Andrew Harve – Rediscover the Christ Path 2022
Explore the priceless jewels and practices hidden in the depths of Jesus’ essential teachings to radically open your heart, walk through a death and rebirth process, awaken to an embodied divinity, and step into the power of love in action.

In the divine mind, there is a dream which has already been realized… a dream of an embodied divine humanity fully committed to justice and harmony in action for all sentient beings and for a unified planet. As you can imagine, this is profoundly explosive and almost unimaginable to normal consciousness.
— Andrew Harvey
Sometimes, life hands us challenges so difficult, so heartbreaking, we experience a profoundly personal “dark night” — an initiation that radically changes who we are and how we perceive the world.
Right now, the whole world is undergoing such an intense breakdown that some wisdom keepers believe we must undergo a radical and complete death and rebirth — a process of transfiguration — out of which a new evolutionary humanity can emerge.
We’re living through a global dark night, and what’s urgently needed is for every one of us to ascend to the highest and purest place within ourselves — to walk the path of Christ Consciousness, an awareness of the higher self as part of a universal system.
You’ve likely heard the term Christ Consciousness before… but what does it really mean?
The Center for Christ Consciousness defines it as “the highest state of intellectual development and emotional maturity.” They say that Jesus achieved this higher state of being in his human life, and was given the term “Christ” before his name in recognition of his heightened spiritual evolution.
This path is open to anyone who’s actively striving to become a living vessel of love and truth on the planet — regardless of their religious tradition, or lack thereof.
According to Andrew Harvey, mystical scholar, spiritual teacher, and founder of the Institute of Sacred Activism, the true teachings of Jesus hold the essential key for our individual healing and collective awakening.
They’re the gateway into the sacred marriage of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine… the portal for understanding the dark night… and the guide to the alchemical journey in which we turn “lead” into gold.
Andrew, along with many other scholars of the mystics, views Jesus not as a deity, not as someone who came to this world to be adored as a god, but as a soul chosen by the divine to be a revolutionary teacher…
… to forge a path of radical transformation and show people how to live a life steeped in the power of love and compassion in action.
Like many, Andrew believes that the organized establishment of Christianity, with its rules and patriarchal dominance, has betrayed not only Jesus’ vibrant and inclusive message…
… but his living example of a perfect embodied infusion of the courage, power, strength, and willpower of the Sacred Masculine… and the kindness, compassion, and fierce demand for justice of the Divine Feminine.
Following in Jesus’ footsteps by living in Christ Consciousness is the sublime solution to thriving and getting through the dark night — and being reborn as divinized humans.
So, how do we get there?
Join Andrew in a powerful 7-module course — an unparalleled culmination of his lifelong teachings, study, and experience — to explore the teachings of Jesus himself.
Andrew will share with you a variety of tools and practices to help you gain the strength, stamina, and passion you need to face the global dark night, surrender to the transfiguration process, and walk the path of Christ Consciousness and love in action.
In this essential program for these times, Andrew will guide you through the core fundamentals and practices to awaken and embody Christ Consciousness and energy in your daily life. You’ll learn the essential stages of the divinization process and experience a clear vision of how this evolution into divine humanity can unfold.
And, you’ll experience potent practices of heart, mind, and body that you can consistently apply — so that divine love and wisdom can act through you to transform the world.
The Real Message of Jesus

