Andrew Harvey – Andrew Harvey “Soul’s Spring Awakening” Audio Immersion Bundle 2022
Be prepared to expand inward and upward into the mysteries of Christ Consciousness to transfigure your body, mind, and spirit by opening your heart and divinizing your shadow — to walk the path of sacred action… and birth a truly sacred culture.Deepen into and explore advanced teachings and practices hidden within the depths of esoteric Christianity — illuminated by one of our most esteemed faculty, Andrew Harvey.Jesus said that we would someday do the same works he had done, and, in fact, even greater works. Can you think of a better time in recent history for this… than now?
Do you dare take him at his word? Can you dream of truly living from Christ Consciousness?
Jesus as Wayshower

While it’s easier to view Jesus as a superhuman Savior, the Christ Path he illuminated was never meant for just one individual to walk, but a pathway for many more to follow.
Seen in this light, Jesus was a wayshower rather than a singular Messiah, a pathfinder rather than a king commanding all of humanity.
We must view him not as a great exception, but as a great example of what is possible when human consciousness is expanded to receive the Divine.
Jesus was a teacher who wanted his students to eventually surpass him. (As all great teachers should.)
This perspective allows us to see Christ Consciousness as a higher octave of our OWN potential — but only if we allow ourselves to undergo the necessary purifications, healings, and transformations to embody it.
The many predictions of a Second Coming of Christ — seen through a symbolic rather than a literal lens — are not about the return of the historical Jesus, but about the activation of Christ Consciousness on a wider scale, which has the potential to transform the world as we know it.
Why the Christ Path Is So Vital for This Moment
We are blessed to be alive at one of the most amazing moments in history, when all that was once hidden is now becoming revealed — including the esoteric truths of mystics from around the world.
Humanity is awakening to who we truly are — at once finite and infinite, matter and spirit, human and divine.
We are fast approaching the crossroads of our destiny. Many believe that this decade will culminate in a crucial tipping point — we’ll either turn the tide or suffer a total systemic breakdown.
However, if we can find the courage to “wake up” and walk a new path of sacred consciousness and peaceful activism, we’ll have a precious and rare opportunity to divinize ourselves and create this world in a wholly new way.
The path of Christ Consciousness offers a foundational, even essential, set of teachings and practices for seeing THIS world as divine, given to us to steward in a way that leads to peace, communal prosperity, health, and justice.
It’s a path based on Oneness and seeing all of humanity as a sacred family. It’s a path of blessings, wholeness, and sacred embodiment.
Humanity’s Rite of Passage

Our collective crises are now leading us into an intensely personal and collective rite of passage to face and heal our shadow in order to reclaim our full divinity.
If we resist this initiatory process, we will only amplify our unconsciousness and the suffering it creates.
Instead, by consciously embracing this transformative journey, we not only transmute our suffering but also begin the alchemical process of divinizing our body, mind, and soul.
According to the great evolutionary mystics throughout the ages, the ultimate purpose of evolution is to bring heaven to earth and birth God in man.
That is what awaits us on the other side of our rite of passage.
The Return of the Esoteric Christ
One of the greatest spiritual secrets guarded through the ages was that Jesus was both fully human and radically divine. He was in fact a demonstration of the kind of transformation that is possible for ALL of humanity.
Hidden within his remarkable life is a complete spiritual map for transforming human consciousness and creating a truly sacred culture on planet Earth.
While more and more people are beginning to wake up to this profound truth, the question remains:
How can we decode, understand, and apply the ancient map of spiritual transformation that Jesus left us?
In other words… how do we authentically manifest the Christ force in our modern lives?
During this evolutionary journey of profound transformation, you’ll discover:
- A vision of Jesus, not as the founder of a religion, but as a pioneer helping people liberate their own higher selves
- The priceless jewels hidden within the depths of the essential teachings of Jesus
- Authentic ancient teachings around Christ Consciousness — and how to integrate them through the power of radical love in action and sacred activism in your everyday life
- The marriage of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine — integrating and embodying power, passion, fire, strength, compassion, and service
- An understanding of the global dark night we’re all experiencing — and our capacity to thrive in it as we live through it
- A variety of tools and practices — including those derived by Jesus himself and other transfigured mystics — to gain strength, stamina, and passion to face the global dark night and walk the path of Christ Consciousness
- The radical role of Mary Magdalene in Jesus’ life and teachings
- A reinterpretation of the Sacred Masculine as lived by Jesus in his marriage of force and gentleness — and how the masculine he embodied is an absolute necessity in these times
- The map of the transfiguration process in its 4 stages — awakening, illumination, union, and birthing
- And much more…
Through the dark night, Christ Consciousness will empower millions of people to experience the death of the false self — ultimately calling you to step into the power of love in action.
This program will help you become a pilgrim of real love, radically open your heart, expand your mind, and be inspired to walk a path of sacred action.
Rediscovering the Advanced Teachings & Practices of the Christ Path

