Ben Pakulski – The Incredible Bulk
By Benjamin Pakulski
It sounds strange, but traditional bulking could actually KILL your muscle building – dead!…
Its true… and I’ll tell you why.
Outdated diet methods actually destroy the hormones that are responsible for making you huge!…
Which means that guys like you and me just get FAT, tired and get nowhere fast when we try to “bulk.”
And even so-called experts that think they’ve discovered the solution are still missing the essential formula that effortlessly customizes your diet for optimal muscle growth. Without it… you’re just guessing, and you’re leaving pounds of lean muscle on the table…
Read below and I’ll tell you how to customize your muscle building diet to YOUR body so you can create an unstoppable freight train of “rebound” growth…
Personally, I have the tendency to add fat pretty easily thanks to my parents feeding me like I was sponsored by Ronald Mcdonald as a child…
So, typical muscle building diets never worked well for me. I’ve always needed to be intelligent and think outside the box.
The innovative bulking strategy I now use — and that I share with you below — came to me after struggling for years to add muscle without looking like a complete butterball. No matter how hard I tried, I always seemed to gain fat when I followed typical advice of most of the “experts” out there. I blamed bad genetics.
I have worked with hundreds of clients in bodybuilding, physique and figure contest preparation… and it seems we ALL were cursed with “bad genetics”.
The truth is, its not so much bad genetics, as bad GENE EXPRESSION — from poor dietary choices and more importantly, the wrong choices at the wrong times. (this is the newly discovered science of epigenetics).
The solution to adding maximum lean muscle, while staying lean at the same time is a phenomenon I noticed AFTER a period of relative exhaustion or depletion (such as after a contest).
“Average people” seemed to gain extraordinary amounts of muscle in really short periods of time and not gain an ounce of fat when the weight gain proceeded these periods of exhaustion. They all saw a SUPER COMPENSATION of muscle and weight gain in just a few short weeks. I’m talking gaining as much as 15 lbs of pure muscle in as little as 4 weeks and not an ounce of fat to show for it.
So I started thinking… “Why the heck am I waiting until AFTER the contest to make this happen?…” How can we replicate this phenomenon all year long…?
I began digging deeper into understanding what was taking place behind the scenes — the metabolism and metabolic function causing these huge surges of muscle — and I started to uncover the simple, yet incredibly powerful cause…
The Science of MASSIVE Muscle Growth Surges
(and How YOU Can Reprogram Your Body To Create Them Over and Over Again)
It’s not just that bodybuilders and physique athletes simply start hammering down as many calories as they can, then magically grow out of control…
What happens during their crazy post-exhaustive muscle growth surges is much more exciting…
Their bodies have actually become MUCH more effective and efficient at using and taking up hormones and nutrients into the muscle…
Without even knowing it, they turn themselves into the perfect hormonal storm for massive muscle growth. To be honest, they almost can’t even stop the freight train of rebound muscle gain…
Now, I simply studied and codified EXACTLY how to re-create that perfect hormonal storm over and over again, so when you get the exact timing right, you can put on as much muscle as you want, without packing on the fat…
over again — To Pack on as Much Muscle as YOU Want, Without The Fat…
Here’s what happens in your body when you follow my personal “cyclical bulking” strategy…
When training in a depleted state — like a bodybuilder does when dieting for a show — your body is forced to become more efficient…
You’re training hard, with fewer calories than your body requires for optimal performance and you keep pushing through those hard workouts like a goal-driven beast.
Your body is using its reserves — glycogen and stored fat — as fuel just to meet the demands you place on it. Your muscle cells are forced to become more effective at using glycogen (carbohydrate), and your mitochondria learn to become more efficient at using fat for fuel.
This is all a natural adaptation that EVERYONE undergoes in response to a caloric deficit or period of nutrient depletion. Think of it as “nutrient resensitization”.
Even if you did NOTHING for a few days, and you were in a carbohydrate depleted state, your body would experience this nutrient resensitization. Now, imagine you were actually training…
Your body will learn to use nutrients like a superstar! Even as well as those superhuman freak bodybuilders and fitness models who can eat anything and still be ripped.
