Anodea Judith – Reboot Your Chakras to Ground, Invigorate & Expand Your Life 2022
Heal the imbalances in your chakras created by your belief system, your emotions, and the collective — to boost your immunity and optimize your wellbeing.

You’ve probably felt it for a while now — the challenges of our times are calling us to a new way of living, both personally and collectively.
The pandemic has brought many systems — and the people in them — to their breaking point…
It’s no surprise that frustration, depression, anxiety, fear, addiction, and other “shadow” behaviors have creeped in, hampering the flow of our life-force energy.
The turmoil has also revealed the profound energetic imbalances — consisting of either deficient energy or excessive energy — within your chakra system…
Where do you turn for guidance? How can you heal yourself and transform the world around you?
Thankfully, there’s a map to guide you…
The chakra system is a potent map that integrates mind and body, spirit and matter, inner and outer, into one comprehensive whole. It also integrates your inner world — by healing old issues, balancing your energy, and evolving your soul.
The sacred elements of each chakra — earth, water, fire, air, sound, light, and consciousness — exist both within and around you… offering the perfect template to awaken your inner world and align it with your outer reality.
Ultimately, the chakras provide a systematic way to overhaul your life.
Join us for a course with chakra system expert Anodea Judith, PhD, and discover a step-by-step approach — from the ground to the crown — to work with your energy body, heal your issues, and actualize your growth in the world.
After 45 years of teaching this work, Anodea knows exactly what works (and what doesn’t) to light up your energy centers with power and precision.

The chakra system is based on the seven major energy centers in your body, running from the base of your spine to the crown of your head.
By aligning and activating key aspects of your chakras, you can give your body, mind, and spirit a revitalizing reboot, drawing in needed new energies and releasing old patterns … for grounding, resiliency, and aliveness — qualities we all need in these unstable times.
Through a deep understanding of this profound system and how it relates to you personally, you’ll explore practices you can use for the rest of your life — practices to guide you through these times to a thriving future ahead.
The chakra system is taking the world by storm as a universal structure for enhancing our life force. Over the course of seven modules, Anodea will help you explore this potent map — and apply it directly to your life.
In this activating course with Anodea, you’ll discover:
- The impact that the outer world has on your chakras, and how past unaddressed traumas and events can impair your chakras’ best functioning and compromise your life
- Exercises that address imbalances by increasing the life force within each of your chakras — through yoga, bioenergetics, and simple movements you can practice in just a few minutes a day
- How to diagnose your own chakras as excessive or deficient — and how to bring balance through bioenergetic exercises that charge and discharge each chakra
- Ways to open your root channels, secure your ground, and cultivate a potent antidote to combat fear
- How the chakra system gives you a direct connection to your deepest essence — the vertical core running through you, which connects heaven to earth
- A set of sounds to clear and discharge each chakra
- Grounding exercises that connect your body to the earth through your legs and feet — so you’ll open your root channels, secure your ground, and solidify your life
- How balancing your emotional body gives you more access to your life force — and increases your capacity for pleasure, helping keep you centered in the midst of difficulties
- Calming exercises for when you need to settle down and recharge your batteries, pick-me-up practices for when you feel tired or unfocused, and more
- A week’s worth of physical core-strengthening exercises
- The keys to balancing the heart chakra: opening the chest, releasing grief, and learning to surrender
- How sound can be used to unlock your fifth chakra, resulting in better communication and creativity as well as more freedom
- Practices to let the light inside you shine out through all your chakras
- The true meaning of namaste — seeing the divine in yourself, in others, and in everything around you
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Anodea will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills you’ll need to delve deep into healing practices for your chakras to boost immunity, optimize physical and emotional wellbeing, and balance and revitalize your entire system.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Anodea. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to access a powerful map to your energy system.
Module 1: Establishing Your Sacred Ground