Jesus’ central message was about discovering the Christ within YOU, and within all things… and embodying the divine human.
He knew that this world was a manifestation of God… and that people could be divinized because he was divinized. Throughout his life, he urged people to understand that there was nothing in him that’s not in everyone. But, much of this raw message was lost.
In this course, Andrew will share how religion has masked the full intensity, splendor, and depth of Jesus’ teachings, and, consequently, turned Jesus into a caricature of his true self — which was profoundly human as well as radiantly divine.
Andrew will guide you as you rediscover Jesus’ life with fresh eyes and begin to see him as a way-shower for all of us to embody more of our true selves as we co-create a more just and compassionate world.
He’ll reveal the Christ path as a gateway into our divinity, into form through our bodies and relationships. The Christ path requires that we heal the split of the masculine and feminine. It insists that we cultivate a passion for justice. It requires that we pass through the intense purifying fires of transfiguration and learn to heal, love, speak total truth, and serve others.
Ultimately, Christ Consciousness is calling us to step into the power of love in action, and recognize the divine in all things.
We now have before us the possibility of using this current crisis to empower ourselves, and others, to actually get the planet to work. Embracing an uncertain future, we need to support leaders, who are inspired, courageous and effective to rise up.
We need to renew the energy of people who are burnt out and apathetic in institutions and corporations. If we point individuals to an inner compass that renews their passion, there is hope for real solutions and inspired creativity. All that we need is already there, in the currency of people, and it only needs to be tapped into.
During this evolutionary journey of profound transformation, you’ll discover:
- A vision of Jesus, not as the founder of a religion, but as a pioneer helping people liberate their own higher selves
- The priceless jewels hidden within the depths of the essential teachings of Jesus
- Authentic ancient teachings around Christ Consciousness — and how to integrate them through the power of radical love in action and sacred activism in your everyday life
- The marriage of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine — integrating and embodying power, passion, fire, strength, compassion, and service
- An understanding of the global dark night we’re all experiencing and our capacity to thrive in it as we live through it
- A variety of tools and practices — including those derived by Jesus himself and other transfigured mystics — to gain strength, stamina, and passion to face the global dark night and walk the path of Christ Consciousness
- The radical role of Mary Magdalene in Jesus’s life and teachings
- A reinterpretation of the Sacred Masculine as lived by Jesus in his marriage of force and gentleness… and how the masculine he embodied is an absolute necessity in these times
- The map of the transfiguration process in its 4 stages — awakening, illumination, union, and birthing
- And much more…
Through the dark night, Christ Consciousness will empower millions of people to experience the death of the false self — ultimately calling you to step into the power of love in action and, harmoniously and passionately, create a new world.
Join this program to become a pilgrim of real love, radically open your heart, expand your mind, and be inspired to walk a path of sacred action in the world.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this 7-part transformational intensive, Andrew will guide you through the priceless jewels and practices hidden within Jesus’ essential teachings to radically open your heart, walk through a death and rebirth process, awaken to an embodied divinity, and step into the power of love in action.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Andrew. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to embody Christ Consciousness and step into the passionate power of love in action.
Module 1: Rediscovering the Christ Path

Andrew’s wisdom draws on his own mystical experience of the Christ; the map of the birth given to him by his teacher, Father Bede Griffiths; the revolutionary message of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas; and the canonical gospels.
In this opening module, he’ll share how Jesus’ essential message was never about worshiping him as the unique son of God. Instead, his teachings were meant to urge people to claim their inherent Divine Consciousness and put love into action — and realize the truth of what he called “the Kingdom.”
In this session, you’ll discover:
- A mantra practice of “Maranatha,” derived from Jesus himself
- A vision of Jesus, not as the founder of a religion, but as a pioneer helping people liberate their own inner divinity — on the path to birthing a new embodied divine humanity
- An evolutionary understanding of our contemporary dark night
- How we all can put love into action and find what Jesus called “the Kingdom” in our own lives
- The great Christian mystic Father Bede Griffiths’ prophetic map of the birth of Andrew’s own transformative experiences of the Christ
- The radical revelations of the Gospel of Thomas and 2 of its crucial sayings
Module 2: Embracing the Sacred Feminine

In this session, Andrew will share that the key to the birth of the authentic Christ Consciousness lies in a dynamic embrace of the Sacred Feminine.
He’ll show you how it was clear through Jesus’ life, teachings, practice that Jesus was as much a child of the “mother” as the “father”… and that true Christ Consciousness is born out of a radical realization of the sacred marriage of the motherhood and fatherhood of God.
You’ll discover that the suppression of this truth, throughout the evolution of the Christian tradition, caused the dissolution of the revolutionary promise of Christ Consciousness.
According to Andrew, Jesus’ embrace of the Sacred Feminine can be best understood and integrated through:
- His identification with the Divine Feminine wisdom tradition in Judaism
- His celebration of the mother as well as the father in the gnostic gospels
- The role of Mary Magdalene in his life and awakening
- The mystical tradition pioneered by women mystics in the medieval era of Jesus as mother
- The vision of Mary as co-redemptrix and Jesus’ partner in the evolutionary path they walked together
In this module, Andrew will offer:
- The practice of the Hail Mary reinterpreted for the death and rebirth process we’re now experiencing
- The radical role of Mary Magdalene in Jesus’s life and teaching
- The transmission of the authentic divine Mary and the yoga of transfiguration that Jesus and Mary birthed together
- The 4 essential aspects of Mary as the Black Madonna
- An exploration of the gnostic gospels’ celebration of God as mother as well as father
- The way medieval women mystics worshiped Jesus as Mother
- A vision of Jesus’ identification with wisdom as Sophia
Module 3: Activating the Divine Masculine

