Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest – Psychic Development, Mediumship & Your Soul’s Growth 2024
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational course, Dr. Vest will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully connect to your spiritual gifts and soul’s journey.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Dr. Vest and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Dr. Vest’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Weekly Sessions Thursdays at 1:00pm Pacific
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Dr. Vest. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to fulfill your life’s purpose through understanding how your life’s journey is unfolding.
Module 1: Understand Your Supersensory Gifts’ Connection to Consciousness and Ascension to Facilitate Soul Growth (May 2)

As this course begins, you’ll explore the true meaning of soul growth.
Whether you call it expanded consciousness, ascension, awakening, or the quest for spiritual evolution, you’re not alone on this journey.
There are many ways to actively and consciously engage in the growth of your soul and develop your intuitive gifts.
Dr. Vest will share how soul growth is defined in different cultures and eras, and how practices of intuitive self-development are integral to various traditions of consciousness expansion.
In this opening module, you’ll discover:
- What soul growth is and how it’s related to psychic development
- How practicing mediumship can help you to learn about life beyond the body
- The connection between learning to perceive the aura and understanding your existence as an energy being
- A guided experiential exercise to help you understand the importance of working with the Higher Self
Module 2: Meditation Techniques, Habits & Practices for Amplifying Your Supersensory Gifts and Expanding Your Consciousness (May 9)

Dr. Vest will explain various tools and techniques for developing and increasing your psychic gifts.
Through a blend of theory and experiential learning, you’ll cultivate mindfulness, explore energy work, and learn about and engage in exercises to deepen your intuitive abilities.
You’ll also learn about Yogic traditions and their relationship to the development of Siddhis (the term for enlightenment, wisdom, and spiritual powers in many Indian traditions.)
From honing psychic sensitivity to fostering spiritual growth, these techniques will empower you to tap into your inner wisdom, connect with higher realms of consciousness, and navigate expansive realms of the psychic landscape with confidence and clarity.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- A guided practice to expose you to various meditation and altered state practices you can choose from, according to your individual needs
- A list of daily practices you can engage in to heighten your intuitive gifts
- A practice to engage in interactive sessions with classmates, friends, and family members — to practice, test, and grow your gifts
- Various techniques for entering an altered state, including Hemi-Sync, drumming/trance, binaural beats*, dance, chanting, and breathwork
- Discernment about which habits are beneficial for psychic development and soul growth, and which habits are detrimental to them
*For an in-depth definition of binaural beats and its uses in meditation, please read this disclaimer .
Module 3: Understand the Supersensory Gifts You’re Meant to Develop to Align With Your Purpose in This Incarnation (May 16)

Spiritual expansion happens when you know your purpose and you are using your gifts in fulfillment of that purpose.
Dr. Vest will explain the importance of life purpose, how it differs from soul purpose, and how your gifts are related to purpose.
Know your purpose to identify your gifts fully and use them to help yourself and others.
You’ll learn how gaining clarity on your purpose can inform your life’s path — and how not living on purpose can cause unhappiness and conflict with others.
Dr. Vest will discuss how purpose affects career, health, and relationships and will teach you techniques for discovering your purpose.
In this module, you’ll:
- Gain clarity on what your gifts are and how your gifts aid you in fulfilling your purpose
- Learn the difference between life purpose and soul purpose and how you and your guides defined your purpose
- Engage in a Gifts and Blisses exercise to help you identify your purpose (experiential)
- Journey to the Akashic records to learn about your purpose and gifts (experiential)
Module 4: Make the Most of Spontaneous Out-of-Body Experiences to Increase Your Gifts & Grow Your Awareness (May 23)

People who have spontaneous out-of-body experiences often return to life with an expanded consciousness and a greater sense of purpose.
People who visit with the dead or have experiences with angels, light beings, or spirit guides often experience an awakening or a shift in their awareness.
Dr. Vest will discuss how out-of-body travel, near-death experiences (NDEs), lucid dreaming, and perceiving spirit can all aid in soul growth. She’ll also explain how mediumship and travel to other realms can function as consciousness-shifting tools.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- Techniques to facilitate controlled out-of-body travel
- The practice of lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences (OBEs), and how to engage in these activities consciously
- Techniques to encourage safe visits from the dead, spirit guides, and angels
- A guided experience where you’ll start a conversation with a deceased loved one or Spirit Guide
Module 5: Each Step on the Journey of the Soul — Understanding the Life Lessons Your Soul Is Seeking & the Purpose You’re Meant to Fulfill (May 30)

Dr. Vest will walk you through each event in the incarnation journey of the soul — including pre-incarnation and post-incarnation meetings and reviews, life purpose, karma, and soul lessons.
For example, you’ll learn how, at your initial pre-incarnation meeting, your soul made pivotal decisions about the life lessons, life purpose, and soul contracts you’re now attempting to fulfill throughout your lifetimes.
Dr. Vest will also reveal the various places a soul can go after death following each incarnation — including healing rooms, meetings with guides, or a life review — depending on the level of soul growth.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- Every stage of the soul’s journey — including how and why you choose specific supersensory gifts and how they’re being developed through this journey
- The difference between soul patterns and soul purpose in the journey of the soul
- Myths about the concept of karma, an ancient Indian tradition that’s been popularized and misunderstood
- What soulmates really are (and what they are not)
- Why most karma isn’t fulfilled in the same lifetime, how its overall goal is balance and justice — and why we often change races, genders, sexual orientation, and class levels over many lifetimes
- A guided experience in which you’ll learn about the group karma you signed up for in this incarnation
Module 6: Mediumship for Soul Growth — Indigenous Ancestral Medicine Traditions of Working With the Dead for Healing Communities (June 6)