Your “ground” is the foundation from which you do everything. If it’s shaky, everything else will be compromised.
In this opening session, you’ll discover that grounding is not an intellectual concept — it occurs through the medium of the body.
As Anodea will share, if you’ve experienced difficulties coming into this world, feeling safe, or having enough, your first chakra has been profoundly impacted.
This can make it harder to ground when you need it most — and more difficult to make a living, keep your health together, or have a safe and secure home.
Even more significantly, your ground is your sacred connection with the earth.
Through dynamic grounding exercises that connect your body to the earth through your legs and feet, you’ll open your root channels, secure your sacred connection to the earth, and cultivate a potent antidote to solidify your life and combat fear.
In this first module, you’ll:
- Experience the difference between contraction and expansion in your first chakra
- Discover how a sense of inner expansion helps you feel more solid in your body
- Create a connection with nature that energizes your first chakra
- Open your leg channels for better grounding and stability — and for bringing more energy into your system
- Combat fear as you create safety and security through first chakra activation
Module 2: Managing Your Emotional Flow

Emotions are your body’s way of saying yes and no — “I love this,” or “I hate that,” “I want this,” or “I don’t want that.”
As you’ll explore in this session, your emotions began before you had words, so they’re an embodied expression of your life force — often hidden beneath your everyday awareness.
When emotions are repressed, their energy gets trapped in your body, causing physical pain — or manifesting as imbalances in your emotional body, such as numbness, out-of-control emotions, or even addictions.
Anodea will explain how balancing your emotional body gives you more access to your life force — and increases your capacity for pleasure, keeping you centered in the midst of difficulties.
In this module, you’ll dive into your second chakra and:
- Explore how harnessing your emotional body is key to channeling the flow of energy to higher centers
- Decode the language of sensation to unlock your emotional body
- Learn ways of discharging energy from your body to make more room for depth of feeling… without being overwhelmed
- Expand your comfort zone to make more room for your emotions while staying in the center of your charge
- Discover how opening your second chakra can bring greater sexual pleasure
Module 3: Energizing & Reclaiming Your Power

With your roots now engaged and your energy flowing, you’ll next learn how to harness your energy into personal power through your third chakra, the chakra of fire.
Anodea will show you how balancing your fire can give you the energy you need when you most need it — and keep you from having too much energy when it’s time to chill.
Balancing your power is essential for taking effective action, clearly knowing your purpose, and developing your will.
Unfortunately, many people lose their power in our modern world, where obedience and fear of punishment make us afraid to step into the full force of our power.
Ultimately, power is energy. By building up your energy body, you’ll have the life force you need to meet your challenges.
By getting clear on your purpose, you’ll know where to direct it. As you’ll discover, the result is increased effectiveness in everything you do.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- How to reclaim your own power in a way that’s balanced, yet effective
- The relationship between intention, energy, and will — and how to integrate all three
- Ways to mobilize the energies of anxiety and depression by giving your energy direction
- Calming practices for when you need to settle down and recharge your batteries
- Quick pick-me-up practices for when you feel tired or unfocused
- How to make time for a week of physical core-strengthening exercises — and see what a difference it makes
Module 4: Softening Your Heart for Love & Connection

With your power now engaged, the fourth chakra brings you into your heart, at the center of your chakra system.
As you’ll discover in this session, the heart chakra’s element is air — which invites you to soften your defenses, connect intimately with others, and open to deeper love.
Because the heart is the great integrator of the upper and lower chakras, wounds to the heart leave us “dis-integrated” with a backlog of grief that armors our heart and keeps out love.
This armoring can even make it difficult to take a deep breath!
Anodea will share how opening the chest, releasing grief, and learning to surrender are the keys to balancing your heart chakra.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Quick ways to connect with your own heart when you lose touch with yourself
- Practices for opening your chest and taking a deeper breath
- Breathing exercises to send energy to every one of your chakras — or any part of your body — whenever you need to
- How softening is a key to awakening the deepest realms of your heart
- How to harness the element of air with powerful breathing exercises — and balance all your chakras as you move through this midpoint of the course
- Ways to prepare for the journey into your upper chakras
Module 5: Voicing Your Truth & Having It Heard