The good news is that a profoundly gifted teacher has dedicated his life to unveiling the mystery of the esoteric Christ and sharing powerful teachings and practices available to those of us who are ready for it.
That man is the renowned mystic and scholar, Andrew Harvey.
Andrew is the prolific author or editor of more than 30 books and spiritual classics, including The Essential Mystics, The Son of Man, and The Heart of Yoga. He’s also one of the most inspiring and illuminating speakers on esoteric Christian mysticism. He has a remarkable gift for opening our eyes and peeling away falsehoods to reveal the wild, liberating truth at the core.
That’s why we’re so excited to offer — exclusive to The Shift Network — Andrew’s groundbreaking audio program, The Christ Path Advanced Intensive .
It’s the most in-depth, no-holds-barred training Andrew has ever offered. This sacred offering from his heart to yours is a chance to harvest the bounty of a lifetime of mystical practice and rigorous scholarship.
And, in this special Andrew Harvey “Soul’s Spring Awakening” audio immersion bundle, you’ll also receive his Igniting the Flame of Prayer program and discover how prayer is actually one of our most powerful tools for personal and planetary change… IF we wield it wisely. You can read more about that program below…
The Christ Path Advanced Intensive has been created for heart-centered, open-minded, globally concerned seekers to undertake a profound, life-changing journey together.
This personal transformation takes time — far more than a weekend workshop or introductory course can give. Throughout the program — which was designed to be completed over nine months — you’ll explore and deepen your relationship with Christ Consciousness in a way that gives you full access to the profound blessings of this path.
To enter this journey, one need not be a Christian. The only requirement is a commitment in your heart to walk your path with true dedication, since The Christ Path Advanced Intensive is for those with a powerful love for this world and a sincere desire to become an emissary of the Divine.
The journey will help you clear away lingering falsehoods and misinterpretations that have distorted Christian traditions. It will lead you instead into profound initiations.
What You’ll Discover in This 30-Module Audio Intensive
Over these 30 modules, Andrew will build upon the essential pillars of a “Christed” life while skillfully guiding you through the fundamental spiritual skills and practices that you’ll need to transform your body, mind, and spirit while living in the modern world.
Each training session will build harmoniously upon the next so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to walk an authentic Christ Path in everyday life.
During this soul-awakening Spring program, you’ll receive the following sessions:
Unit 1 (five sessions) Rediscover the Christ Path
Awakening the Divine Human

In this unit, you’ll:
- Understand the advanced stages of the mystical path to awaken and embody Christ Consciousness — and the challenges to navigate each stage
- Explore the deeper esoteric meaning behind Jesus’ life and mission, including stories and teachings long misinterpreted
- Dive into the Gnostic gospels of Thomas and Philip, understanding why they were marginalized by the Church and what they reveal about Jesus as a pioneer of transfiguration
- Identify, dissolve, and release distorting myths we’ve inherited from the church, revealing a far more multidimensional view
- Receive a more esoteric understanding of the relationship between Jesus and the Christ — and how to access that level in yourself
- Practice inner dialogue with Christ, as taught by Teresa of Avila
- Hone your ability to avoid key pitfalls, detours, and distractions on the spiritual path
- Understand the path of Theosis — the divine transfiguration and inner alchemy
- Featured Mystics: St. Thomas, St. Philip, Meister Eckhart, Father Bede Griffiths
- Sacred Practices: New version of the “Our Father” prayer, Practice of Inner Conversation with Christ (derived from Teresa of Avila), Empowerment by the Divine
Unit 2 (four sessions) Exploring the Light Side of the Sacred Feminine
Opening to the Esoteric Mysteries of the Divine Mother

In this unit, you’ll:
- Ground our vision of the evolution of the Mother archetype from Neolithic times, and follow its growth through early feminine initiatory schools, Buddhism, Taoism, and the Shekinah of Kabbalah
- Discover the 10 sacred suggestions and the 5 sacred passions of the motherhood of God
- Re-envision Mother Mary as the Divine Mother and the crucial counterpart to Jesus as co-redemptrix, embodying fierceness and human vulnerability
- Enter into the sacred heart of the Mother through the gateway of the Marianne mystics who help open our eyes to the Sacred Feminine
- Understand Sri Aurobindo’s vision of the Mother as the central agency of the divine transformation of humanity
- Explore Jesus’ hidden teachings, found in the gospels of Mary and Thomas, about the Divine Feminine
- Experience deeper mystical practices to connect with the Divine Mother
- Understand the power of becoming the Bride of Christ on an archetypal level
- View Mary Magdalene’s role in the emergence of Jesus in a new light, revealing more about her relationship with sacred sexuality and initiatory practices
- Practice the healing power of sacred relationship in a way that opens the portals to divine embodiment
- Featured Mystics: Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Bernard of Clairvaux, Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, Hadewijch of Antwerp, Hildegard von Bingen, Meditations on the Tarot
- Sacred Practices: A radical reinterpretation of The Hail Mary, The Practice of the Presence of the Mother (rooted in de Montfort’s work), Radiant Embodiment (an adaptation of the great Hindu Tantric practice that allows us to experience embodiment of divinity through the agency of the mother)
Unit 3 (four sessions) Embracing the Wisdom of the Dark Feminine
Unveiling the Secret Knowledge of the Black Madonna

