Sean G. Smith – 2-Day Emergency Nursing Boot Camp
- Faculty:
- Sean G. Smith
- Duration:
- 2 Full Days
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- May 15, 2017
Critical Interventions & Actions for:
- Trauma’s Lethal Triad
- Penetrating Chest Traumas
- SIRS & Sepsis
- Burn Trauma
- Toxicology Challenges
- Cardiovascular & Neuro Emergencies
You have the daunting challenge of recognizing subtle changes in a patient’s condition that can lead serious complications or even death. Are you sure you have the knowledge and skills you need to handle these difficult situations?
Working in the rapidly-changing emergency department and caring for the most complex patients means you have to be able to recognize these changes and respond appropriately. You’re dealing with life-threatening conditions and you need to be up to date on the most current and cutting-edge strategies. During this comprehensive program you will gain the skills you need to manage any situation. Drawing on over 20 years of experience, Sean G. Smith, RN, BSN, NREMT-P, C-NPT, CCRN, CMC, CEN, CFRN, FP-C, CPEN, will challenge you to take your knowledge to the next level!
Manual ZNM077385 (28.63 MB) | 135 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Trauma’s Lethal Triad: Hypothermia, Acidosis & Coagulopathy Hypothermia
- Correct Classification of the Trauma Patient
- Contributing Risk Factors
- Volume Resuscitation
- Why, When & How to Use IV Fluids
- What is Happening & Why?
- Panic Values & Lethal Levels
- Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
- Left & Right Curves
- Why it Matters
- Understanding a Very Complex Process
- Effect on Body Systems
- When it Goes Wrong
- DIC: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy
- Understanding the Lab Values
- CBC, Platelets, PT, PTT, D-dimer, Fibrin
- Hemorrhagic Shock
- Permissive Hypotension
- Damage Control Resuscitation
- Understanding the Lab Values
Putting it All Together
- Simple Steps that SAVE Lives
- Management & Treatment Options
Burn Trauma
- Critical Assessments during the Primary Survey
- Key Components of the Secondary Survey
- Fluid Resuscitation Formulas
- American Burn Association Evaluation Criteria
- Treatment Strategies for Chemical, Electrical & Thermal Burns
- ‘Never Miss’ Clues for Identifying Inhalation Injuries
The Septic Patient
- SIRS: Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome & SEPSIS
- Inflammatory Response: A Good Thing
- SIRS: Too Much of a Good Thing
- Sepsis & Severe Sepsis: Too Much of a Good Thing Comes to a Bad End
- Patient Presentations along the Continuum
- Sepsis Surveillance
- Emergent Interventions: Time is Tissue
Penetrating Chest Traumas
- FAST Evaluation & Ultrasound
- Pneumothorax
- Variations & Identifying Symptoms
- Emergency Interventions
- Flail Chest
- Dos & Don’ts of Initial Management
- Special Populations at Risk
- Cardiac Tamponade
- Thoracotomy in the ED
Cardiovascular Emergencies
- Advanced Hemodynamics
- SVR: Systemic Vascular Resistance
- CVP Monitoring
- The Spectrum of Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Key Assessments & Interventions for:
- Unstable Angina
- Recognizing Arrhythmias
- Stable, Unstable and Lethal
Neuro Emergencies: Time is Brain
- Concepts of Volume & Pressure
- Rapid Neuro Assessment
- Critical Interventions for:
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Diffuse Axonal Injury
Toxicology Challenges
- Identifying the Toxin
- Assessment of Intentional & Unintentional Overdose
- ABGs – a Critical Key
- Treatment Options: Removing & Reducing Causative Agent
- Symptom Management Strategies When There is No Curative Agent
- Toxicology Arrhythmias: Expected & Unexpected
- Today’s Street Drugs
Life-Threatening Electrolyte Imbalances
- Critical Clues for Quick Identification
- Panic Values
- Interventions that Improve Outcomes
- Potential Causes & Treatments

Sean G. Smith, C-EFM, C-NPT, FP-C, TP-C, RNC-NIC, CEN, CFRN, CPEN, CCRN-CMC (Adult), CCRN-K (Neonatal), CCRN-K (Pediatric) Related seminars and products: 11
Critical-Care Professionals International
Sean G. Smith, C-EFM, C-NPT, FP-C, TP-C, RNC-NIC, CEN, CFRN, CPEN, CCRN-CMC (Adult), CCRN-K (Neonatal), CCRN-K (Pediatric), is a flight nurse-paramedic who has practiced and taught Trauma Care, Tactical Medicine, Emergency/Critical Care and Prehospital Emergency Medical Services, both in the military and the civilian world. He holds degrees in nursing and molecular biology, is a graduate of Duke University’s Legal Nurse Consulting program and is currently pursuing a master’s degree through the University of Florida College of Pharmacy. He holds multiple advanced specialty certifications as well as extensive instructor qualifications in critical care and emergency medicine.
Career highlights include numerous author/co-author credits, including: a best-selling Laboratory Medicine textbook, a chapter on Shock in Trauma Nursing Core Curriculum, and a section in the newly released Resuscitation Crisis Manual. Sean consults on clinical, legal and certification prep for numerous high-profile hospital systems (Yale, Mayo…). He routinely lectures at national/international conferences, has completed 50 + medical missions (Dominican Republic, Honduras, Morocco, Liberia, and Haiti), and medical support to the NASA Space Shuttle Program.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Sean G. Smith receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Sean G. Smith has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
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