Andrew Harvey – The Alchemy of Awe
What You’ll Discover in These 10 Weeks
Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.
In this 10-week transformational program, Andrew will guide you through the core teachings illuminated by great mystics of every wisdom tradition who consecrated the state of wonder and awe as the portal to transfiguration.
Each weekly contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to open to the magic, beauty, and mystery at the heart of wonder.
3 Integration Sessions With Andrew
Andrew has added three essential integration sessions to support you in working more deeply with the material from each of the seven teaching sessions. These dynamic sessions will be a wonderful opportunity to unpack Andrew’s rich teachings and receive additional guidance through Q&A.
Module 1: The Mystery of the Unknowable
Staying Open to New Ways of Doing Everything (December 4)

Turning to this ultimate mystery — the mystery of the unknowable One… the One that is at the core of all the authentic mystical traditions… the great emptiness that can never be known, described, or understood… the final transcendence hidden behind its own walls of light, unreachable by everything — in awe, surrender, and adoration is the key to the beginning of this extraordinary path of transfiguration and to becoming divinized by the mystery of the One.
It is the way to stay endlessly open to new wisdom, new formulations, new concepts, new skills, and new ways of being and doing everything, because this limitless intelligence and wisdom is ever fresh.
This week’s practice: Saying the Name. You’ll discover how to say the name of God that resonates most deeply with you with the full devotion of your mind, body, and soul. Saying the Name keeps you constantly connected with the unknowable mystery and in love with the unknowable One, which keeps you open to being constantly filled with grace. This practice will be illumined by Rumi and Kabir’s teachings on the sublime secret.
The fire-winged birds of heaven will rage with envy.
— Rumi
In this module, you’ll:
- Understand how to approach the mystery of the unknowable
- Be invited to the practice of unknowing
- Behold the unending creativity and possibility that are revealed through awe at the One
- Experience that the key to evolution is awe, joy, and surrender to the One
Module 2: The Mystery of the Sacred Marriage
How to Become a Dancer of Life (December 11)

This is the mystery of how the One created the universe… and how the birth of the Divine Child can only take place in the core of our being… through the dance of opposites — the joyous dance of transcendence and immanence, of light and matter, of soul and body, of heart and mind, of masculine and feminine — offering us a way in the midst of extreme chaos and crisis to birth our own Divine Humanity.
This is the mystery of how the interpenetration of spirit and matter makes possible infinite transformations of matter in spirit and spirit in matter — and opens up the most extraordinary awe-inspiring vision of evolutionary possibility for the human race.
This week’s practice: The Hindu Tantric practice of uniting in the golden chalice of the heart, with the golden light pouring down from the transcendent Father, and the red light, the great Shakti light, shooting up from the earth, from the embodied Mother. This practice unites the archetypal lights that created the universe and pours them into the golden cup of your heart, where they circulate and then race all along your body, giving you a deep experience of being utterly empowered, both from the invisible and from creation.
And behold His beauty everywhere.
— Kabir
In this module, you’ll discover:
- What the Sacred Marriage is
- What the vision of the Sacred Marriage opens up
- How this vision is one of endless expansion and transformation
- The practice of awe, which will help you approach the body as sacred
Module 3: The Mystery of the Birth of Divine Humanity
Experiencing Radical Humility, Patience, Joy & Trust (December 18)

This rich and embodied vision is drawn on the truth of what’s coming through, not only from the great evolutionary mystics but from own experience as well, about what it actually feels like to live an embodied divine human life — and what extraordinary power and inspiration it gives us access to.
This birth engenders seven essential qualities — radical humility, radical patience, radical joy, radical trust, radical courage, radical clarity, and radical, passionate, embodied compassion, expressed in sacred service. Ultimately, this mystery inspires you to open to the awe of being both human and divine, and to keep all these qualities constantly alive and evolving through imbuing them with awe, which can bless you with endless stamina.
This week’s practice: The Prayer of Saint Francis. This comprehensive and majestic prayer expresses the total dedication of the Divine Human to serving peace and love in every thought, emotion, and action. Over time, praying it with intense faith can help you build a new level of embodied passionate compassion that will always guide you to your most sacred self.
And I am drunk on boundless youth.
— Kabir
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to experience the wonder of your Divine Humanity
- The essential qualities of surrender, humility, and trust
- How to fuel your courage and service through the practice of awe
- A way to align yourself with your birthing Divine Human to get through difficulties
- Endless stamina through this alignment
Module 4: Integration Session With Andrew (January 8)
This first integration session will start with a short practice to unite your hearts and souls. You’ll then plunge into sacred conversation with Andrew about the teachings in the first three modules — and any questions and experiences that are rising will be shared and explored.
Module 5: The Mystery of the Illumined Mind
Cultivating Creativity, Discernment & Guidance (January 15)

