Andrew Harvey – Activating Your Divine Transfiguration
What You’ll Discover in These 9 Weeks
In this 9-week transformational journey, acclaimed mystic, scholar, and author Andrew Harvey will guide you towards an embodied divine humanity, a deeply meaningful life, expanding your capacity to develop and share your unique gifts, and serving the cause of justice, healing, and evolution.
Course Sessions Tuesdays at 10:00am Pacific
This course will feature teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Andrew. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to activate divinization.
Module 1: The Vision of the Birth Which Is Happening Now (November 26)

The death of your false self — and rebirth of your new divinized self — is the catalyst for a wholly new kind of humanity… embodied and capable of co-creation with the Divine…
In this opening session with Andrew, you’ll discover how this secret — and the process that leads to knowing and embodying this secret — lies at the heart of the world’s great mystical traditions.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- A deep understanding of how the great mystical lineages have addressed the process of transfiguration
- How the vision of the birth can bring you joy, hope, strength, and calm in the face of chaos
- Why once you understand the secret of transfiguration, it’s so crucial to surrender to the process
- How YOU can embody divine consciousness
- How to rise to the challenges of your destined transformation
- “Turning into gold” — a powerful guided tantric practice to transfigure you — mind, heart, soul, and body, even down to your cells
Module 2: The Vision of the Golden Shiva (December 3)

In this session, Andrew will describe the luminous depths of the process known in Shivism for transmuting yourself into the “Golden Dancer”… which is divine consciousness.
The “dance” is a play between opposites — light and dark… creation and destruction… masculine and feminine… transcendence and eminence… father and mother.
You’ll also receive a transmission of the essential secrets of the Shaivism tradition from Chidambaram, the most sacred temple of South India where the Divine as Shiva is worshiped as a Golden Dancer — and learn how to apply them to a true vision of who you are, your own transfigured self.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The secrets of the adoration of God as the Golden Dancer — the secrets of adoration itself
- How when you surrender your mind and heart to the service of the Divine, your entire being becomes an instrument of the Divine
- That YOU can radiate the golden beauty, power, and energy of the Golden Dancer
- A Sufi whirling practice to experience the transformation of yourself into the Golden Dancer
Module 3: The Transfiguration Process as it Comes Through Jesus (December 10)

Andrew will discuss the astounding discovery of the Gospel of Thomas, in which Jesus underwent a transfiguration process himself — and taught others who were ready to receive the secret.
In this session, Andrew will reveal the map of the transfiguration process — coded in the Logion of the Gospel of Thomas — which can help guide anyone on an authentic path toward divine embodiment.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The link between Jesus’ experience of transfiguration and the resurrection
- How the resurrection seeded the transfiguration process in the whole of the universe
- Why the resurrection enabled the current transformation of humanity into divine embodiment
- The 7-part body prayer — a practice to access the “concrete” embodied experience by working with divine light
Module 4: Explore the Lives of 2 Saints (Seraphim of Sarov & Father Bede Griffiths) in Our Modern Era (December 17)

Andrew will take you on an in-depth journey into the miraculous beauty of the transfigured life — through the teachings of Father Bede Griffiths…
… and revealing the many ways his reflections are directly relevant to what’s happening now on our planet.
These ancient teachings are living knowledge of our true Christ Consciousness — or love consciousness — the new archetype for humanity.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- A direct experience of miraculous beauty — and the power of transfigured life through the testimony of St. Seraphim
- A powerful map of the transfiguration process, and how to experience and work within this process
- The glory of consciousness that the transfigured life invites you into… demanding surrender and humility
- The stunning realization that transfiguration is the meaning of our great evolutionary crisis — and what you can do about it
Module 5: Integration Session (January 7)
This first integration session will begin with a short practice to unite your heart and soul. You’ll then dive into a sacred conversation with Andrew about the teachings in the first four modules — and have the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences arising in you.
Module 6: Experience the New Love Consciousness — The Sacred Friendship of Rumi & Shams (January 14)

