And finally, in the “Advanced Crowdfunding Tips & Tactics” module, you’ll get my best cutting-edge crowdfunding strategies and learn:

• The 3 simple things you must do to get more “stranger” donations from members of the platform you choose
• The 5 ways to get your donors to give you more money and to get them to promote you to their networks
• 2 ways to “knock it out of the park” and get more donations than you thought imaginable
• How to avoid the 1 HUGE mistake that entrepreneurs make which will negate all of your work and disallow you from receiving ANY of the money that was donated to you
• The 1 thing you must do after you’ve reached your initial funding goal to get even more donations
• How to multiply your donation amount by 10-20 TIMES in additional funding
Now this last point is huge. Tons of entrepreneurs have raised $5,000, $10,000, $20,000, $200,000 and even $12 MILLION using crowdfunding.
But most crowdfunding raises are in the $10,000 to $50,000 range.
Well, I’m going to show you how to multiply whatever crowdfunding amount you raise by 10 to 20 times using other money raising techniques.
So for example the $50,000 you raise with crowdfunding can quickly turn into $500,000 or $1,000,000. How does that sound?
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