In this module, you’ll explore Jesus’ life and message as a thrilling new vision of the Sacred Masculine, which has the capacity to unravel the current masculinity that keeps patriarchy alive.
Andrew will focus on the eight facets of the authentic Divine Masculine as revealed by Jesus — the Prophet, the Hero, the Warrior, the King, the Lover, the Servant, the Healer, and the Liberator.
You’ll learn how the authentic Sacred Masculine serves, adores, honors, and protects life and the Divine Feminine.
According to Andrew, Jesus’ life and message have nothing to do with the hierarchical, misogynistic, homophobic, and often deeply reactionary churches erected in his name.
Rather, the vision of the Sacred Masculine inspired by Jesus can birth a global revolution of the masculine in all traditions — comparable in depth to the revolution of the feminine that’s already begun. This evolution of the masculine is vital for the birth of a new humanity.
In this session, you’ll explore:
- The practice of the St. Francis prayer, which unites Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine in building Christ Consciousness
- A reinterpretation of the Sacred Masculine as lived by Jesus in his marriage of force and gentleness
- The radical importance of the 8 interlinked facets of the Sacred Masculine as lived by Jesus
- The mystery of sacred androgyny that Jesus represented… which challenges each of us to marry our feminine and masculine in birthing the divine human
- The radical nature and revolutionary possibility of the Sacred Masculine dedicated to the service of the Sacred Feminine in justice and compassion
- The vision of tender brotherhood that Jesus lived with his disciples and John the Beloved
- Andrew’s own experience of transformation through Jesus’ example of the Sacred Masculine
Module 4: Birthing the Divine Child

In this module, you’ll dive deeply into the central mystery of the path of sacred marriage that Jesus came to pioneer. This is the birth within us of the “divine child” — the sacredly androgynous, transcendent, and immanent divine human being.
Drawing on St. Paul’s tremendous vision of the redemption of our bodies in the birth of a new creation, Andrew will devote a large part of this session to Logion (or Saying) 22 of the Gospel of Thomas. This logion shows how Jesus precisely laid out, stage by stage, the amazing journey from ordinary humanity to embodied divine humanity.
Andrew will affirm that this logion, and the unique map it gives us, is essential to our understanding of the revolutionary meaning of Jesus’ resurrection, and the transfiguration tradition it birthed — which was lived sacredly by several great Christian mystics, including Andrew’s teacher, Father Bede Griffiths, who gave him the secrets to this process.
In this session, Andrew will share these secrets and relate them directly to the deepest evolutionary meaning of our contemporary global dark night.
You’ll discover:
- A practice of working with the descending golden light of birth to help embody divinity
- St. Paul’s vision of the birth of an embodied divine humanity
- A vision of the divine child through the marriage in our inmost being of God as mother and father
- A detailed, precise map of this birth as laid out by Jesus himself in Logion 22 of the Gospel of Thomas
- The transfiguration tradition in Catholic, Russian, and Greek Orthodox mysticism
- A description of the transfiguration process as lived by Father Bede Griffiths
- The essential secrets of this process as transmitted to Andrew by Father Bede Griffiths
Module 5: Walking the Christ Path