Mainstream culture often encourages us to contemplate the micro experience of the individual or the wellbeing of our larger planet…
As Dr. Vest will explain, this means the role of medium-sized geographic communities of people (like neighborhoods, small towns, or spiritual groups) in our soul growth is often overlooked.
Thankfully, Indigenous traditions deeply understand the concept of community, including the roles the medicine person plays in the healing of the community.
You’ll explore many different Indigenous community healing traditions. For instance, you’ll explore the Navajo ceremony for an individual who’s sick which requires the entire family to save up and contribute. The entire community gets involved in some way, whether it’s making the food or creating prayer objects. As a result, this ceremony that’s designed to heal one person who’s sick, ultimately heals the whole community.
In this module, you’ll explore:
- Indigenous traditions that work with ancestors through mediumship for healing the individual and the community
- How the development of your character is related to soul growth
- How we often incarnate with a life purpose of helping other people or engaging with other people in specific ways — and how we each incarnated on Earth to interact with other souls through our physical bodies
- How mediumship aids in soul growth because it allows us to work with ancestors who’ve ascended — and how the ancestors are still cultivating their soul growth from the other side by working as a guide
- A guided journey to talk with the ancestors
Module 7: Medical Mediumship & Medical Mysticism — Obtaining High-Level Information About the Health of Whole Communities, Countries & the Globe (June 13)

Dr. Vest will delve into the worlds of medical mediumship and medical mysticism.
Medical mediumship is when you work with spirits, including spirit doctors, to diagnose and discern which treatment is best for people.
Medical mysticism, by contrast, is when you’re connecting with the Divine, (which you may call the Creator or Oneness of the Universe) to obtain very high-level medical information.
You’ll explore the different types of information you can get from the different levels of mediumship and mysticism, and how this information can be helpful for healing.
In this closing module, you’ll:
- Engage in exercises to reflect on the role of your gifts as they relate to the planet
- Learn what medical mysticism is and how it can be used to expand global consciousness
- Reflect on important questions such as: Are you a lightworker? Did you come to help expand the consciousness of the planet?
- Travel to other realms to talk to higher level beings in a guided exercise
The Psychic Development, Mediumship & Your Soul’s Growth Bonus Offering
In addition to Dr. Vest’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
When you register by Midnight Pacific on Saturday, April 13, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:
The Art of Creating Sacred Space
Video Teaching With Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest

Join Dr. Vest in this enlightening 20-minute video tutorial as she expertly guides you through the art of setting up sacred space for psychic and healing practices. Delve into the intricate details as Dr. Vest shares invaluable insights on crafting a personalized altar, harnessing the power of plant medicines and crystals, mastering smudging and energy-clearing techniques, and utilizing music and art to cultivate a profoundly healing atmosphere. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to the realm of sacred space, Dr. Vest’s wisdom will help you create a healing sanctuary for yourself and your clients.
Register by April 13 to claim this bonus before it expires.
Unveiling Insights: 7 Questions on Psychic Development
PDF Guide From Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest

In this 15-page digital booklet, Dr. Vest shares clear and concise answers to commonly asked inquiries about the realm of psychic abilities. These questions include:Is everyone psychic? What are the early signs that a person is psychic? What are the different psychic gifts? How can I increase my psychic abilities? Whether you’re a novice seeker or a seasoned explorer, this insightful booklet provides invaluable guidance to unlock the mysteries of psychic development.
Register by April 25 to claim this bonus before it expires.
Plus… you’ll receive these bonuses too!
Soul Growth From an Indigenous Perspective
Video Dialogue With Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest and K’aska Ywa, Andean Medicine Man

Join Dr. Vest for this enriching video dialogue with K’aska Ywa, an esteemed Andean medicine man. Delve into the depths of soul growth and psychic gifts as illuminated through the lens of his rich Quechua tradition. K’aska will share insightful anecdotes detailing his journey of training and impart wisdom about soul growth within his cultural heritage. Based in Urubamba in the Sacred Valley, Peru (just north of Cusco), K’aska creates healing music with pre-Columbian wind instruments and plays sacred songs for ceremonies, initiations, and group or individual retreats.
Soul Growth in a Decolonial Context
Video Dialogue With Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest and Dr. Elizabeth Phillipose, Decolonial Wellness Coach and Teacher

This exciting video conversation between healers, Dr. Vest and decolonial wellness coach and professor, Dr. Elizabeth Phillipose, delves into what soul growth looks like in a decolonial wellness context. With training in both academic and spiritual practitioner contexts, Dr. Philipose discusses soul growth within a rich and varied context. Learn about her personal and spiritual development and how she helps others to negotiate their own spiritual and wellness journeys.
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