The harder you work in that depleted state, the greater the “rebound” will be in the “Growth” Cycle that follows… IF you time it right
The Secret Signal That Creates Natural Growth Spurts
Now, it’s clear that growth is NOT linear… it never has been.
The body grows in bursts. Many people make the mistake of trying to do the same thing for too long and hoping that they will grow perpetually.
Think of a child growing up, it’s a fluctuation between stagnation and growth spurts. Your biology is made to support large bursts of growth, but cannot sustain it for months, weeks or even DAYS at a time.
People following the “Forever Bulk” mindset will learn this lesson in the form of disappointing muscle gains and excessive fat gain.
Truth is, if you want to gain massive amounts of muscle, you have to learn how to create your own growth spurts.
The body has to really be convinced to put on muscle. It’s a metabolically and calorically expensive process.
Muscle weighs a lot, and requires a lot of work from your body. So when you send the signal to grow more muscle to your body, it can’t be a whisper, it has to be the ROAR of a Lion.
That is how you get huge surges of muscle growth. Yet you can only keep “roaring” for so long. Then your roar will turn into a whimper and things go to hell…
However, everyone is different. And your body will react in a very unique way that requires you to spend more or less time bulking or resensitizing your body for muscle growth.
So creating UNLIMITED growth spurts only works if you get the timing right, which I’ll tell you about in a minute. First, you have to understand what happens when you get it wrong…
The type of traditional “bulking” methods used by millions of men around the world to pack on a few measly pounds of muscle might be destroying your gains… PERMANENTLY.
Maybe you’ve experienced something like this before… You want to pack on some new muscle mass. And after consulting with the local muscle-bound meathead, you were advised, “you just gotta eat more.”
So you set out on a quest to increase your calories — by any means necessary — in the hopes of packing on a few solid pounds of muscle that might actually have people take notice.
For 98% of guys, that kind of indiscriminate eating just leads to indiscriminate fat gain.
Remember that meathead you consulted? He’s one of less than 2% of guys who can eat what they want and still stay shredded. Yet they are the ones you end up asking for advice because you think they have some “secret”. Far from it…
Eating the way they do will not only make you fat, but it could be permanently destroy any chance you have of EVER gaining muscle.
You see, you end up destroying your insulin sensitivity, and permanently decreasing your body’s ability to produce and use testosterone.
This is why such a large percentage of men over 35 years old end up resorting to HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy, just to enjoy a decent quality of life and be able to have sex with their wife. Sounds like a very meager existence that I’m sure most of us would love to avoid…
Creating a lasting VIGOR for life requires optimal body function, lean and tight abs, and a sex drive that won’t quit. To sustain these things, you need to ensure your body never shuts down and loses the hormones it needs for you to live an awesome life.
Unfortunately, VERY few people even realize this is possible after destroying their bodies with poor food, chemicals and inadequate exercise protocols from a young age. Sorry, guys. Its true.
Listen, very few guys have even HEARD of an intelligent approach to packing on muscle. For most folks, bulking up becomes an excuse to be lazy, and eat whatever the hell they want…
In America most guys grow up playing football. Drinking beer, eating chicken wings and being fat and lazy is almost expected and part of the culture. Thats cool if you want to look like an NFL lineman, but most of us want to look like we workout when we take our shirt off, NOT look like we throw around 320 lb men for a living.
Gaining WEIGHT is cool when you’re 15 years old, but that’s not enough now, right? Not anymore…
So… You will not eat whatever you want and let yourself pack on ugly and manhood-killing body fat. You will not hide behind that feeble excuse: “I’m bulking”…
Listen, its cool to eat what you want sometimes, but knowing WHEN to do it, and HOW to prepare for it is what being an alpha male is all about. Be the guy that guys want to be and chicks want to be with!
Traditional style of bulking is so outdated, I’ve seen competitors put on 40 to 50 lbs in the off-season and then come in smaller the next competition. And I’ve seen regular guys do the same thing, except they “dieted down” for summer or a beach vacation instead.
HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN? How can you possibly lose muscle by eating more calories?!
Well, its quite simple once you “get it”.