In this module, Andrew will present a radical and exhaustive map of the Christ path. This is a map of the unfolding revelations and stages that engender the birth of the divine human — derived from the life and teachings of Jesus and the often-secret writings and experiences of the Christian mystics.
Andrew will walk you through the four stages of the transfiguration process:
- Stage 1 — Awakening. In this stage, we awaken to our inherent Divine Consciousness and experiences. It’s the first dark night of the senses that leads to a direct initiation into the divine light.
- Stage 2 — Illumination. In this stage, we are infused by light consciousness and experience new powers of sacred energy and grace-inspired vision… and then undergo the second dark night of the spirit that destroys the last traces of the subtle ego.
- Stage 3 — Union. In this stage, the death of the dark night of the spirit opens us to a progressively deepening marriage of opposites in our own being… which, in time and through grace, fully transfigures us — heart, mind, soul, and body.
- Stage 4 — Birthing. In this stage, the increasingly transfigured divine human being becomes a co-creator with the Divine of a new way of being and doing in every way.
In this module, Andrew will share:
- The practice of the Jesus prayer known to have divinizing powers
- The map of the path to transfiguration in its 4 stages
- A radical emphasis on the transfiguration of the body and the difficulties and ordeals that need to be recognized at each stage
- The transfiguration tradition as lived out in several extraordinary male and female Christian mystics, and its significance for us now
- The astonishing powers of love, creativity, and vision open to those who come into union and birthing
- A clear description of the 2 dark nights we need endure for our complete transfiguration
Module 6: Marrying the Opposites — Light & Shadow, Soul & Body

In this module, you’ll explore the marriage of opposites that takes place in the later stages of the authentic Christ path and in the journey to what orthodox mystics called “theosis” or “transfiguration.”
Nicholas of Cusa wrote, “God is a coincidence of opposites.” Andrew will demonstrate how, on the true Christ path, we experience this “coincidence” in the depths of our own consciousness and increasingly divinized bodies.
Drawing on the Christian mystical understanding of Jesus’ transfiguration and resurrection, Andrew Harvey will show how you can open to a path of divinization that incorporates what Jesus called “the wisdom of the serpent and the innocence of the dove.”
He’ll share how this enormously powerful process is echoed in other major traditions, especially in the evolutionary vision of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
You’ll walk away with a profound understanding that, with the explosion of our global dark night, it’s TIME to embrace the revolutionary implications of the divination process.
At the end of the session, Andrew will present a powerful practice to help you marry the opposites: the mantra Om Namah Christaya, which unfolds into an invocation of the golden light into the depths of the physical body.
You’ll discover:
- The alchemical power of the golden light in the transfiguration process
- A practice to invoke this divinizing light, derived from Christian and Hindu sources
- A deepening understanding of what transfiguration is and what it implies
- An exploration of God’s nature as a coincidence of opposites
- The expanding marriage of shadow knowledge (the wisdom of the serpent) with expanding gnosis (the innocence of the dove)
- The progressive marriage of body and soul to birth an ensouled body and an embodied soul
- The dynamic power of the mantra Om Namah Christaya, given to Andrew by Father Bede Griffiths
Module 7: Sacred Activism & the Divine Human

Andrew believes that our global dark night can potentially birth the divine human through the revelation of the Christ path. What’s needed is to live out the transfiguration process as Jesus did, and commit to an urgent practice of sacred activism. It’s through that dynamic fusion that we can push through the evolutionary shift that humanity now needs to literally survive.
In this module, Andrew will bring together his 30 years of experience in sacred activism and on the Christ path to explain what’s currently arising for us all.
You’ll explore the vision of the resurrected Christ that Andrew received directly in 1997 in Coimbatore, India, which gave birth to the global movement of sacred activism.
Andrew will define sacred activism and show how it unites the noble fire of the mystic’s passion for God with the activist’s passion for justice — to heal and transform the narcissistic shadows that afflict contemporary mysticism and activism.
You’ll also discover Andrew’s detailed vision of the five kinds of service that the Christ path and other serious mystical traditions proclaim as essential to the path of love and wisdom in action.
And, you’ll explore the five kinds of sacred practices that sustain and activate both sacred activism and the transfiguration process.
In this closing session, you’ll receive:
- The Tonglen practice adapted for the Christ path to help seekers deal with the 5 main shadows of our contemporary global dark night
- A detailed map of the 5 kinds of practice sacred activists need to live in joy and work with steady dynamic compassion and passion
- A vision of sacred activism that’s essential right now
- A vision of the divine passion in action that Andrew received directly from the Christ
- The evolutionary necessity to live the transfiguration process and sacred activism together to birth the new humanity
- A comprehensive map of the 5 kinds of service sacred activists need to combine and embody for strength and wisdom to forge on in difficult situations
- A summation of the revolutionary contribution of the Christ path to our global dark night and our capacity to thrive through it
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