In this unit, you’ll:
- Discover how the Black Madonna is connected to the Dark Feminine traditions in Hinduism, with special attention to Kali and Vajrayogini (Tibetan Buddhist)
- Explore the teachings on the 7 Dark Diamonds in the crown of the Black Madonna that represent the different stages of her initiatory process as queen of the dark void, of the shadow, of destruction, of the dark night, of the mysteries of nature, of tantra, and of divine ferocity
- See how the Black Madonna — the fierce side of the Divine Feminine and an archetype of the crucifixion and resurrection — became camouflaged, covered up, and suppressed in the history of the Christian Church
- Connect with fierce feminine Goddess traditions worldwide — and infuse your Christ Path with her transformational power
- Experience practices of the Dark Feminine, the mystical fire of dissolution that brings about the alchemical rebirth
- Transmute your fear and repression of the Dark Feminine into deep reverence and respect
- Featured Mystics: Ramprasad (great mystic of Kali), modern mystics of the Dark Feminine (Marianne Woodman, Anne Baring, Matthew Fox), Hadewijch of Antwerp, Dionysius the Areopagite
- Sacred Practices: Practices of awe, practice of transmuting anger into fierce compassion energy, Practice of transforming ferocity into golden love power
Unit 4 (five sessions) Honoring the Full Spectrum of the Divine Masculine Archetype
Invoking the Heart of the Godforce

In this unit, you’ll:
- Reveal the template of the Sacred Masculine by using Jesus as a model of the fusion of gentleness and power
- Heal your relationship with the patriarchy by reclaiming the Sacred Masculine within you (for both men and women)
- Explore the higher octave of the Cosmic Christ — masculine archetypes of King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover
- Expand your understanding of these 4 masculine archetypes to include archetypes such as the Shaman — and seeing how Indigenous wisdom was embodied in Jesus’ life
- Develop an expanded range of understanding of the Sacred Masculine from Sufism, Mahayana Buddhism, the Cult of Dionysus in Greek Mysticism, and the complex vision of Shiva and Shaivism
- Learn how to merge the strength, majesty, fierceness, and power of the king with the tenderness, compassion, commitment to service, and humility of the servant
- Learn from the depths of the Cosmic Christ tradition and other mystical systems how to realize the full greatness of the masculine in service to and protection of the Divine Feminine
- Develop a deeper understanding of how Jesus’ teachings became totally distorted by the victory of patriarchy through history
- Reconnect with the Divine Father as infinite power, wisdom, mercy, and justice
- Featured Mystics: Jan van Ruysbroeck, Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Francis
- Sacred Practices: Cosmic Christ practices — developed from Hindu, Tantric, and Mahayana practices
BONUS Unit (four sessions)
Father Bede Griffiths and the Future of Christian Wisdom
Father Bede Griffiths was a British-born Indian Benedictine monk who lived in ashrams in South India and became a leading thinker in the development of the dialogue between Christianity and Hinduism.
Andrew considers Father Bede Griffiths the most advanced, illuminated, and profound modern Christian mystic — the true embodiment of the Christ Path. After a lifetime of deep devotion and study, including living in India, Father Bede underwent a transfiguration process as he moved towards death.
Unit 5 (three sessions) Healing the Shadow of the Masculine & the Feminine

Illuminating & Transforming the Dark Patriarchy
In this unit, you’ll:
- Come to terms with the unbalanced psychotic masculine and see through the lens of the healing and illumination now required for the Dark Patriarchy — the unconscious shadow side of the masculine that has dominated the world for the last 2,000 years
- Look at the male figures in the Gospels such as Pontius Pilate, the high priest Caiaphas, Judas, and doubting Thomas that illustrate the masculine shadow’s resistance to Jesus’ teaching and presence
- Learn how to transmute sadness and rage into the activist’s passion for justice
- Develop an expanded capacity for forgiveness of oneself and others for the damage of the past
- Create an alchemical container internally to work with the wounds that need to be resolved
- Develop practices to heal the imbalance in the individual and collective psyche
- Address the patriarchal shadow of the churches created in Jesus’ name, and how it has played out from fundamentalism to misogyny, to homophobia, and to blindness to the sacredness of creation — and how it has supported and not challenged the fantasy of infinite growth and the progressive degradation of the environment
- See how the 5 crucial shadows of our global crisis (disbelief, denial, dread, disillusion, and death wish) and 5 personal shadows (narcissism, love of comfort, woundology, fear of witnessing the truth, and the golden shadow) align, dovetail, and collude to perpetuate our world crisis
- Featured Mystics: Jan van Ruysbroeck, Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Francis
- Sacred Practices: Practice of the Sacred Heart as developed by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque and Teilhard de Chardin; Journaling practices that address the shadow,, self- forgiveness practices, Buddhist Tonglen Practice (transmutes negativity)
Unit 6 (two sessions) Birthing the Divine Child: The Path to Transfiguration
The Advanced Alchemical Mysteries of Creation