The love between Rumi and Shams exemplifies the “new kind of love”…
And this week, you’ll explore how the divine human loves with their whole being, just as Rumi and Shams loved each other totally and fully with a feeling that erupted from the sacred heart.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- A precise vision of what Rumi described as “a new kind of love,” in which two beings take on divine embodiment…
- The many mysteries of the love between Rumi and Shams — and the two essential revelations from the “sacred birth”
- Everything that sacred friendship reveals and transmits
- The spiritual power of animals
- A richer knowledge of love’s capacity to transform you into “love’s body”
- A practice to transmit the essence of love — and experience the divine power of giving and receiving
Module 7: Kabir — The Great Master of Engoldenment (January 21)

Of all humanity’s universal mystics, Kabir describes the process of transfiguration most nakedly, radically, and intimately…
This week, Andrew will share his vision of Kabir’s astoundingly revolutionary life — and his vision of a universal mysticism that transcends religion… opening the process of transfiguration to everyone, as their birthright.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- A deeper exploration of Kabir’s lived experience of transfiguration — of “turning to gold”
- Kabir’s five greatest poems, filled with his precise yogic, mystical reflections
- The central importance of Kabir in YOUR evolutionary journey
- The meaning of true mysticism — and how it can birth the transfiguration process on a global scale
- The practice of The Name of God, which consciously divinizes the mind, heart, soul, and body
Module 8: Aurobindo & the Mother (January 28)

This week, Andrew will guide you to explore the powerful work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother — as well as sacred activism.
Sri Aurobindo was an Indian philosopher, yogi, guru, and poet. Using his framework, you’ll explore how the process of divinization truly works.
You’ll also discover the astounding leap that the Mother (Aurobindo’s consort) made after Aurobindo’s death as she worked directly on the transmutation of the cells of her body…
In this module, you’ll:
- Connect the transfiguration process with Sri Aurobindo’s vision of sacred activism — and discover how bringing them together unlocks a whole new level of hope, joy, energy, strength, stamina, and power
- Learn to integrate YOUR transfiguration process with sacred activism
- Explore how sacred activism can flow from your conscious transfiguration practice — gathering truth, wisdom, and grounding power along the way
- Discover the power of asking yourself the question, “What pains me the most on the planet?”
- Explore how the practice of waking up at 4:00am can greatly enhance your spiritual growth and help you find your purpose
- Take part in a deepening practice to prepare yourself for next week’s final integration session
Module 9: Final Integration Session (February 4)
In light of all you’ve discovered on this 9-week journey with Andrew — what is your vision?
How has your understanding of the transfiguration process grown throughout the transmissions and practices? What are you seeing in your own life?
In this final integration session, Andrew will guide you through a short practice to unite your heart and soul…
You’ll then dive into a sacred conversation with Andrew and your fellow participants about the teachings you’ve explored together in these final modules. You’ll have a chance to ask any questions and reflect upon your experiences.
The Divine Transfiguration Bonus Collection
In addition to Andrew’s transformative 9-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Feminine-Masculine Balance: The Critical Partnership
Audio Dialogue With Anodea Judith and Andrew Harvey

The emergence of feminine wisdom and values, in partnership with a balanced masculine, is crucial now as we navigate back to a healthy society and planet. Understanding this subtle but imperative balance is important not only in a global context but in our personal lives as well.
Anodea Judith, PhD, is a worldwide spiritual teacher, the founder and director of the teaching organization Sacred Centers, and the bestselling author of the seminal Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System and many other books. As a yoga specialist and somatic psychotherapist with trauma specialization, her work is a unique combination of techniques useful to therapists, coaches, teachers, and those on their own healing journey.
Leadership & Sacred Activism
Audio Dialogue With Andrew Harvey

In order to be a true Sacred Activism leader, three things are needed: a radical commitment to spiritual practices, continuing shadow work, and profound cultivation of joy. Andrew Harvey will present his vision of Sacred Activism and propose pragmatic directions for a new kind of leadership that can transform our world.
Kabir: Turn Me to Gold
Video Recording From Andrew Harvey

This video celebrates the great 15th-century Indian mystic Kabir, whose testimony to the wild and holy process of transfiguration is needed now more than ever.
Kabir was a mystic poet and saint of India whose writings have greatly influenced the Bhakti movement. Many legends abound about the birth, life, and death of Kabir, one of India’s most quoted poets and mystics. His birth itself is shrouded in mystery; some say he was the son of a Brahman widow, others that he was of virgin birth. What is known is that he was brought up in a family of Muslim weavers. He was never formally educated and was almost completely illiterate. Legend has it that he relinquished his body when he was about 120 years old.
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