Linda Backman – Soul Evolution Mastery
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 4:00pm Pacific.
In this 7-week transformational journey, Dr. Backman will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to deepen your connection with your council of guides and align your life purpose with your soul’s archetype.
Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles to master lessons carried over from your past lives for healing and transformation in your life.
Modules 1-3 will span two sessions each, to allow for deep engagement with each of the three main topics Linda will be presenting. The course will culminate with Module 4, in a single session that will help you better integrate the teachings.
You’ll receive in-depth teachings and experiential intuitive deepening practices to access guides leading to input about your soul’s archetypal “signature” and purpose. Linda will also present true-life case studies of soul regression from her client work to ground and expand the teachings. In addition, you’ll be given weekly exercises and journaling questions to deepen your access to your guides and help shift current life challenges.
Linda will be available for LIVE Q&A on most class sessions to engage with your emerging inquiries about the course material.
Module 1: Receiving Information From Your Guides
How to Develop Your Intuitive Capacity (May 29 & June 5)

Everyone has intuitive capabilities. Your own intuition functions through your sensory capacities — images, emotions, body sensations, auditory information, and thought. These are the mechanisms by which you receive information from your guides.
Trusting this mechanism and in your own skill is a critical step in mastering intuitive reception. In this module, Linda will guide you to deepen awareness and confidence in your intuitive abilities and help you understand when and how your guides are “speaking” to you, especially your primary soul guide.
You’ll discover:
- How to acknowledge and trust your strongest intuitive, sensory abilities
- How to “label” the energy of your spiritual guides
- Your primary guide and their soul nature
- Signs that your spiritual guides are communicating
- Coordination of the higher realm by advanced guides
- A guided practice, in which you’ll have an intuitive encounter with your spiritual guides, ask them “life” questions and receive answers you can trust
- A buddy to support you in developing intuitive reception
Module 2: Identifying Your Immortal Soul Signature
The 7 Archetypes of Divine Energy (June 12 & 19)

Divine energy, divided into seven equal, sequential aspects, is essential on Earth for humanity to evolve into an egalitarian culture. Each soul embodies an immortal energy that is one-seventh of the highest light. This signature or archetype manifests in the events, people, and choices in your current life and past lives.
Your soul archetype is unchanging and must intertwine with the other six energies to function as a unit. Whether you lean more in the left-brain, linear approach to life or the right-brain, creative direction, you are exactly who you need to be.
When you honor the qualities of your soul archetype, judgement of yourself and your life dissipate, and self-acceptance flows.
In this session, you’ll:
- Know the value of bringing the highest “light” to Earth
- Understand the 7 soul archetypes and related characteristic energy
- Identify your own immortal, soul archetype
- Identify the beneficial and unfavorable aspects of each archetype
- Recognize the soul archetype of other purposeful relationships in your daily life
- Enhance their purposeful relationship with souls of different archetypes
- Expand their actions in life to enhance their this-life agreements tied to their soul signature and commitment to humanity’s evolution
- Engage in guided practices to deepen your intuitive capacity and access to your spiritual guides
Module 3: Earth-based & Interplanetary Souls
Understanding the Origins & Path of Your Soul (July 3 & 10)

When Homo sapiens life began to evolve, souls from elsewhere in the universe arrived on Earth. These interplanetary souls brought their expanded level of evolution from their soul’s home base. The word Homo sapiens comes from Latin, meaning wise man. Many of these souls have come and stayed, incarnating repeatedly on Earth for tens of thousands of years. Such souls are referred to as Earth-based souls.
In contrast, some interplanetary souls embody infrequently on Earth. Often there are hundreds or thousands of years in between Earth incarnation. At this time, more interplanetary souls exist on Earth than in recent times due to the great need for advanced soul wisdom. As a rule, interplanetary souls are highly evolved, yet are challenged to function within Earth’s lifestyle of inequities and unhealthiness.
Many interplanetary souls are children in great need of being understood and not categorized. Earth-based souls must support interplanetary souls; interplanetary souls must inform Earth-based souls. Often Earth-based souls are the parent or life partner of an interplanetary soul.
In this session, you’ll come to:
- Recognize and honor key aspects of your past lives that explain this-life knowledge, skills, and gifts
- Identify current life challenges that stem from past lives
- Discern whether the bulk of your past lives have occurred on Earth or interplanetary
- Recognize how your Earth lives provide the capability to manage everyday life
- Comprehend where interplanetary lives occur
- Perceive the unique qualities of an interplanetary soul
- Differentiate between spiritual guides for Earth-based vs. interplanetary souls
- Access your guides and discover whether you are an Earth-based or interplanetary soul, with related gifts and challenges
Module 4: Align Your ‘This Life’ Purpose With Your Soul Archetype
Deepening the Mystical Bond With Your Guides (July 17)

Your intuitive spirit-guide bond is invaluable when you trust that you are ALWAYS able to contact your soul-level guidance. Your soul is immortal, and your communication pathway with your guide is everlasting. The “chemistry” of merging with your soul and soul guide can easily be labeled as mystical.
You expand the magical qualities of your spiritual-guide bond to embrace your this-life-purpose by merging the awareness of your soul archetype with your evolutionary life path on Earth and interplanetary. This leads to bringing your soul’s wisdom to Earth in life today and transforming humanity’s ills and struggles.
In this culminating module, you’ll discover:
- How to honor your intuitive capability at all times
- Respect for the ongoing presence of your guides
- Function daily from your purposeful immortal archetype
- Utilize the wisdom and skills of their soul’s evolution on Earth and interplanetary
- Accept the gifts and challenges of interplanetary souls
- Support interplanetary souls, whether children or adults, related to their purpose and unique qualities
- A guided intuitive experience to alchemize and transform your soul’s energy, life purpose, soul archetype, and Earth-based/interplanetary experience.
The Soul Evolution Mastery Bonus Collection
In addition to Dr. Backman’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful bonus materials. These bonuses complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Soul Discovery Teachings
PDF Article and PDF Book Chapter From Linda Backman

In this bonus, you’ll receive two powerful works from Linda which will be great complements to your course materials. First is an article from Linda, Earth-based & Interplanetary Souls: Discovering Your Unique Spiritual Guide, which guides us to trust that each event in our life is purposeful which can make daily living easier to follow. The second is a sneak preview of Linda’s forthcoming book, Souls on Earth. You’ll receive Survival Guide for Interplanetary Souls on Earth, one of the most compelling chapters in the new book.
The 7 Soul Archetypes: Your Soul Evolution & Humanity’s Soul Evolution
Audio Teaching From Linda Backman

This audio teaching from Linda will explain how each of us brings our signature soul archetype that is an aspect of the highest consciousness to Earth, aiding our soul evolution and that of humanity.
Past Lives & the Time Between: The Purpose of Your Life Today
Audio Presentation From Linda Backman

Does your soul evolve from one life to the next and why? Where do we go when we die? Have you had lives somewhere other than on Earth? How can you use your intuition to know about your past lives? When your karma that must be released is understood and your dharma (life purpose) is embraced, then you will contribute to the evolution of our planet.
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