Communication is essential to managing the difficulties of life. Yet blocks in the fifth chakra (the throat chakra) are often the most common of all.
The neck is the physical connection between head and body, so opening this gateway is essential to reaching higher chakra awareness.
How do you express your innermost feelings so they’re understood? How do you open your listening abilities — so you not only listen to others, but to that voice inside?
Anodea will explain how to become a better listener and effectively speak your truth with both kindness and power.
As you’ll explore in this session, sound can be used to unlock your fifth chakra, resulting in more freedom as well as better communication and creativity.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- A set of sounds to clear and discharge each chakra
- How to free up the neck and shoulders for greater freedom of expression
- Ways to dialog with different parts of yourself to gain greater clarity
- Sounds that energize each chakra according to your needs
- Simple 2-minute exercises to loosen your jaw
Module 6: Finding Clarity in an Uncertain World

In these uncertain times, ordinary logic may not show us the way through — because transformation always has an element of the unknown.
If we can’t see clearly, then we have to develop our intuition and the awakening of subtler senses…
Anodea will share how intuition is the role of the sixth chakra, also known as the third eye.
What does it take to awaken this center of seeing, imagination, inner light, and clarity? What are the keys that open the inner vision?
Anodea will share practices for you to find the light inside yourself, so you can let it shine out through all your chakras.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn to train your mind to focus, cultivating the light within
- Explore how to capture light and bring it into your inner world
- Use visualization to align more deeply with your core
- Direct energy using the power of imagination
- Discover how to form questions about your life so you can “see” the answers clearly
Module 7: Finding Your Source of Wisdom in the Divine