In this unit, you’ll:
- Delve deeply into the Gnostic gospels to discover their teachings on the sacred androgyne and the more advanced esoteric teachings on the divine child
- Study the visions of the divine child received by mystics such as Heinrich Suso and Angela of Foligno
- Study archetypes of the divine child in Hinduism, Taoism, alchemy, and Jungian psychology
- Deepen your understanding of the tantric play of Divine Masculine and Feminine as partners in creation
- Access and integrate the qualities of the divine child, including its innocence, purity, and vulnerability
- Study and apply sacred practices to connect with the divine child within for healing, spiritual awakening, and renewal
- Develop a nuanced, historical understanding of the Orthodox tradition of theosis — and the experience of it in modern mystics
- Receive wisdom and insight from later Christian mystics such as Father Bede Griffiths, who began the process of transfiguration
- Begin to apply the principles of transfiguration in your own life and spiritual journey
- Awaken a fuller spectrum of spiritual energies through prayer and contemplation, as well as embodiment practices
- Understand the phenomena of preservation of the body in certain Christian saints such as the Curie of Ars
- Featured Mystics: Father Bede Griffiths, Teresa of Avila, John Ruysbroeck… Greek, Russian, and Romanian Orthodox mystics such as San Symeon the Theologian… and modern evolutionary masters such as Sri Aurobindo and Teilhard de Chardin
- Sacred Practices: Exercises from Heart Yoga that will enable you to radiate your cells with divine light, new version of the Jesus Prayer attuned to the theosis process, Birthing the Divine Child with the Divine Mother (adapted from Hindu Tantric path)
Unit 7 (one session) The Unification of Light & Shadow, Soul & Body

Advanced Shadow Work and the Mystical Union of Opposites
In this unit, you’ll:
- Advance your practice of the deep yoga of Christianity — the tantric union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine, light and shadow
- Discover how to heal the 5 shadows of our global crisis — Disbelief, Denial, Dread, Dissolution, Deathwish
- Re-integrate the truth of evil in your life in a more multidimensional way, going beyond New Age conceptions and platitudes
- Activate the power of the light by bringing in the transcendent aspect of the Divine — focusing that power on our personal and collective shadows
- Learn how to transform the 5 global and 5 personal shadows that were introduced in Module 5 — and learn how to work with them in depth
- Draw from the deep wisdom of the shadow to deepen your embodiment, your service, and your ministry to those who are suffering
- Activate the power of your golden shadow
- Engage the inner alchemy around power, recognizing your lust for power and turning it into a passion to serve
- Learn more advanced practices such as a Christ-centered version of the Tonglen practice of Tibetan Buddhism to unify light and shadow, soul and body, setting you on the path of living as a Christed being
- Experience authentic oneness with the whole of humanity — compassion through heartbreak
- Develop skillful means of dealing with those who are engulfed in the shadow
- Featured Mystics: Carl Jung, Nathan Schwartz-Salant, Emmanuel Levinas
- Sacred Practices: Five Strong Heart Practices to endure and transmute what you learn about the shadow derived from Sufism, Christian Mysticism, and Hinduism
Unit 8 (two sessions) Living Christ Consciousness

Co-Creating an Enlightened Culture on Planet Earth Through Sacred Activism
In this unit, you’ll:
- Draw inspiration from modern sacred activists such as Julia Butterfly Hill, Matthew Fox, Adam Bucko, Jane Goodall, Desmond Tutu, and the Dalai Lama
- Commit to the spiritual disciplines of the sacred activist, putting your love into service
- Practice the reunification of heaven and earth through your body
- Shift your understanding of the spiritual path beyond the pursuit of personal enlightenment to discover how you can co-create an awakened culture and society
- Deepen your experience of practices to awaken and embody more of your innate divinity through focused prayer and action that flows from your heart
- Integrate principles for expressing and embodying Christ Consciousness
- Reflect on the journey of the last 9 months and enact commitments for moving forward
- Featured Mystics: Chris Saade, Dorothy Solelle, Ignatius of Loyola, Charles Wesley, William Wilberforce, Mother Teresa, Desmond Tutu, Aung Sun Soo Chi, Linda Tucker, Aboriginal Kanyini philosophy
- Sacred Practices: Creating Networks of Grace to enable small cells to be formed of sacred activists, how to build and create a 5-part integrated, sacred practice that will help you become a Christed, sacred activist serving the birth of divine humanity
And to temper your Christ Path in the flame of a solid practice as a special bonus, you’ll also receive…
Igniting the Flame of Prayer
Explore the Science & Practices of Our World’s Sacred Prayer Traditions
14-Module On-Demand Audio Training
Receive initiation into the ancient science and practice of sacred prayer from the world’s many esoteric traditions to illuminate your body, commune more deeply with the Divine, and help birth heaven on Earth.

