facebook fan pages to over 100k fans (1,000,000+ Eco System)
- Built and grew a Fitness Franchise from 1 to 35 locations in 6 months
- We generated 12,564 leads in 24 hours for FREE using a FREE and simple method Facebook gives you access to.
- Have had multiple high five and six figure product launches
- Generated over 100K in 24 hours
- Generate hundreds of thousands of leads using paid and strategic methods
And so much more…
Heck, I even found a plumber and a new landscaper on Facebook, lol, but that’s another story.
Imagine a world right now without Facebook.
Would your business survive?
If Facebook was to shut down tomorrow I am sure it would cripple over 98% of businesses.
What would you do?
How would you cope?
And that right there is the trap that so many businesses are falling into right now!
Want the Solution?
Well that’s EXACTLY what I am going to show you.
But first I want to share with you:
The 3 Biggest PROBLEMS I See People Make When It Comes To Using Facebook
For Your Business!
1: REMEMBER! It’s not about how many fans you have and how awesome your status updates are.
It has everything to do with how you take those fans and convert them into paying, staying and referring customers.
Ego metrics are great for your ego. But lets be honest. They don’t pay the bills.
2: You are to slow to the party!
Every event I run, speak at, I hear the same thing. Facebook keep changing their platform, algorithm and their underpants way to frequently.
I get it.
You can log into Facebook tomorrow and a major update has happened, or similarly to what happened to us in 2013.
One of our pages was getting tens of thousands of likes, shares etc on every post. Then the very next day. BOOM!
I literally thought Facebook was broken.
All of a sudden our posts were lucky to get a couple hundreds likes and shares.
It was CRAZY!
It was also around that time that a lot of businesses just gave up using Facebook to its greatest capacity.
I saw this as an amazing opportunity to capitalise and learn what Facebook want me to.
Did you read that?
Learn what Facebook wants me too. And if that means changing tact, trying new things, then that is exactly what I was going to do. Millions of fans later, well, we are here right, your reading this.
BUT don’t worry.
FB Domination is going to give you the shortcuts to help you remain on the cutting edge.
3: Businesses are not taking advantage of the unbelievable opportunities we have right now. FREE and PAID!
See how we generate hundreds of FREE leads via this single fan page every week. You have all these options available to you as well.
And NOW I am going to show you how to use them correctly.

Module 1: Facebook Fundamentals
- Program Overview
- The #1 Rule of Facebook (This is imperative to understand. Success leaves clues)
- The Most Under-Utilised Lead-Gen Tool On Facebook (It’s right under your nose and so easy to use)

Module 2: Fan Pages
- How to set up your first Facebook fan page (The best practices to starting a new fan page)
- Fan Page Fundamentals (9 Strategies to create, build and engage with members)
- The 12,564 Lead Method (This method generated 12,564 leads in 24 hours in one of our niches)
- The Fan Page Scheduler (No more hit and miss posting. Set it up and do it right from the start)
- No Website Needed (This tool acts like your very own website, right inside Facebook)
- Viral Thread Formula (Are your posts not reaching many people? Try This)

Module 3: Communities and Groups
- How To Start a Successful Group (Get Your First 100 Members Begging To Join)
- 7 Steps To A Successful FB Group (Best practice from building a 18K+ community)
- The Member Spotlight Formula (This is SO cool. I learnt this from another community and had to share)
- How To Keep Your Members Coming BACK (Don’t let your group turn into a GHOST town)

Module 4: Social Realestate
- Instant Fans Formula (The fastest fan page growth hack available)

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