Russell A. Barkley – Russell Barkley, Ph.D. on ADHD in Children and Adolescents: Advances in Diagnosis, Treatment and Management
- Faculty:
- Russell A. Barkley
- Duration:
- 2 Hours 59 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Jun 11, 2019
In this recording, world-renowned ADHD expert Dr. Russell Barkley highlights new insights in the diagnosis, treatment and management of ADHD. Packed with recent research and practical application, this recording is a must-see for anyone who works with kids and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD.
Follow along with Dr. Barkley as he walks you through:
- His latest research findings and what that means for treatment and management of ADHD today
- How to differentiate between ADHD and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) – and why it matters
- Why an ADHD diagnosis lends itself to significant health problems and shorter life expectancy
- The evolution of ADHD as more than just an educational or mental health problem
- 14 best principles for managing ADHD in children and teens
- An update on the most recent evidence-based treatment recommendations
The content provided in this recording qualifies as education hours toward becoming certified for ADHD-CCSP through The Institute of ADHD Professionals, endorsed by CHADD. Visit
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn from a legend in the mental health field!
Manual – ADHD in Children and Adolescents (3.2 MB) | 77 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Instructions for ASHA Credit – SELF STUDY ONLY – 06/11/19 (38.5 KB) | Available after Purchase |
The Costs of Undertreated ADHD
- Why ADHD may be the disorder “behind the curtain” of significant health problems
- Risk factors: suicide, self-injury, obesity, substance abuse, diabetes and shorter life expectancy
- Your role in educating kids, caregivers and medical professionals on the health risks of ADHD
- How to broaden your assessment beyond the DSM-5® to include diet, nutrition, sleep and quality of life
The Future of Diagnosis and Treatment
- Dr. Barkley’s most recent research – and what it means for you as a helping professional
- Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) – ADHD’s lesser known, but just as prominent and debilitating cousin
- Comparing SCT and ADHD – Demographics, Comorbidity, Risks and Impairments
- Why SCT is often diagnosed as “ADHD – Inattentive Type” or “ADD”
- Crucial differences in treatment recommendations for SCT v. ADHD
14 Best Principles for Managing ADHD in Children and Teens
- Understanding ADHD as a disorder of executive functioning and self-regulation
- The latest evidence-based treatment recommendations for improving:
- Self-awareness
- Time management
- Emotional self-control
- Self-motivation
- Planning and problem solving
- And more!
- Recommendations on what to avoid – and why – with kids who have ADHD

Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D. Related seminars and products: 14
Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D., is a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Virginia Treatment Center for Children and Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, Richmond, VA. He is a Diplomate (board certified) in three specialties, Clinical Psychology (ABPP), Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, and Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN, ABPP). Dr. Barkley is a clinical scientist, educator, and practitioner who has published 23 books, rating scales, and clinical manuals numbering 41 editions. He has also published more than 270 scientific articles and book chapters related to the nature, assessment, and treatment of ADHD and related disorders and is the author of the book Managing ADHD in School (PESI, 2016).
He is the founder and editor of the bimonthly clinical newsletter, The ADHD Report, now in its 25th year of publication. Dr. Barkley has presented more than 800 invited addresses internationally and appeared on nationally televised programs such as 60 Minutes, the Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS Sunday Morning, CNN, and many other programs on behalf of those with ADHD. He has received awards from the professional societies and ADHD organizations for his lifetime achievements, career accomplishments, contributions to research in ADHD, to clinical practice, and for the dissemination of science. His websites are and
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Russell Barkley is employed by the Medical University of South Carolina. He is on the speaker’s bureau for Eli Lilly and receives compensation. He has an advisory board relationship with Theravance and receives compensation. He is an author for Guilford Press and receives royalties. He is an author for Jones and Bartlett Publishers and receives royalties. He is a speaker for J&K Seminar and receives royalties. He is a speaker for and receives royalties. He is a speaker for and receives royalties. He is a speaker who receives an honorarium for PESI, Inc.
Non-Financial: Dr. Russell Barkley has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
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