The next level of human evolution will be nothing less than the birth of the Divine in a divinized mind, heart, soul, and body together — and the birth of the mind illumined by heart knowledge, by being embodied and felt in the body, and by the mysteries radiated to it from the soul.
This will give you the capacity of working directly with the Divine to co-create a majestic new world — and reveal the wonder of what the mind that’s birthed into its essential illumined nature can achieve.
This week’s practice: The Tibetan Practice of uniting with the Wisdom Mind of the Universe. In this sublime practice, you’ll imagine your favorite representation of God and merge with it, melting into the emptiness that manifests you both. You can use this practice in the core of ordinary life to align yourself immediately with a spacious awareness that keeps you calm, focused, alert, and open to guidance, making you immeasurably wiser, more peaceful, and more effective.
— Kabir
In this module, you’ll discover how:
- To recognize the danger of the unillumined mind in yourself and in others
- To use that recognition to fuel an urgent, humble path of awe
- That path of awe transforms your mind to become a reflection of the Divine Mind
- That transformation of your mind can flood your life with new wisdom and creativity and faith and joy
- A divinized mind that is also embodied, ensouled, and filed with heart wisdom can become a channel for divine invention and creativity in all the realms of human endeavor
Module 6: The Mystery of the Sacred Heart
Awakening Ecstatic Communion With the Whole of Creation (January 22)

The Sacred Heart is the mystical heart center known in all the mystical traditions and evolutionary traditions as the place where body and spirit meet in ecstasy and in the place of revelation. When the heart knows that it is sacred, it wakes up to an ecstatic communion with everything that lives and the whole of nature.
We’ll explore the catastrophe of the debasement of the heart and its addiction to consumerism, power, nihilistic hedonism, and addictions that starve it of its essential sacred nature. The corrupted heart collaborated with the destructiveness of the mind drunk on power to advance the destruction of the planet. Hence, the urgency to transform and sacralize the heart so it can become not the organ of madness that destroys, but the organ of radiant perception and abundant compassion that initiates the reign of justice in the world.
This week’s practice: The universalist version of the great Catholic visualization of the Sacred Heart to connect through grace with the burning, ecstatic joy at the core of the Sacred Heart’s endless giving of itself, which will refuel and invigorate you with holy, impassioned energy. You’ll then have this energy available in your day-to-day life to bring you back from the brink of paralysis, apathy, exhaustion, or depression — and to plunge yourself into the living fires of resurrection that are the fires of the Sacred Heart.
Exists no longer, but vanishes into Love.
— Rumi
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to face the tragedy of the humiliation of the heart in our time, with its values having become discarded and degraded
- How to use this devastating knowledge as a way to yearn for the authentic revelation of the mystical Sacred Heart
- The astounding vision that the growth in the Sacred Heart opens you to
- How to sustain the immense passion of compassion that arrives in your heart when it becomes open to the Sacred Heart
- How to access the healing fire of the Sacred Heart when you are battered, discouraged, and exhausted
Module 7: Integration Session With Andrew (January 29)
This second integration session will start with a short practice to unite your hearts and souls. You’ll then plunge into sacred conversation with Andrew about the teachings in the previous two modules — and any questions and experiences that are rising will be shared and explored.
Module 8: The Mystery of the Embodied Soul
Embracing Matter With Wonder & Love (February 5)

The mystery of the embodied soul is the mystery of the soul’s love for matter, for embodiment. The soul is in love with the body and longs to express that love, to realize the body’s love for it in complete consciousness. When the soul’s love is realized, the soul and the body become one.
We’ll examine the terrible repercussions of not believing in the soul’s existence, and not staying in subtle connection with the soul. This is the fundamental shadow of our culture. Not realizing that we are ensouled bodies and embodied souls has been the source of terrible depression, divisiveness, nihilism, and exhaustion. The most extraordinary discovery of the evolutionary mystics is that they revealed to us a soul that is longing to be experienced consciously and for the body to thrill to its embrace.
This week’s practice: The Sufi sacred visualization of imagining the melting of the light drop of your soul in the infinite ocean of light that is God. Through this practice, exalted though it is, you’ll gain immediate and subtle access to the healing truth of divine mercy, of the Divine pouring grace always towards you.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- How the evolutionary mystics teach how to not separate your soul from your body
- How to experience the presence of the soul in the body
- The extraordinary new relationships with all beings that embodied love makes possible
- How the balanced passion for honoring others as you honor the Divine in yourself leads you naturally to consecrate your whole life through humble service
Within yourself you are the Mine.
— Rumi
Module 9: The Mystery of the Ensouled Body
Sanctifying Your Flesh as a Holy Hologram of the Whole (February 12)