We live in privileged times, with all of the world’s great spiritual traditions and practices available at our fingertips.
If you’re like many spiritual seekers in the West, you may have been drawn to explore the popular Eastern techniques of meditation and yoga — and think of them first when you think of “spiritual practice.”
However, such a stance overlooks the profound Western approaches of contemplation and prayer that we’ve inherited — practices that can liberate you in ways that meditation and yoga may not.
If you don’t view prayer as a serious spiritual discipline, it’s understandable. Few people have ever been taught how to pray, let alone shown the deeper esoteric science and transformative power of evolutionary prayer.
If you’ve been raised in a Judeo-Christian faith, you’ve most likely been guided to pray in a “petitionary” way — to ask God for some type of favor. You may have been taught to pray for “forgiveness,” or maybe to ask God to help you with a spiritual problem or earthly desire.
But have you ever really learned how to pray? In a way that transforms your consciousness and elevates you into a higher, more transcendent state of being? A way that opens a real, daily intimacy with God — something you can feel, savor, and rely on during the inevitable challenges we all face?
Prayer is, more than anything, a deep dialogue with the Divine, much as you would establish a relationship with someone dear to you. It’s about progressively meeting on deeper and deeper levels of communion, which can bring great ecstasy, peace, love — and a profound power to bless and heal the world.
The radical, illuminating power of prayer may very well be the most common, but least understood, spiritual practice in the world today.
Transforming Through Evolutionary Prayer

One reason that many cultures underestimate and underuse prayer is because most people were taught to simply pray for themselves.
The evolutionary technology of prayer, when done correctly, not only speeds up your own growth, but also accelerates the awakening of the Divine within humanity — helping us to bring more of heaven down to Earth.
At its essence, prayer is speaking to God — nakedly, shamelessly — from the depths of your heart. When you really start to experience prayer in this way, you’ll become overwhelmed by the incredible joy and empowerment of this divine relationship — of being deeply and passionately loved and attended to.
Even though many esoteric practices of prayer have been quietly protected by saints and holy ones for millennia, our current planetary crisis necessitates that all who are ready must learn them — not only for ourselves, but for the sake of our world.
Prayer is actually one of our most powerful tools for personal and planetary change — IF we wield it well.
In Andrew’s view, it’s time for the world to embrace a full-spectrum understanding of prayer — one that includes all dimensions of this powerful technology for birthing your divinity.
He believes that the ancient technology of prayer holds the essential keys for our individual healing and collective awakening, and he’s dedicated to bringing its depths and wonders to you so you can incarnate more of the Divine.
A Full Spectrum of Prayer Practices

Prayer is not one-dimensional. There are a wide variety of ways to pray — from mantric prayers to prayers of silence, from “dangerous” prayer that offers deep surrender to God to prayers of protection. Each has its liberating power to offer, so you can cultivate a full “prayer toolkit” that helps you navigate your daily life with greater centeredness, calm, love, stillness, passion, and wisdom.
Through prayer, Andrew shows that you can discover the Christ Consciousness within you, and within all things. That is the real solution to the struggles of our times.
That’s why we’re excited to give you this groundbreaking 14-module course with Andrew Harvey, entitled Igniting the Flame of Prayer , as a special bonus. This transformational training will help you dive deep into the esoteric mysteries of prayer and the mystical pioneers who have taught us how to harness its power to embody more divinity in our daily lives.
If you’re ready to rediscover the profound beauty and transformative potential hidden within the daily practice of prayer, this training was designed for you.
A Powerful Initiation Into Your Divine Nature
Igniting the Flame of Prayer is more of an initiation or a rite of passage than a typical online course.
During the 14-module journey, Andrew will illuminate many myths about prayer — and challenge cherished assumptions about religion in general. He’ll bring forward truths about radical embodiment, relationship, and the birth of the truly divine child within you.