After you learn to see with real eyes in the sixth chakra, you’ll be ready to enter the seventh chakra of realization.
In this final class, you’ll discover your gateway to spirit, to the eternal — and to understanding, grace, and wisdom.
Long regarded as the goal of the chakra system, the seventh chakra represents the underlying essence of consciousness, limitlessness, and freedom. It’s the realm of higher wisdom, the birthplace of ideas, and the gateway to higher guidance.
In this session, Anodea will share the true meaning of namaste — seeing the divine in yourself, in others, and in everything around you.
In this closing module, you’ll:
- Learn meditation techniques to open your crown and bring grace downward into all your chakras
- Discover why stillness is the ultimate key to all yoga, as union with the divine
- Learn techniques to develop a more neutral witness as a gateway to your deepest wisdom
- Experience the nectar of eternity
- Explore how beliefs are created and how hidden beliefs can keep you from manifesting the life you want
What Graduates of Anodea’s Courses Are Saying…
— Dave Geoghegan: “Anodea Is an Incredibly Gifted Teacher and Speaker”
— Masuda Mohamadi: “After a Weekend Workshop With Anodea, I Felt Like Somebody Turned on a Light Inside of Me”
— Lindsey Frank: “Anodea’s Heart Is So Big and Expansive”
— Katie Bickford: “Anodea’s Work Is Both Practical and Philosophical”
— Diane McQueen-Smith: “Anodea Teaches How to Apply This Knowledge to Let Go Of Emotional Blocks”
“This course should be mandatory for all humans living the human experience!”
This course should be mandatory for all humans living the human experience! What I have learned has transformed the way I look at myself and others. In a positive way!
— Katy Poz, Portland, Oregon
“Anodea is a consummate energy practitioner, therapist, and teacher.”
Anodea is a consummate energy practitioner, therapist, and teacher. Her knowledge and clinical/practical experience, and how she aptly explains concepts, makes her classes accessible and the concepts easy to apply. I learned a lot about myself, my charge, and I look forward to applying my insight from this class in my energy healing and coaching practice. Thank you, Shift Network and Anodea, for this great opportunity!
— Sue Wang, Randolph, Vermont
“… we have the power to transform our lives and live at our highest vibration!”
Anodea is radiant light in the darkness! This course has taught me that we have the power to transform our lives and live at our highest vibration! I learnt how to identify and lovingly address past trauma and release negative patterns that held me back from living my true potential. It was like I was living in the dark and someone turned on a light! Since I have taken this course, I have become more open in many senses and my business has begun to grow too. I have experienced a wonderful paradigm shift using Anodea’s transformative exercises and meditations. It has already manifested wonderful opportunities that continue to unfold in my life. It’s like magic! Thank you so much! Ever grateful.
— Raiza, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
“Have now huge momentum and a clear map to follow…”
Enjoyed having Anodea share her understanding of chakras — it’s been a real gift! Course is 100% useful, effective, practical, and inspiring. Have now huge momentum and a clear map to follow and flow with, while enjoying myself, too. Anodea is an excellent communicator, the method is bright, and the tools are really helpful. Thank you so much! Bless you!
— Marta Pérez Kennedy, Steinhausen, Switzerland
“I was able to clarify my intention, challenge unhelpful beliefs related to my goals, and strategically approach my goals.”
Another great course. Thank you so much, Anodea, for your wisdom and enlightenment. I was able to clarify my intention, challenge unhelpful beliefs related to my goals, and strategically approach my goals. I found the way you gradually introduce the topics and then reinforce with practical exercises very helpful, as is the Q&A section to further explore the topics. Deepening exercises and meditations were essential in working through the material and my manifesting process. Grateful to The Shift Network for bringing your teaching and making it accessible.
— Ivana Djokvucic, Novi Sad, Serbia
“Anodea Judith is a generous master teacher who shares her knowledge in a clear and practical way.“
Anodea Judith is a generous master teacher who shares her knowledge in a clear and practical way. As I am at the very beginning stages of manifesting my dream of a world-class retreat center, I know this course’s material will continue to inform me for years to come. Thank you, Anodea, participants, and The Shift Network for providing this important course.
— Rev Nancy Neal, Greenville, South Carolina
More Praise for Anodea Judith…
“Anodea is a master of mind/body integration work…”
In my opinion as a yoga teacher and therapist, Anodea is a master of mind/body integration work… she is as good as they come! She has taught me through her training the practice of witnessing and experiencing the “charge” in my life force, which has helped me get grounded and locate the sacred space inside myself. With my clients, I am able to witness their charge, back off my agenda, and allow the intelligence of their charge to guide the way to their opening.
— Paula Weithman, Dallas, Texas
“I feel I will be able to help people better with everything I am learning from her.”
I am a new Reiki practitioner and I find Anodea’s knowledge and insight extremely beneficial because of her in-depth work with the chakras. I feel I will be able to help people better with everything I am learning from her. I have always wanted to take her courses, and with the scholarship I was finally able to! Thank you so much for everything. It has been a very rewarding experience for me… one that I will use to help many people.
— Inez, Caledonia, Canada
“The deepening and physical exercises really bring it all into alignment.”
This course has been a beautiful reminder to stay connected with my own “source” energy daily. The deepening and physical exercises really bring it all into alignment. Anodea is an amazing, generous, and kind teacher with tons of wisdom and humor. The class is informative, educational, and absolutely necessary to those wanting to know more about who and what they really are, and how to live and work within that. Loved it.
— Sherry Q., Los Angeles, California
“Anodea helped me remove blockages that I’ve been carrying my entire life.”
This course gave me my life back, and the tools to improve my self-awareness. I’ve never been so impacted personally. Anodea helped me remove blockages that I’ve been carrying my entire life. I will continue to engage others with my community journalism and holistic teachings. I had a tremendous breakthrough in my musical ability. Thank you, Anodea and The Shift Network!
— Anonymous
“I was given the perfect tools and exercises to unblock and bring life back to my body.”
I’ve been in a negative environment for so long that I felt like a shell of a person. Through this course I was given the perfect tools and exercises to unblock and bring life back to my body. So very grateful. Thank you!
— Lori, Columbus, Ohio
About Anodea Judith

Anodea Judith, PhD, is a worldwide spiritual teacher and the bestselling author of the seminal Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System… Eastern Body-Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self… and seven other books translated into 28 languages. As a yoga specialist and somatic psychotherapist with trauma specialization, her work is a unique combination of techniques useful to therapists, coaches, teachers, and those on their own healing journeys.
The founder and director of Sacred Centers, a teaching organization, her global teachings have reached 163 countries. She holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and a doctorate in Mind-Body Health, with advanced yoga certifications.
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