The mystery of the ensouled body is that the body becomes a consciously and normally experienced microcosm of the entire universe, and open to knowing itself as a hologram of everything. It’s about blessing all of the body’s desires by sanctifying and divinizing them — not repressing them, but illuminating them at the deepest intensity with love.
The difference between your body and the Sacred Body is simply a difference in perspective — your body is already the temple of the soul, a crystallization of light energies, and a manifestation of divine beauty and divine intelligence.
This week’s practice: A simplified version of Sufi whirling, a form of physically active meditation similar to what Shams and Rumi engaged in. Whirling is done in and for the One, and is something that anyone can do to experience the abandon and freedom, the emptiness and tender sensuality of the Divine Human.
In this module, you’ll discover how:
- To feel your body as crystallized light energy
- To unlearn the patriarchal messages that have demonized the body
- To invite the divine light down into your body
- To experience the joy of the cells in your body
- To imagine and explore the passions and emotions of the awakened Sacred Body
- Through whirling, to become one with the One who is the Dancer of all the Worlds
Torrents of Divine Love
Drenched me, body and soul.
— Kabir
Module 10: Integration Session With Andrew (February 19)
This final integration session will start with a short practice to unite your hearts and souls. You’ll then plunge into sacred conversation with Andrew about the teachings in the previous two modules — and any questions and experiences that are rising will be shared and explored.
The Alchemy of Awe Bonus Collection
In addition to Andrew’s transformative 10-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Kundalini Now: A Vision of Evolution
Video Interview With Andrew Harvey and Dorothy Walters

Andrew and Dorothy Walters, a leading mystical poet and profound expert on the Kundalini, share nakedly their experience and vision of how Kundalini — the outrageous and endlessly creative force of the Mother — is awakening humanity through its transfiguring power.
Dorothy Walters, born in 1928, has pioneered women’s rights since the 1970s. After completing a PhD in English Literature, she became one of the first college professors in the country to set up a Women’s Studies program, against much opposition from both men and women alike. Later in life, she experienced a Kundalini awakening which changed her life forever and put her on a spiritual path of discovery. She has since published a number of books of mystic poetry and prose, and also keeps a blog called Kundalini Splendor.
Kabir Turn Me to Gold
Video Recording From Andrew Harvey

This video celebrates the great 15th-century Indian mystic Kabir, whose testimony to the wild and holy process of transfiguration is needed now more than ever.
Kabir was a mystic poet and saint of India whose writings have greatly influenced the Bhakti movement. Many legends abound about the birth, life, and death of Kabir, one of India’s most quoted poets and mystics. His birth itself is shrouded in mystery — some say he was the son of a Brahman widow, others that he was of virgin birth, what is known though is that he was brought up in a family of muslim weavers. He was never formally educated and was almost completely illiterate. Legend has it that he relinquished his body when he was about 120 years old.
Becoming God: 108 Poems of Angelus Silesius
PDF From Andrew Harvey

Becoming God includes 108 telegrams from the path of transfiguration. They were written by 17th-century Christian mystic Angelus Silesius, who personally experienced the birth that humanity is now being called to.
Angelus Silesius was a German Catholic priest and physician, known as a mystic and religious poet. An enthusiastic convert and priest, Silesius worked to convince German Protestants in Silesia to return to the Roman Catholic Church. He’s now remembered chiefly for his religious poetry, and in particular for two poetical works both published in 1657: Heilige Seelenlust (literally, “The Soul’s Holy Desires”), a collection of more than 200 religious hymn texts that have been used by Catholics and Protestants; and Der Cherubinischer Wandersmann (“The Cherubinic Pilgrim”), a collection of 1,676 short poems, mostly Alexandrine couplets. His poetry explores themes of mysticism, quietism, and pantheism within an orthodox Catholic context.
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