If you’re fixated on bliss alone, or escapism, or any form of fundamentalism — this course is definitely not for you.
However, if you’re on a spiritual path with an open heart and mind, and are looking for a more embodied, real, and full-spectrum practice to awaken your full divinity, then this course is an ideal fit for you. It will resurrect your relationship with the transformative power of prayer, and show you how to effectively integrate it into your daily life.
Over this 14-module virtual intensive, Andrew will guide you through the core fundamentals and practices to awaken and embody your divine nature… amidst the pressures and challenges of life.
This immersion promises to take you to depths of spiritual wisdom that you barely knew existed, as well as bring you into heartfelt communion with the teachings and practices of some of history’s great saints, sages, and seers.
In the Igniting the Flame of Prayer training, you’ll:
- Receive essential tools to accelerate the divinization process, and experience a clear vision of how the evolution into divine humanity unfolds
- Reconnect with the heart-centered teachings of the greatest mystics in history, and understand how to act in alignment with sacred love and wisdom in the world
- Engage in prayer practices of heart, mind, and body that you can apply each day — so that divine love and wisdom can act through you to transform the world
- Gain a powerful practice of evolutionary prayer that can sustain you, liberate you, and ultimately divinize you
We feel blessed to offer this groundbreaking 14-module course as a liberating, mystical approach to prayer — all made available to you in the comfort of your home. You can expect to emerge with a more advanced, powerful, nourishing, liberating, and radically intimate prayer practice that sustains you, day by day.
What You’ll Discover in These 14 Sessions
Each teaching, contemplation, and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to build a powerful practice of evolutionary prayer — and deepen your understanding of the profound beauty and transformative potential hidden within the daily practice of prayer.
Module 1: Ignite the Flame to Develop a Direct Relationship With Your Hidden Divine Self to Experience Higher Guidance and Accelerate Your Evolution

You will:
- Understand the nature of prayer and how it can help heal our individual and collective crises
- Discover the different kinds of prayer that are necessary to birth the divine human
- Cultivate the spirit of humility and adoration in which prayer needs to be grounded
- Learn how to focus the aim of your prayer into a prayer for the divine birth
- Experience the rapture of living in sacred love for all things as a prayer to the Beloved
- Discover a new, more comprehensive vision of how prayer can work in an evolutionary context
- Learn how you can develop a direct relationship with your hidden divine Self
- Deepen your prayer practice to experience higher guidance and accelerate your evolution
Module 2: Apply the Sacred Technology of Mantric Prayers From All Traditions to Facilitate Your Transformation and Experience a Profound Sense of Love and Divinity

You will:
- Learn the most immediately effective form of prayer to align your whole being with the divine presence
- Discover why all the mystical and shamanic traditions use variations of mantric prayer to facilitate transformation
- Experience sacred mantric prayers from all traditions — Jai Ma (invoking full glory of the Mother in Hinduism), Jesus prayer (Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us), La ilaha illallah (Sufi mantra), plus many more
- Align with full divine presence — immanent and transcendent — and embody love consciousness
- Focus your prayer through syllables of divine power and build love intensely in your heart
- Discover the sacred technology of mantric prayer, which involves emitting a divine light from the heart and being answered by the light of the Godhead
- Experience those 2 lights coming together in your heart, which can give you a profound sense of love and divinity over time
Module 3: Master the Prayer of Centering to Realign and Relieve Yourself of Stress, Exhaustion, and the Destructive Impact of Resentment

You will:
- Discover how, by using just one word, you can focus the full force of your heart on the aspect of the divine presence that this word evokes
- Learn the sacred 3 words — God, Reality, and Love — and how to use them in centering prayer
- Experience the sacred reason for creation and the love force at the heart of evolution
- Center your attention on the essential aspects of your divine nature
- Discover a simple and effective way of re-aligning yourself when you feel stressed, exhausted, or resentful
- Open to the power of grace to elevate yourself to a place of lightness and generosity
Module 4: Experience the Prayer of Adoration & Surrender & Open Your Heart to the Creator of the Cosmos

You will:
- Turn your whole being, in love, to God, so that the Divine can irrigate, irradiate, and transform you
- Experience the prayer of adoration, as it deepens and becomes more and more resplendent with awe and infinite gratitude for the majesty of the Divine
- Understand the deep connection between the birth that’s taking place and adoration of the Godhead
- Surrender to the divine law and commit to protecting the human race and world
- Learn to deepen the prayer of adoration into absolute surrender to the Beloved
- Experience St. Francis’ prayer, interpreted in a universal mystical context
- Surrender to the ordeals and rigors of evolutionary transformation
- Open your heart in adoration to the Creator of the cosmos so that your whole being can be attuned to it
Module 5: Address the Reality of Darker Spiritual Forces With the Prayer of Divine Protection to Rid Yourself of Greed, Chaos & Violence

