Elisha Celeste – Kinetix Partner Fascial Release
You and your body have been through a lot already.
Imagine living the rest of your life feeling at ease and at home in your mind and body.
The reason you feel stuck or struggle to heal quickly when pain, injury or trauma happen is because you haven’t learned how to confront – and heal – yourself. This isn’t your fault. Most of us weren’t taught this.
We’ve been taught to believe other people know more about our bodies, hearts and minds than us, and maybe most dangerous of all: that pain is something to be afraid of.
Pain is nothing more than a sign we are OUT OF INTEGRITY somewhere: physically, mentally, emotionally. You already possess – right now – the wisdom and ingredients you need to bring yourself into alignment: mind, body and spirit.
I want to see you confident and unafraid of adversity, because the truth is:
You’re capable of healing yourself from minor and massive pain – whether recent injuries, childhood trauma or chronic pain.
You’re capable of knowing what your body is telling you when you feel pain, anxiety, tension etc.
You’re capable of being your own body’s expert.
You’re capable of moving stress and trauma out of your body, which will free you up to pursue life on your terms.
You’re capable of preventing most common injuries.
When pain does happen (because some pain is inevitable, unless you live in a bubble) you’re capable of recovering far faster than you’ve been led to believe is “normal.”
You’re capable of tapping into your own mind-body connection to rewire your body and brain.
You’re capable of healing rapidly, FEELING MORE HUMAN and experiencing life at deeper and higher levels when you allow pain its rightful place in your life: whether physical, psychological emotional or spiritual.
You’re capable of living – and aging – with vibrancy!
Thank you for offering this course online. As a personal trainer, I understand the way the muscles run and where a variety of people tend to get tight. I think that the body is an incredible self-healing thing, but you have to get out of your own way to let it!
I’ve had a real success story beginning to unfold and I wanted to share because this one is so juicy! I have a personal training client with a decade of hamstring attachment pain (sit bones). Yesterday her pain was at an 8 out of 10. We worked on TFL for the first time as well as chair calves (her feet are also a big pain area) and she reported her pain as A ZERO. From 8 to 0 in 10 minutes! I’m so happy to find the key to unlocking her pain as well as know that what we’re doing is so effective. I feel so happy to be able to add this work to my training—I feel like my value is going way up!
Thanks for putting it all together in this format so that I can be a better trainer.

Christine N.
Personal Trainer
When I stumbled upon Elisha’s YouTube videos I knew she had a unique and different approach to working on fascia. I so wanted to come out to CA for her in person course, but as a single mom, I just couldn’t swing it, so when she offered the online Kinetix course I was so excited.
I think the course material is very useful, comprehensive and well put together.
Using Kinetix with my partner and self treatment following Elisha’s YouTube suggestions, my back pain is the best it’s been in two years, AND my glutes have calmed down as well, especially right side which has always been more troublesome. Maybe that has something to do with my RIGHT shoulder pain I’ve had since August, and foot stuff as well, which btw, is pretty much gone! I am so excited! This has given me so much hope that my pain is not something that I would just have to “live with” for the rest of my life.
So happy to be a part of this family!

Nina L.
Massage Therapist
Have you ever felt physical joy?
Physical joy feels like lightness and buoyancy.
We knew this as children!
Sadly, most adults have forgotten what this feels like.
We allowed ourselves to get used to increasing dulLness, then as we got older the aches, pains and feelings of “heaviness” crept in and piled on one after the other.
Culturally we call this “normal” and labeL it “getting older.”
At least…it doesn’t have to be, because…
If you feel dull, achy, heavy, painful – it’s because you’ve tolerated a slow decrease in internal vibrancy without questioning whether you had a choice or not.
This is not your fault.
But don’t keep reading unless you want to do something about it, because you’ll know better and there will be no more excuses

We’ve become far too pain-averse today, and I believe it’s costing us our freedom.
We’re taught that pain is scary, annoying, something to numb, fix or get rid of as quickly as possible; or worse, something to ignore and push through (which sets us up for worse pain and injury later).
We’re over-diagnosed and under-cared for.
here’s the truth
Pain is part of life. When we learn to allow pain its rightful place in our lives, we move THROUGH adversity quickly, gaining superpowers along the way: courage, confidence, wisdom, resiliency, physical joy (felt as buoyancy) and so much more.
I want to show you how to do this, and give you some powerful tools that you can start using today to address physical pain and tension at the ROOT level.
Imagine a life where you’re THRIVING – physically, emotionally, spiritually.

This is where it starts: getting to know your internal landscape in an IMMERSIVE visceral way via the fascial and nervous systems. You’ll be contacting parts of yourself that have been unconscious until now, getting to know YOUR unique body and the key parts of your fascial and nervous system that need attention. If you’re in pain, you’ll learn to take care of that. When you go a step further, you’ll optimize your connective tissue with space, blood and fluidity…
How would you like to return your body to a youthful state where injuries are rare, recovery is fast and you feel like jumping from rooftops?
As an ultra runner you can imagine that I deal with a lot of tight muscles and minor aches and pains. Elisha’s videos on new ways to get some pain relief on my own have been a big help. I am also a personal trainer and lead outdoor bootcamps so I regularly get people asking me how to address their own pain.
I’ve been loving the Kinetix techniques Elisha teaches in this course. I’ve been using them with clients and have already had great success. I enjoyed the holistic approach she took before getting into the release techniques as it’s an approach I’ve taken since becoming a CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach a while ago. I know its hard for a lot of people to get to the root of their pain and the emotional attachment they have to it but I’ve seen some great progress by just asking the right questions.
I would definitely be interested in becoming a Kinetix practitioner and helping spread the practice to the SF Bay area. I see myself eventually offering Kinetix professionally in the future and am very interested in the next course offering.
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