Conventional bulking makes very little sense to your body’s physiology and i will outline exactly why…
Here’s a look at just a few of the things that happen to your body when you follow the traditional long term bulking strategies…
Traditional Bulking Side-Effect #1:
You Look Terrible, You Feel Worse & Your Workouts Suck
Too much junkie-processed food will increase inflammation all over your body. A side-effect of your constant overfeeding and poor food-quality choices — you look bloated, feel lethargic, and your workouts start to tank….fast.
You suffer from crappy sleep quality. Your recovery sucks. And you’re likely developing leaky gut from all of the inflammatory foods causing increased permeability of the intestinal walls (bad news!)

Traditional Bulking Side-Effect #2:
Your love handles are growing more than your muscles
Guys who go down the road of traditional bulking end up on a slippery slope of hormonal dysfunction and body fat accumulation. The first telltale sign that your gains have halted and your hormones are tanking is fat accumulation around the waist. Even as much as a 1” inch gain on your waist is correlated with a 50% decrease in function of the hormone insulin and ultimately drives cortisol to the moon.
Constantly elevated insulin levels can lead to lean tissue no longer using insulin properly. When you can’t use insulin well, you can’t get glucose and amino acids in the muscle. This means your excess calories go straight to your fat cells and you don’t have the energy you need inside the muscle to fuel kickass workouts.
Many people take this lack of energy for workouts to mean that they don’t have enough food, when in reality its just the opposite. They have so much food that their body is no longer choosing to accept the nutrients into the muscle where it needs it.
Fat cells are 4x more likely to take up sugar than muscle cells so when sugar is left to float around the blood stream due to resistant muscle cells, it will almost always end up as stored fat.

Traditional Bulking Side-Effect #3:
You Reprogram Your Body To Store
Fat (Instead of Building Muscle)
Did you know that fat cells are responsible for the creation and synthesis of the enzyme Aromatase that converts free testosterone into estrogen?
When you follow traditional bulking advice, fat gain is inevitable.
The more fat you have, the more of this enzyme that is naturally occurring in your blood and therefore your estrogen to testosterone ratio skyrockets forcing rapid fat gain and feminization of men.
Ever heard a woman say that men just aren’t as manly as they used to be? Or that they want a REAL man? Well, if you’re following a traditional bulk, you may not make the cut either.
The leaner you stay on a bulk, the better.

Traditional Bulking Side-Effect #4:
The Muscle Pumps of a Limp Noodle
and the motivation of dry toast.
That’s what you can look forward to on the “Forever Bulk” plan…
Things may feel awesome at first on high calorie plan but this will quickly fade.
All of your anabolic hormones work cyclically. Meaning they require periods of elevation and periods of suppression. In order to build large amounts of muscle in short periods of time, you must force these peaks and valleys into their extremes. Really high highs, and really low lows.
Insulin is the most anabolic muscle building hormone in the body when its effectively being used by the muscle cells, and when its not effectively being used by muscle cells, rest assured it’s still just as anabolic to your fat cells. Insulin is highest when calories are highest.
Human Growth Hormone is at its peak concentration during periods of extreme insulin and calorie deprivation. This can increase IGF-1 and maximize fat loss.
Testosterone requires cholesterol to be synthesized, but is highest during periods of low stress and thus requires natural fluctuations in high versus low stress periods to maximize its function as well.
Cortisol is actually a fat loss hormone that gives us immediate energy. The hormone gets a bad rap due to its very negative potential when allowed to remain constantly elevated. If cortisol remains high, fat accumulation, exhaustion, and poor sleep will result.
As you can see, fluctuation of workload, calorie intake and stress levels are absolutely necessary to optimize the muscle building and physique enhancement hormones of the body.

Long story short… building massive amounts of muscle is BY NO MEANS an excuse to get fat…
Don’t be the human balloon guy that blows up in the off season gaining mostly bodyfat and shrivels to nothing when its time to lean up.
- The more fat you have, the harder it is to build muscle.
- The more fat you have, the longer you need to diet down. (depressing)
- The more fat you have, the less energy you have for your workouts.
- The more fat you have, the lower your sex drive and your male hormones.
The bottom line is: You don’t gain that much muscle. Traditional bulking methods tell your body to put on muscle with a whisper at best. If you want to pack on serious muscle you need to scream to your muscles like a banshee, “GROW”.
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