You will:
- Address the reality of darker forces in a spiritually mature, rather than escapist, way
- Experience the power, passion, and peace of divine protection
- Understand how to protect yourself from the many inner and outer forces that do not want the divine birth to take place
- Learn how to recognize these forces, make them conscious, and suffuse them with divine light
- Discover the prayer for protection of the Creation, so that you become a guardian from your own greed, madness, and violence
- Experience the prayer of forgiveness for everything you’ve done, allowing yourself to feel mercy and ultimate forgiveness
- Deepen your connection with the Earth to become increasingly grounded
- Invoke from the Divine the prayers of radical protection — St. Patrick’s Breastplate prayer, and the presence of Christ before and after putting on an “armor of love”
- Learn the great prayers of the prophet Mohammed, who understood the role of dark forces and the real need for protection from them
- Discover the most potent prayers of protection of yourself, your loved ones, and our world
Module 6: Experience the Power of Dangerous Prayer to Move Beyond Fear Into a Limitless & Free Relationship With the Divine So You Can Bless & Heal Others in Crisis

You will:
- Discover how what’s called “dangerous prayer” has been practiced in the secret chambers of all the great mystical traditions — which helps you go beyond fear into a more limitless and free relationship with the Divine
- Truly know the esoteric truth behind why you must die in order to be reborn into love — so that you can be an instrument of the Divine
- Learn to pray dangerously for yourself, and surrender to the law of that rebirth
- Experience the thrill of this kind of prayer for creating deep excitement to live the story of your divine Self
- Discover the power of intercessory prayer to overturn systems of exploitation and transform politicians, animals, and other human beings
- Source the full power of prayer from within to accelerate transformation on all levels
- Learn to harness the unconditional use of prayer to bless and heal beings in crisis
- Embrace the power of dangerous prayer to reach the next level of transformation and gain strength to make the next level of sacrifice
- Mature your soul in the fires of mystical passion so you can pray in this way
- Purify yourself of your fantasies and illusions, so that the Divine can flood you with Its all-transforming grace
Module 7: Abide in the Prayer of Sacred Silence to Experience the Descent of Grace & Be Filled With Power, Peace & Strength

You will:
- Experience the ultimate way of being refueled by bathing in the essence of the Godhead — the great silence and the great peace
- Abide in the prayer of quiet with no words, and experience the descent of grace, in which just enough of you is left so you can breathe adoration at the core of your heart
- Learn how to breathe with the breath of mercy that permeates all things
- Understand the difference between meditation and silent prayer, and put the distinctions into practice
- Discover how the prayer of quiet initiates you into the fathomless depths of love in the Godhead — and allows you to drink in the great bliss and peace of that Godhead in the mind and cells of your body
- Dive into the ocean of divine love consciousness that is the prayer of quiet, where the divine human can draw enormous reservoirs of strength and compassion for the world and the birth
- Experience the deep silence of the loving heart and allow that silence to fill you with its power, peace, and strength
- Understand how to weave together the many prayer practices that we’ve explored into an effective daily practice of evolutionary prayer
- Discover key principles for discerning what practice of prayer is most helpful in which circumstance
Module 8: Take the Next Evolutionary Leap by Unifying Your Mind & Heart Into One Vessel for Sacred Practice & Create a Wholly New Level of Divine Embodiment

Andrew believes we’re on a precipice as a planet, choosing between a dark descent into ever-more destructive cycles of greed, or into a more luminous future in which we create a wholly new level of divine embodiment. As we do this, we can become catalysts for the creation of a generous, just, and caring world. To make this leap, we need to release our addiction to transcendence, and open to the kind of radical, divine embodiment that will suffuse the heart, mind, and being with greater intelligence. This is what many think of as the “Christed Self.”
You will:
- Receive a vision that is both transcendent and immanent — unifying passion and peace
- Clearly understand what becoming transfigured or Christed really means in terms of the irradiation of our cells with a higher sacred force
- Begin to unify your mind and heart into one vessel for sacred practice, so a new level of conscious embodiment and power can be born
- Learn from the profound mystical openings and insights of philosophers like Aurobindo, Ken Wilber, Father Bede Griffiths, and Jean Gebser
Module 9: Wake Up the Divine Body Through the Advanced 7-Part Body Prayer to Stand in Your Center and Peacefully Transform Your World

You’ll learn the advanced 7-part Body Prayer derived from major mystical traditions and yoga. The prayer offers you simple positions that enact the whole path of embodiment — reaching up first to transcendence, then being consciously resurrected in the light, and finally, going out into the world as an emissary of that new evolutionary truth. Repetition of this body prayer forges you as a being who is able to stand in your center and peacefully transform the world.
You will:
- Bring higher octaves of consciousness into your body
- Understand how to integrate the evolutionary journey with embodiment
- Open to a deeper experience of your body and its power
- Incarnate a deeper level of presence in your everyday life
- Link your embodiment to your passion and your service in the world
- Find out what mystics such as Rumi, Hafiz, and Meister Eckhart discovered about the stages of waking up the divine body
Module 10: Grow the Golden Body — an Esoteric Science of Activating Shakti in Your Cells That Leads to a Higher Expression of Your Normal Physical Body

We’ll focus on the esoteric science of activating Shakti — the “Mother Force” — in your cells in a way that leads to the growth of what mystics call your “Golden Body.” This body represents a higher expression of your normal physical body, and advanced prayer practices can literally baptize you into this body.
You will:
- Learn how to specifically call forth and incarnate more of the Mother Force in a way that grows your subtle body
- Invoke a cocoon of protection and support to allow this inner alchemy to unfold
- Begin with your crown chakra, and call in light that suffuses and irradiates your body in a sequential way
- Understand more of the Eastern and Western mystical lore around the development of this golden body and its connection to depictions of halos around saints
- Learn the prayer practices that baptize your cells with this feminine light force
- Use Hindu practices of visualization to open a devotional relationship with the Divine Mother
- Taste what it will be like to live in a unified force field of embodied transcendence
- Integrate the understandings of Sri Aurobindo, the Gnostic Jesus and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin around this golden embodiment process
Module 11: Prepare the Marriage Bed of Divine Embodiment Through Sacred Alchemy, Which Can Only Be Accomplished Through an Open, Ecstatic & Illumined Heart

You’ll focus on the centrality of the heart in your journey into divine embodiment. The real sacred alchemy can only truly be accomplished through an open, ecstatic, and illumined heart. It’s where transcendence and immanence meet — the place where the dance of opposites becomes harmonious.
You’ll learn:
- Prayer practices that concentrate the force of love in your heart to become an intense and focused laser-like beam
- How to use the heart’s integrative capacities to speed up your evolution
- An advanced teaching on how light and transcendence transform love to matter
- The pathway to opening the sacred heart as compassionate love, making possible the marriage of heaven and Earth
- How to reconcile opposites and dualities in your heart
- An esoteric practice to open your heart to the Beloved
Module 12: Open the Golden Sun in Your Heart With Prayer From the Hindu Tantric Practice & Find Ecstatic Union With God & the Golden Body

This module will take you deeper into the mysteries of the heart’s spiritual capacities — specifically opening a higher “Golden Sun” that’s connected to ecstatic union with God, as well as the Golden Body of Module 3. You’ll undertake practices derived from Hindu Tantric practice that aim to awaken your heart as an immense sun with boundless capacity to shoot out rays of power in all directions.
You’ll learn:
- Breathing exercises and mystical syllables that lead to the awakening of the heart
- How to invoke divine Shakti power as you imagine the Golden Sun becoming wilder and wilder
- The process of directing the rays of the Golden Sun toward the parts of your own body that need healing and transformation
- A practice to visually irrigate the whole of your being with the fire of the heart — and then extend it to help and heal others
- The keys to conscious irradiation: training the fire of the Golden Sun on different aspects of your physical being, enabling you to experience the secret ecstasy of all of your cells
- A vision of how the whole of your body can become a supernova of sun cells
- A deeper understanding of the advanced insights of mystics such as Sri Aurobindo, Father Bede Griffiths, and Robert Powell in this process
Module 13: Embody Compassion Through Your Heart’s Alchemy by Focusing on the Tibetan Practice of Tonglen, Which Transmutes Negative, Dark & Destructive Energies

Prepare to focus, funnel, and embody your loving compassion as a sacred activist — particularly focusing on the Tibetan practice of Tonglen, in which you use your heart to compassionately transmute negative, dark, and destructive energies. The force of unbound compassion is, according to Andrew, the strongest force in the universe. As you integrate this force in a deeper way, you’ll become wiser, calmer, and steadier — more awake to the powers given to the divine human for working directly in partnership with God in addressing dangerous realities.
You’ll learn:
- How Tonglen works with the force of unbounded compassion, so that you don’t have to confront the horror directly, but rather work on the alchemical forces that make up the situation through the prayers and imagery
- Mystical practices that enable you to shift the forces that are blocking your progress from within, rather than through direct confrontation
- How to navigate encounters with dark forces in a clear and grounded way
- Ways to develop greater heart strength to engage a suffering world
- To receive the wisdom of the mystic Shantideva and study The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
- To practice the complete Tonglen cycle (from self to being an agent of worldly transformation), which allows you to become a more luminous sacred activist
Module 14: Transform Heartbreak for Resilience in the Face of Inevitable Heartache & Suffering That Occur on the Path of Compassionate Action & Sacred Activism

This final module will ground you in the core practices necessary to become a resilient sacred activist — able to transform the inevitable heartbreaks that occur on the path of compassionate action.
You’ll learn:
- How to responsibly engage the education of your heart through being shattered by suffering
- Skills for navigating and witnessing suffering that allow you to keep your heart alive, vibrant, and buoyant
- How to prevent heartbreak from overwhelming and paralyzing you, and instead allow it to guide you to where you’ll be most powerful in your chosen cause
- Why it’s essential to follow your heartbreak — instead of following your bliss — to elicit your mission and your power to do something about it
- The practice of unconditional love and compassion in groups
- How to be initiated into the greatest bliss of your life by opening to your mission, embodying it, and experiencing the joy of enacting it
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